How do you change a variable in a KSH if or case statement? - variables

Does anyone know how to set a variable with global scope in a KSH if, case, or loop statement?
I am trying to run the following code but the script only echo's "H" instead of the actual value seen in the input file.
NAME=$(echo $CFG_FILE | cut -f1 -d\.)
cat ${CFG_FILE} | grep -v ^\# |
while read CLINE
PROPERTY=$(echo $CLINE | cut -f1 -d\=)
VALUE=$(echo $CLINE | cut -f2 -d\=)
if [ ${PROPERTY} = "UpperBusService" ]; then
if [ ${PROPERTY} = "UpperBusNetwork" ]; then

Are you sure you're running that in ksh? Which version? Ksh93 doesn't set up a subshell in a while loop. Bash, dash, ash and pdksh do, though. I'm not sure about ksh88.
$ bash -c 'a=111; echo foo | while read bar; do echo $a; a=222; echo $a; done; echo "after: $a"'
after: 111
ksh -c 'a=111; echo foo | while read bar; do echo $a; a=222; echo $a; done; echo "after: $a"'
after: 222
Zsh gives the same result as ksh93.
Unfortunately, pdksh doesn't support process substitution and ksh93 does, but not when redirected into the done of a while loop, so the usual solution which works in Bash is not available. This is what it would look like:
# Bash (or Zsh)
while read ...
done < <(command)
Using a temporary file may be the only solution:
command > tmpfile
while read
done < tmpfile
Some additional notes:
Instead of cat ${CFG_FILE} | grep -v ^\# do grep -v ^\# "${CFG_FILE}"
Usually, you should use read -r so backslashes are handled literally
Instead of NAME=$(echo $CFG_FILE | cut -f1 -d\.) you should be able to do something like NAME=${CFG_FILE%%.*} and VALUE=${#*=}; VALUE=${VALUE%%=*}
Variables should usually be quoted on output, for example in each of your echo statements and your cat command
I recommend the habit of using lowercase or mixed case variable names to avoid conflict with shell variables (though none are present in your posted code)


using sed to add a backslash in front of a variable

I have a variable and that variable only needs a '\' in front of it.
I would say that the sed command is the ideal tool for it?
I tried using single quotes, double quotes, multiple variables, combination of variables, ...
I don't get an error returned but the end result is not showing what I need it do be
FOLDER=$(echo `cat file.XML | grep "Value" | cut -d \" -f2`)
echo $FOLDER
sed -i "s#"$FOLDER"#"\\$FOLDER"#g" ./file.XML
echo $FOLDER
After execution, I get
$ ./
Eventually I need to have a result like
$ ./
Fixed thanks to the input of Cyrus and Ed Morton.
FOLDER=$(echo `cat file.XML | grep "Value" | cut -d \" -f2`)
sed -i "s#$FOLDER#\\$NEW_FOLDER#g" ./file.XML

