Shared array between multiple classes - objective-c

I have an array "myArr" which contains objects of custom class..e.g. objs of type MyClass
I need to share this array across multiple classes..
Could you please help me with the exact code that I should be using..
I have referred Singleton patter on Apple and other references, but it is all ver confusing to me...So it will be great if you could highlight the things/code that I need to add.

I recommend that you read up on object delegation.
#property (nonatomic,copy) NSArray *myArr;
On your other classes, implement a delegate object that will point to this class, then you could use:
NSArray *retrievedArray = [self.delegate myArr];
Edit: If you are interested to use only Singleton i believe it would be something along this way:
static MyClass *obj = nil;
On your class with the array, create a class method to return a Singleton object
+(MyClass*) sharedInstance {
if (obj) {
obj = [[self alloc]init];
return obj;
On your other classes you could just use
NSArray *retrievedArray = [[MyClass sharedInstance] myArr];
to get back the array.

I’d stay away from singletons. As the array is some kind of model (in the Model–View–Controller sense), other classes should depend on it:
#interface ControllerA : UIViewController {}
#property(retain) NSArray *array;
#interface ControllerB : UIViewController {}
#property(retain) NSArray *array;
Now the question changes into “how do I supply the depency.” You can do this using Interface Builder or supply the array when the depending objects are built. For example I sometimes have a method called setupObjectGraph in my application delegate that creates class instances and connects them together:
- (void) setupObjectGraph
mainController = [[MainController alloc] init…];
[mainController setThis…];
[mainController setThat…];
OtherController *bar = [[OtherController alloc] init…];
[bar setThis…];
[bar setThat…];
[mainController setBar:bar];
[bar release];
- (void) applicationDidFinishLaunchingOrWhatever
[self setupObjectGraph];
[window addSubview:[mainController view]];
[window makeKeyAndVisible];
This is not perfect (it does not scale very well), but it works for many applications and it’s much better than singletons. This sounds like a trifle issue, but it affects your overall design a lot, so it makes sense to think it through.


How is dictionary[#"key"] implemented in objective c?

If we want to override [dictionary objectForKey:#"key"] it can be done by subclassing NSDictionary class. How to override dictionary[#"key"]? In this context I want to know how dictionary[#"key"] is implemented.
I wanted to find a scalable way to parse an API response while preventing [NSNull null] from crashing my app. I have written category for NSDictionary, but I wanted a way to parse in this syntax: data[#"key"]
So, I was evaluating the feasibility of subclassing NSDictionary.
When you use dictionary[#"key"] this gets converted into a call to [dictionary objectForKeyedSubscript:#"key"]. objectForKeyedSubscript: has the same behaviour as objectForKey:.
If you want to change the behaviour of dictionary[#"key"] then you will need to override objectForKeyedSubscript:.
Apple's NSDictionary API Reference has a little more information.
EDIT: This question is pretty old now, but it just recently came to my attention again, so I thought I would add an example of wrapping NSDictionary as I would recommend. This could be made more robust and feature rich, but it's an okay place to start.
#interface NilSafeDictionary: NSObject
/** Category on NSDictionary to create a nil-safe wrapper. */
#interface NSDictionary <NilSafeConvenience>
- (NilSafeDictionary*)nilSafe;
#implementation NilSafeDictionary {
NSDictionary* _internalDict;
- (instancetype)initWithDictionary:(NSDictionary*)dictionary {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_internalDict = [dict copy];
return self;
- (id)objectForKeyedSubscript:(id<NSCopying>)key {
id obj = _internalDict[key];
if ([obj isKindOfClass:[NSNull class]]) {
return nil;
return obj;
#implementation NSDictionary <NilSafeConvenience>
- (NilSafeDictionary*)nilSafe {
return [[NilSafeDictionary alloc] initWithDictionary:self];
CAVEAT: You don't explain here what problem you're trying to solve, but for anyone who comes across this question in the future, subclassing NSDictionary is almost certainly never what you want.
NSDictionary is a class cluster. Class clusters are tricky to subclass correctly with guidance, plus Apple's documentation explicitly tells you not to subclass, so there's no guidance on how to do it correctly.
Even if you're able to use your subclass and have it "work correctly" for your purposes, every other piece of code in the system will still be returning the original NSDictionary class, not your subclass, so it doesn't benefit you.
If you're hell bent on modifying the way NSDictionary works, create your own wrapper class that has an NSDictionary inside and create your own objectForKeyedSubscript: implementation.
Yes, you can add subscript indexing to your own custom class just like NSDictionary!
dictionary[#key] is short hand for calling [dictionary objectForKeyedSubscript:#"key"]. Therefore to override the functionality of dictionary[#"key"] you can subclass NSDictionary.
#interface MyDictionary : NSDictionary
- (id) objectForKeyedSubscript:(id)key;
#implementation MyDictionary
- (id) objectForKeyedSubscript:(id)key
Original answer using categories, however this approach isn't advised as it will override the original method removing access to super and potential of clashes should multiple categories be loaded overriding the same method. The last category to be loaded will be used at runtime, therefore you cannot guarantee which that will be.
dictionary[#key] is short hand for calling [dictionary objectForKeyedSubscript:#"key"]. Therefore to override the functionality of dictionary[#"key"] you would create a new category for NSDictionary.
//Category in NSDictionary+CustomKeyedSubscript.h and NSDictionary+CustomKeyedSubscript.m
#interface NSDictionary (CustomKeyedSubscript)
- (id) objectForKeyedSubscript:(id)key;
#implementation NSDictionary (CustomKeyedSubscript)
- (id) objectForKeyedSubscript:(id)key

