Function running confuse on VxWorks - vxworks

We're trying to use VxWorks' UDP multicast.
Using the command line (->), we call the initialization function with some parameters and the multicast runs successfully.
When I try to run this method from code, the initialization function returns OK (no errors), but does not initialize the multicast UDP port.
Is there a catch ?

One thing to be aware of is that the TCP/IP stack gets initialized after the rootTask completes.
The usrAppInit function runs in the context of the root task. If you are invoking network stack elements in usrAppInit, things might not work.
Make sure you invoke your networking code from a task that has been spawned with a lower priority than the network stack (which runs at priority 50).


Boost ASIO and file descriptor reuse

I have multi-threaded (linux) server that registers async_writes and async_reads on the same native file descriptor through a socket object. I noticed under very heavy load when the server was dropping connections, on a very rare occasion a client would receive a garbled first message.
Tracking it down, the async_read detects an error on the socket and closes the socket. This closes the native file descriptor. If that file descriptor is reused before the original async_write has a chance to fire, it will find its native file descriptor valid and proceed to send its message (which is really a message from a previous session).
The only way I could see to fix this was to make the the async_read and async_write callbacks know if there were other callbacks registered and only close the socket if it were the last one.
Has anyone seen this issue?
Haven't seen it but it sounds plausible. Although I am surprised to see a new native file descriptor getting the exact same number than a recently closed descriptor.
You might want to put the socket in a shared_ptr and query shared_ptr::is_unique in both async_read and async_write. That'd be the easiest way to let the other callback know if both callbacks are registered. If is_unique is true you can be sure that no one else is still using this socket and can close it.
So if the connection gets dropped, async_read can check is_unique. If it is true, close the socket. And let go of the shared_ptr in either case.
Then, when async_write also fires it will find is_unique true and can close the socket, unless async_read has already closed it.
The only drawback is of course: async_write has to fire also (perhaps with an error code) in order to close the socket.
Oh I've seen exactly this in production code. (Much fun: we would be talking a proprietary protocol on a TCP socket to mysql server). The problem is when some thread "handles" (mis-handles) errors by closing sockets using the native handle (fd). Don't. Use shutdown (perhaps with cancel) instead and let the destructor take care of close. Of course, the real problem is the non-owning copies of the handle (fd) that are the cause of the resource race.
Critical Note:
Tracking it down, the async_read detects an error on the socket and closes the socket. This closes the native file descriptor
That's patently UNTRUE for Asio itself. Perhaps you have (third-party) code in the completion handlers doing that, but as I mention above, you cannot afford to do that.

OpenThread otJoinerStart Never Times Out

I am trying to integrate OpenThread child with an existing application on the TI CC2652R1 and am having issues trying to join/create a Thread network. Currently I have an external event that calls a function to join and start OpenThread. Below is a snip of this function relating to the join:
bool is_commissioned = otDatasetIsCommissioned(OtStack_instance);
otJoinerState joiner_state = otJoinerGetState(OtStack_instance);
if(!is_commissioned && (OT_JOINER_STATE_IDLE == joiner_state)){
otError error = otIp6SetEnabled(OtStack_instance, true);
error = otThreadSetEnabled(OtStack_instance, true);
error = otJoinerStart(OtStack_instance, "PSK", NULL, "Company", "Device", "0.0.0", NULL, joiner_callback, NULL);
otJoinerStart never seems to resolve because joiner callback never is called and additional calls to my joining function show that the joiner state is OT_JOINER_STATE_DISCOVER and the OpenThread instance says that it is initialized. Is there a way to set the joiner callback timeout? I have looked through the documentation and could not find out how the join timeout is set.
Joining a Thread device to a Thread network assumes that you have a Thread network running and there is an active commissioner with the joiner's EUI64 and PSK. Make sure that these are setup before you try and call this function to join. It is also helpful to have a sniffer running on the Thread network's channel to ensure the commissioner or joiner router is responding properly.
Joining in Thread is done with an active scan on all the available channels in the IEEE 802.15.4 page 0. The time to send a Joiner request and the time the joiner waits on each channel is not immediately configurable. However these active scans usually complete within a few seconds. Your joiner callback should be getting called with a join failed condition if there are no available joiner routers in about 5 seconds.
The examples in the OpenThread github repository are written in a nortos fashion. Any application code is run in a tasklet and the main loop only calls two functions; process tasklets and process drivers. In the TI SDK we use TI-RTOS and you seem to have based your code on these examples. In general the OtStack_Task will handle processing of OpenThread and the platform driver interface; but deadlocks in a multi-threaded system can occur.
You can use ROV in CCS or IAR to check the state of the kernel and RTOS objects. In CCS with an active debug session, select; Tools >> Runtime Object View. Then check if the stack task is blocking on the API semaphore. Or if the application task is hogging up the processor. This can be due to an unpaired lock/unlock on the API semaphore, or the application task may be in a busy wait.
Immediately I don't see anything wrong with the code snippet posted.