Posix shell: distinguish between empty and not existing variable

In pure /bin/sh how can I distinguish between an empty variable, an unset variable and a not existing (not defined) variable.
Here are the case:
# Case 1: not existing
echo "${foo}"
# Case 2: unset
echo "${foo}"
# Case 3: Empty
echo "${foo}"
Now I would like to check for each of those three cases.
If case 2 and case 3 are actually the same, then I must at least be able to distinguish between them and case 1.
Any idea?
Solved thanks to Matteo
Here is how the code looks like:
#foo <-- not defined
if ! set | grep '^foo=' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "foo does not exist"
elif [ -z "${foo}" ]; then
echo "foo is empty"
echo "foo has a value"
if ! set | grep '^bar1=' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "bar1 does not exist"
elif [ -z "${bar1}" ]; then
echo "bar1 is empty"
echo "bar1 has a value"
if ! set | grep '^bar2=' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "bar2 does not exist"
elif [ -z "${bar2}" ]; then
echo "bar2 is empty"
echo "bar2 has a value"
if ! set | grep '^bar3=' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "bar3 does not exist"
elif [ -z "${bar3}" ]; then
echo "bar3 is empty"
echo "bar3 has a value"
And the results:
foo does not exist
bar1 is empty
bar2 is empty
bar3 has a value
I dont know about sh, but in bash and dash you can do echo ${TEST:?Error} for case 1 vs. case 2/3. And from quick glance at wikibooks, it seems like it should work for bourne shell too.
You can use it like this in bash and dash (use $? to get the error code)
echo ${TEST:?"Error"}
bash: TEST: Error
[lf#dell:~/tmp/soTest] echo $?
[lf#dell:~/tmp/soTest] TEST2="ok"
[lf#dell:~/tmp/soTest] echo ${TEST2:?"Error"}
[lf#dell:~/tmp/soTest] echo $?
[lf#dell:~/tmp/soTest] dash
$ echo ${TEST3:?"Error"}
dash: 1: TEST3: Error
$ TEST3=ok
$ echo ${TEST3:?"Error"}
You can use ${var?} syntax to throw an error if var is unset and ${var:?} to throw an error if var is unset or empty. For a concrete example:
$ unset foo
$ test -z "${foo?unset}" && echo foo is empty || echo foo is set to $foo
-bash: foo: unset
$ foo=
$ test -z "${foo?unset}" && echo foo is empty || echo foo is set to $foo
foo is empty
$ foo=bar
$ test -z "${foo?unset}" && echo foo is empty || echo foo is set to $foo
foo is set to bar
I don't see a correct answer here yet that is POSIX compliant. First let me reiterate William Pursell's assertion that the code foo= is indeed setting the variable foo to an empty value the same as foo="". For foo to be unset, it must either never be set or unset with unset foo.
Matteo's answer is correct, but there are caveats. When you run set in bash and posix mode is disabled, it also prints all of the defined functions as well. This can be suppressed like this:
isvar() (
[ -n "$BASH" ] && set -o posix
set | grep -q "^$1="
By writing it as a sub-shell function, we don't need to worry about what the state of bash's posix setting after we're done.
However, you can still get false-positives from variables whose values contain carriage returns, so understand that this is not 100% foolproof.
$ a="
> b=2
> "
$ set | grep ^b=
So for maximum correctness you can exploit bash's -v test, when available.
isvar() {
if [ -n "$BASH" ]; then
[ -v "$1" ]
set | grep -q "^$1="
Perhaps somebody has a library somewhere that supports other shells' extensions as well. Essentially, this is a weakness in the POSIX specification and it just hasn't been seen as warranting amendment.
You can use set
If no options or arguments are specified, set shall write the names and values of all shell variables in the collation sequence of the current locale. Each name shall start on a separate line, using the format:
You can list all the variables (set) and grep for the variable name you want to check
set | grep '^foo='

Makefile variable not set from grep output

I am trying to set the variable COGLINE to be the output of my grep line (which is searching my config.json file for the regExthe "cogs"). When I execute the grep line it correctly outputs the proper line number, but when I echo the variable it comes up blank.
COGLINE = $(grep -n \"cogs\" ~/Desktop/Repos/pronghorn/config.json | cut -f1 -d:)
grep -n \"cogs\" ~/Desktop/Repos/pronghorn/config.json | cut -f1 -d:
echo $(COGLINE)
Here is the output:
GlennMBP:test glenn$ make all
grep -n \"cogs\" ~/Desktop/Repos/pronghorn/config.json | cut -f1 -d:
You can see that the line number is properly found as "2", but the variable comes up blank as if it were not set. What am I doing wrong?
grep is not a make function. That COGLINE = line is a make assignment.
You either need to use
COGLINE := $(shell grep -n \"cogs\" ~/Desktop/Repos/pronghorn/config.json | cut -f1 -d:)
if you want that run at make parse time and want it in a make variable.
COGLINE=$$(grep -n \"cogs\" ~/Desktop/Repos/pronghorn/config.json | cut -f1 -d:); \
echo "$${COGLINE}"
to run it at all recipe execution time and have it in a shell variable.
There are middle grounds as well but those are the two basic ideas.

while loop only iterates once

I'm writing a unix script which does an awk and pipes to a while loop. For some reason, though, the while loop iterates only once. Can someone point out what I am missing?
awk '{ print $1, $2}' file |
while IFS=" " read A B
echo $B
if [ "$B" -eq "16" ];
grep -A 1 $A $1 | python
grep -A 1 $A
"file" looks something like
cheese 2
elephant 5
tiger 16
The solution is to replace:
grep -A 1 $A
grep -A 1 "$A" filename
Where filename is whatever file you intended grep to read from. Just guessing, maybe you intended:
grep -A 1 "$A" "$1"
I added double-quotes to prevent any possible word-splitting.
The problem is that, without the filename, the grep command reads from and consumes all of standard input. It does this on the first run through the loop. Consequently, there is not input left for the second run and read A B fails and the loop terminates.
A Simpler Example
We can see the same issue happening with many fewer statements. Here is a while loop that is given two lines of input but only loops once:
$ { echo 1; echo 2; } | while read n; do grep "$n"; echo "n=$n"; done
Here, simply by adding a filename to the grep statement, we see that the while loop executes twice, as it should:
$ { echo 1; echo 2; } | while read n; do grep "$n" /dev/null; echo "n=$n"; done

