Is there any possibility that QAbstractItemModel::beginResetModel and endResetModel can create a performance issue? - qml

My Dev setup:
Qt version : Qt 5.15.0
OS: Embedded Linux
I have a list of information.
Assume I have a structure called MyStruct
My model class is having a member variable of QList of above structure, to hold data for my view. Whenever I am opening the view, I am updating the QList (Note: There may or may not be a change). Updating here is something like assigning a new QList to existing one. before assignment, I am calling beginResetModel and after assignment I am calling endResetModel,
void MyModelClass::SomeInsertMethod(const QList<MyStruct>& aNewData)
m_lstData = aNewData;
One thing I believe can be improved, is putting a check, if the new data is different than the existing data and then doing the above. Something like this:
void MyModelClass::SomeInsertMethod(const QList<MyStruct>& aNewData)
if (m_lstData != aNewData)
m_lstData = aNewData;
Apart from that, is there any possibilities of getting a performance issue for calling beginResetModel/endResetModel? I m seeing a very small delay in the view coming up in my application.
I checked the documentation of QAbstractItemModel for above methods. Didn't get anything specific to the performance issue.
The other way, which this can be done, is by individually comparing the elements of the lists and triggering a dataChanged signal with appropriate model index and roles. But I feel, this will unnecessarily introduce some additional loops and comparisons, which again may cause some other performance issue. Correct me if I am wrong.
Is there any advantage of using dataChanged over beginResetModel/EndResetModel?
Please let me know your views on the above.


Possible race condition when enabling multithreading

Suppose I have a slight variant of the cloud balancing problem, in which the Process has not just one weight, but a map of (positive) weights, such as
Map<Long, Long> groupMap = new HashMap<>();
where the the key is specific to my domain and the value is the weight.
On the class Computer (still referring to the cloud balancing example) I have a shadow variable hist which is also a (Hash)Map<Long, Long>, and a custom listener updating hist:
public class HistListener implements VariableListener {
public void beforeVariableChanged(ScoreDirector scoreDirector, Object o) {
Process p = (Process) o;
if (p.getComputer() != null) {
Computer kc = p.getComputer();
//update hist Map
scoreDirector.beforeVariableChanged(kc, "hist");
for (Map.Entry<Long, Long> entrySet:k.getGroupMap().entrySet()){
kc.getHist().put(entrySet.getKey(), kc.getHist().get(entrySet.getKey()) - k.getGroupMap().get(entrySet.getKey()));
scoreDirector.afterVariableChanged(kc, "hist");
and pretty much the same for afterVariableChanged just with reversed sign.
I annotate both Process and Computer as #PlanningEntity and register them in the solverConfig.
There are no constraints, so the solver should be able to assign the computers to the processes arbitrarily. As a result, I expect hist only to have natural numbers (incl. 0) as values.
When running it with <moveThreadCount>NONE</moveThreadCount>, this is indeed the case:
<"Computer" hist>
Computer0: {0=0, 1=0, 2=20, 3=0, 4=10, 5=20, 6=0, 7=10, 8=10, 9=20}
Computer1: {0=0, 1=10, 2=0, 3=0, 4=10, 5=0, 6=10, 7=0, 8=0, 9=0}
Computer2: {0=0, 1=0, 2=0, 3=0, 4=0, 5=0, 6=0, 7=0, 8=0, 9=0}
When running exactly the same code with <moveThreadCount>AUTO</moveThreadCount>, I partially get negative values in hist:
Computer0: {0=0, 1=-20, 2=30, 3=0, 4=-40, 5=50, 6=-10, 7=30, 8=40, 9=150}
Computer1: {0=0, 1=-40, 2=-20, 3=0, 4=-90, 5=-50, 6=-40, 7=-20, 8=-20, 9=-30}
Computer2: {0=0, 1=80, 2=-20, 3=0, 4=30, 5=-30, 6=50, 7=0, 8=-20, 9=-50}
This discrepancy disappears when I refactor the keys of groupMap on process and those of hist on computer as individual shadow variables.
The trace logs suggest a race condition, where several threads access hist simultaneously. (According the Oracle docs, I only need a synchronizedMap implementation if the map is structurally changed, i.e., if keys are added or removed - I'm not doing that.)
The use of a Map as a shadow variable greatly enhances the flexibility of my solution, it would be great if this were supported with multithreading. I know I could probably fix this very simply example with an appropriate ConstraintProvider. My actual problem is much more complex than this and is not amenable to be treated with ConstraintProviders.
Question: Is it possible to have a Map based structure as a shadow variable in a multithreading context?
If it is not possible , I recommend adding a short note in the docs of optaplanner 8.29.0.Final (the version I'm using).
I had a look at questions regarding Lists as PlanningVariables in optaplanner, but I don't see how these questions relate to mine.
Is it possible to have a Map based structure as a shadow variable in a multithreading context?
Yes, because each move thread in a multithreading context has it's own ScoreDirector and own workingSolution internally. From a shadow variable's point of view and that map, it's single threaded.
What can mess this up?
Bad #PlanningId's in your dataset so the Move.rebase() operations go wrong. Duplicate IDs or lack of IDs. OptaPlanner detects most of these. Unlikely that this is your problem.
Incomplete planning cloning in your model. That's probably it. This will also cause issues you haven't seen yet in a single threaded context, especially when the last working solution greatly differs from the last best found solution when the termination runs out. FULL_ASSERT should detect those, but they might not occur on every run...
Each move thread has their own workingSolution internally. That's not entirely true. They all have a planning clone from the original. But if the planning clone doesn't clone all of the shadow variable affected data, it's corrupted. In a multithreaded solving context this will cause issues much faster.
Ok, this is getting complex. How do I solve this?
Experiment with adding a #DeepPlanningClone annotation on your Map field. But making a shadow variable already implies deep planning cloning it automatically IIRC. My guess it's keys or values in that map that need to get planning cloned too. Read the planning clone section in the docs.

