Is NSMutableArray recursive in releasing it's items? - objective-c

If I have a 2 dimensional NSMutableArray eg,
board = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:boardHeight];
for (int y = 0; y < boardHeight; y++) {
NSMutableArray *row = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:boardWidth];
for (int x = 0; x < boardWidth; x++) {
[row insertObject:#"A string"];
[board insertObject:row atIndex:y];
[row release];
and I do
[board release];
Does that recursively release the array? Or do I have to manually go into the array and release each row?
If it does, and the object inserted into each row were a custom object, is there anything special I have to think about when writing the dealloc method for the custom object?

Everything will just work fine. The array will retain the objects when they are added and released when removed or the array is deallocated.
No extra work on that part.

When board is ready to be deallocated, it will send the release message to each object in itself. Even if those objects are NSArrays, they will still be released; and if those arrays are now ready to be deallocated, they will send release to their members, etc.
Your class should implement dealloc normally -- release any ivars that you hold a strong reference to before calling [super dealloc].


How to manage memory/usage of a NSMutableArray of NSMutableArrays

I am currently trying to write a class to create faux grid system to keep track of a NSMutableArray of game entities using a NSMutableArray of NSMutableArrays. Given my limited experience with Objective-C programming, I am unsure of how certain things work.
Here is the init method:
- (id) initWithMutableArray:(NSMutableArray *)aList {
self = [super init];
if (self != nil) {
ballList = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: MAX_BALL_ROWCOUNT];
for (int i=0; i<MAX_BALL_ROWCOUNT; i++) {
NSMutableArray *balls = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:MAX_BALL_COLCOUNT];
[ballList addObject:balls];
[balls release];
int x = 0;
for (NSMutableArray *array in ballList) {
for (int i = 0; i<MAX_BALL_COLCOUNT; i++) {
[array addObject:[aList objectAtIndex:x]];
return self;
ballList is the class's NSMutableArray that will store NSMutableArrays.
aList is the NSMutableArray containing the GameEntities I wish to keep track of that is passed into this class.
All the sizes and amount of entities to store are fixed, which is why there is no checks on the sizes of the arrays nor the number of entities to store.
So the first question I have involves freeing memory. This is the dealloc function I currently have:
- (void) dealloc {
[ballList release];
[super dealloc];
Does calling a release on ballList cause the release to be called on the NSMutableArrays that it contains (which will subsequently call the release on the objects those NSMutableArrays contain) or do I have to write something like:
for (NSMutableArray *array in ballList) {
[array release];
[ballList release];
My second question involves the usage of this array of arrays. Is this the proper way to traverse through ballList?
- (void) update {
for (NSMutableArray *array in ballList) {
for (GameEntity *balls in array) {
(CGPoint) location = [balls getLocation];
[balls setLocation: CGPointMake(location.x+1, location.y+1)];
Lastly, in the code above where it sets the balls location, does it only affect the contents within ballList or does the original aList that is passed into ballList change as well? If the contents in the original aList do not change, how would I write it so that they do?
If people have suggestions for a better way to keep track of the entities in a grid system, I'd be open to those too. Thanks in advance.
First : One release is enough for the NSMutableArray instance to release all it's object.
[ballList release];
Second : Your code for updating GameEntity instance is fine and will also effect to the original aList (which you called) .
When the dealloc of a NSArray or NSMutableArray is called, all its contents gets a release message. So when you release ballList, if there there is no other owner (I guess in this case there is none) then its dealloc is called and you don't need to release the other arrays here.
Your loop traversal is fine. Though for 2D arrays instead of NSArray of NSArray I personally prefer pure C 2D array, at least in most of the cases.
When you are adding object in this way you are adding a reference in the array. So any change via the array's reference will be reflected in all references of the object. If you don't want that then add a copy of the object in the array.

What is the correct way of returning a NSArray of objects in Objective-C?

