Ways to keep Google from indexing Sites/Content - indexing

I've a case on my Hand where I must be super duper sure that google (or any yahoo / bing for that matter) does not index specific content, so the more redundant, the better.
As far as i know there are 3 Ways to accomplish that, I wonder if there are more (redundancy is key here) :
set meta tag to no-index
disallow affected url structure in robots.txt
post load the content via ajax
So if that are all methods, good, but it would be just dandy if someone has some Idea how to be even more sure :D
(I know thats a little bit insane, but if the content shows up in google somehow it will get really expensive for my company :'-( )

uh, there are a lot more
a) identify googlebot (works similar with other bots)
and don't show them the content
b) return these pages with an HTTP 404 / HTTP 410 header instead of HTTP 200
c) only show these pages to clients with cookies / sesssions
d) render the whole content as image (and then disalow the image)
e) render the whole content as an image data URL (then a disalow is not needed)
f) user pipes | in the URL structure (works in google, don't know about the other pages)
g) use dynamic URLs that only work let say for 5 minutes
and these are just a few on top of my mind ... there are propably more

Well, I suppose you could require some sort of registration/authentication to see the content.
We're using the post-load content via ajax method at my work and it works pretty well. You just have to be sure that you're not returning anything if that same ajax route is hit without the xhr header. (We're using it in conjunction with authorization though.)
I just don't think there's anyway to be completely sure without actually locking down the data behind some sort of authentication. And if it's going to be expensive for your company if it gets out there, then you might want to seriously consider it.

What about blocking IPs from search engines and requests with search engine user-agents in .htaccess?
It might need more maintenance of the list of IPs and user-agents but it will work.


Is rel=self the correct rel tag to use for forum permalinks?

I have been building a forum from scratch with my friends just for fun, and we're starting to see bots and scrapers go by. The problem we're having is that you can load a page /post/1 with four replies, and each reply includes a little permalink to itself /reply/1#reply-1. If I am on /post/1 and navigate to /reply/1, I'll end up right back where I started, just with the anchor to the reply. But! Scrapers have no idea this is the case, so they're opening every /post link and then following every /reply link, and it's causing performance issues, so I've been looking around SEO sites to try to fix it.
I've started using rel=canonical on the /reply page, to tell the bots they're all the same, but as far as I can tell that doesn't help me until the bot has already loaded the page, and thus I wind up with tons of traffic. Would it be correct to change my
tags to
since they should be the same content? Or would this be misusing rel="self" and there's another, better rel tag I should be using instead?
The self link type is not defined for HTML (but for Atom), so it can’t be used in HTML5 documents.
The canonical link type is appropriate for your case (if you make sure that it always points to the correct page, in case the thread is paginated), but it doesn’t prevent bots from crawling the URLs.
If you want to prevent crawling, no link type will help (not even the nofollow link type, but it’s not appropriate for your case anyway). You’d have to use robots.txt, e.g.:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /reply/
That said, you might want to consider changing the permalink design. I think it’s not useful (neither for your users nor for bots) to have such an architecture. It’s a good practice to have exactly one URL per document, and if users want to link to a certain post, there is no reason to require a new page load if it’s actually the same document.
So I would either use the "canonical" URL and add a fragment component (/post/1#reply-1, or what might make more sense: /threads/1#post-1), or (if you think it can be useful for your users) I would create a page that only contains the reply (with a link back to the full thread).

How to speed up Google Translate

I have a web page that has 70000 characters. As you know when doing translation through Google API you can only send up to 5000 characters at a time. Which means I have to send data to Google 14 times (70000/5000) which takes a lot of time and then my page is displayed. Is there a way to speed up the process?
have you tried caching the translation?
If you were using some AJAX framework (you don't mention what your web page is created with eg c#) then you can make it faster by making the API call via the AJAX framework.
It would look something like this (psuedo-code since we don't know what you are using):
Serve web page (almost instant)
Web page starts AJAX call:
Break text into chunks
Foreach chunk
Translate via API
Append to the page
This way the user will see the page immediately, and will also see the translation appear piece by piece as it is processsed instead of having to wait until the end.
My best bet would be to generate a page in one language, then ask google to translate it trough HTTP and display result as your own, to make it seamless for user. I believe that is what Google Chrome does when translating web pages.
Example of URL that makes Google translate the whole web page:
Of course, another option is to use Google Translate API and cache result if page content is not changing frequently.
go to the Javascript file in Google, it will lead you also to the CSS file, make a file or perhaps two, or you may be able to add CSS to your own, now make Javascript page on your web site in own directory. make a nip of code to update the Javascript code every so many seconds or minutes, and this will make the transition much faster, just by refreshing the content they give.. have fun :) also ultimately you can also send a request at the same time as the first one to translate after char 5000 which should be relatively easy to do.

