Where do you keep your common sql task scripts? [closed] - sql

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Closed 9 years ago.
In your workplace, where do you store your common, non-database specific scripts that you use in SQL Server? Do you keep them in .SQL scripts on the file server, do you store them in the Master database, or do you keep them in a database you defined specifically for these kinds of things?

We store them as regular source code, so in version-control.
You have then available previous versions of script, and you avoid "someone deleted the XY script" risk.

We store them in a wiki where everyone can access them.

We store them in a separate database and have a custom program for easy execution and maintenance.

I horde them all in template format on my hard drive. CTRL+SHIFT+M will fill the placehoders. It's great.


What are typical 'programming' sources of vulnerability to SQL injection exploit? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Im trying to understand more about SQL injection, I know how it works and how to protect against it, but I just have a few questions.
What are typical 'programming' sources of vulnerability to SQL injection exploit?
What are typical 'system' and coding mechanisms that can be used to protect against SQL injection?
I would appreciate straight answers not links as I dont find them useful.
Thank you
Not validating your input types.
Concatenating Strings with inputs directly.
Not using PreparedStatements to guarantee that only one instruction is executed.
Use prepared statements.
Validate input types (may be redundant if above point is used correctly).

Good software to generate SQL from ER diagram? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am creating a database and I need to create some tables.
I would like to know which software do you use or recommend (preferably free) to generate SQL code from ER diagram.
Not free, but effective: Microsoft Visio.
It has a nice template for ER diagrams complete with relationships, primary key information, etc. I believe that it can both generate the schema in the database as well as create the diagram by pointing it at a database.
We've used Case Studio 2 for years to model a fairly complex schema - it's pretty good. We use it to create scripts for MySQL, Oracle and SQL Server. It is now called Toad Data Modeller: https://www.quest.com/products/toad-data-modeler/ There's a freeware version (not sure how this differs from the paid-for licenced version though)

Suggestion about using a database type [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
My problem is I need to develop a sales application to be used on 5 computers. The database needs to stay on a main computer and other computers should connect with that over LAN.
I donot want to use SQL Server as it is too complicated to give permissions, setting up firewalls etc. for the end user.
Is that any type of database that could serve my purpose, without giving sharing violation error?
You have two options either you can go for Server Client DB like MySQL or you can try embedded databases like vista db(These are less complicated).
However for better performance its better to use a proper server client db.

Tools for side-by-side localisation of iPhone App [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I have an App that is translated to four languages. I find that updating and maintaining the strings files extremely tedious.
Is there a way to edit different translations side by side similar to what IntelliJ provides:
(source: jetbrains.com)
I would also be happy with a simply MS-Excel to Strings conversion script, where the Excel would be the master and the .strings files would be generated.
These apps saved me from a world of hurt. There's no guide, so you'd have to figure it out yourself. The apps are free though and very well designed.
My company use a tool called Localization Helper from Mac App Store. I reckon it's pretty good.
How about Linguan?

Difference between mysql and sql server? Performance, features,...? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
What are the differences between MySQL and Sql server?
What are the parameter to chose between the two?
Several questions here related to DB comparisons of various flavors:
What are the major differences between databases?
Where to find a good reference when choosing a database?
postgresSQL mysql oracle differences
The paramater to choose between the two is the price tag. How much do you "expect" to pay for your database. If its zero then MySQL is probably good enough for you, if its 10k then SQL Server is probably good enough for you.
As for the actual differences, there are too many to list.