Add NSMutableArray to another NSMutableArray - objective-c

Hey! I've been trying to add an array to an NSMutableArray using the addObject syntax. The app crashes without any explicit mention of an error. Could you please tell me how this is done?
I have a class Stack that creates an array. So I call that class using an instance called tem that I have created. Hence, [self tem] is my call to the array. Through the program I merely add UILabels to the array(I know you'd suggest adding a string and then changing to UILabels, but I need to do it this way) and towards the end, I'd like to add this array to my 'list' array.
-(Stack *)tem {
tem=[[Stack alloc]init];
return tem;
list=[NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[self list].array];
-(IBAction)opPr:(UIButton *)sender
if([[[sender titleLabel]text] compare: #"="]==0) {
UILabel *t=[[UILabel alloc]init];
//complete creating label
[[self tem]push:t];
//add above label to tem array
[list addObject:[self tem].array];
[table reloadData];

OK, this answer got all cluttered with edits. I've edited it to be more clear, at the possible expense of understanding the thread of how we arrived at the final answer.
The final answer
The answer was to change:
list=[NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[self list].array];
list = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
(...Which isn't really the best way to create an NSMutableArray, but it may work anyway.)
This was based on an erroneous version of the asker's code
Based on your comment that it crashes after [list addObject:[self tem].array];, I must conclude that your instance variable list is of type Stack*, and that Stack is not a subclass of NSMutableArray. If so, that's your issue.
In that case, changing that line to [[list array] addObject:[self tem].array]; should fix it.
This is just good advice
As an aside, NSMutable array is perfectly capable of acting as a stack without modification. Example:
NSMutableArray* ar = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:someCapacity];
// Push
[ar addObject:narf]; // narf being some object reference
// Pop
id popped = [ar lastObject];
[ar removeLastObject];
If you want to encapsulate stack behavior in a semantically consistent way, you can add push and pop methods to NSMutableArray using a category. This would make your code simpler and less prone to error.
This was my first stab at answering the question, before any code had been posted
This is a stab in the dark since you've not posted any code. BUT. One way to accomplish that with arrays is by creating arrays using [NSArray arrayWithObjects:obj obj ... nil] and omitting the nil terminator on the list of objects. Are you by any chance doing that?


How to check assignment since addObject doesn't access setter?

I just noticed that calling addObject: on an NSMutableArray doesn't access that array's setter.
E.g., for NSMutableArray self.myArray, [self.myArray addObject:object] does not use [self setMyArray:array] to add the object.
Previously I have been using custom setters and getter to check assignment before assigning; e.g., if I wanted an array that only accepted objects of class MyClass, I would do the following:
- (void)setMyArray:(NSMutableArray *)myArray
for (id object in myArray)
if (![object isKindOfClass:[MyClass class]]) return;
_myArray = myArray;
- (NSMutableArray *)myArray
if (!_myArray) _myArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
_myArray = myArray;
How do I go about achieving this same functionality when changing the array via addObject:, removeObject:, and other similar functions that may circumvent the setter?
Generally this kind of problem is the reason why NSMutableArray is usually avoided in preference of NSArray.
This is the simple solution, use NSArray instead of NSMutableArray:
self.myArray = [self.myArray arrayByAddingObject:foo];
However, if the array is really big that will cause performance issues. Then you've got two options:
you can have your own addObjectToMyArray: method in your class and always use that
you can create an NSArrayController and use that to access your array. It will implement key value observing and bindings and all of that stuff.
NSMutableArray is designed to perform addObject: with as few CPU instructions as possible and therefore does not proved any way for external code to be notified that the object was added. You have to have some other class wrapped around it.
Do not try to subclass NSMutableArray, because it is a "class cluster" making subclasses extremely complicated.
If what you wish to do is ensure objects in the array are of a particular class then this answer to the question "NSMutableArray - force the array to hold specific object type only" provides code to do exactly that.
If you wish to do other checks on assignment then you can use the code in that answer as a starting point.

arraycontroller nsmutablearray add programmatically

I trying to add a data on table view via Array Controller thats bind to a NSMutableArray.
On the IB property it looks like this :
and on the code I tried to add the NSMutableArray dynamically then reload the view, bu nothings happened.
for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
NSMutableDictionary *group = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init];
[group setValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#-%d", #"Group", i] forKey:#"groupname"];
[contentArray addObject:group];
[tableContent reloadData];
I have been google it and browse the same question in stackoverflow, not found a useful one.
any idea ?
I wrote above code in File's owner class.
I think the problem is that the array needs to send a KVO notification to the array controller (or maybe it's the table view, I'm not sure). The way to do that is:
self.contentArray = contentArray; (or _contentArray if that's what your ivar is called). I'm assuming that contentArray is a property, if not, you should make it one.