Problem with awk and grep

I am using the following script to get the running process to print the id, command..
if [ "`uname`" = "SunOS" ]
AWK_CMD='BEGIN{printf "%-15s %-6s %-8s %s\n","ID","PID","STIME","Cmd"} {printf "%-15s %-6s %-8s %s %s %s\n","MY_APP",$2,$time_parameter, main_class, connection_string, port}'
while getopts ":pnh" opt; do
case $opt in
p) AWK_CMD='{ print $2 }'
n) AWK_CMD='{printf "%-15s %-6s %-8s %s %s %s\n","MY_APP",$2,$time_parameter,main_class, connection_string, port}' ;;
h) print "usage : `basename ${0}` {-p} {-n} : Returns details of process running "
print " -p : Returns a list of PIDS"
print " -n : Returns process list without preceding header"
exit 1 ;
ps auxwww | grep $main_class | grep 10348 | grep -v grep | ${awk_c} -v main_class=$merlin_main_class -v connection_string=$merlin_connection_
string -v port=10348 -v time_parameter=$time_parameter "$AWK_CMD"
# cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 6)
# uname -a
Linux deapp25v 2.6.9-67.0.4.EL #1 Fri Jan 18 04:49:54 EST 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
When I am executing the following from the script independently or inside script
# ps auxwww | grep $main_class | grep 10348 | grep -v grep | ${awk_c} -v main_class=$merlin_main_class -v connection_string=$merlin_connection_string -v port=10348 -v time_parameter=$time_parameter "$AWK_CMD"
I get two rows on Linux:
MY_APP 6217 2355352 RiskEngine 10348
MY_APP 21874 5316 RiskEngine 10348
I just have one jvm (Java command) running in the background but still I see 2 rows.
I know one of them (Duplicate with pid 21874) comes from awk command that I am executing. It includes again the main class and the port so two rows. Can you please help me to avoid the one that is duplicate row?
Can you please help me?
AWK can do all that grepping for you.
Here is a simple example of how an AWK command can be selective:
ps auxww | awk -v select="$mainclass" '$0 ~ select && /10348/ && ! (/grep/ || /awk/) && {print}'
ps can be made to selectively output fields which will help a little to reduce false positives. However pgrep may be more useful to you since all you're really using is the PID from the result.
pgrep -f "$mainclass.*10348"
I've reformatted the code as code, but you need to learn that the return key is your friend. The monstrously long pipelines should be split over multiple lines - I typically use one line per command in the pipeline. You can also write awk scripts on more than one line. This makes your code more readable.
Then you need to explain to us what you are up to.
However, it is likely that you are using 'awk' as a variant on grep and are finding that the value 10348 (possibly intended as a port number on some command line) is also in the output of ps as one of the arguments to awk (as is the 'main_class' value), so you get the extra information. You'll need to revise the awk script to eliminate (ignore) the line that contains 'awk'.
Note that you could still be bamboozled by a command running your main class on port 9999 (any value other than 10348) if it so happens that it is run by a process with PID or PPID equal to 10348. If you're going to do the job thoroughly, then the 'awk' script needs to analyze only the 'command plus options' part of the line.
You're already using the grep -v grep trick in your code, why not just update it to exclude the awk process as well with grep -v ${awk_c}?
In other words, the last line of your script would be (on one line and with the real command parameters to awk rather than blah blah blah).:
ps auxwww
| grep $main_class
| grep 10348
| grep -v grep
| grep -v ${awk_c}
| ${awk_c} -v blah blah blah
This will ensure the list of processes will not containg any with the word awk in it.
Keep in mind that it's not always a good idea to do it this way (false positives) but, since you're already taking the risk with processes containing grep, you may as well do so with those containing awk as well.
You can add this simple code in front of all your awk args:
'!/awk/ { .... original awk code .... }'
The '!/awk/' will have the effect of telling awk to ignore any line containing the string awk.
You could also remove your 'grep -v' if you extended my awk suggestion into something like:
'!/awk/ && !/grep/ { ... original awk code ... }'.