How to implement singleton for use in application servers, singleton OK? - singleton

I have some code that gets run a lot (for every webservice request).
The code is called from within a web service which is hosted by an application server (Websphere 7).
I noticed Websphere uses a lot of classes that presumably are singleton objects (such as BOXMLSerializer (for de/serializing business objects) or BOFactory.
I want to save on the cost of creating a new object for every web service request for example.
Is creating a singleton that lives for the duration of the uptime of the app server is the best way of dealing with this?
Does Websphere provides any help with these sorts of things?

erloewe is correct, an ordinary singleton could work. Regarding the Singleton Session Bean though -- it's part of the J2EE6 spec and is not available in WAS7 (since it is only J2EE5). It will be part of WAS8 though.

Yes, you could make an ordinary singleton. However due the way the classloader works it might not be exactly same for your applications if you had several applications requiring similar service. For that reason you probably should create a Singleton Session Bean.


What are the differences between BackgroundServices and SingletonServices?

I have a service which should begin when the server starts, and continue running for the entirety of the server lifetime. I would like to be able to manage the service (querying, modifying runtime options, etc) with a web frontend. While researching the best way to accomplish this, I came across two options: a scoped service with a singleton lifetime, and a backgroundservice/IHostedService. What are the differences between the two options, and when should one be used over the other?
Neither of those is actually a thing. The closest is the concept of a singleton and hosted services. A hosted service is a class that implements IHostedService and pretty much fits the bill of what you're looking for in that it will start at app startup and stop at app shutdown. ASP.NET Core 3.0 added a BackgroundService class, which is just an implementation of IHostedService with a lot of the cruft of defining what happens as start/stop/etc. covered. In practice, it usually makes more sense to inherit from BackgroundService, but you can also just implement IHostedService directly yourself.
"Singleton" is just a lifetime. All hosted services are registered with a singleton lifetime, but just because something is a singleton, doesn't mean it does anything special. You could, for example, register some random class as a singleton, and whenever it is injected, you'll always get the same instance. However, it will not do anything at startup or shutdown on its own.
Long and short, there are no differing options here. You're looking for a hosted service. That said, it only solves part of what you're looking for, in that it will "run" while the app is running. However, you can't really connect to it, or interact with it directly. It's not like a Web Api or something; it isn't exposed for HTTP requests, for example.
To "manage" it, you would have to expose some sort of API that would then interact with the service through code. For example, the docs provide an example of a queued background service that processes things added to the queue. However, to queue something, you would need to do something like create an API endpoint, inject the queue, and then use code to add a new item to the queue. Then, the actual hosted service would eventually pop that task from the queue and work on it.

Zend Framework 3 singletons

I'm creating a new application in Zend Framework 3 and i have a question about a design pattern
Without entering in much details this application will have several Services, as in, will be connecting to external APIs and even in multiple databases, the workflow is also very complex, a single will action can have multiple flows depending on several external information (wich user logged in, configs, etc).
I know about dependency injections and Zend Framework 3 Service Manager, however i am worried about instanciating sereval services when the flow will actually use only a few of them in certain cases, also we will have services depending on other services aswell, for this, i was thinking about using singletons.
Is singleton really a solution here? I was looking a way to user singletons in Zend Framework 3 and haven't figured out a easy way since i can't find a way to user the Service Manager inside a service, as I can't retrive the instance of the Service Manager outside of the Factory system.
What is an easy way to implement singletons in Zend Framework 3?
Why use singletons?
You don't need to worry about too many services in your service manager since they are started only when you get them from the service manager.
Also don't use the service manager inside another class except a factory. In ZF3 it's removed from the controllers for a reason. One of them is testability. If all services are inject with a factory, you can easily write tests. Also if you read your code next year, you can easily see what dependencies are needed inside a class.
If you find there are too many services being injected inside a class which are not always needed you can:
Use the ProxyManager. This lazy loads a service but doesn't start it until a method is called.
Split the service: Move some parts from a service into a new service. e.g. You don't need to place everything in an UserService. You can also have an UserRegisterService, UserEmailService, UserAuthService and UserNotificationsService.
In stead of ZF3, you can also think about zend-expressive. Without getting into too much detail, it is a lightweight middleware framework. You can use middleware to detect what is needed for a request and route to the required action to process the request. Something like this can probably also done in ZF3 but maybe someone else can explain how to do it there.

Passing client context using Unity in WCF service application

I have a WCF service application (actually, it uses WCF Web API preview 5) that intercepts each request and extracts several header values passed from the client. The idea is that the 'interceptor' will extract these values and setup a ClientContext object that is then globally available within the application for the duration of the request. The server is stateless, so the context is per-call.
My problem is that the application uses IoC (Unity) for dependency injection so there is no use of singleton's, etc. Any class that needs to use the context receives it via DI.
So, how do I 'dynamically' create a new context object for each request and make sure that it is used by the container for the duration of that request? I also need to be sure that it is completely thread-safe in that each request is truly using the correct instance.
So I realize as I look into the suggestions below that part of my problem is encapsulation. The idea is that the interface used for the context (IClientContext) contains only read-only properties so that the rest of the application code doesn't have the ability to make changes. (And in a team development environment, if the code allows it, someone will inevitably do it.)
As a result, in my message handler that intercepts the request, I can get an instance of the type implementing the interface from the container but I can't make use of it. I still want to only expose a read-only interface to all other code but need a way to set the property values. Any ideas?
I'm considering implementing two interfaces, one that provides read-only access and one that allows me to initialize the instance. Or casting the resolved object to a type that allows me to set the values. Unfortunately, this isn't fool-proof either but unless someone has a better idea, it might be the best I can do.
Read Andrew Oakley's Blog on WCF specific lifetime managers. He creates a UnityOperationContextLifetimeManager:
we came up with the idea to build a Unity lifetime manager tied to
WCF's OperationContext. That way, our container objects would live
only for the lifetime of the request...
Configure your context class with that lifetime manager and then just resolve it. It should give you an "operation singleton".
Sounds like you need a Unity LifetimeManager. See this SO question or this MSDN article.

