SPContext.Current.FormContext.OnSaveHandler not firing when SPControlMode is New - sharepoint-2010

I've got a web part that I'm using to add some custom controls to the New, Edit and Display forms for a SharePoint ListItem. I added a handler for SPContext.Current.FormContext.OnSaveHandler to update the item. I add my web part to the Edit and New forms using SharePoint Designer and hide (set IsVisible=False) for the DataFormWebPart that's put in by default. Everything works fine when editing an item. My OnSaveHandler function is called and I update the SPListItem. The problem is with a new item. The OnSaveHandler function is not called unless I have the DataWebFormPart visible. I make no other changes to the web form but toggle the visibility of the DataFormWebPart. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
if (SPContext.Current.FormContext.FormMode == SPControlMode.Edit ||
SPContext.Current.FormContext.FormMode == SPControlMode.New)
SPContext.Current.FormContext.OnSaveHandler += FormContext_OnSave;
protected void FormContext_OnSave(object sender, EventArgs e)
//update the list item


How to close ComboBox list items when moving application window of my WinRT/C++ UWP application?

I have a pair of ComboBox controls having IsEditable() true as well as false.
When I am scrolling through my application or moving my application window (by clicking on the title bar) with list popup open, I would like to close the ComboBox list popup as otherwise there would be a weird delay in aligning the list correctly below the control.
Is this possible in UWP with WinRT/C++? If so, kindly suggest how to.
I did an investigation to find if any events are there to handle in such a scenario when ComboBox control is essentially displaced from initial position while moving the app window/scrolling the app, but couldn't find any help.
Edit: Adding ComboBox image from XAML Controls Gallery to demonstrate the behaviour. In case if IsEditable set as true, when popup is opened and application is scrolled then popup goes outside the window. Instead I would like to dismiss the popup itself. However, if IsEditable is set as false then we cannot scroll until the popup is dismissed.
Update: The code I tested for PointerWheelChanged
void CBFile2022X::OnPointerWheelChangedHandler( Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender,
Windows::UI::Xaml::Input::PointerRoutedEventArgs const& eventargs )
OutputDebugString( L"PointerWheelChanged" );
if( ComboBox != nullptr )
ComboBox.IsEnabled( false );
ComboBox.IsEnabled( true );
I have to say that currently there is no event to detect if the application window is moved or changed its location.
You could handle the UIElement.PointerWheelChanged Event which will be fired when users scroll the mouse wheel. You could set the IsEnabled property of the ComboBox to false first and then set it to true, this will make the ComboBox lose its focus. Like:
private void Mypanel_PointerWheelChanged(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e)
FontsCombo.IsEnabled = false;
FontsCombo.IsEnabled = true;
If you are using a ScrollViewer you could try to handle the ScrollViewer.ViewChanging Event.
private void ScrollViewer_ViewChanging(object sender, ScrollViewerViewChangingEventArgs e)
FontsCombo.IsEnabled = false;
FontsCombo.IsEnabled = true;

CustomListView in windows mobile 6.5.3

I am using http://christian-helle.blogspot.in/2011/01/multi-platform-mobile-development_19.html for creating a custom list view.
In the existing sample it is not possible to pre set the selectedIndex of list view.
I have made few changes to the sample code and I am able to set the index and highlight it. but the problem is I am not able to set the scroll position to the highlighted item.
I have tried to set scrollBar.Value = itemindex, but it is not reflecting on the custom list view.
The simplest solution would be ListView.EnsureVisible.
private ListView listView1;
private void listView1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (-1 < listView1.SelectedIndex) {

Windows Phone 7 Control Caching - 'Element is already the child of another element'

I'm trying to speed up my windows phone 7 page load times. I have a 'static' page that has a dynamically created in a Panorama control - static meaning that the content never changes.
On the first load I look at my config file, create the individual PanoramaItem controls and add them to the main Panorama control. I'm trying to keep a List in a static place so that the initial creation would only happen once and I could just add a fully rendered version to my Panorama control when the page was rendered.
Works fine on first load, but when I try to add the cached PanoramaItems to the Panorama control I get the message "Element is already the child of another element". This makes sense since I already added before. But I can see a way to disconnect the PanoramaItems with the first Panorama control...
I could be going about the control caching thing all wrong as well... Let me know if there's another way to do this.
You can use Panorama.Items.Remove(pivotItem) for this
As an example
With the following page fields
PanoramaItem pi;
bool blahShown = false;
On the press of this button, the control is first instantiated and displayed and on subsequent presses removed and readded without instantiation.
private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (pi == null) {
pi = new PanoramaItem();
pi.Header = "blah";
if (blahShown) {
blahShown = false;
} else {
blahShown = true;

Handle Click- Events of Dynamically generated buttons..?? VB.NET

Am on creation of touch screen UI system.And am generating button for selecting products
Under certain category.
--> array of button creating dynamically And placing in TABPAGE when user selects Tab for category.
The button will be created with the name of products, Under the category selected.
'the way am creating controls.
mybutton(j) = new button()
mybutton(j).top = 100
How can i get the Click event of those buttons-( in the array)....??
You can use the += operator to assign a handler to an event, for example:
myButton.Click += ButtonClick;
and then declare it like this:
public void ButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
// ...
Alternatively, if the code is short, you may like to specify it right there directly, for example:
myButton.Click += (sender, e) =>
// ...
The advantage of that latter method is that you can capture outside variables, such as for example the array of buttons and the index of this particular button.
Have a look at this link. http://forums.asp.net/p/1583639/3997438.aspx
Add button into the list and create a event for that.

SCSF: display view from another view against button click

i am facing one problem in SCSF.
I have two workspaces
i have two views in a module
Viewer (display in mdiworkspace)
Property Viewer (in deckworkspace)
in Viewer i have a button in toolbar whose purpose is to display PropertyViewer (another View).
how can i display this PropertyViewer in deckworkspace agaist button click event.
NOTE: i am not using Command[CommandName].AddInvoker(control, "click:) and CommandHandler
I'm going to assume your toolbar sits in a SmartPart that implements the MVP pattern. Have the button click event handler in the SmartPart fire an event that its presenter will handle. Your presenter code would look like this:
// Presenter code
protected override void OnViewSet()
this.View.ToolbarButtonClick += View_ToolbarButtonClick;
public void View_ToolbarButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
// remove the handler so the property viewer
// will only be added the first time
this.View.OnToolbarButtonClick -= View_ToolbarButtonClick;
var propertyView = new PropertyViewer();