How to setup a simple site search for a simple website?

I'm maintaining an existing website that wants a site search. I implemented the search using the YAHOO API. The problem is that the API is returning irrelevant results. For example, there is a sidebar with a list of places and if a user searches for "New York" the top results will be for pages that do not have "New York" in the main content section. I have tried adding Yahoo's class="robots-nocontent" to the sidebar however that was two weeks ago and there has been no update.
I also tried out Google's Search API but am having the same problem.
This site has mostly static content and about 50 pages total so it is very small.
How can I implement a simple search that only searches the main content portions of the page?
At the risk of sounding completely self-promoting as well as pushing yet another API on you, I wrote a blog post about implementing Bing for your site using jQuery.
The advantage in using the jQuery approach is that you can tune the results quite specifically based on filters passed to the API and playing around with the JSON (or XML / SOAP if you prefer) result Bing returns, as well as having the ability to be more selective about what data you actually have jQuery display.
The other thing you should probably be aware of is how to effectively use #rel attributes on your content (esp. links) so that search engines are aware of what the relationship is between the actual content they're crawling and the destination content it links to.
First, post a link to your website... we can probably help you more if we can see the problem.
It sound like you're doing it wrong. Google Search should work on your website, unless your content is hidden behind javascript or forms or something, or your site isn't properly interlinked. Google solved crawling static pages, so if that's what you have, it will work.
So, tell me... does your site say New York anywhere? If it does, have a look at the page and see how the word is used... maybe your site isn't as static as you think. Also, are people really going to search your site for New York? Why don't you input some search terms that are likely on your site.
Another thing to consider is if your site is really just 50 pages, is it really realistic that people will want to search it? Maybe you don't need search... maybe you just need like a commonly used link section.
The BOSS Site Search Widget is pretty slick.
I use the bookmarklet thing but set as my "home" page in my browser. So whatever site I'm on I can hit my "home" button (which I never used anyway) and it pops up that handy site search thing.

How to track all website activity and filtering web robot data

I'm doing a very rudimentary tracking of page views by logging url, referral codes, sessions, times etc but finding it's getting bombarded with robots (Google, Yahoo etc). I'm wondering what an effective way is to filter out or not log these statistics?
I've experimented with robot IP lists etc but this isn't foolproof.
Is there some kind of robots.txt, htaccess, PHP server-side code, javascript or other method(s) that can "trick" robots or ignore non-human interaction?
Just to add - a technique you can employ within your interface would be to use Javascript to encapsulate the actions that lead to certain user-interaction view/counter increments, for a very rudimentary example, a robot will(can) not follow:
Chicken Farms
function viewItem(id)
window.location.href = 'www.example.com/items?id=' + id + '&from=userclick';
To make those clicks easier to track, they might yield a request such as
That would help you reliably track how many times something is 'clicked', but it has obvious drawbacks, and of course it really depends on what you're trying to achieve.
It depends on what you what to achieve.
If you want search bots to stop visiting certain paths/pages you can include them in robots.txt. The majority of well-behaving bots will stop hitting them.
If you want bots to index these paths but you don't want to see them in your reports then you need to implement some filtering logic. E.g. all major bots have a very clear user-agent string (e.g. Googlebot/2.1). You can use these strings to filter these hits out from your reporting.
Well the robots will all use a specific user-agent, so you can just disregard those requests.
But also, if you just use a robots.txt and deny them from visiting; well that will work too.
Don't redescover the weel!
Any statistical tool at the moment filters robots request. You can install AWSTATS (open source) even if you have a shared hosting. If you won't to install a software in your server you can use Google Analytics adding just a script at the end of your pages. Both solutions are very good. In this way you only have to log your errors (500, 404 and 403 are enough).