Objective-C class as NSMutableArray

Very simple question. Is it possible to create a class which is a list by it self? I mean:
I do
taskList *taskList1 = [[taskList alloc] init];
And than simply:
taskList1 addObject:[task1]
May seem stupid, but I'm totally new to O-C syntax
I'd need two methods:
-(instancetype) init;
which just initialize as an empty list
to allocate taskList instance
and last thing:
In interface i use:
#interface taskList : NSObject
#interface taskList : NSMuttableArray
I got stuck on something specific, didn't I? I'm sorry that I bother you with my programming level.
Alright, I gave up, just last question, because I have to finish it very soon.
I changed my approach I added
#property NSMutableArray *list;
Why does this:
taskList *TL1 =[taskList initTaskList];
task *task1 = [[task alloc] init];
task *task2 = [[task alloc] init];
TL1.list addObject:[task1];
doesn't work, I have "Expected identifier" Error
If you read the subclassing notes on NSArray / NSMutableArray you'll see that Apple recommend against subclassing them because they are a class cluster. (i.e. what you really get when you ask for one is an undocumented subclass, and the initialiser decides which undocumented subclass to return to you based on some undocumented qualifiers..
So just make an NSObject subclass which owns a (private) strong property of type NSMutableArray, and publish an api to access that array..
#import "modelList.h"
//dont worry header is empty, its up to you to do that.. this is a subclass on NSObject
#interface modelList()
#property (strong, nonatomic) NSMutableArray *backingArray;
#implementation modelList
#synthesize backingArray = _backingArray;
-(instancetype )init{
if (self = [super init]) {
[self setBackingArray:[[NSMutableArray alloc]init]];
return self;
//public API (the stuff that is prototyped in the header..)
-(id)objectAtIndex:(NSUInteger )index{
return [self.backingArray objectAtIndex:index];
-(BOOL )containsObject:(id)object{
return [self.backingArray containsObject:object];
-(void )addObject:(id)object{
//example application, qualifying object..
if ([object conformsToProtocol:#protocol(NSCoding)]) {
[self.backingArray addObject:object];
-(NSUInteger )count{
return [self.backingArray count];
//etc etc declare publicly the things you need to get the job done
so far this is just a face for a mutable array obviously, but it gives you a place for whatever other model logic you need. good luck

