Command Pattern Undo/Redo: Any issues with my approach? - oop

I'm looking to implement a command pattern to support undo/redo in my application. The data is very closely tied together, so there are some downstream consequences of modifying some of my objects that I also want to be able to undo. My main concern is where I should put the code that executes the downstream commands. For example:
private hierarchicalObject:internalObject;
public MoveObjectCommand(hierarchicalObject:newObject)
internalObject = newObject;
public Execute()
internalObject.Location = someNewLocation;
foreach(hierarchicalObject:child in internalObject.Children)
if(someNewLocation = specialPlace)
var newCommand:MoveObjectCommand = new MoveObjectCommand(child)
public Undo()
internalObject.location = oldLocation;
As far as I can tell, something like this would work be fine, but I can't wrap my head around where the majority of the execution code should actually go. Should the hierarchicalObject have a .changeLocation() method that adds all the subsequent commands, or should they be in the command itself like it is above? The only difference I can think of is that in the example above, the MoveObjectCommand would have to be called for subsequent changes to process, whereas the other way it could be called without needing a command and still process the same way (could have negative consequences for tracking undo/redo steps). Am I overthinking this? Where would you put it and why (obviously this example doesn't hit all angles, but any general best practices with the command pattern?).

sounds like you should have the changeLocation() method in the model (hierarchicalObject i presume). just store the new location and the object in the command.
for undo/redo you will need a list or two for commands.
sound like your hierarchicalObject may be a, so have a take a look at the macro command in the gang-of-four book. also review:
Christopher Alexander says: "Each pattern describes a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then describes the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it the same way twice".


Is there any possibility that QAbstractItemModel::beginResetModel and endResetModel can create a performance issue?

My Dev setup:
Qt version : Qt 5.15.0
OS: Embedded Linux
I have a list of information.
Assume I have a structure called MyStruct
My model class is having a member variable of QList of above structure, to hold data for my view. Whenever I am opening the view, I am updating the QList (Note: There may or may not be a change). Updating here is something like assigning a new QList to existing one. before assignment, I am calling beginResetModel and after assignment I am calling endResetModel,
void MyModelClass::SomeInsertMethod(const QList<MyStruct>& aNewData)
m_lstData = aNewData;
One thing I believe can be improved, is putting a check, if the new data is different than the existing data and then doing the above. Something like this:
void MyModelClass::SomeInsertMethod(const QList<MyStruct>& aNewData)
if (m_lstData != aNewData)
m_lstData = aNewData;
Apart from that, is there any possibilities of getting a performance issue for calling beginResetModel/endResetModel? I m seeing a very small delay in the view coming up in my application.
I checked the documentation of QAbstractItemModel for above methods. Didn't get anything specific to the performance issue.
The other way, which this can be done, is by individually comparing the elements of the lists and triggering a dataChanged signal with appropriate model index and roles. But I feel, this will unnecessarily introduce some additional loops and comparisons, which again may cause some other performance issue. Correct me if I am wrong.
Is there any advantage of using dataChanged over beginResetModel/EndResetModel?
Please let me know your views on the above.

