Node-based data visualization library in c or objective c - objective-c

I'm looking for a library in c or objective c that does node-data visualizations similar to
helpful answers include,
what are graphs like that called?
names of libraries that do something like that.
suggestions for implementation.
I'm targeting iOS and/or MacOS, hence c or objective-c/cocoa. On iOS the javascript version runs super slow.
Edit: GraphViz looks great. I'm a little concerned it may have dependencies that are GPL, and thus can't be used on iOS... looking into that now.

Actually there seems to be an Objective-C port of arborjs, see

This is called graph visualization and the best toolkit that I know for it is called GraphViz. It has C libraries.

That sort of graph doesn't have a particular name; not without knowing more context. So without more information, it's a "graph".
As for a library, there's an open source project called GraphViz. You'll have to dig a bit to find the drawing code, but it's in there somewhere. :)


What is the least technical method to use D (dlang) with Qt5

I am a beginner wanting to learn D. I would like to be able to create simple GUI applications with Qt5.
I have found tutorials for adapting Qt Designer .ui files to python scripts using PyQt5. Might there be a comparable method for using Qt5 with D?
Thank you.
I have never tried this myself, but you may start by having a look at the QtE5 project here.
Gtk+'s Glade says it supports dlang.
I am going to look into this further.
I added a tag for Gtk3.
(Sorry, I know the question was for Qt. It looks for now that I have converted to Gtk.)

Google protocol buffers and objective C issues

Hoping to hear from some more experienced developers (completely new to protobufs as of yesterday). I've been researching how to get protobufs to work with iOS given that Google doesn't have a homegrown library for objective C.
Experimenting a bit, it seems there are two general approaches:
Use a third-party library - Booyah's objective C compiler - (
The issue is that it won't compile with protobuf 2.5.0, and requires 2.4.1. Does anyone see a compelling reason NOT to use this method and use the older version of protobufs?
Use C++ generated protobuf classes with some tweaking - (
This doesn't seem like a very clean approach and C++ bleeding into objective-C code doesn't sound like fun.
On a related note, I can't find any documentation on cleanly uninstalling 2.5.0 if I opted for the former approach. What's the easiest way to do this?

Generate Objective-C code from any other language

Are there frameworks/generators for producing iOS code from any other language?
A dynamic language like JavaScript, ruby or Python are preferred. Googling for iOS code generators was largely fruitless.
The problem with systems like PhoneGap is that their output is a full-fledged application. What I need to produce is a library (.a & .h file eventually) that other Objective-C developers can reuse in their projects.
RubyMotion may or may not do what you want. I haven't seen much about the practicalities of it yet, but I'm thinking since it's statically compiled chances are good that it can produce libraries that can be simply linked into Objective-C projects. One might need another tool to produce the header files.
Of course, this is all speculation.
I think the best solution for what you're looking for is Titanium. It has its own sdk (in JavaScript), a complete IDE and allows you to have one codebase for all major platforms (iOS, Android included). What it's really awesome is the fact that it actually generates native code (a valid XCode project or a Java one for Android). It's also free and open source. Definetely worth a look.
I've never seen code generators, but there are a variety of "spoofs" as it were. - iOS on C# - iOS on HTML, CSS , Javascript - one of several tutorials for flash on iOS
I've seen links to python libraries and I think java too.
When it comes down to it though, they're all work arounds, not direct development.

jGraphT for Objective C?

I'm looking for a Directed Acyclic Graph implementation in Objective C.
I've had enormous success with jGraphT in the Java space. I'm using a DirectedGraph to model a power subsystem, and now I need equivalent code for iPhone/iPad.
Does such a thing exist in an open source library? Or do I need to roll my own?
There's no available implementation in Objective C at present. However, this should be very helpful, particularly Mark Wukta's PASCAL implementation.
AFAIK there is not Objective-C library for that. I needed a digraph and I forked Aaron Qian's digraph. Maybe add Tarjan's algorithm and you are almost there, but jgrapht is miles away in features.

Documentation for Objective C and Cocoa APIs?

Super-newbie question!
I've been looking for a list of all the classes that come with Objective-C and Cocoa but can't seem to find one.
Hoping that it has matching methods and syntax(?) as well.
Be gentle with me!
I would start here:
The system is broken up into frameworks, so you will not find a single listing. It depends on which frameworks you include with your project. good luck.
If you're using XCode, there's a documentation browser (Help -> Documentation) that's searchable. If you want to browse by classes you can also do so here. You might need to subscribe or download the documentation first though.
I'm finding this very convenient for iPhone development at least, since I can just type in a class or method name and get its documentation very quickly. YMMV for Mac OS X documentation though since I haven't used that at all.