Multiple DocumentRoot in XAMPP or Apache - apache

What would be the best way to set up XAMPP so that when I go to
http://localhost1 it access the folder C:\localhost1
and when I type
http://localhost2 it access the folder C:\localhost2?

I've done a response yesterday that should fit your needs:
Modify htaccess file for two sites

Use Alias in apache conf
Make XAMPP/Apache serve file outside of htdocs


Run cakephp app in apache alias

I'm trying to deploy a cakephp 3.1 app in a apache 2.4 powered server. My boss would like to place the app in a directory different of server's documentroot (DocumentRoot "/var/www/html" in my httpd.conf file), since multiple webapps will be served by this server.
Instead of virtualhosts, he would like to use aliases (host/app1, host/app2 etc). So I'm trying to configure it this way. I put an alias to my cake app (Alias "/scqa" "/opt/scqa/webroot" in my httpd.conf file) and wrote a RewriteBase (RewriteBase /scqa) to both cake's .htaccess files, but every absolute link present in my app is still pointing to apache's documentroot. In this particular case, it means my css and a big pile of not properly built links are 404ing. Is there some way I can fix it in apache configuration?
I know 2 other ways to fix it: Fix the links with cake syntax (will take me a week) or use virtualhosts. But is it possible to fix it and keep using apache alias?
Thanks in advance.
(The production env uses centos 7 64bits, just in case)
If I understood well, you are using aliases in your .htaccess files.
You should put the Alias in your server config file, because it won't work otherwise.
Syntax: Alias [URL-path] file-path|directory-path
Context: server config, virtual host, directory

Apache URI path recognition / mapping?

I have a website for all intents and purposes is called.
Which in my server path is /var/www/
I tried to create a new folder in /var/ called "analytics", with the hope that if I typed I could access that folder.
However that does not work because it is actually looking for /var/www/analytics instead of /var/analytics
So how can I have multiple directories mapped to a URI?
For phpmyadmin I can access with the phpadmin folder is in a completely different directory. So it must be possible.
However I tried googling but could not find any answers so I guess I do not have the right description of what this functionality is on Apache webservers.
Any help would be appreciated.
You have to create virtual directories in Apache.
If you are using Apache2, then can you go to the directories
/etc/apache2/sites-available and /etc/apache2/sites-enabled.
You have probably only the default virtual directory enabled.
You can make a copy of a virtual directory in the map /sites-available.
A virtual directory starts with specifying what the root directory is.
Then can you use the commands a2ensite and a2dissite in order to enable or disable the virtual directories respectively.
After a change in enabled/disabled virtual directories do you need to restart/reload the apache server.
If you use .htaccess file, do not forget to set AllowAccess (in the tag Directory) to at least FileInfo or .htaccess will be ignored.
If you want to make those directories different hosts, then can you make aliases in /etc/hosts.
On my home computer have I aliases for the ip addresses and
That gives me the possibility to have two different sites at the same time.

Changing var/www to something else

I've installed Ubuntu on a Oracle VM Virtual box, and installed Apache etc.
How do I change the var/www folder that Apache uses, to something else? Can I simply rename it? I'm, trying to change it to nordy/core, in place of var/www.
Can I create a separate folder called nordy/core and place my html files there? One of the reasons I did not do this it because I noticed that var/ has several other folders that will not be created if I simply create a new folder. So, I'm guessing the site wont work.
I'd like to store my html and php files in a folder nordy/core so Apache can use it from there. Can I simply create a folder nordy/core and point Apache to it in Apache's configuration?
How do I do this?
You need to change the value of the DocumentRoot directive of your apache2.conf file. You may find this file at /etc/apache2/apache2.conf.
DocumentRoot "/nordy/core"
Then restart your apache process.
sudo service apache2 restart

Apache symlink to a folder outside of web root

Here is the folder layout.
/outside is not normally accessible anywhere on
/public_html is the folder for
How can I use Apache's htaccess to make the url to show content from the folder /outside?
How can I use Apache's htaccess to make the url to show content from the folder /outside?
You can't. As far as I have found out, Apache prevents directives in .htaccess files linking to locations outside the current web root.
You would have to do this in the central configuration:
Alias /outside /path/to/your/outside
You may be luckier with a symlink if you can turn FollowSymLinks on.

apache - how to override index of /icons?

I wasn't aware of this, and it is kind of funny; when you name a directory icons in the root of your host, then if you point your browser to, apache does not read from that directory and shows you a listing of Public Domain Icons.
I added an icons directory to the root and placed a key.png file in that directory, yet accessing that image results in 404. I tried to find if/where this has been documented and how it could be turned off. I found nothing. Could someone provide a pointer?
P.S. I am using XAMPP 1.7.3 which basically is a WAMP and has Apache 2.2.14
Aparently lots of live servers have this turned on and index of /icons could be seen lots of places.
Open this file: %XAMPP_PATH%\apache\conf\extra\httpd-autoindex.conf
and change :
Alias /icons/ "X:/xampp/apache/icons/"
<Directory "X:/xampp/apache/icons/">
to this:
Alias /icons/ "./icons/"
<Directory "./icons/">
Restart your Apache Server.
I'd assume that you have an alias within your httpd.conf.
I'm not familiar with XAMPP's config files or their location (google suggests it's probably in \xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf) but I'd suggest you're looking for a line like the following:
Alias /icons/ /usr/local/apache/icons/
See for more info.
According to XMAPP site, you need to check \xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf and the extra subfolder.
I would look in either your apache config file (\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf) or your .htaccess files and see if there is a redirect going on.
EDIT: I think Grhm is correct in that an Alias is in your config file somewhere, per the XAMPP site:
The main configuration file for Apache. It's including other files from the subdirectory "extra".
See if there is a directory called extra in the \xampp\apache\conf\ directory and then go through the files in there and see if that Alias is present.