How to determine which class should have a specified method

This is a question regarding the concept of OOP.
Let's say I'm creating a game and I have a few objects:
Field - representig some field on the map.
User - representing a player.
Item - representing an item that user can have (for example shovel)
Now I know that player can dig a field using shovel. And this action will be a method of one of those classes. Is there some rule to determine which of those classes should have this method.
The most obvious performer of this action is the player (User), so User class could have method like digField(Field field). But actually the field itself is most affected by this action, so maybe it shold be the Field class method, like dig(User performer) or dig(Item toolUsed). Or maybe the Item itself should have a child class like Tool with a method like digField(Field field).
There are lots of ways to solve this problem and I was just wondering if there is some kind of simple best practice there.
Like said in other answers, it depends on what else is happening (or can happen in the future).
For example, for digging there can be some options:
user.digField(field, tool): this way can be helpful when your user also needs to spend time, or maybe he gets tired, i.e. use this way if you want to FOCUS on the user.
field.dig(user, tool): this way can be helpful when the field itself should be focussed on, like setting the status of the field.
tool.dig(user, field): this way can be used to change e.g. the status of the tool, or the maintenance needed.
However, in most cases there are a multiple of statuses/changes need to be set. So maybe it is best to create a separate class Action like:
public class Action
public void DigField(User user, Location location, Tool tool)
user.Status = Digging;
user.Energy -= 50;
location.Status = Digging;
tool.Status = Digging;
As you can see this function may grow as action might get more complex. So what is a good way to call separate functions in the appropriate classes, like a mix:
public class Action
public void DigField(User user, Location location, Tool tool)
public class User
public void DigField()
Status = Digging;
Energy -= 50;
public class Field
public void Dig()
Status = Digging;
public class Tool
public void Dig()
Status = Digging;
This has the advantage to keep the functionality where it belongs.
Nothing prevents you from passing parameters, like if the energy drain for auser depends on the type of field, use:
public class User
public void DigField(Field field)
Status = Digging;
Energy -= field.Type == Clay ? 30 : 20;
It depends on the rest of your game. You can't architect your classes without thinking about all of it. So questions such as:
Are there many tools, do they perform different actions on different objects?
Are there many types of land masses (field, stream, etc)
Does the user have any effect (such as with strength) on the action
These types of questions are useful to think about before laying out your classes. As an example, if you have many different tools, then you could tie the digging with the shovel, which will detail what it does to different types of land (and which ones it can work with). Then maybe there is a tractor, which does something different to the land.
One last thought, the closer your classes match the real world, the better the classes work as the code expands. In other words, if you were describing a shovel to someone who has never seen one, your class should model itself after that kind of description.
This not a case of overloading, I think you have recognise the complexity but you are trying to escape it. It's been you take time to model it now,it may be costly later.
Here is what I think:
User object performs the action so it must have the User.Dig() method. Maybe you can decide to pass in an Item object (eg Shovel).
Field object reacts to the action (Dig) of the User object. You now have to determine what this reaction is. Also you determine what the action is.
Like you said there are likely many approach and I think game engines have solved problems like this but I don't use them so I can't recommend. If I would have to model what explain I first try out Observable Pattern
Good luck

CQRS: Is it good to return result in ICommandExecutor.Execute() method?

I have some thoughts on the design of the commanding part in CQRS. I want to hear your opinions on my thoughts. Thanks in advance! :)
In CQRS, there're Commands and CommandExecutors. Sometimes we want command executors to return some result after execution complete. One possible solution is (C#):
public interface ICommandExecutor<TCommand>
void Execute(TCommand cmd);
public interface ICommandExecutor<TCommand, TResult>
TResult Execute(TCommand cmd);
Good so far. We use two command executor interfaces. Now let's see the client code:
var cmd = new MyCommand();
commandBus.Execute(cmd); // execute no result
commandBus.Execute<MyResult>(cmd); // execute result
Yes, we can let exeuctor returns result now. But the programmer might be confusing when writing the above code: Can this command be executed result or not?? To get the answer, the programmer need to look into the framework source code to see if there's a MyCommandExecutor or a MyCommandExecutor. This is bad! Very confusing!
So, in my opinion, we should DELETE ICommandExecutor<TCommand, TResult>.
That is, I think command executors should always return void. The design of ICommandExecutor<TCommand, TResult> is bad!
If we need to see what is changed after command execution. We should make a new query to the database after calling commandBus.Execute(cmd).
What do you think about that?
You should not add a second interface. I'm not sure if having return values is appropriate for commands in CQRS, but I sometimes do this with my commands (but I'm not following CQRS). But rather than having a second interface, add an output property to the command.
public class CreateCustomerCommand
// customer properties here
// output property
public Guid CustomerId { get; internal set; }
But keep in mind that commands with output properties will never be able to run asynchronously.
If you really want to have a executor interface with a return value (which is something I won't advice), look at this article. The article is about implementing queries in a SOLID way, but it deals with the problem of defining an type-safe interface which allows you to return data.
BTW, with the previous example, the command can be easily made asynchronous by making the CustomerId property an input property. You let the client supply a new random Guid. This way the client already has the ID available and doesn't have to wait for the results to become available.
In CQRS the command side should not return anything since it breaks the anatomy of the pattern. Your own thoughts about this are correct.
However, Greg Young often mention an Ack/Nack result of a command operation (or used to anyway). Most messaging frameworks support such responses. The drawback of expecting a result is that you cannot be fully asynchronous. I have never felt a need for Ack/Nack since one of the fundamentals of CQRS is that the command should always succeed so there's no point returning Ack/Nack.
Ask yourself what you need to return. What operation need to return information that you don't already have on the sending/commanding side? Take the time to figure that out before letting your commands become queries.
Strictly speaking if you are using command patter it should not return anything but it should be always void. You should use another command (query) to get any data

Is this a valid use of the lock keyword in C#?

