Returned ref cursor not supported - sql

I'm trying to make a chart in a database dashboard reporting software(Logi Info). I've got a PL SQL package that returns a ref cursor with multiple values but it seems the Logi Info does not support this and gives me an error ORA-00904: "DASHBOARD_PACKAGE"."GETSUMMARYDATA": invalid identifier. I think its either not supported or that my querty is wrong. This is my query:
select dashboard_package.getSummaryData(1,sysdate) from dual
Is that how to call a function that returns multiple values? if so, is there a solution to this problem (return type not supported)?

This is a compilation error. Your GETSUMMARYDATA() function is referencing an invalid object name, a table, a column or whatever. If you're using dynamic SQL you won't get this compilation error until runtime.
So, you need to code through the source of your function and find the misnamed thing. The line number which goes with the error message should help you here.

If you are using SQL*Plus, you need to use a special syntax in order to access REF CURSORS.
This is well explained in the SQL*Plus manual:
So it would be something like this in your case:
EXECUTE dashboard_package.getSummaryData(1, sysdate, :cv)
print cv
Note that the position of the :cv variable depends on the definition of your procedure.
But as you did not show us the source code...
To cover all possibilies (as mentioned by APC):
If the function indeed returns a ref cursor, then the syntax is slightly different as explained in the next chapter of the manual:
execute :cv := dashboard_package.getSummaryData(1, sysdate);
print cv


Validate PL/SQL without permanent changes in database

Is it possible to validate a PL/SQL code without permanent changes.
I know one can commit and then rollback, but I'm looking if there's another solution.
If I write a procedure and I want to know it will compile correctly for example.
I'm using Oracle SQL Developer and didn't see any option to do this.
You can compile your procedure and check if it's valid (doesn't return compilation error).
But in this case Oracle does just Syntactic and Semantic analysis.
Syntactic analysis – Oracle verifies that keywords, object names, operators, delimiters, and so on are placed correctly in your SQL statement. So such queries like select * foRm dual will fail during this validation. For example, we can get here such errors like:
ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement
ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected
ORA-00924: missing BY keyword
ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
Semantic analysis – it verifies that references to host variables and database objects are valid(including their grants) and that host-variable datatypes are correct. For example, select * from nonexisting_table will fail this validation.
Ie, you will not get errors like ORA-00979 not a group by expression on these steps, since Oracle them later, during optimization phase.
More about this:
A different answer is to try the editions feature which has been around for awhile now

TIMESTAMP_FORMAT not working with OFFSET in DB2

I'm trying to do pagination in DB2. I wouldn't like to do it with subquery, but OFFSET is not working with TIMESTAMP_FORMAT.
Use of function TIMESTAMP_FORMAT in QSYS2 not valid. Data mapping error on member
I've found this question, but seems here the problem is with content of column and it's not my case, as values are alright and TIMESTAMP_FORMAT works without OFFSET.
I didn't look for some other way to not use TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, as I need to create pagination on queries written not by me, but by client.
The query looks like this.
FROM tableName
I get
"[SQL0583] Use of function TIMESTAMP_FORMAT in QSYS2 not valid."
I'm not sure how OFFSET can relate to TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, but when I replace the select with select * it works fine.
I wonder why there is a conflict between OFFSET and TIMESTAMP_FORMAT and is there a way to bypass this without subquery.
From Listing of SQL Messages:
Function &1 in &2 cannot be invoked where specified because it is
defined to be not deterministic or contains an external action.
Functions that are not deterministic cannot be specified in a GROUP BY
clause or in a JOIN clause, or in the default clause for a global
Functions that are not deterministic or contain an external
action cannot be specified in a PARTITION BY clause or an ORDER BY
clause for an OLAP function and cannot be specified in the select list
of a query that contains an OFFSET clause.
The RAISE_ERROR function
cannot be specified in a GROUP BY or HAVING clause.
I don't know how to check these properties for the QSYS2.TIMESTAMP_FORMAT function (there is no its definition in the QSYS2.SYSROUTINES table), but it looks like improper definition of this function - there is no reason to create it as not deterministic or external action.
You can "deceive" DB2 like this:
FROM table(values '190412') tableName(date)
And use this function instead. It works on my 7.3 at least.
It's a harmless deception, and you may ask IBM support to clarify such a "feature" of QSYS2.TIMESTAMP_FORMAT...
I suspect your problem is bad data...
The default for the IBM interactive tools, STRSQL and ACS Run SQL Scripts, is OPTIMIZE(*FIRSTIO) meaning get the first few rows back as quickly as possible...
With the OFFSET 10 clause you're probably accessing rows initially that you didn't before.
Try the following
create table mytest as (
SELECT DATE(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT(CHAR("tablename"."date"),'YYMMDD')) as mydate
FROM tableName
) with data
If that doesn't error, then yes you've found a bug, open a PMR.
Otherwise, you can see how far along the DB got by looking at the rows in the new table and track down the record with bad data.