I have a method that needs to return an array of objects. The way it does that now is:
Create a NSMutableArray*
Each object, following some computation, is alloc-d and init-ed
Each object, after initialization, is added to the array with addObject
The array is returned
Is autoreleasing the array the right thing to do? What about the objects inside the array? When should these be released?
Yes, setting the array to autorelease before you return it is a reasonable thing to do. Also, if you are calling alloc and init on the things that you put into the array, you should call release (or autorelease) on each one after you add it to the array. Your objects will still be retained as long as they are in the array. Removing them from the array (or releasing the array) will cause them to be released.
Your method should set the array to autorelease and then the caller should retain the returned array. So the method is no longer responsible for the array, the caller is.
The objects in the array will be retained by NSMutableArray, so you should set them to autorelease so they don't leak.
- (NSMutableArray*) calleeMethod
// this method is retaining the array temporarily
// someone else is responsible for retaining it
NSMutableArray * newArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
// add some objects
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
// autorelease these objects because newArray will retain each item and
// is responsible for the items
FooObject * newFooObject = [[[FooObject alloc] initWithNumber:i] autorelease];
[newArray addObject:newFooObject];
return newArray;
- (void) callerMethod
// retain the returned array, because we own it
mNewArray = [[self calleeMethod] retain];
// do stuff
// make sure you explicitly release mNewArray later (probably in the dealloc)

Objective C Array and Object Release

I have a newbie question regarding when to release the elements of a NSArray. See following pseudo code:
NSMutalbeArray *2DArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:10];
for (int i=0;i<10;i++) {
NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:5];
for (int j=0;j<5;j++) {
MyObject *obj = [[MyObject alloc] init];
[array addObject:obj];
[obj release];
[2DArray addObject:array];
[array release];
// use 2DArray to do something
[2DArray release]
My question here is, when I release 2DArray, do I need to explicitly release each of its element (array) first? Also, before I release the "array" object, do I need to release each of its element (MyObject) first?
I am new to Objective C. Please help. thanks.
No, you don't need to tell each object to be released. When you send a release method to an NSArray, it automatically sends a release method to each item inside first.
So in your case, you send [2DArray release]. This automatically sends [array release] to every other array, which sends [obj release] to each object inside each array.
You don't need to release the kept objects. NSArray retains them when you add, and releases them when released. So if you allocate, add to the array, then release, the object in the array will have the retain count of 1. Once the array is freed, the object is released, therefore freed.
When an object is created, it has a retain count of 1. Whenever a object is added to an array, its retain count is increased (in this case to 2). After adding to the array, your code release its hold of the object, dropping its retain count by 1 (to 1 in this case). Then when you release the array, it calls release on everything in it dropping their retain counts by 1 (to 0 in this case). When retain count hits 0 the object is deallocated.
Your code looks correct from a memory management stand point.

