Does Wattpad have an API [closed] - api

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Does Wattpad offer any APIs for developers? I looked at their website but I didn't notice it mentioned anywhere. I also saw that there are widgets that I can put on my website, but I'd like to build something beyond what they already have.

Disclosure: Wattpad Head of Product Here.
The API is available at 3 main parts to it:
GET /stories - Search Wattpad stories and get story metadata
Login with Wattpad - OAuth2 Login to your Wattpad account
POST /stories - Post stories to Wattpad (this one is in alpha, launching soon).
There's also some other API's - all the docs are at
New API docs are at:


API-s for songs and movies [closed]

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Closed 9 months ago.
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I've googled the google out of google, does anyone have any good suggestions for random movie and -song API's? Not looking for anything special, I just need something to return a simple title. The simplest things seem to be hard to find.
Previously, I made a movie app on android and used data parsing API. I'm using The Movie DB, but you have to register an account first to get the API key from the website.
Sign up here:
You can follow the directions from The Movie DB website to get your API Key:

Where Can I find the detailed API for Uber Eats? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I could find the API for Uber Rush in, but not for Uber EATS, where would this information lie?
There is not currently a publicly available API for UberEATS. Any news on that front would be announced on the Uber API developers blog.
Also, for non-technical or non-coding questions like these about Uber's API, it might be better to follow up with them directly on their community forum, rather than on StackOverflow. Thanks!

How do I get my remaining quota of translations from microsoft translator programmatically? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to keep track of how many translations I have left and use this to enable/disable functionality.
Is there a public API I can use to get this information?
No API that I know of, but the subscription page updates in near-realtime - see this blog post from a few weeks ago for an update to this, including low-balance notifications on the subscription page.
For reference, here's the API documentation.

Where can I find my Yahoo Developer API key(s)? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I just registered for a yahoo developer API key. They did not e-mail me a link to it or information. It has been approved, but I can't figure out where to view the resulting API. All links with google seem to point to the application page, again.
Where the heck can I find my API key?!
ps: I hate you, Yahoo.
I found the answer:
Visit the "My Projects Page" at and click on the project you want the API key for.
When you request the API itself it must be
Yes, there is no link or shortcut visible there to view already approved API.
But I found this, just add ?view to view API you had.
just like this
Hope it helps

Twitter clone with API similar to Twitter? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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As we all know, Twitter consistently has problems keeping their service up and running.
There are literally dozens of Twitter clones out there. Does anybody know of a Twitter clone with an API that is as similar as possible to Twitter's API as possible?
Thank you. is twitter clone based in the opensource solution with a twitter-compatible API:
Take a look at
Now that microblogging has been around for a while, there are some other options than (previously
There are probably more, but this is the first I'd seen - try googling for "microblogging twitter clones" if you haven't yet.