Preventing breeze.js from creating observables properties on array objects

I must be missing something simple, but can't figure it out. I'm retrieving a bunch of lookup tables in 1 Web API call.
return EntityQuery.from('Lookups')
In processLookups I'm calling getLocal for each array that was returned. Example: State table
datacontext.lookups = {
state: getLocal('States', orderBy.state, true),
function getLocal(resource, ordering, includeNullos) {
var query = EntityQuery.from(resource)
if (!includeNullos) {
query = query.where('id', '!=', 0);
return manager.executeQueryLocally(query);
The arrays are not observable, but each property in the array objects are observable functions. This is just overhead I don't need since these will not be changing.
How can I prevent the object properties from being observable?
The raw lookups are available to you right there in the success callback from the query. No reason to look at cache ... even if they were there (which they are not as Jay makes clear).
But what would you DO with these lookups? Presumably you want them to be related (by Breeze navigation paths) to real entities. For example, you'd like to return the related room object. But if the room is one of your lookups and is NOT an entity, then the navigation property won't return it; nav properties always return entities.
I can think of ways around this. But it's just more work and more trickery.
Let's stop for a moment and ask the most important question: Why?
Why do you care if the lookups are entities with observable properties? It may be "overhead you don't need". But is it overhead that hurts you? Hurts you how? Have you measured it?
Forgive me but I sense premature optimizations that could be distracting you from more worthy pursuits. Happy to be proven wrong.
I'm not sure I completely understand the situation but the 'noTracking' option is really only relevant with 'remote' queries. i.e. not local ones. Basically, 'noTracking' tells breeze not process the results of the query into breeze entities AND ALSO not to cache these results.
When you are querying the cache, which is what 'executeQueryLocally' is doing, both of these steps have already occurred, so 'noTracking' is ignored.

