How to calculate Rank SQL query - sql

HI, I have the following table which save agent ranking on daily basis on basis of tickets status.
No. **Agent Name** **Incidents** **workorder** **Rank** **TimeStamp**
1 cedric 200 29 1 21 Jan 2011
2 poul 100 10 2 21 Jan 2011
3 dan 200 20 1 21 Jan 2011
4 cedric 100 19 2 22 Jan 2011
5 poul 200 26 1 22 Jan 2011
6 dan 150 20 2 22 Jan 2011
Now i need query which fetch ranking between two dates means if i select date between 21 jan 2011 to 22 jan 2011 then query return me agents average ranking between these two dates of agent not return the agent ranking details on date wise. I need single name of agent with his ranking.
Iftikhar hashmi

GROUP BY [Agent Name]
Thanks to Martin which reminded me I need to cast RANK.
GROUP BY [Agent Name]


Determine the first occurrence of a particular customer visiting the store in a particular month

I need to determine the counts breakdown to per month (and year) of customers [alias'ed as Patient_ID] which made their first visit to a store. The date times of store visits are stored in the [MDT Review Date] column of the table.
Customers can come to the store multiple times throughout the year and increase the total count-> but what I require is ONLY the first time a customer visited.
E.g. Tom Bombadil visited the store once in January 2019, so count increased to 1, then again 4 times in March, so count should be 1 for the month of March and 0 for febraury and 1 for January, then again 4 times in October, then again 2 times in December.
I require that Tom Bombadil should be counted one and only once for a particular month, his first occurrence which was per month
The output should be like :
rn1 YEAR Month_Number Month Total_Count
1 2010 6 June 2
1 2010 7 July 1
1 2010 8 August 5
1 2010 10 October 5
1 2010 11 November 3
1 2011 1 January 4
1 2011 2 February 6
1 2011 4 April 7
1 2011 5 May 4
1 2011 6 June 10
1 2011 7 July 10
1 2011 8 August 14
1 2011 9 September 4
1 2011 10 October 8
1 2011 11 November 11
1 2011 12 December 11
1 2012 1 January 8
1 2012 2 February 21​
Please refer to my query. What I have attempts to use the windowing function COUNT to count the store visits per month. Then the ROW_NUMBER function attempts to assign a unique number to each visit. What am I doing wrong?
(select distinct
row_number() over (partition by p.Patient_ID, p.PAT_Forename1, p.PAT_Surname
order by PAT_Forename1, p.Patient_ID, PAT_Surname) AS rn1,
datepart(year, [DATE_COLUMN]) as YEAR,
datepart(month, [DATE_COLUMN]) as Month_Number,
datename(month,[DATE_COLUMN]) as Month,
count(p.Patient_ID) over (partition by datepart(year,[DATE_COLUMN]),
datename(month, [DATE_COLUMN])) as Total_Count
Tablename m
inner join
TableName p on m.PK_ID = p.PK_ID
) as temp
rn1 = 1​

Compare data from for specific column grouping and Update based on criteria

I have a table with the following structure:
Employee Project Task Accomplishment Score Year
John A 1 5 60 2016
John A 1 6 40 2018
John A 2 3 30 2016
Simon B 2 0 30 2017
Simon B 2 4 30 2019
David C 1 3 20 2015
David C 1 2 40 2016
David C 3 0 25 2017
David C 3 5 35 2017
I want to create a view with Oracle SQLout of the above table which looks like as follows:
Employee Project Task Accomplishment Score Year UpdateScore Comment
John A 1 5 60 2016 60
John A 1 6 40 2018 100 (=60+40)
John A 2 3 30 2016 30
Simon B 2 0 30 2017 30
Simon B 2 4 40 2019 40 (no update because Accomplishement was 0)
David C 1 3 20 2015 20
David C 1 2 40 2016 60 (=20+40)
David C 3 0 25 2017 25
David C 3 5 35 2017 35 (no update because Accomplishement was 0)
The Grouping is: Employee-Project-Task.
The Rule of the UpdateScore column:
If for a specific Employee-Project-Task group Accomplishment column value is greater than 0 for the previous year, add the previous year's score to the latest year for the same Employee-Project-Task group.
For example: John-A-1 is a group which is different from John-A-2. So as we can see for John-A-1 the Accomplishment is 5 (which is greater than 0) in 2016, so we add the Score from 2016 with the score of 2018 for the John-A-1 and the updated score becomes 100.
For Simon-B-2, the accomplishment was 0, so there will be no update for 2019 for Simon-B-2.
Note: I don't need the Comment field, it is there just for more clarification.
Use analytic functions to determine if there was a score for the previous year, and if so, add it to the UpdatedScore.
select Employee, Project, Task, Accomplishment, Score, Year,
case when lag(Year) over (partition by Employee, Project order by Year) = Year - 1
then lag(Score) over (partition by Employee, Project order by Year)
else 0
end + Score as UpdatedScore
from EmployeeScore;
This is a bit strange -- you are counting the accomplishment of 0 in one year but not the next. Okay.
Use analytic functions:
select t.*,
(case when lag(accomplishment) over (partition by Employee, Project, Task order by year) > 0
then lag(score) over (partition by Employee, Project, Task order by year)
else 0
end) + score as update_score
from t;
from t