Reusing NSMutableArray

I'm getting some leaks (obvserved by Instruments) when trying to reuse an existing NSMutableArray (in order to save memory).
Basically I'm creating an NSMutableArray, filling it with objects (UIImages) and passing it onto another object which retains it. However, I now need to use an NSMutableArray again. I figured I would release all its objects, empty it, and everything would be fine, but Instruments reports a CALayer leaked object (??) from that very method which looks something as follows:
NSString *fileName;
NSMutableArray *arrayOfImages = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
// fill the array with images
for(int i = 0; i <= 7; i++) {
fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"myImage_%d.png", i];
[arrayOfImages addObject:[UIImage imageNamed:fileName]];
// create a button with the array
aButton = [[CustomButtonClass buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom]
// release its objects
for(int i = 0; i < [arrayOfImages count]; i++) {
[[arrayOfImages objectAtIndex:i] release];
// empty array
[arrayOfImages removeAllObjects];
// fill it with other images
for(int i = 0; i <= 7; i++) {
fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"myOtherImage_%d.png", i];
[arrayOfImages addObject:[UIImage imageNamed:fileName]];
// create another button with other images (same array)
aSecondButton = [[CustomButtonClass buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom]
[arrayOfImages release];
For the sake of clarity, my button init method looks as follows:
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
images:(NSArray *)imageArray
if(self = [super initWithFrame:frame]) {
myImageArray = [[NSArray arrayWithArray:imageArray] retain];
return self;
I know I could just create a new NSMutableArray and be over with this issue but it annoys me not to be able to just reuse the old array. What could be the problem?
I'm getting some leaks (obvserved by
Instruments) when trying to reuse an
existing NSMutableArray (in order to
save memory).
An array takes a really small amount of memory; 4 bytes per pointer stored (on a 32 bit system) + a tiny bit of overhead. Reusing an array to attempt to save memory is a waste of time in all but the most extraordinary circumstances.
// release its objects
for(int i = 0; i < [arrayOfImages count]; i++) {
[[arrayOfImages objectAtIndex:i] release];
// empty array
[arrayOfImages removeAllObjects];
You didn't retain the objects and, thus, you shouldn't be releasing them! That your app didn't crash after the above indicates that you are likely over-retaining the objects somewhere else.
I know I could just create a new
NSMutableArray and be over with this
issue but it annoys me not to be able
to just reuse the old array. What
could be the problem?
There isn't anything in that code that springs out as a memory leak. Just the opposite; you are over-releasing objects.
And the above indicates that you really need to revisit the memory management guidelines as re-using an array versus releasing the array and creating a new one really doesn't have anything to do with this problem.
You don't need this part:
// release its objects
for(int i = 0; i < [arrayOfImages count]; i++) {
[[arrayOfImages objectAtIndex:i] release];
This is against the ownership rule. You didn't retain the images at
[arrayOfImages addObject:[UIImage imageNamed:fileName]];
so it's not your responsibility to release them. It's NSMutableArray that retains them when -addObject is called, and so it's NSMutableArray's responsibility to release them when -removeObject or others of that ilk is called. The leak you found might be because the system got confused by this over-releasing...
I would also recommend to perform "Build and Analyze" in XCode.
The Leaks instrument tells you where the object that leaked was first allocated. The fact one of the images was leaked means that you used the image somewhere else, and did not release it there - Leaks cannot tell you where since it cannot show you code that does not exist.
Indeed as others have pointed out this is somewhat surprising since the code as-is is over-releasing objects and should have crashed. But the fact it did not crash is a good sign somewhere else you are using the images from the array and over-retaining them.

Memory Management for shared array elements

I am a little confused about releasing memory for array elements that are shared by multiple arrays. Here's the scenario:
Manager class has an instance variable NSMutableArray* mgrArray
Helper class has an instance variable NSMutableArray* helperArray.
Manager's init method:
NSMutableArray* mgrArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
Food *f = [[[Food alloc] initWithType:#"Fruit"] autorelease];
[mgrArray addObject:f];
Helper's init method:
NSMutableArray* helperArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
The manager object passes some of the mgrArray elements to Helper class to store for Helper's own access purposes (say for efficiency). Some Manager method that does this:
Food *e1 = [mgrArray objectAtIndex:3];
Food *e2 = [mgrArray objectAtIndex:5];
Food *e3 = [mgrArray objectAtIndex:7];
[helper. helperArray addObject:e1];
[helper. helperArray addObject:e2];
[helper. helperArray addObject:e3];
Question 1: when adding e1 to helperArray, should it be copied or retained or is it alright as written above?
Question 2: who should release the memory of the food objects and how?
If you put an object in an array, it retains it. If you remove an object from an array, the array releases it.
It is that simple; ownership -- retains -- should always be bounded by lines of encapsulation.
If you need to ensure that an object remains alive when you are using it, retain it. The one edge case is if you do something like:
foo = [someArray objectAtIndex: 0];
[someArray removeObjectAtIndex: 0];
At that point, foo may have been released. To fix:
foo = [someArray objectAtIndex: 0];
[foo retain];
[someArray removeObjectAtIndex: 0];
.. do stuff ..
[foo release];
Question 1: when adding e1 to
helperArray, should it be copied or
retained or is it alright as written
Simply add e1 to the helperArray. Done.
Question 2: who should release
the memory of the food objects and
When the array is released to the point of being dealloc'd, all objects contained within the array will be released (but not necessarily deallocated unless nothing else holds a retain).
An object will be retained when added to an array and released when removed from an array.
If you are using an autoreleased object there is nothing else to do.
If you are using a regular object, you can release it after it is added to the first array.