Oracle SQL Developer: possible to pass parameters to SQL script?

I have the following SQL script (all names replaced with metasyntactic variables):
When I run it in SQL Developer, I get the following error, as expected: SQL Error: Missing IN or OUT parameter at index:: 1
Is there a way in SQL Developer to pass test parameters to these values (in this case, BAR, BAZ, QUX, QUUX, and CORGE) or do I have to manually replace the question marks? Thanks!
UPDATE: I've been looking on the internet to try to find the answer with no luck; none of the articles I found deal with the FOO=? syntax. I know that that is the proper syntax to access (and in this case, delete from) the database from a Java program, but I would like to test the SQL script before embedding it in the program.
A query that way is called a prepared statement. It is used as a way to send SQL statements from a program to the database.
First you have to prepare the prepared statement object and later you supply the parameters and finally execute the statement. When setting the parameters, you refer to each question mark in the order they apear in the statement. So in you case, BAR would be parameter 1 and CORGE will be parameter 5.
For testing a query like this is quite useless in my experience. You could change the paramters to variables or even substitution variables if that is more convenient while testing.

make_hash() function? hash codes?

My boss sent me a process, in to which I need to:
make a function that creates a temp table
grab data from a table
use a function to refine the data
create a hash code for 2 of the columns
insert all the data from the temp to the original data
drop the table
I've been trying to look what the make_hash() function does. Whenever I run the FUNCTION it gives me an error on that line, so I'm guessing I need to declare it first before the begin statement in the create function. Or is it a user-created function? If so, is there a way for me to find which schema the function is located?
I've been trying to research in the books and online but I couldn't find anything, even in the PostgreSQL website.
ERROR: function make_hash(character varying) does not exist
LINE 1: UPDATE temp_match_queue_04022012 SET title_hash = make_hash(...
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
QUERY: UPDATE temp_match_queue_04022012 SET title_hash = make_hash(as_title) WHERE as_title IS NOT NULL
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function "metadata_matching_temp" line 30 at SQL statement
********** Error **********
ERROR: function make_hash(character varying) does not exist
SQL state: 42883
Hint: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
Context: PL/pgSQL function "metadata_matching_temp" line 30 at SQL statement
As #Clodoaldo mentioned look into pgcrypto (which you would get by installing it to your postgres, on debian its in postgresql-contrib iirc).
Any function you call must be available before the BEGIN section. You can combine functions into packages if you need more than one.
Nevermind! The make_hash function was written psql that's why it wasn't working properly. I'm using pgAdmin III and the schema name had to be called together with the function for it to work. Thanks a bunch for the help though!

Calling a stored function (that returns an array of a user-defined type) in oracle across a database link

Normally, I call my function like so:
I'm trying to call this function across a database link. My intuition is that the following is the correct syntax, but I haven't gotten it to work:
> ORA-00904: "PACKAGE_NAME"."FUNCTION": invalid identifier
I've tried moving around the database link to no effect. I've tried putting it after the parameter list, after the last parenthesis, after the package name...I've also tried all of the above permutations including the schema name before the package name. I'm running out of ideas.
This is oracle 10g. I'm suspicious that the issue may be that the return type of the function is not defined in the schema in which I'm calling it, but I feel like I should be getting a different error if that were the case.
Thanks for your help!
What you're trying is the correct syntax as far as I know, but in any case it would not work due to the return type being user-defined, as you suspect.
Here's an example with a built-in pipelined function. Calling it locally works, of course:
SELECT * FROM TABLE(dbms_xplan.display_cursor('a',1,'ALL'));
SQL_ID: a, child number: 1 cannot be found
Calling it over a database link:
SELECT * FROM TABLE(dbms_xplan.display_cursor#core('a',1,'ALL'));
fails with this error:
ORA-30626: function/procedure parameters of remote object types are not supported
Possibly you are getting the ORA-904 because the link goes to a specific schema that does not have access to the package. But in any case, this won't work, even if you define an identical type with the same name in your local schema, because they're still not the same type from Oracle's point of view.
You can of course query a view remotely, so if there is a well-defined set of possible parameters, you could create one view for each parameter combination and then query that, e.g.:
CREATE VIEW display_cursor_a_1_all AS
SELECT * FROM TABLE(dbms_xplan.display_cursor('a',1,'ALL'))
If the range of possible parameter values is too large, you could create a procedure that creates the needed view dynamically given any set of parameters. Then you have a two-step process every time you want to execute the query:
EXECUTE package.create_view#remote(parameters)
SELECT * FROM created_view#remote;
You have to then think about whether multiple sessions might call this in parallel and if so how to prevent them from stepping on each other.