Minecraft bukkit scheduler and procedural instance naming

This question is probably pretty obvious to any person who knows how to use Bukkit properly, and I'm sorry if I missed a solution in the others, but this is really kicking my ass and I don't know what else to do, the tutorials have been utterly useless. There are really 2 things that I need help doing:
I need to learn how to create an indefinite number of instances of an object. I figure it'd be like this:
int num = 0;
public void create(){
String name = chocolate + num;
Thingy name = new Thingy();
So you see what I'm saying? I need to basically change the name that is given to each new instance so that it doesn't overwrite the last one when created. I swear I've looked everywhere, I've asked my Java professor and I can't get any answers.
2: I need to learn how to use the stupid scheduler, and I can't understand anything so far. Basically, when an event is detected, 2 things are called: one method which activates instantly, and one which needs to be given a 5 second delay, then called. The code is like this:
public onEvent(event e){
Thingy thing = new Thingy();
thing.doOnDelay(method2(), 100 ticks);
Once again, I apologize if I am not giving too many specifics, but I cannot FOR THE LIFE OF ME find anything about the Bukkit event scheduler that I can understand.
DO NOT leave me links to the Bukkit official tutorials, I cannot understand them at all and it'll be a waste of an answer. I need somebody who can help me, I am a starting plugin writer.
I've had Programming I and II with focus in Java, so many basic things I know, I just need Bukkit-specific help for the second one.
The first one has had me confused since I started programming.
Ok, so for the first question I think you want to use a data structure. Depending on what you're doing, there are different data structures to use. A data structure is simply a container that you can use to store many instances of a type of object. The data structures that are available to you are:
There are more, but these are the big ones. HashMap, HashSet, and TreeMap are all part of the Map class, which is notable for it's speedy operations. To use the hashmap, you instantiate it with HashMap<KeyThing, ValueThingy> thing = new HashMap<KeyThing, ValueThing>(); then you add elements to it with thing.put(key, value). Thn when you want to get a value out of it, you just use thing.get(key) HashMaps use an algorithm that's super fast to get the values, but a consequence of this is that the HashMap doesn't store it's entries in any particular order. Therefore when you want to loop though it with a for loop, it randomly returns it's entries (Not truly random because memory and stuff). Also, it's important to note that you can only have one of each individual key. If you try to put in a key that already exists in the map, it will over-right the value for that key.
The HashSet is like a HashMap but without storing values to go with it. It's a pretty good container if all you need to use it for is to determine if an object is inside it.
The TreeMap is one of the only maps that store it's values in a particular order. You have to provide a Comparator (something that tells if an object is less than another object) so that it knows the order to put the values if it wants them to be in ascending order.
List and ArrayList are not maps. Their elements are put in with a index address. With the List, you have to specify the number of elements you're going to be putting into it. Lists do not change size. ArrayLists are like lists in that each element can be retrieved with arrayListThing.get(index) but the ArrayList can change size. You add elements to an ArrayList by arrayListThing.add(Thing).
The Vector is a lot like an ArrayList. It actually functions about the same and I'm not quite sure what the difference between them is.
At any rate, you can use these data structures to store a lot of objects by making a loop. Here's an example with a Vector.
Vector<Thing> thing = new Vector<Thing>();
int numberofthings = 100;
for(int i = 0; i < numberofthings; i++) {
thing.add(new Thing());
That will give you a vector full of things which you can then iterate through with
for(Thing elem:thing) {
Ok, now for the second problem. You are correct that you need to use the Bukkit Scheduler. Here is how:
Make a class that extends BukkitRunnable
public class RunnableThing extends BukkitRunnable {
public void run() {
//what you want to do. You have to make this method.
Then what you want to do when you want to execute that thing is you make a new BukkitTask object using your RunnableThing
BukkitTask example = new RunnableThing().runTaskLater(plugin, ticks)
You have to do some math to figure out how many ticks you want. 20 ticks = 1 second. Other than that I think that covers all your questions.

Command Pattern Undo/Redo: Any issues with my approach?

I'm looking to implement a command pattern to support undo/redo in my application. The data is very closely tied together, so there are some downstream consequences of modifying some of my objects that I also want to be able to undo. My main concern is where I should put the code that executes the downstream commands. For example:
private hierarchicalObject:internalObject;
public MoveObjectCommand(hierarchicalObject:newObject)
internalObject = newObject;
public Execute()
internalObject.Location = someNewLocation;
foreach(hierarchicalObject:child in internalObject.Children)
if(someNewLocation = specialPlace)
var newCommand:MoveObjectCommand = new MoveObjectCommand(child)
public Undo()
internalObject.location = oldLocation;
As far as I can tell, something like this would work be fine, but I can't wrap my head around where the majority of the execution code should actually go. Should the hierarchicalObject have a .changeLocation() method that adds all the subsequent commands, or should they be in the command itself like it is above? The only difference I can think of is that in the example above, the MoveObjectCommand would have to be called for subsequent changes to process, whereas the other way it could be called without needing a command and still process the same way (could have negative consequences for tracking undo/redo steps). Am I overthinking this? Where would you put it and why (obviously this example doesn't hit all angles, but any general best practices with the command pattern?).
sounds like you should have the changeLocation() method in the model (hierarchicalObject i presume). just store the new location and the object in the command.
for undo/redo you will need a list or two for commands.
sound like your hierarchicalObject may be a, so have a take a look at the macro command in the gang-of-four book. also review:
Christopher Alexander says: "Each pattern describes a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then describes the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it the same way twice".

