Authorizing for Google ToDo List (AuthToken, secid) - authentication

I'm trying to get access to the Google's todo feed with this url:<SECID>&tdl={%22action_list%22%3A[{%22action_type%22%3A%22get_all%22%2C%22action_id%22%3A%221%22%2C%22list_id%22%3A%2215052708471047222911%3A0%3A0%22%2C%22get_deleted%22%3Afalse}]%2C%22client_version%22%3A-1}
If I open this in my browser with a correct secid, it shows me right what I want.
Now, the question is: how do I get secid programmatically (specifically, in a java program)? I have access to the authToken (from CalendarService), but I have no clue how to use it to authorize my access to the URL above.
I tried to use the url, but I didn't find any examples.
Any help, please?

From what I read secid is a session ID obtained from browser's cookies. Whereas your case uses Java which implies a server app. If that is the case, you want to drop the idea of using secid entirely.
Instead, you want to check out Google's OAuth2 documentation. If you are using Java, most likely you would be interested in the web-server OAuth flow. Pay special attention to the sequence diagrams.
The key steps include:
1) Obtain an authorization code from Google OAuth with the user's consent. For that, you redirect the user to Google with the appropriate scope. Check the list of calendar scopes for your case. Once the user consents, Google redirects back to you with an authorization code.
2) Call Google OAuth with the authorization code and your app's credentials to exchange for an access token.
3) Call Google's Calendar API using the access token.
And if you use Google's Java client as suggested by #ChaosPredictor, chances are some of the steps are already wrapped into the Java client (and your code will be much simpler).


Which google oauth playground API should I use to obtain a token with the name, user photo and email?

I found this tool from google recently
and well I am currently doing an authentication practice for an api with node and passpor.js, I would like to know which of these apis is the one that I should choose to obtain a token with the user, the email and the profile photo, in the tutorial I saw that use, so I don't know if it is depreciated or has been replaced by a new one, or if it is something that can be used in production.
And well also if you could explain a little more about what this tool is, I would appreciate it a lot.
On OAuth Playground you can "input your own scope".
Copy and paste and click Authorize APIs.
Then exchange for an access token.
After that you can call and it should return the data you are looking for.

Is there a way to have a 'Google Sign In' button for google accounts that are not signed up with Google Plus?

I'm working on an internal website for the company I work for. The website will be only available to company staff. We use Google Apps for Business, so we would like authentication to be done using our google accounts.
I've gone through 'google sign in' samples from here:
It works, but the problem we run into is that it requires the user to sign up to Google+. This is a speed bump we would prefer not to have.
Are there any ways around this? Thanks.
It shouldn't be too hard to roll your own sign in using the lower levels of Oauth, eg 'email' scope. It's hard to give a more specific answer because it depends on your architecture (eg. are you predominantly server-side or client-side) and what kind of session do you want to create by the sign in process. For example, if you are client/REST based, you probably don't want any session at all as REST encourages statelessness. On the other hand, if you are more web based, serving static pages, you will want a session.
In simple terms, you will be doing something that generates an access token, and then processing that access token to determine the email address (or Google ID) of the person who created it. You will then establish some sort of session (eg. using session cookies) that identifies future requests from that user.
Feel free to add some more detail to your architecture and I'll try to finesse the answer.
For simple http servlet sessions, it will be something like.
User requests a protected page
servlet detects that there is no session and/or session has no authenticated user
servlet redirects to an Oauth page to request an access code. something like
NB research the exact URL, don't rely on this to be exact
If the user isn't logged on, he'll be prompted; if he has multiple logins, he'll be prompted; if he hasn't yet granted email access, he'll be prompted. If none of these conditions are met (the normal case) he won't see anything.
Browser will redirect to the redirect_uri, carrying an access token (or an auth code if this is the first time the user has used the app)
Post the token to the Google userinfo endpoint, and you will receive a decode containing the email address
Store the email into a session object (or retrieve your own user object and store that)
redirect back to the originally requested page. You can use the OAuth state parameter to pass that around
et voila. all future page requests from that user will be within a session containing some user identification.
NB This is just an outline and I may even have missed a step. You will still need to do your own OAuth research.
Apparently not:
(..) if a Google user who has not upgraded to a Google+ account clicks
on the Sign in with Google+ button, the same consent dialog that opens
will take the user into an account upgrade flow.
Weirdly the docs for OAuth2 states:
Google+ Sign-In works for all users with a Google account, whether or
not they have upgraded to Google+.

