I've being experimenting with operators in the Io language. Everything works fine in the cli, but as soon as I put my code in files instead, I run into problems.
Here's a tiny example (creating an operator +++ that does the same thing as +)
OperatorTable addOperator("+++", 3) # Say that +++ should be an operator
Number +++ := method(v, call target + v) # Define the slot +++ on numbers
(30 +++ 40) println # Try it out!
As mentioned, this works fine in the cli, but doesn't work when I try to run it in a file. I presume it has something to do with the fact that file has been preparsed, before the operator is defined, but how would I work around that?
This is a limitation of the operator shuffler in Io. What happens is roughly this:
Source file is loaded, tokenized (at this stage, no operators are known)
Operator shuffler runs
Code is evaluated
Unfortunately for you, you're manipulating the operator shuffler after it's already run.
Save a program that writes data to disk from vain attempts of writing to a full filesystem;
Save bandwidth (don't download if nowhere to store);
Save user's and programmer's time and nerves (notify them of the problem instead of having them tearing out their hair with reading misleading error messages and "why the heck this software is not working!").
The question comes in 2 parts:
Reporting storage space statistics (available, used, total etc.), either of all filesystems or of the filesystem that path in question belongs to.
Reporting a filesystem error on running out of space.
Part 1
Share please NATIVE Raku alternative(s) (TIMTOWTDIBSCINABTE "Tim Toady Bicarbonate") to:
raku -e 'qqx{ df -P $*CWD }.print'
Here, raku -executes df (disk free) external program via shell quoting with interpolation qqx{}, feeding -Portable-format argument and $*CWD Current Working Directory, then .prints the df's output.
The snippet initially had been written as raku -e 'qqx{ df -hP $*CWD }.print' — with both -human-readable and -Portable — but it turned out that it is not a ubiquitously valid command. In OpenBSD 7.0, it exits with an error: df: -h and -i are incompatible with -P.
For adding human-readability, you may consider Number::Bytes::Human module
raku -e 'run <<df -hP $*CWD>>'
If you're just outputting what df gives you on STDOUT, you don't need to do anything.
The << >> are double quoting words, so that the $*CWD will be interpolated.
Part 1 — Reporting storage space statistics
There's no built in function for reporting storage space statistics. Options include:
Write Raku code (a few lines) that uses NativeCall to invoke a platform / filesystem specific system call (such as statvfs()) and uses the information returned by that call.
Use a suitable Raku library. FileSystem::Capacity picks and runs an external program for you, and then makes its resulting data available in a portable form.
Use run (or similar1) to invoke a specific external program such as df.
Use an Inline::* foreign language adaptor to enable invoking of a foreign PL's solution for reporting storage space statistics, and use the info it provides.2
Part 2 — Reporting running out of space
Raku seems to neatly report No space left on device:
> spurt '/tmp/failwrite', 'filesystem is full!'
Failed to write bytes to filehandle: No space left on device
in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1
> mkdir '/tmp/failmkdir'
Failed to create directory '/tmp/failmkdir' with mode '0o777': Failed to mkdir: No space left on device
in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1
(Programmers will need to avoid throwing away these exceptions.)
1 run runs an external command without involving a shell. This guarantees that the risks attendant with involving a shell are eliminated. That said, Raku also supports use of a shell (because that can be convenient and appropriate in some scenarios). See the exchange of comments under the question (eg this one) for some brief discussion of this, and the shell doc for a summary of the risk:
All shell metacharacters are interpreted by the shell, including pipes, redirects, environment variable substitutions and so on. Shell escapes are a severe security concern and can cause confusion with unusual file names. Use run if you want to be safe.
2 Foreign language adaptors for Raku (Raku modules in the Inline:: namespace) allow Raku code to use code written in other languages. These adaptors are not part of the Raku language standard, and most are barely experimental status, if that, but, conversely, the best are in great shape and allow Raku code to use foreign libraries as if they were written for Raku. (As of 2021 Inline::Perl5 is the most polished.)
I wonder if it is possible to remap "$" and "#" to other keys.