Suspend operation of lwIP Raw API

I am working on a project using a Zynq (Picozed devboard). The application is run bare-metal, uses lwIP TCP in RAW mode and basically behaves like this:
Receive a batch of data via Ethernet, which is stored in RAM.
Process the batch of data.
Send back the processed data via Ethernet.
The problem is, I need to measure the execution time of the processing part. However, running lwIP in RAW mode forces me to call tcp_fasttmr() and tcp_slowtmr() every 250/500 ms, which makes accurate measurement pretty hard. Whenever I'm not calling the tcp_tmr() functions for some time, I start repeatedly receiving error messages via UART ("unable to alloc pbuf in recv_handler"). It seems this is called from some ISR related to error handling, but I cannot really find the exact location.
My question is, how do I suspend the network functionality so I don't need to call tcp_tmr() periodically? I tried closing the connection and disabling the interface (netif_set_down()) and disabling the timer interrupt, but it still seems to have no effect on my problem.
I don't know anything about that devboard or the microcontroller on it but you should have an ethernetif.c (lwIP port) file which should contain the processing of an Ethernet receive interrupt or similar. This should be calling the lwIP function netif->input with a packet to process.
Disabling the interface won't stop this behaviour, it will just stop the higher level processing of the packet. If you are only timing how long the execution time is for debugging, you could try disabling the Ethernet receive interrupt and stop calling tcp_tmr until you have processed the packets.

Client Server Command Design pattern with variable delays

I am writing a client program to control a server which is in turn controlling some large hardware. The server needs to receive commands to initialize, start, stop and control the hardware.
The connection from the client to the server is via a TCP or UDP socket. Each command is encapsulated in an appropriate message using a SCADA protocol (e.g. Modbus or DNP3).
Part of the initialization phase involves sending a sequence of commands from the client to the server. In some cases there must be a delay in seconds between the commands to prevent multiple sub-systems being initialized at the same time. The value of the delay depends on the type of command.
I'm thinking that the Command Design Pattern is a good approach to follow here. The client instantiates ConcreteCommands and the Invoker places it in a queue. I'm not sure how to incorporate the variable delay and whether there's a better pattern which involves a timer and a queue to handle sending
messages with variable delays.
I'm using C# but this is probably irrelevant since it's more of a design pattern question.
It sounds like you need to store a mapping of types to delay. When your server starts, could you cache those delay times? Then call a method that processes the command after a specified delay?
When the server starts:
Dictionary<Type, int> typeToDelayMapping = GetTypeToDelayMapping();
When a command reaches the server, the server can call this:
InvokeCommand(ICommand command, int delayTimeInMilliseconds)
Like so:
InvokeCommand(command, typeToDelayMapping[type]);

Cancel thread with read() operation on serial port

in my Cocoa project, I communicate with a device connected to a serial port. Now, I am waiting for the serial device to send a particular message of some bytes. For the read operation (and the reaction for once the desired message has been received), I created a new thread. On user request, I want to be able to cancel the thread.
As Apple suggests in the docs, I added a flag to the thread dictionary, periodically check if the flag has been set and if so, call [NSThread exit]. This works fine.
Now, the thread may be stuck waiting for the serial device to finally send the 12 byte message. The read call looks like this:
numBytes = read(fileDescriptor, buffer, 12);
Once the thread starts reading from the device, but no data comes in, I can set the flag to tell the thread to finish, but the thread is not going to read the flag unless it finally received at least 12 bytes of data and continues processing.
Is there a way to kill a thread that currently performs a read operation on a serial device?
Edit for clarification:
I do not insist in creating a separate thread for the I/O operations with the serial device. If there is a way to encapsulate the operations such that I am able to "kill" them if the user presses a cancel button, I am perfectly happy.
I am developing a Cocoa application for desktop Mac OS X, so no restrictions regarding mobile devices and their capabilities apply.
A workaround would be to make the read function return immediately if there are no bytes to read. How can I do this?
Use select or poll with a timeout to detect when the descriptor is ready for reading.
Set the timeout to (say) half a second and call it in a loop while checking to see if your thread should exit.
Asynchronous thread cancellation is almost always a bad idea. Try to stick with event-driven interfaces (and, if necessary, timeouts).
This is exactly what the pthread_cancel interface was designed for. You'll want to wrap the block with read in pthread_cleanup_push and pthread_cleanup_pop in order that you can safely clean up if the thread is cancelled, and also disable cancellation (with pthread_setcancelstate) in other code that runs in this thread that you don't want to be cancellable. This can be a pain if proper cleanup would involve multiple call frames; it essentially forces you to use pthread_cleanup_push at every call level and structure your thread code like C++ or Java with try/catch style exception handling.
An alternative approach would be to install a signal handler for an otherwise-unused signal (like SIGUSR1 or one of the realtime signals) without the SA_RESTART flag, so that it interrupts syscalls with EINTR. The signal handler itself can be a complete no-op; the only purpose of it is to interrupt things. Then you can use pthread_kill to interrupt the read (or any other syscall) in a particular thread. This has the advantage that you don't have to switch your code to using C++/Java-type idioms. You can handle the EINTR error by checking a flag (indicating whether the thread was requested to abort) and resume the read if the flag is not set, or return an error code that causes the caller to clean up and eventually pthread_exit.
If you do use interrupting signal handlers, make sure all your syscalls that can return EINTR are wrapped in loops that retry (or check the abort flag and optionally retry) on EINTR. Otherwise things can break badly.