Add column value to next column in SQL

My sql table is
Week Year Applications
1 2017 0
2 2017 10
3 2017 20
4 2017 50
5 2017 0
1 2018 10
2 2018 0
3 2018 40
4 2018 50
5 2018 10
And I want SQL query which give below output
Week Year Applications
1 2017 0
2 2017 10
3 2017 30
4 2017 80
5 2017 80
1 2018 10
2 2018 10
3 2018 50
4 2018 100
5 2018 110
Can anyone help me to write below query?
You could use SUM() OVER to get cumulative sum:
FROM tab
It looks like you want a cumulative sum:
select week, year,
sum(applications) over (partition by year order by week) as cumulative_applications
from t;

Merging old table with new table with different structure

I am using SQL Server 2012. I have two tables which I need to 'merge'. The two tables are called tblOld and tblNew.
tblOld has data from say 2012 to 2013
tblNew has data from 2013 onwards and has a different structure
The dates do not overlap between the tables.
Simple example of the tables:
Old table
t_date region sub_region sales
1 Jan 2012 US QR 2
1 Jan 2012 US NT 3
1 Jan 2012 EU QR 5
2 Jan 2012 US QR 4
2 Jan 2012 US NT 6
2 Jan 2012 EU QR 10
31 Dec 2013 US QR 8
31 Dec 2013 US NT 9
31 Dec 2013 EU QR 15
New table
t_date region sales
1 Jan 2014 US 20
1 Jan 2014 EU 50
2 Jan 2014 US 40
2 Jan 2014 EU 100
31 Dec 2014 US 80
31 Dec 2014 EU 150
Result I'm looking for:
t_date US QR US NT EU
1 Jan 2012 2 3 5
2 Jan 2012 4 6 10
31 Dec 2013 8 9 15
1 Jan 2014 20 50
2 Jan 2014 40 100
31 Dec 2014 80 150
So I'm trying to create a query which will give me the results above although I'm not sure how to do this or if it can be done?
SELECT t_date,
SUM(CASE WHEN region='US' AND (sub_region='QR' OR sub_region IS NULL) THEN sales ELSE 0 END) 'US QR',
SUM(CASE WHEN region='US' AND sub_region='NT' THEN sales ELSE 0 END) 'US NT',
SUM(CASE WHEN region='EU' THEN sales ELSE 0 END) 'EU'
SELECT t_date
SELECT t_date
) t
GROUP BY t_date
You are looking for a UNION of the two tables:
SELECT t_date
SELECT t_date