Is a deep directory structure a bad thing for SEO?

a friend of mine told me that the company he works at are redoing their SEO for their large website. Large == both number of pages and traffic they get a day.
Currently they have a (quote) deeply nested site , which i'm assuming means /x/y/z/a/b/c.. or something. I also know it's very unRESTful from some of the pages i've also seen -> eg. foo.blah?a=1&b=2&c=3......z=24 (yep, lots of crap in the url).
So updating their SEO sounds like a much needed thing.
But, they are going flat. I mean -> totally flat. eg. /foo-bar-pew-pew-abc-article1
This scares the bollox out of me.
From what he said (if i understood him right), each - character doesn't mean a new heirachial level.
so /foo-bar-pew-pew-abc-article1 does not mean /foo/bar/pew/pew/abc/article1
A space could be replace by a -. A + represents a space, but only if the two words are suppose to be one word (whatever that means). ie. Jean-Luke will be jean+luke but if i had a subject like 'hello world, that would be listed ashello-world`.
Excuse me while i blow my head up.
Is this just mean or is it totally silly to go completly flat. To mean, I was under the impression that when SEO people say keep it as flat as possible, they are trying to say keep it to 1 or 2 levels. 4 is the utter max=.
Is this me or is a flat heirachy a 'really really good thing' for seo ... for MEDIUM and LARGE sites (lots of resources, not necessairly lots of hits/page views).
Well, let's take a step back and look at what SEO is supposed to accomplish; it's meant to help a search engine identify quality, relevant content for users based on key phrases and terms.
Take, for example, the following blog URLs:
* http://blog.example.com/articles/2010/01/20/how-to-improve-seo/
* http://blog.example.com/how-to-improve-seo/
Yes, one is deep and the other is flat; but the URL structure is important for two reasons:
URL terms and phrases are high-value targets for determining relevance of a page by a search engine
A confusing URL may immediately force a user to skip your link in the search results
Let's face it: Google and other search engines can associate even the worst URLs with relevant content.
Take, for example, a search for "sears kenmore white refrigerator" in Google: http://www.google.com/search?q=sears+kenmore+white+refrigerator&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a.
Notice the top hit? The URL is http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_04665802000P , and yet Google replaces the lousy URL with www.sears.com › Refrigerators › Top Freezers. (Granted, 2 results down is the true URL.)
If your goal for SEO is optimized organic relevance, then I would wholeheartedly recommend generating either key/value pairs in the URL, like www.sears.com/category/refrigerators/company/kenmore (meh), or phrase-like URLs like www.sears.com/kenmore/refrigerators/modelNumber. You want to align your URLs with the user's search terms and phrases to maximize your effort.
In the end, if you offer valuable content and you structure your content and site properly, the search engines will accurately gather it. You just need to help them realize how specific and authoritative your content is. :)
Generally the less navigation to reach content the better. But with a logical breadcrumb strategy and well thought out deep linking the excess of directory depth can be managed and not hurt seo and the visibility in search.
Remember that Google is trying to return the most relevant link and the best user experience, so if your site has 3 urls coming up for the same search term and it take 2 or 3 exits to find the appropriate content, Google will read that as bad and start lowering all of your urls in SERPs.
You have to consider how visitors will find your content - not navigate it. Think content discovery and just navigation.
Flat or deeply nested really shouldn't affect the SEO. The key part is how those individual pages are linked to will determine how they get ranked. I did write some basic stuff on this years ago see here, but essentially if pages are not buried deeply within a site, i.e. it takes several clicks (or links from Google's perspective) then they should rank fairly much the same in either case. Google used to put a lot more weight on keywords in URL's but this has been scaled back in more recent algorithm changes. It helps to have keywords there, but its no longer the be-all and end-all.
What you/they will need to consider are the following two important points:
1) How will the URL structure be perceived by the users of the site? Will they they be able to easily navigate the site and not have to rely on the URL structure in the address bar?
2) In making navigational changes such as this its vitally important to set-up redirects from old url's. Google, hates 404's and they should either put in 410 (Gone) HTTP responses for pages are no longer valid or 301 HTTP response for permanent redirects (with new url).
In making any large changes such as this you can save loads of time getting the site indexed successfully by utilising XML sitemaps and Google's webmaster console.