NCSFDictionary, Mutating method sent to immutable object

I have just started to jump into the realm of Objective-C and am slowly getting it all. I have been working on unarchiving a file that was a NSMutableArray and then initializing in my model with that array. The array is filled with various NSMutableDicationary's. From what I have seen it will add those dictionaries as non-mutable, so I went ahead and copied the regular and put them in a mutable and remove the old one. This solution seems to work for every instance except the very first.
I am at a loss as to why it would work for all but the first.
Here is how I am initializing it all
-(id) initWithList:(NSMutableArray *)savedList
self = [super init];
if (self)
int size=0;
serverList=[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:savedList copyItems:YES];
size=[serverList count];
for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
loginList=[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:[serverList objectAtIndex:i]];
[serverList addObject:loginList];
[serverList removeObjectAtIndex:i];
return self;
Here is the code that is throwing the error, The value is being read off of a checkbox in a tableview and passed here to change the value.
-(void)setMount:(int)row value:(NSNumber*)boolAsNumber
[[serverList objectAtIndex:row] setObject:boolAsNumber forKey:#"mountshare"];
Here is the error that it shows when I try and change the first element
2010-12-01 13:38:54.445 Network Share[35992:a0f] *** -[NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:]: mutating method sent to immutable object
Thanks for your help. If there is a better way please let me know.
This loop code is wrong:
size=[serverList count];
for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
loginList=[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:[serverList objectAtIndex:i]];
[serverList addObject:loginList];
[serverList removeObjectAtIndex:i];
When you remove an object, the array is renumbered. After you've processed the 1st object at index 0, the original 2nd object is becoming the 1st object at index 0, but i is now set to index 1, which is where the original 3rd object is! This means you're only processing alternate items from the original array, and the 2nd, 4th, etc items never get swapped, and that's why you get the errors you're seeing.
One way to solve this would be to replace the "i" in the objectAtIndex: and removeObjectAtIndex: calls with "0", so you're always taking items off the front of the array.
The alternate solution would be to create a separate newServerList array and insert your new objects into that. At the end of the loop, release the old serverList and set the variable to point to newServerList.
Your indexes are messed up. As soon as you remove the object at index 0, the next one will take it's place and you will never replace that, because you then carry on with index 1.
{immutable0, immutable1}
i = 0:
{immutable0, immutable1, mutable0}
{immutable1, mutable0}
i = 1:
{immutable0, mutable0, mutable02}
{immutable0, mutable02}
--> still got the immutable there. Remember to never remove objects from a mutable array you are looping through at the same time.
You could condense the code a bit:
NSMutableArray *serverList = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[savedList count]];
for (NSDictionary *dictionary in savedList)
mutable = [dictionary mutableCopy];
[serverList addObject:mutable];
[mutable release];
Unrelated to your problem: the argument is obviously wrong (NSMutableArray), if you expect an immutable array there; and if you create your serverList that way, there is no need for a deep copy (copyItems:YES).

Static Variable in Cocoa Class Category

I have a cocoa 'category' for adding inflections (pluralize, singularize, etc.) to NSString. The code requires loading a set of regular expression rules and exceptions from a PLIST into dictionaries and arrays, as well as adding manual exceptions from code. I need a way to persist these data structures (as class members) between multiple calls to the inflection code (all instance methods). I attempted:
+ (NSMutableArray *)uncountables
static NSMutableArray *uncountables = nil;
if (uncountables == nil) uncountables = [NSMutableArray array];
return uncountables;
However, it appears to fail occasionally. Does a good way of doing this exist? I don't want to subclass NSString if possible. Thanks.
[NSMutableArray array];
returns an autoreleased array. Use this instead:
[[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
I think this code is OK. I use the same thing a lot for singletons. But be aware that it is not thread safe this way. Maybe you calling it from different threads?
As drawnonward already mentioned, [NSMutableArray array]; returns an autoreleased array. But I don't think, it's a good idea to return non-autoreleased array, because it contradicts with Cocoa memory management conceptions - only alloc, copy and new should be released manually. All other initializations are autoreleased.
So, you should just use
NSArray *a;
...somewhere in a code...
a = [[NSString uncountables] retain];
- (void)dealloc {
[a release];
to get properly retained/released objects.

Objective-C - How to implement an array of pointers in a method declaration

Ok, if you take a look at my two previous posts (Link #2 in particular), I would like to ask an additional question pertaining to the same code. In a method declaration, I am wanting to define one of the parameters as a pointer to an array of pointers, which point to feat_data. I'm sort of at a loss of where to go and what to do except to put (NSMutableArray*)featDataArray in the declaration like below and access each object via another pointer of feat_data type. BTW, sorry to be asking so many questions. I can't find some of the things like this in the book I am using or maybe I'm looking in the wrong place?
feat_data *featDataPtr = [[feat_data alloc] init];
featDataPtr = [featDataArray objectAtIndex:0];
Link #1
Link #2
Your declaration looks fine. "NSMutableArray*" is an appropriate type for your parameter. (Objective-C doesn't have generics so you can't declare anything about what's inside the array.)
One problem I see in your code is that you allocate an object for no reason and then throw away the pointer (thus leaking memory).
I don't know what it is that you are trying to do, so here are some things that you can do with an NSMutableArray:
- (void)someName:(NSMutableArray *)featDataArray {
feat_data *featDataPtr = [[feat_data alloc] init];
[featDataArray addObject:featDataPtr]; // add an object to the end
[featDataPtr release];
feat_data *featDataPtr2 = [[feat_data alloc] init];
[featDataArray replaceObjectAtIndex:0 withObject:featDataPtr2]; // replace an existing entry
[featDataPtr2 release];
feat_data *featDataPtr3 = [featDataArray objectAtIndex:0]; // get the element at a certain index
// do stuff with featDataPtr3