#set( $foo = "bar" )
I want to use other keys because those interfere with another syntax of a script I am using.
$ and # characters are not configurable in Velocity. Even at compile time, it would at least imply to recompile the parser, and make a full code review for standalone $ and # chars...
That said:
Velocity does cope pretty well with syntax fragments it cannot parse, like jQuery $ object. It just render them as is, and most of the time it does the job.
You can escape your other script's sensitive characters whenever needed, for instance by using the EscapeTool: ${esc.d} for dollar, ${esc.h} for hash.
How can I ensure that all modules (and ideally also all other files that have been loaded or included) are up-to-date? When issuing use_module(mymodule), SICStus compares the modification date of the file mymodule.pl and reloads it, if newer. Also include-ed files will trigger a recompilation. But it does not recheck all modules used by mymodule.
Brief, how can I get similar functionality as SWI offers it with make/0?
There is nothing in SICStus Prolog that provides that kind of functionality.
A big problem is that current Prologs are too dynamic for something like make/0 to work reliably except for very simple cases. With features like term expansion, goals executed during load (including file loading goals, which is common), etc., it is not possible to know how to reliably re-load files. I have not looked closely at it, but presumably make/0 in SWI Prolog has the same problem.
I usually just re-start the Prolog process and load the "main" file again, i.e. a file that loads everything I need.
PS. I was not able to get code formatting in the comments, so I put it here instead: Example why make/0 needs to guard against 'user' as the File from current_module/2:
| ?- [user].
% compiling user...
| :- module(m,[p/0]). p. end_of_file.
% module m imported into user
% compiled user in module m, 0 msec 752 bytes
| ?- current_module(M, F), F==user.
F = user,
M = m ? ;
| ?-
So far, I have lived with several hacks:
Up to 0.7 – pre-module times
SICStus always had ensure_loaded/1 of Quintus origin, which was not only a directive (like in ISO), but was also a command. So I wrote my own make-predicate simply enumerating all files:
l :-
Upon issuing l., only those files that were modified in the meantime were reloaded.
Probably, I could have written this also like — would I have read the meanual (sic):
l :-
\+ ( source_file(F), \+ ensure_loaded(F) ).
3.0 – modules
With modules things changed a bit. On the one hand, there were those files that were loaded manually into a module, like ensure_loaded(module:[f1,f2,f3]), and then those that were clean modules. It turned out, that there is a way to globally ensure that a module is loaded — without interfering with the actual import lists simply by stating use_module(m1, []) which is again a directive and a command. The point is the empty list which caused the module to be rechecked and reloaded but thanks to the empty list that statement could be made everywhere.
In the meantime, I use the following module:
:- module(make,[make/0]).
make :-
\+ ( current_module(_, F), \+ use_module(F, []) ).
This works for all "legal" modules — and as long as the interfaces do not change. What I still dislike is its verboseness: For each checked and unmodified module there is one message line. So I get a page full of such messages when I just want to check that everything is up-to-date. Ideally such messages would only show if something new happens.
| ?- make.
% module m2 imported into make
% module m1 imported into make
% module SU_messages imported into make
| ?- make.
% module m2 imported into make
% module m1 imported into make
% module SU_messages imported into make
An improved version takes #PerMildner's remark into account.
Further files can be reloaded, if they are related to exactly one module. In particular, files loading into module user are included like the .sicstusrc. See above link for the full code.
% reload files that are implicitly modules, but that are still simple to reload
\+ (
F \== user,
\+ current_module(_, F), % not officially declared as a module
\+ current_module(M,ExF), % not part of an official module
\+ predicate_property(M:P,multifile),
\+ predicate_property(M:P,imported_from(ExM))
),[M]), % only one module per file, others are too complex
\+ ensure_loaded(M:F)
Note that in SWI neither ensure_loaded/1 nor use_module/2 compare file modification dates. So both cannot be used to ensure that the most recent version of a file is loaded.
I have a git repo project in eclipse which I have been documenting using doxygen (v1.8.4).
If I run the latex make ion a fresh clone of the project it runs fine and the PDF is made.
