Drawing scaled emoji icons on iOS - objective-c

I'm trying to implement my own emoji icon keyboard and have some problems. I'm trying to draw emoji icons at the same size as on native iOS emoji keyboard, but when doing simple drawing (standard unicode characters like "\ue415") icons always appear at original size. When trying to increase the font - emoji icons stay of the same size. When applying CGAffineTransform for scaling - drawn icons are bigger, but pixelated and blurred. How should I go about drawing emoji icons bigger, but sharper?

ei, You can set the font to scaled the emoji icon like this:
label.font = [UIFont fontWithName:#"AppleColorEmoji" size:16.0];

The emoji icons are stored as PNG files in /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WebCore.framework (I found this info on the net, but I can't confirm since I don't own a jailbroken iPhone). I don't think it is possible to scale them without loosing quality.

In iOS 5, the png files are gone because they have moved to the same font used in OSX Lion. It's called Apple Color Emoji.


Why does UIButton render the titleLabel so terribly on iOS 7?

I'm using IcoMoon to create a custom font that I use to generate Icons. This however plays no role as the same phenomenon occurs using Helvetica.
Why do 2 things occur on titleLabel of a UIButton on iOS 7?
The right edge of the label is cut off (the button frame is much wider, but the label frame is getting cut off
there is a dark ring around the light gray image.
This looks absolutely horrible and it's basically unacceptable. We'll have to render graphics ourselves and localize images where appropriate.
I would be grateful for any info. The only thing that distinguishes these two checkmarks is that they have different colors set for titleColor
Try setBackgroundImage: instead of setImage:

Draw Larger and Smaller UIImageView size when scrolling in iOS

I have an app of photo catalog on my iPhone.
This app shows three images on screen with scrollview.
I want to enlarge/shrink the image size when I am scrolling.
I want to expand the image size when the image is centered.
And draw the image smaller when scrolled away from center to right/left.
I think this behaviour needs to developed in scrollViewDidScroll.
Do you know how to do this effect?
so you want a Coverflow ,
iCarousel may be the best control for it
take a look https://github.com/nicklockwood/iCarousel

OS X Notification Center Font

I want to have in my app a Notification Center like font, e.g. this white crisp font with the black outline, but I struggle to get it done in IB.
Does anyone know what font type, size, etc apple uses, and how to reproduce them ?
For the app names the text appears to be Lucida Grande 14 bold with a black drop shadow. It was difficult to determine the exact drop shadow parameters but I think it is black with offsets of -1.

Font size for exporting iOS UIView to svg

Developing a drawing app on ipad. I am trying to export whatever I draw on canvas (overriding UIView drawRect). Everything works fine except for the text. The problem is with the font size.
I am creating the font using systemFontOfSize:size for drawing on the canvas
and while exporting, I am using using the same size with pt. For example if the size is 15 then in the exported svg, adding a style attribute of text tag as
The Apple documentation says that the systemFontOfSize takes fontSize in points. So whatever I draw on the canvas should be of same size to the size of text in svg (rendered by firefox, Inkscape)
But the size of the text rendered by svg seems to be bigger. I have other drawing on the canvas e.g a rectangle, the size of the text relative to rectangle is bigger in svg than that is displayed on ipad screen. I am also drawing rectangle using point unit on both UIView and svg.
Is there anything I am missing? I am using both places point unit, so DPI should not matter..

.NET Graphics on Windows 7: White corners around images?

I've been working on some custom graphics controls, and I found this weird problem with windows 7 rendering my button controls. I've used Photoshop to delete the pixels in the background all around the button image I'm using, then saved it as a GIF, and imported it into VS to use as the background image of my button. When windows XP renders it, it is fine, but when windows 7 renders it, all 4 corners have an odd white border around them.
You can barely see them in this pic, but they are much more apparent when looking at them on the client PC's.
Is there something wrong with the way I am transfering the image? should I not use a gif? is there something wrong with the way I am displaying it on the button? What can I do about it?
GIF was a bad choice, it can only render images with 256 colors. You need all the colors you can get to make the anti-aliasing work properly. Use PNG.
You will also need to make sure that the background color of the container is the same as the one you used in Photoshop, the anti-aliasing pixels will otherwise have the wrong colors. And you cannot stretch the image, that will also stretch the anti-aliasing pixels, ruining the effect.