return the last row that meets a condition in sql

I have two tables:
ID SerialNumber
1 ABC1
2 ABC2
3 ABC3
4 ABC4
5 ABC5
6 ABC6
ID MeterID ReadValue Consumption PreviousReadDate ReadType
1 1 250 250 1 jan 2015 EST
2 1 550 300 1 feb 2015 ACT
3 1 1000 450 1 apr 2015 EST
4 2 350 350 1 jan 2015 EST
5 2 850 500 1 feb 2015 ACT
6 2 1000 150 1 apr 2015 ACT
7 3 1500 1500 1 jan 2015 EST
8 3 2500 1000 1 mar 2015 EST
9 3 5000 2500 4 apr 2015 EST
10 4 250 250 1 jan 2015 EST
11 4 550 300 1 feb 2015 ACT
12 4 1000 450 1 apr 2015 EST
13 5 350 350 1 jan 2015 ACT
14 5 850 500 1 feb 2015 ACT
15 5 1000 150 1 apr 2015 ACT
16 6 1500 1500 1 jan 2015 EST
17 6 2500 1000 1 mar 2015 EST
18 6 5000 2500 4 apr 2015 EST
I am trying to group by meter serial and return the last actual read date for each of the meters but I am unsure as to how to accomplish this. Here is the sql I have thus far:
select a.SerialNumber, ReadTypeCode, MAX(PreviousReadDate) from Meter as a
left join RegisterLevelInformation as b on a.MeterID = b.MeterID
where ReadType = 'ACT'
group by a.SerialNumber,b.ReadTypeCode, PreviousReadDate
order by a.SerialNumber
I can't seem to get the MAX function to take effect in returning only the latest actual reading row and it returns all dates and the same meter serial is displayed several times.
If I use the following sql:
select a.SerialNumber, count(*) from Meter as a
left join RegisterLevelInformation as b on a.MeterID = b.MeterID
group by a.SerialNumber
order by a.SerialNumber
then each serial is shown only once. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Like #PaulGriffin said in his comment you need to remove PreviousReadDate column from your GROUP BY clause.
Why are you experiencing this behaviour?
Basically the partition you have chosen - (SerialNumber,ReadTypeCode,PreviousReadDate) for each distinct pair of those values prints you SerialNumber, ReadTypeCode, MAX(PreviousReadDate). Since you are applying a MAX() function to each row of the partition that includes this column you are simply using an aggregate function on one value - so the output of MAX() will be equal to the one without it.
What you wanted to achieve
Get MAX value of PreviousReadDate for every pair of (SerialNumber,ReadTypeCode). So this is what your GROUP BY clause should include.
select a.SerialNumber, ReadTypeCode, MAX(PreviousReadDate) from Meter as a
left join RegisterLevelInformation as b on a.MeterID = b.MeterID
where ReadType = 'ACT'
group by a.SerialNumber,b.ReadTypeCode
order by a.SerialNumber
Is the correct SQL query for what you want.
Difference example
ID MeterID ReadValue Consumption PreviousReadDate ReadType
1 1 250 250 1 jan 2015 EST
2 1 550 300 1 feb 2015 ACT
3 1 1000 450 1 apr 2015 EST
Here if you apply the query with grouping by 3 columns you would get result:
SerialNumber | ReadTypeCode | PreviousReadDate
ABC1 | EST | 1 jan 2015 -- which is MAX of 1 value (1 jan 2015)
ABC1 | ACT | 1 feb 2015
ABC1 | EST | 1 apr 2015
But instead when you only group by SerialNumber,ReadTypeCode it would yield result (considering the sample data that I posted):
SerialNumber | ReadTypeCode | PreviousReadDate
ABC1 | EST | 1 apr 2015 -- which is MAX of 2 values (1 jan 2015, 1 apr 2015)
ABC1 | ACT | 1 feb 2015 -- which is MAX of 1 value (because ReadTypeCode is different from the row above
Explanation of your second query
In this query - you are right indeed - each serial is shown only once.
select a.SerialNumber, count(*) from Meter as a
left join RegisterLevelInformation as b on a.MeterID = b.MeterID
group by a.SerialNumber
order by a.SerialNumber
But this query would produce you odd results you don't expect if you add grouping by more columns (which you have done in your first query - try it yourself).
You need to remove PreviousReadDate from your Group By clause.
This is what your query should look like:
select a.SerialNumber, ReadTypeCode, MAX(PreviousReadDate) from Meter as a
left join RegisterLevelInformation as b on a.MeterID = b.MeterID
where ReadType = 'ACT'
group by a.SerialNumber,b.ReadTypeCode
order by a.SerialNumber
To understand how the group by clause works when you mention multiple columns, follow this link: Using group by on multiple columns
You will understand what was wrong with your query and why it returns all dates and the same meter serial is displayed several times.
Good luck!
Kudos! :)