I have a singleton class AppSetting in an ASP.NET app where I need to check a value and optionally update it. I know I need to use a locking mechanism to prevent multi-threading issues, but can someone verify that the following is a valid approach?
private static void ValidateEncryptionKey()
if (AppSetting.Instance.EncryptionKey.Equals(Constants.ENCRYPTION_KEY, StringComparison.Ordinal))
lock (AppSetting.Instance)
if (AppSetting.Instance.EncryptionKey.Equals(Constants.ENCRYPTION_KEY, StringComparison.Ordinal))
AppSetting.Instance.EncryptionKey = GenerateNewEncryptionKey();
I have also seen examples where you lock on a private field in the current class, but I think the above approach is more intuitive.
Intuitive, maybe, but the reason those examples lock on a private field is to ensure that no other piece of code in the application can take the same lock in such a way as to deadlock the application, which is always good defensive practice.
If it's a small application and you're the only programmer working on it, you can probably get away with locking on a public field/property (which I presume AppSetting.Instance is?), but in any other circumstances, I'd strongly recommend that you go the private field route. It will save you a whole lot of debugging time in the future when someone else, or you in the future having forgotten the implementation details of this bit, take a lock on AppSetting.Instance somewhere distant in the code and everything starts crashing.
I'd also suggest you lose the outermost if. Taking a lock isn't free, sure, but it's a lot faster than doing a string comparison, especially since you need to do it a second time inside the lock anyway.
So, something like:
private object _instanceLock = new object () ;
private static void ValidateEncryptionKey()
lock (AppSetting.Instance._instanceLock)
if (AppSetting.Instance.EncryptionKey.Equals(Constants.ENCRYPTION_KEY, StringComparison.Ordinal))
AppSetting.Instance.EncryptionKey = GenerateNewEncryptionKey();
An additional refinement, depending on what your requirements are to keep the EncryptionKey consistent with the rest of the state in AppSetting.Instance, would be to use a separate private lock object for the EncryptionKey and any related fields, rather than locking the entire instance every time.