One NSDictionary visible everywhere in application

Now I am developing an iOS application which works like this:
User scans QR code,
App searches for a specific key - > value,
it gives out a value to the user.
Currently I have two ViewControllers - the main and "value" ViewController, which is inherited from main. The problem is that if I create NSDictionary in main VC it is not visible in "value" VC. Main VC gives only the string (QR code, the key) through the segue. So, the value VC has to search for key and display the value.
What I ask is some kind of global variable or one DataSource visible across the whole app. Of course, I can implement NSDictionary initialisation inside value ViewDidLoad method and it will work, but this is not the point. New modules are to be added there and the variable has to be global. I googled a lot and got the idea that singleton pattern can be helpful here. I tried to implement it, but no idea how to do. Do I need it, or it is too complex for this kind of DataSource?
Thank you!
The basic idea is, you will still need to #include the header file of the place where this dictionary will be. The solution that Naveen proposes means that you will be including the header for the app delegate wherever you want to access it. Whether to use the app delegate for this purpose or not is kinda grayish. Some people often do this, some say its a bad use of it.
The singleton approach means that you will create a class, that will always contain the same information since the init method will return object that was previously created.
For the singleton aproach, imagine I have a database manager class. So in the header of this class (the DatabaseManagerSingleton.h) ill have this:
#interface DatabaseManager : NSObject
+ (DatabaseManager*)sharedInstance;
// Your dictionary
#property (nonatomic,strong) NSMutableDictionary* someDictionary;
The implementation will look like this: (check how "sharedInstance" initializes the object)
#implementation DatabaseManager
#pragma mark - Singleton Methods
+ (DatabaseManager*)sharedInstance {
static DatabaseManager *_sharedInstance;
if(!_sharedInstance) {
static dispatch_once_t oncePredicate;
dispatch_once(&oncePredicate, ^{
_sharedInstance = [[super allocWithZone:nil] init];
return _sharedInstance;
+ (id)allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
return [self sharedInstance];
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
return self;
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self != nil)
// Custom initialization
_someDictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
return self;
Now, a VERY important thing is that, any place you want to use this object should first include the header:
EDIT: To use it in your code:
1) add the header
#import "DatabaseManager.h"
2) initialize the object
DatabaseManager *databaseManager = [DatabaseManager sharedInstance];
3) do whatever you need
// Initialize the dictionary
databaseManager.someDictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:#"OBJECT",#"someKey", nil]; // In this case the object is just a NSString.
// Access
[databaseManager.someDictionary objectForKey:#"someKey"];
Put as a property on Appdelegate
#property (nonatomic,strong) NSDictionary * sharedData;
Access anywhere like
NSDictionary *sharedData= ((APPDelegate *) [UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate).sharedData;