Another ConcurrentModificationException question

I've searched StackOverflow and there are many ConcurrentModificationException questions. After reading them, I'm still confused. I'm getting a lot of these exceptions. I'm using a "Registry" setup to keep track of Objects:
public class Registry {
public static ArrayList<Messages> messages = new ArrayList<Messages>();
public static ArrayList<Effect> effects = new ArrayList<Effect>();
public static ArrayList<Projectile> proj = new ArrayList<Projectile>();
/** Clears all arrays */
public static void recycle(){
I'm adding and removing objects to these lists by accessing the ArrayLists like this: Registry.effects.add(obj) and Registry.effects.remove(obj)
I managed to get around some errors by using a retry loop:
//somewhere in my game..
boolean retry = true;
while (retry){
try {
retry = false;
catch (ConcurrentModificationException c){}
private void removeEffectsWithSource(String src) throws ConcurrentModificationException {
ListIterator<Effect> it = Registry.effects.listIterator();
while ( it.hasNext() ){
Effect f =;
if ( f.Source.equals(src) ) {
But in other cases this is not practical. I keep getting ConcurrentModificationExceptions in my drawProjectiles() method, even though it doesn't modify anything. I suppose the culprit is if I touched the screen, which creates a new Projectile object and adds it to Registry.proj while the draw method is still iterating.
I can't very well do a retry loop with the draw method, or it will re-draw some of the objects. So now I'm forced to find a new solution.. Is there a more stable way of accomplishing what I'm doing?
Oh and part 2 of my question: Many people suggest using ListIterators (as I have been using), but I don't understand.. if I call ListIterator.remove() does it remove that object from the ArrayList it's iterating through, or just remove it from the Iterator itself?
Top line, three recommendations:
Don't do the "wrap an exception in a loop" thing. Exceptions are for exceptional conditions, not control flow. (Effective Java #57 or Exceptions and Control Flow or Example of "using exceptions for control flow")
If you're going to use a Registry object, expose thread-safe behavioral, not accessor methods on that object and contain the concurrency reasoning within that single class. Your life will get better. No exposing collections in public fields. (ew, and why are those fields static?)
To solve the actual concurrency issues, do one of the following:
Use synchronized collections (potential performance hit)
Use concurrent collections (sometimes complicated logic, but probably efficient)
Use snapshots (probably with synchronized or a ReadWriteLock under the covers)
Part 1 of your question
You should use a concurrent data structure for the multi-threaded scenario, or use a synchronizer and make a defensive copy. Probably directly exposing the collections as public fields is wrong: your registry should expose thread-safe behavioral accessors to those collections. For instance, maybe you want a Registry.safeRemoveEffectBySource(String src) method. Keep the threading specifics internal to the registry, which seems to be the "owner" of this aggregate information in your design.
Since you probably don't really need List semantics, I suggest replacing these with ConcurrentHashMaps wrapped into Set using Collections.newSetFromMap().
Your draw() method could either a) use a Registry.getEffectsSnapshot() method that returns a snapshot of the set; or b) use an Iterable<Effect> Registry.getEffects() method that returns a safe iterable version (maybe just backed by the ConcurrentHashMap, which won't throw CME under any circumstances). I think (b) is preferable here, as long as the draw loop doesn't need to modify the collection. This provides a very weak synchronization guarantee between the mutator thread(s) and the draw() thread, but assuming the draw() thread runs often enough, missing an update or something probably isn't a big deal.
Part 2 of your question
As another answer notes, in the single-thread case, you should just make sure you use the Iterator.remove() to remove the item, but again, you should wrap this logic inside the Registry class if at all possible. In some cases, you'll need to lock a collection, iterate over it collecting some aggregate information, and make structural modifications after the iteration completes. You ask if the remove() method just removes it from the Iterator or from the backing collection... see the API contract for Iterator.remove() which tells you it removes the object from the underlying collection. Also see this SO question.
You cannot directly remove an item from a collection while you are still iterating over it, otherwise you will get a ConcurrentModificationException.
The solution is, as you hint, to call the remove method on the Iterator instead. This will remove it from the underlying collection as well, but it will do it in such a way that the Iterator knows what's going on and so doesn't throw an exception when it finds the collection has been modified.