avoiding if statements

I was thinking about object oriented design today, and I was wondering if you should avoid if statements. My thought is that in any case where you require an if statement you can simply create two objects that implement the same method. The two method implementations would simply be the two possible branches of the original if statement.
I realize that this seems extreme, but it seems as though you could try and argue it to some extent. Any thoughts on this?
Wow that didn't take long. I suppose this is way too extreme. Is it possible to say though, that under OOP you should expect way less if statements?
What about this: An object that determines its method implementation based on its attributes. That is to say you can implement someMethod() in two ways and specify some restrictions. At any point an object will route to the correct method implementation based on its properties. So in the case of if(x > 5) just have two methods that rely on the x attribute
I can tell you one thing. No matter what people say, thinking about simplifying and eliminating unnecessary branching is a sign of you maturing as a software developer. There are many reasons why branching is bad, testing, maintenance, higher rate of bugs and so on. This is one of the things I look for when interviewing people and is an excellent indicator how mature they are as a developer. I would encourage you to keep experimenting, simplifying your code and design by using less conditions. When I did this switch I found much less time debugging my code, it simply worked, then when I had to change something, changes were super easy to make since most of the code was sequential. Again I would encourage you 100% to keep doing what you are doing no matter what other people say. Keep in mind most developers are working and thinking at much lower level and just follow the rules. So good job bringing this up.
Explain how to implement the following without an if statement or ternary logic:
if ( x < 5 ) {
x = 0
} else {
print x;
Yes its true that often complex conditionals can be simplified with polymorphishm. But its not useful all the time. Go read Fowler's Refactoring book to get an idea of when.
Completely eliminating if statements is not realistic and I don't think that is what Ori is suggesting. But they can often be replaced using polymorphism. (And so can many switch statements).
Francesco Cirillo started the Anti-If Campaign to raise awareness of this issue. He says:
Knowing how to use objects lets developers eliminate IFs based on type, those that most often compromise software's flexibility and ability to evolve.
You or your team can also join the campaign.
One of my teacher used to say that. I tend to think that people being so dogmatic about that kind of thing usually don't program for a living.
Avoiding If Statement: There are many ways to do, one of them is below:
int i=0;
Using Dictionary and delegate:
delegate void GetStatement ();
Dictionary<int,GetStatement > valuesDic=new Dictionary<int,GetStatement >();
void GetStatement1()
void GetStatement2()
void GetStatement3()
void GetStatement4()
void LoadValues()
Replacing If Statement:
int i=0;
Have a look at the Anti-If Campaign The idea is not to replace every single if in your application with the Strategy or State Pattern. The idea is that when you have complex branching logic especially based on something like an enumeration, you should look to refactoring to the Strategy Pattern.
And that case you can remove the if all together by using a Factory. Here is a relatively straightforward example. Of course as I said in a real case, the logic in your strategies would be a bit more complex than just printing out "I'm Active".
public enum WorkflowState
public interface IWorkflowStrategy
void Execute();
public class ActiveWorkflowStrategy:IWorkflowStrategy
public void Execute()
Console.WriteLine("The Workflow is Active");
public class ReadyWorkflowStrategy:IWorkflowStrategy
public void Execute()
Console.WriteLine("The Workflow is Ready");
public class CompleteWorkflowStrategy:IWorkflowStrategy
public void Execute()
Console.WriteLine("The Workflow is Complete");
public class WorkflowStrategyFactory
private static Dictionary<WorkflowState, IWorkflowStrategy> _Strategies=
new Dictionary<WorkflowState, IWorkflowStrategy>();
public WorkflowStrategyFactory()
_Strategies[WorkflowState.Ready]=new ReadyWorkflowStrategy();
_Strategies[WorkflowState.Active]= new ActiveWorkflowStrategy();
_Strategies[WorkflowState.Complete] = new CompleteWorkflowStrategy();
public IWorkflowStrategy GetStrategy(WorkflowState state)
return _Strategies[state];
public class Workflow
public Workflow(WorkflowState state)
CurrentState = state;
public WorkflowState CurrentState { get; set; }
public class WorkflowEngine
static void Main(string[] args)
var factory = new WorkflowStrategyFactory();
var workflows =
new List<Workflow>
new Workflow(WorkflowState.Active),
new Workflow(WorkflowState.Complete),
new Workflow(WorkflowState.Ready)
foreach (var workflow in workflows)
In some ways this can be a good idea. Swiching on a type field inside an object is usually a bad idea when you can use virtual functtions instead. But the virtual function mechanism is in no way intended to replace the if() test in general.
How do you decide which object's method to use without an if statement?
It depends on what the original statement is comparing. My rule of thumb is that if it's a switch or if testing equality against an enumeration, then that's a good candidate for a separate method. However, switch and if statements are used for many, many other kinds of tests -- there's no good way to replace the relational operators (<, >, <=, >=) with specialized methods, and some kinds of enumerated tests work much better with standard statements.
So you should only replace ifs if they look like this:
if (obj.Name == "foo" || obj.Name == "bar") { obj.DoSomething(); }
else if (obj.Name == "baz") { obj.DoSomethingElse(); }
else { obj.DoDefault(); }
In answer to ifTrue's question:
Well, if you have open classes and a sufficiently strong dependent type system, it's easy, if a bit silly. Informally and in no particular language:
class Nat {
def cond = {
print this;
return this;
class NatLessThan<5:Nat> { // subclass of Nat
override cond = {
return 0;
x = x.cond();
Or, with no open classes but assuming multiple dispatch and anonymous classes:
class MyCondFunctor {
function branch(Nat n) {
print n;
return n;
function branch(n:NatLessThan<5:Nat>) {
return 0;
x = new MyCondFunctor.branch(x);
Or, as before but with anonymous classes:
x = new {
function branch(Nat n) {
print n;
return n;
function branch(n:NatLessThan<5:Nat>) {
return 0;
You'd have a much easier time if you refactored that logic, of course. Remember that there exist fully Turing-complete type systems.
Assume we have conditional values.
public void testMe(int i){
//**$$$$$you can replace the boring IF blocks with Map.$$$$$**