Initializing child objects from parent

I'm having a bit of a structural dilemma with designing my app. I want to use a series of nested loops to create a large amount of custom objects. Once those objects are created, I want to store them all into an object which is collection of those objects.
#interface CollectionOfObjectA : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *reference;
#implementation CollectionOfObjectA
-(CollectionOfObjectA *)init{
NSMutableArray *ref = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for(int i=0; i < largeNumber; i++){ // There will be nested loops.
NSString *str = #"string made from each loop index";
ObjA *obj = [[ObjA alloc] initWithIndexes: str];
[ref addObject: obj];
self.reference = [ref copy];
#interface ObjA : CollectionOfObjA
// several properties
#implementation ObjA
-(ObjA *)initWithIndexes:(NSString *)indexes{
self = [super init];
// Use passed indexes to create several properties for this object.
return self;
What would be the best way about creating this object which is a collection of child objects? Am I incorrect in making ObjA a child of CollectionOfObjectA -- should it be the other way around? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Ok, my advise: I have nearly ~30 custom objects. Like events. After that I make class Factory which can create all of them. And also this class Factory have method: getAllObjects.
Like this:
#include "CustomEvent.h"
#interface EventFactory
#implementation EventFactory
-(CustomEvent*)firstEvent{/*something here*/}
-(CustomEvent*)secondEvent{/*yes, you should init custom object here*/}
-(CustomEvent*)thirdEvent{/*and after that you can put them*/}
EventFactory* factory = [[EventFactory alloc]init];
return #[
[factory firstEvent],
[factory secondEvent],
[factory lastEvent]
Here I return NSArray because I don't need, actually, know anything of them. They already have handlers and they subscribed on custom notifications. You can return NSDictionary for better access.
P.S: for better explanation you can read article in wiki about Factory pattern
But, if you want better manipulation of objects, you should use other pattern:Composite pattern.
What I mean?
#interface EventCollection{
NSMutableArray* YourArray;
-(void)addCustomEvent:(CustomEvent*)event atPosition:(NSInteger)position;
-(void)seeAllPositions; /*if you want*/
#implementation EventCollection
-(void)addCustomEvent:(CustomEvent*)event atPosition:(NSInteger)position{
/*maybe you should check if this position available*/
if ([self doesThisPositionAvailable:position]){
/*add element and save position*/
if (![self doesThisPositionAvailable:position]){
/*destroy element here*/
/*yes, this method is the main method, you must store somewhere your objects.
you can use everything, what you want, but don't share your realization.
maybe, you want use array, so, put it as hidden variable. and init at the initialization of your collection
for (CustomEvent* event in YourArray){
[event description];