However, if I then run a doxy build, which completes OK, then attempt to run the latex make, it fails for
! Package inputenc Error: Keyboard character used is undefined
(inputenc) in inputencoding `utf8'.
See the inputenc package documentation for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
I have tried switching the encoding of the doxyfile by setting DOXYFILE_ENCODING to ISO-8859-1 with no change in the result... How can I fix this?? Thanks.
EDIT: I have used no non-UTF-8 chars as far as I know in my files, the file referenced before the error is very short and definitely doesn't have non-UTF-8 chars in it. I've even tried clearing my latex output dir and building from scratch with no luck...
EDIT: Irealised that the doxy build only appears to run correctly. It doesnt show any errors, but it should, for example run DOT and build about 10 graphs. The console output says Running dot, but it doesn't say generating graph (n/x) like it should when it actually makes the graphs...
Short answer: So by a slow process of elimination I found that this was caused by a single apostrophe in a file that had appeared to be already built and made without error!!
Long answer: Firstly I used used the project properties to flip the encoding from the default Cp1252 to UTF-8. Then I started removing files one-by-one until rebuilding and remaking after each removal, until the make ran successfully. I re-added all files, but deleted the content in the most recently removed file and tested the make - to confirm it was this file and only this file that caused the issue. the make ran fine. So I pasted the content back into the empty file, and started deleting smaller and smaller sections of the file, again rebuilding and remaking each time until I was left with a good make without the apostrophe and a bad one with it... I simply retyped the apostrophe (as this would then force it to be a UTF-8 char) and success!! Such an annoying bug!
Dude you made it a hard way. Why not use python to do the work for you:
f = open(fn,"rb")
data = f.read()
for i in range(len(data)):
ch = data[i]
if(ch > 0x7F): # non ASCII character
print("char: %c, idx: %d, file: %s"%(ch,i,fn))
str2 = str(data[i-30:i+30])#.decode("utf-8")
print("txt: %s" % (str2))
I have a program which performs a useful task. Now I want to produce the plain-text source code when the compiled executable runs, in addition to performing the original task. This is not a quine, but is probably related.
This capability would be useful in general, but my specific program is written in Fortran 90 and uses Mako Templates. When compiled it has access to the original source code files, but I want to be able to ensure that the source exists when a user runs the executable.
Is this possible to accomplish?
Here is an example of a simple Fortran 90 which does a simple task.
program exampl
implicit none
write(*,*) 'this is my useful output'
end program exampl
Can this program be modified such that it performs the same task (outputs a string when compiled) and outputs a Fortran 90 text file containing the source?
Thanks in advance
It's been so long since I have touched Fortran (and I've never dealt with Fortran 90) that I'm not certain but I see a basic approach that should work so long as the language supports string literals in the code.
Include your entire program inside itself in a block of literals. Obviously you can't include the literals within this, instead you need some sort of token that tells your program to include the block of literals.
Obviously this means you have two copies of the source, one inside the other. As this is ugly I wouldn't do it that way, but rather store your source with the include_me token in it and run it through a program that builds the nested files before you compile it. Note that this program will share a decent amount of code with the routine that recreates the code from the block of literals. If you're going to go this route I would also make the program spit out the source for this program so whoever is trying to modify the files doesn't need to deal with the two copies.
My original program (see question) is edited: add an include statement
Call this file "exampl.f90"
program exampl
implicit none
write(*,*) "this is my useful output"
include "exampl_source.f90"
end program exampl
Then another program (written in Python in this case) reads that source
import os
f=open('exampl.f90') # read in exampl.f90
g=open('exampl_source.f90','w') # and replace each line with write(*,*) 'line'
for line in f:
#print 'write(2,*) \''+line.rstrip()+'\'\n',
g.write('write(2,*) \''+line.rstrip()+'\'\n')
# then complie exampl.f90 (which includes exampl_source.f90)
os.system('gfortran exampl.f90')
os.system('/bin/rm exampl_source.f90')
Running this python script produces an executable. When the executable is run, it performs the original task AND prints the source code.