// ============================================================
Same method would look like this:
public void testMe(int i){
Map<Integer,String> map = new HashMap<Integer,String>();
This will avoid the complicated if conditions.
You can use simliar solution when using factory patterns for loading classes.
public void loadAnimalsKingdom(String animalKingdomType)
Bird b = new Bird();
Animal a= new Animal();
Reptile r= new Reptile();
Now using map :
public void loadAnimalsKingdom(String animalKingdomType)
Map <String,String> map = new HashMap<String,String>();
***Use class loader to load the classes on demand once you extract the required class from the map.***
Like the solution? Give thumbs-up. - Vv
Creating a whole new class for an else, while technically doable, would likely result in code that is hard to read, maintain, or even prove correct.
That's an interesting idea. I think that you could theoretically do this, but it would be an enormous pain in a language not specifically designed to support it. I certainly don't see any reason to.
I think what he is saying or what he means to say is that he thinks it is best to avoid over-abuse of "tagging" and adding custom functionality to a class by several if statements when it better makes sense to subclass or rethink the object hierarchy.
It is quite extreme. Doing what you are suggesting would cause a lot of needless code duplication, unless the entire function was completely different, based on a single surrounding if; and if so, that if should probably have been on the other side of the method invocation.
If-statements certainly have their place in object-orient design.
Surely some form of comparison needs to be made regardless of what you do? In the end ... sure you can avoid if statements but you'd be producing code that is IDENTICAL to the code using an if statement.
Someone correct me if im wrong but I can't think of a time where you could get any win form doing this.
I think applying that argument to the idea of every if statement is pretty extreme, but some languages give you the ability to apply that idea in certain scenarios.
Here's a sample Python implementation I wrote in the past for a fixed-sized deque (double-ended queue). Instead of creating a "remove" method and having if statements inside it to see if the list is full or not, you just create two methods and reassign them to the "remove" function as needed.
The following example only lists the "remove" method, but obviously there are "append" methods and the like also.
class StaticDeque(collections.deque):
def __init__(self, maxSize):
self._maxSize = int(maxSize)
def _setFull(self):
self._full = True
self.remove = self._full_remove
def _setNotFull(self):
self._full = False
self.remove = self._not_full_remove
def _not_full_remove(self,value):
def _full_remove(self,value):
if len(self) != self._maxSize and self._full:
In most cases it's not that useful of an idea, but sometimes it can be helpful.
I will say the answer is vaguely yes-ish. Especially when the language allows some heavy duty functional programming (ie C#, F#, OCaml).
A component that contains 2 if statements strongly couples two business rules so break it up.
Take that as a very general rule of thumb but I would agree. If you have a bunch of if statements, maybe you should think about another approach.
If-statements are pretty core to programming so, in short, you cannot sensibly avoid them.
However, a key goal in OOP--in fact, one of the "pillars"--is encapsulation. The old "encapsulate what varies" rule helps you remove those troublesome if and case statements where you are trying to account for every option in your object. A better solution to dealing with branches, special cases, etc. is to use something like the "Factory" design pattern (Abstract Factory or Factory Method--depending on needs, of course).
For example, rather than having your main code loop check which OS your using with if statements then branch to create GUI windows with different options for each OS, your main code would create an object from the factory, which use the OS to determine which OS-specific concrete object to make. In doing this you are taking the variations (and the long if-then-else clauses) out of your main code loop and letting the child objects handle it--so the next time you need to make a change such as supporting a new OS, you merely add a new class from the factory interface.
I've been following the anti-if talk lately and it does sound like extreme / hyperbolic rhetoric to me. However I think there is truth in this statement: often the logic of an if statement can be more appropriately implemented via polymorphism. I think it is good to keep that in mind every time you right an if statement. That being said, I think the if statement is still a core logic structure, and it should not be feared or avoided as a tenet.
My two bits here of what I understand of the Object Oriented approach -
First, what objects in a program should be intuitive. That is, I should not try to create a 'Arithmatic' class to provide mathematical functions. This is an abuse of OOD.
Second and this is a very strong opinion of mine. It should not be called Object Oriented design but Object and Method Oriented design! If the method names of the objects are themselves not intuitive then inherited objects might end up reimplementing the methods already available.
Object Oriented approach, according to me, is not a replacement for the Procedural approach. Rather it is mainly for two main reasons for the creators of the language -
Better capability of scoping of variables.
Better capability of garbage collection rather than having too many global variables.
I agree with Vance that the IF is not good, because it increases the conditional complexity and should be avoided as possible.
Polymorphism is a totally viable solution at condition it's used to make sense and not to "Avoid If".
A side note that does not fit to your OOP requirements but the Data Oriented approach also tends to avoid the branching.
You must understand what (x > 5) really mean. Assuming that x represents a number, then it basically "classifies" all numbers greater than five. So the code would look like this in a language with python syntax:
class Number(Object):
# ... Number implementation code ... #
def doSomething():
self = 0
return self
def doSomethingElse():
class GreaterThan5(Number):
def doSomething():
print "I am " + self
def doSomethingElse():
print "I like turtles!"
Then we could run code like the following:
>>> type(3)
<class Number>
>>> type(3+3)
<class GreaterThan5>
>>> 3.doSomething()
>>> (3 + 3).doSomething()
I am 6
>>> (7 - 3).doSomethingElse()
The automatic type conversion here is important. As far as I am aware, none of the languages today allow you to mess with integers this much.
In the end, you can do in your code whatever. As long as the people reading it can understand immediately. So the polymorphic dispatch on integers or anything unordinary must have really good reasoning behind it.