Delegation to multiple objects

Is there any way to delegate to two objects at a time in Objective-C? I know that delegation pattern implies one response at a time and for multiple listeners and broadcasting there is notification center but notification does not return any value.
If I have a heavily network-based iOS project and need to delegate to multiple listeners and required to return values from them, in this scenario what approach should be the best?
In every class the delegate is one, so one delegate is informed about the event. But nothing forbids you to declare a class with a set of delegates.
Or use Observation instead. A class may be observed by multiple classes.
As requested from the OP, since also some code would be useful, here is a way of doing it:
#interface YourClass()
#property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) NSPointerArray* delegates;
// The user of the class shouldn't even know about this array
// It has to be initialized with the NSPointerFunctionsWeakMemory option so it doesn't retain objects
#implementation YourClass
#synthesize delegates;
... // other methods, make sure to initialize the delegates set with alloc-initWithOptions:NSPointerFunctionsWeakMemory
- (void) addDelegate: (id<YourDelegateProtocol>) delegate
[delegates addPointer: delegate];
- (void) removeDelegate: (id<YourDelegateProtocol>) delegate
// Remove the pointer from the array
for(int i=0; i<delegates.count; i++) {
if(delegate == [delegates pointerAtIndex: i]) {
[delegates removePointerAtIndex: i];
} // You may want to modify this code to throw an exception if no object is found inside the delegates array
This is a very simple version, you can do it in another way. I don't suggest to make public the delegates set, you never know how it could be used, and you can get an inconsistent state, specially with multithreading. Also, when you add/remove a delegate you may need to run additional code, so that's why making the delegates set private.
You may also a lot of other methods like delegatesCount for example.
PS: The code has been edited to be a NSPointerArray instead of a NSMutableSet, because as stated in the comments a delegate should be held with a weak pointer to avoid retain cycles.
In addition to Ramys answer you could use a [NSHashTable weakObjectsHashTable] instead of a
NSMutableSet. This would keep only a weak reference to your delegates and prevents you from running into memory leaks.
You will get the same behavior you already know from standard weak delegates #property (nonatomic, weak) id delegate;
#interface YourClass()
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSHashTable *delegates;
#implementation YourClass
- (instancetype)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_delegates = [NSHashTable weakObjectsHashTable];
return self;
- (void) addDelegate: (id<YourDelegateProtocol>) delegate
// Additional code
[_delegates addObject: delegate];
// calling this method is optional, because the hash table will automatically remove the delegate when it gets released
- (void) removeDelegate: (id<YourDelegateProtocol>) delegate
// Additional code
[_delegates removeObject: delegate];
Robbie Hanson wrote a multicast delegate implementation. Looks like what you need. He talks about it in more detail here, and how it is used in the XMPPFramework. He has some good discussion about one of the main problems which is how to handle the case where the multiple delegates implement a given method who's return value determines the class' behaviour (and the multiple delegates return different values). Relevant bits:
What is a MulticastDelegate?
The xmpp framework needs to support an unlimited number of extensions.
This includes the official extensions that ship with the framework, as
well as any number of extensions or custom code you may want to plug
into the framework. So the traditional delegate pattern simply won't
work. XMPP modules and extensions need to be separated into their own
separate classes, yet each of these classes needs to receive delegate
methods. And the standard NSNotification architecture won't work
either because some of these delegates require a return variable.
(Plus it's really annoying to extract parameters from a notification's
userInfo dictionary.)
So a MulticastDelegate allows you to plug into the framework using the
standard delegate paradigm, but it allows multiple classes to receive
the same delegate notifications. The beauty of this is that you don't
have to put all your xmpp handling code in a single class. You can
separate your handling into multiple classes, or however you see fit.
If you're writing the function that will call the delegates, you can have as many as you want. But if you're using a class (that you can't change) that calls the delegates, then you can't have more delegates than the class supports.
You could, if it worked out for you, have one delegate call another. Set up the first delegate so it will call the second delegate (whose pointer is stored in the first delegate object). This can be simple, with it pre-defined as to which calls are "passed on", or quite complex, using the dynamic call mechanisms of Objective-C.
One delegate can be setting for only one object but it's possible to store delegates in array.
Variant of Ramy Al Zuhouri is good but I want to say that it may be a problem to release delegates from array because NSArray (like NSMutableArray) classes retain all added objects but delegate in most cases is an assign property without retainCount. Retaining the delegate can bring to consequences that class with delegate implementation will have retainCount + 1.
Solution of this is store delegates in NSMutableArray like pointers to delegate methods.
I'm using singletone class with delegate header.
//YourClass.h file
#protocol YourDelegateProtocol <NSObject>
#interface YourClass : NSObject
+(YourClass *)sharedYourClass;
- (void) addDelegate: (id<YourDelegateProtocol>) delegate;
- (void) removeDelegate: (id<YourDelegateProtocol>) delegate
//YourClass.m file
#interface YourClass()
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *delegates;
#implementation YourClass
#synthesize delegates = _delegates;
static YourClass *sharedYourClass = nil;
+(YourClass *)sharedYourClass {
if (!sharedYourClass || sharedYourClass == nil) {
sharedYourClass = [YourClass new];
sharedYourClass.delegates = [NSMutableArray array];
return sharedYourClass;
-(void)addDelegate: (id<YourDelegateProtocol>) delegate{
NSValue *pointerToDelegate = [NSValue valueWithPointer:delegate];
[_delegates addObject: pointerToDelegate];
-(void)removeDelegate: (id<YourDelegateProtocol>) delegate{
NSValue *pointerToDelegate = [NSValue valueWithPointer:delegate];
[_delegates removeObject: pointerToDelegate];
//this method will run all delegates in array
for(NSValue *val in sharedYourClass.delegates){
id<YourDelegateProtocol> delegate = [val pointerValue];
[delegate delegateMethod];
sharedYourClass.delegates =nil;
[sharedYourClass release], sharedYourClass =nil;
[super dealloc];
//YourClassWithDelegateImplementation.h file
#include "YourClass.h"
#interface YourClassWithDelegateImplementation : NSObject <YourDelegateProtocol>
//YourClassWithDelegateImplementation.m file
#implementation YourClassWithDelegateImplementation
self = [super init];
//...your initialization code
[[YourClass sharedYourClass] addDelegate:self];
return self;
//implementation of delegate
[[YourClass sharedYourClass] removeDelegate:self];
[super dealloc];
If you want to call callbacks for classes B and C from a class A with only one delegate, you could create a delegate wrapper DWrap which has references to the classes B and C. Then class A calls the callbacks on B and C through DWrap.