How to unit test a WCF server/client?

I have a WCF server that is a library assembly. (I am writing it so I can mock the level below it) It is called var a client helper class that is in a different assembly. As the data that is transferred is complex and the server has to send call-backs to the clients I wish to test the WCF code in isolation.
(I am only interested in the TCP channel or NamePipe channel)
I do not wish to mock WCF, as the risk I am trying to control is my usage of WCF.
It there a easy way to
Load my WCF server into a different app domain
(I could load the WCF server into the main app domain, but then I it harder to prove that the objects were serialized correctly rather than just pointer moved about.)
Setup all the WCF config so the client class can call it (most likely named pipes or TCP)
And use it in some nunit test
I rather not have my unit tests depending on config file.
I expect (hope) that there are some util classes for setting up WCF unit test that I can just pass the type of my server class to and will give me back a client factory that connects to the server.
Am I going about this the wrong way, e.g there a better way of testing my communication layer and usage of WCF?
It is by far the easiest approach if you spin up the service in-proc, because then you don't need to write a lot of complex synchronization code to determine when the service is running and when it isn't.
Don't worry about pointers being passed around - they won't (unless you choose the new in-proc binding in WCF 4). It's the binding that determines how and if objects are serialized. Named pipes are excellent for this purpose.
I always spin up a new ServiceHost in each test case inside a using statement, which effectively guarantees that the host is running before calls are being made to it, and that it is properly closed after each test. This last part is important because it ensures test independence.
You may also want to look at a series of blog posts I wrote about a very similar subject.
You can use SOA Cleaner for testing your WCF. Take a look at
no installation is needed. It's not unit testing, but it can be very helpful (you can have it run on your build, as it supports command line too).

Sharing session between WCF services

I have been working on splitting up the app tier and web tier of a web application. In the app tier, I managed to separate the business logic into a bunch of services exposed using WCF proxies. The problem is that these services talk to another legacy application that uses a large CLR object as its primary means of communication. To keep things quick, I had been keeping a copy of this object in the session after I created it the first time. Now I know that WCF can do sessions, but the session storage is per service whereas my business logic is now split into multiple services (as it should be).
Now the questions:
Is there a way to share session storage between WCF services hosted on the same host?
Is this even something I should be doing?
If not, then what are the best practices here?
This is probably not the first time somebody’s had a large business object on the server. Unfortunately for me, I really do need to cache this object per user (hence the session).
It’s possible the answer is obvious and I'm just not seeing it. Help please!
I think instance context sharing can help
As far as I understand WCF, it is designed to be as stateless as it could be. In a session you can remember some values in your service, but objects are not meant to live outside the scope of a session.
Therefore, I'd think you are in trouble.
Of course, there might be some way to store and exchange objects between sessions that I don't know (I use WCF, but I don't know very much about it, apart from what I need for myself).
(if there is a way to share objects between services, it probably would only work on services you host yourself. IIS hosting might recycle your service sometimes)
Perhaps you can wrap this object in a singleton service. This is a service with only one instance, which will not be destroyed between calls. Because you need an object for each user, this service has to manage a list of them and the calling services has to provide the needed authentication data (or sessionid). Don't forget a timeout to get rid of unneeded objects...
Create a facade service which hosts the large CLR object on behalf of the other app tier services. It can work as an adapter, allowing more specific session identifiers to the more advanced app tier services you have created. The facade can provide a session identifier, like a GUID, which your app tier services can use to get re-connected with the large CLR object.
This provides a few advantages:
Some of your app tier might not need to know about the CLR object at all. They only communicate with the remote facade.
the 'large CLR object' host retains the session object on behalf of the other services who can now share it.
The app tiers now have a facade through which they talk to the legacy service. As you work to refactor this legacy service, the app tier doesn't have to change.
Depending on your setup, you may be able to host the facade via in proc hosting which will give retain performance boost you are seeking.
Breaking things up into subservices seems like a good idea if you want to be able to spread the app out over a farm. However, it's important to keep in mind that whenever an object crosses the appdomain boundary at the vary least it will have to be copied in memory.
It all depends on how big the object is and what kind of data it holds.
If you don't want to pass the object because it's too large you may want to make a query API for the service which receives it. In this way you could manipulate that object without having to do expensive serialization or remoting.
Keep it simple. Since you already have access to Session in your WCF, you can use the SessionID from there. Now:
Create a static dictionary somewhere, where the Key is your sessionId and the value is the business object you want to store.
Instead of accessing the business object in session, just access the sessionid and get the business object from the Value of your dictionary.
(You can also use some type of caching if you wish, for example System.Web.Caching, that way you don't have to cleanup the dictionary manually)