What is the least technical method to use D (dlang) with Qt5 - qt5

I am a beginner wanting to learn D. I would like to be able to create simple GUI applications with Qt5.
I have found tutorials for adapting Qt Designer .ui files to python scripts using PyQt5. Might there be a comparable method for using Qt5 with D?
Thank you.

I have never tried this myself, but you may start by having a look at the QtE5 project here.

Gtk+'s Glade says it supports dlang.
I am going to look into this further.
I added a tag for Gtk3.
(Sorry, I know the question was for Qt. It looks for now that I have converted to Gtk.)


Is there any Lucene wrapper in C / Objective-C?

I know there is the CLucene project, which is a port of Lucene from Java to C. But is there a Lucene wrapper in C/Objective-C similar to PyLucene that uses JNI and and embeds a JavaVM with Lucene in a separate process?
I explored this in some depth after asking this similar question a while back. The answer appears to be "no." I found CLucene as you did. It's got problems. I also found something called LuceneKit which was also mostly a mess. For my project I just mangled up the code from PyLucene just enough to get it working, and then moved on to another project. Unless something else has come along since then, I feel confident saying that No, there's not a pre-existing, serviceable Lucene wrapper out there. Sorry.
You can also look on Ferret - it is ruby wrapper and pure c library for full text searching. Ferret is similar to lucene but it uses own file format for indexing.
Since the answer seems to be 'No' I have been looking for different options.
There seems to be an alternative (free for non-commercial apps; $1000k per app for commercial projects).
I have not used it but I just run into it and saw some comments praising this solution.
You can take a look at Lucy, which seems to be exactly what you are looking for:

Is it possible to use Razor as a standalone library (without any asp.net business) on OSX (via Mono)

I would like to write a proof of concept MonoMac app which renders html "Views" using c# and Razor.
Is this possible?
If not, does anyone recommend any other Templating engines that compare to the simplicity of Razor. I don't mind writing it in Objective-C if I have to, but Mono would be simpler.
I think you may be interested in this project. You just have to download zip which consists of two DLLs, reference them in your project and examples like these just works. Have in mind that you have to make 4.0 project. I have been testing this on Mono 2.10.5, however OS was Linux, not OS X, because I don't have one. It shouldn't be a problem nevertheless.
Another approach is to do something like mentioned here. Post is quite old and libraries' names has changed but you should be able to use one which are downloadable here. The first approach is cleaner, however I am not sure if it is what you need.
You can also find this project interesting.

Node-based data visualization library in c or objective c

I'm looking for a library in c or objective c that does node-data visualizations similar to http://arborjs.org/
helpful answers include,
what are graphs like that called?
names of libraries that do something like that.
suggestions for implementation.
I'm targeting iOS and/or MacOS, hence c or objective-c/cocoa. On iOS the javascript version runs super slow.
Edit: GraphViz looks great. I'm a little concerned it may have dependencies that are GPL, and thus can't be used on iOS... looking into that now.
Actually there seems to be an Objective-C port of arborjs, see https://github.com/epreston/PSArborTouch.
This is called graph visualization and the best toolkit that I know for it is called GraphViz. It has C libraries.
That sort of graph doesn't have a particular name; not without knowing more context. So without more information, it's a "graph".
As for a library, there's an open source project called GraphViz. You'll have to dig a bit to find the drawing code, but it's in there somewhere. :)

Open source runtime form designer

I'm searching for an open source runtime form designer (for SCADA, not searching for html designer), which is somewhat similar to modern IDE WYSIWYG's. So far, my list is empty.
Requirements are crossplatform and C++.
Thanks in advance.
Currently I'm using wxWidgets as the GUI platform. So the possible solutions are either open-source wxWidgets based form designer, or the wxWidgets component/lib.
Found the wxShapeFramework component which is I was looking for. At the moment this is the only option.
Maybe Qt would satisfy your needs. It is possible to extend it's functionality with new components. It's not out-of-the-box solution, but may fulfill this role.
How about Glade and gtkmm?
Qt allows you to use UI files created with the designer on-the-fly, without compiling them into your applications. You want the QtUiTools module. See: http://www.forum.nokia.com/infocenter/topic/Qt_for_S60_Developers_Library/GUID-ECBE8350-9D54-48D1-B777-264B895B9063/designer-using-a-ui-file.html and http://www.forum.nokia.com/infocenter/topic/Qt_for_S60_Developers_Library/GUID-ECBE8350-9D54-48D1-B777-264B895B9063/qtuitools.html.
I'm going to use wxShapeFramework, which purpose is exactly as described in question (SCADA runtime form designer). Especially because the project is based on wxWidgets.

Lightweight, cross-platform input library

I'm trying to write a game with support for Joypads as well as mouse/keyboard. I've tried finding information about that, but it's either outdated or not portable enough.
Does anybody know of any good, lightweight libraries that can abstract Joypad reading? I want to use the 360 controller, but I would like support for more than that.
I'm primarily going to be writing on Windows, but I really don't want to use DirectInput/XInput, in case I ever wish to port my code.
Have you ever tryied OIS (Object Oriented Input System)? An efficient and light weight library.
I am very satisfied with it.
I have never tried with the 360 controller, but it should work fine.
This maybe an older question and is already answered but..
Someone on tigsource made a lightweight cross-platform gamepad library
that you might find useful.
You can view the post on it here.
What about SDL?
Maybe it's not what you mean by lightweight (it has the graphic and audio subsystems too), but it's very portable.
I know this thread is very old and by now you might have gotten what you need, but im answering this just in case someone stumbles on it and needs help as well.
I stumbled upon this library gainput and it seems like it makes alot of sense. You can try it out, if it helps.
Gainput is a lightweight c++ library, that enables you use the same interface for Joypads, macs, pc, linux as well as mobiles, and it is very easy to integrate to your project.
A link to gainput can be found here (http://gainput.johanneskuhlmann.de/)
Have you looked at XNA game framework?
There is also
Try that out