Facebook Login without JSSDK, how to get token if already authorized previously

So I am updating an older desktop app (written in VB, .net 4.0) with facebook integration and followed the guide found here, and have been able to successfully get a token (by parsing the uri of the embedded webview if it contains "token="). Now my problem is if I try to login with a facebook account that has already approved the app in a prior session, the webview just gets redirected to without any token information.
Do I HAVE to log all of the tokens I generate manually (ie on successful token generation, I can call their profile info, use their FB ID as key and save the token)? Even if I do, since the email and password is input directly into the facebook login window, how do I check if the user already has a token?
Thanks in advance
The access token can change any time, you need to get it everytime. After getting the token, I immediately get the user information and use that ID to find their database information.
I couldn't quickly find facebook information but on google's oauth information it says "The access token is also associated with a limited scope that define the kind of data the your client application has access to (for example "Manage your tasks"). An important goal for OAuth 2.0 is to provide secure and convenient access to the protected data, while minimizing the potential impact if an access token is stolen."
Ok so I finally figured it out myself. My mistake was apparently requesting the access_token directly (ie to try and save time.
I fixed it by making a request for a 'code' instead (ie, which I then use to make a second request to retrieve an access token as documented here:, "Exchanging code for an access token" section a bit lower on the page.
Hope this helps someone in the future, this was very frustrating on my part.

Devise: Migrate Google Open ID to Google OAuth

Does anyone have clues about how to do this? I'm basically trying to replace the strategy for "Connect With Google" from OpenID to OAuth. The challenge is identifying an old user (user on Google open ID) when a user signs in under the new OAuth scheme.
I have a working implementation which relies on email address as the primary key, as the open ID strategy captures that. The problem is, I don't want to ask for email in the OAuth flow. The ideal value is simply Google user ID, but the Open ID strategy doesn't seem to capture that.
So I have open ID tokens like and trying to understand if I could get a Google ID from that.
UPDATE: I explained here how I ended up doing this migration -
We don't have a strategy ready today that avoids the user seeing another approval page.
However, rather than attempt to do an OAuth1 based hybrid flow and have to add all that legacy code to your server, I'd suggest you simply correlate on email address and move to OAuth2 login. I'm assuming you're like the majority of sites that end up asking for email address because they usually want it for account recovery. Just make sure you get the email address from OpenId as one of the signed parameters.
Then use the scope and OAuth2 and you should be able to migrate with less developer pain.
In addition, we're in the process of adding support for OpenIDConnect and it supports a parameter of login_hint so you'd add & to your authorization URL and it will steer the approval to the right account. This is not documented right now but it may be useful for you to try it. The user's browser could be logged into Google with a number of accounts and you want to try to get the right one. Always check the email you get from the OAuth2 flow to make sure it matches since this is just a 'hint'.
Users will still have to re-authorize for OAuth2, but we have plans to skip this reauthorization in the future. The main point is to plan on using OAuth2 and we hope to deliver a seamless migration soon and you'll be on a supported protocol.
Google uses directed identifiers for OpenID that are unique per relying party and are explicitly designed to conceal any correlatable identifier for the user. So the short answer is, no there's no way to get a Google ID that corresponds with a given Google OpenID.
One option, however, might be to use Google's OpenID+OAuth Hybrid flow. This allows you to get an OAuth token as part of a normal OpenID flow, which could then be used to get the user's ID from the OAuth2 Login API, which you can then associate with their existing account. Once you've done that for all of your existing users, then switch to using the OAuth2 Login directly.
The trick, of course, with this approach is getting all of your users to login again so that you can send them through the new flow. That will come down to how long you're willing to wait to migrate accounts, and whether you're willing to prod existing users by emailing them and asking them to login again (similar to a forced password reset).

flickr api authentication without user intervention

I would like to programmatically query the Flickr API using my own credentials only just to grab some data from there on a frequent basis. It appears that the Flickr API is favouring OAuth now.
My question is: how should I authenticate the API without user intervention just for myself? Is it possible any more?
Once you have received an oauth_token (Access Token), you can use it for multiple subsequent API calls. You should be able to persist the token in a data store (I haven't done this myself) and use it even after your application restarts. Of course, you still need to write the code to get the Access Token the first time.
If your application is already coded using the old authentication API, it looks like there is a one-time call that you can make to get a new-style Access Token. See
Even if you don't have a coded application, you might be able to use the API Explorer for any of the calls that requires authentication (flickr.activity.userComments, for example) to harvest an api_sig and auth_token.
The scenario which you are describing is sometimes referred to as 2-legged OAuth. (
Google APIs support this via a 'service account'.
Unfortunately Flickr doesn't seem to support this kind of interaction.
For public data interaction (like downloading your public photos (photostream) from your account), there's no need to authenticate. You can get the data using only the Flickr user-id.
For other interactions (like downloading private photos (camera roll) from your account), you'll need to follow the full OAuth procedure at least once.