find out fullscreen button in youtube embedded player programatically - objective-c

I wanted to know that is there any way to find out programatically the fullscreen button that is added on the youtube embedded player so that I can call an action on its touchupInsideEvent.
Please help.
Thanks in advance.

In general, it's not possible to intercept events like that into the flash player, unless the SWF has some sort of an API for that purpose.
A different way to approach the problem is to use the YouTube "chromeless" player. It's basically an embedded player with no user interface elements. You provide the controls, which can command the player via the Javascript interface. You can intercept a user request for maximize that way.
There's even a question on Stack Overflow that concerns with fullscreen functionality for Chromeless players.


What's the name of camera tiles view in

I'm just playing around with, WebRTC and I want to implement a "camera tile view". I hope you understand what I mean, so all the (small) cameras of the users should be displayed in a row/table one next to each other or in a list, if too many users. The active speaking user gets a border around his camera view or sth like that.
Can anybody tell me the name of this kind of view or point me to a location, where I can check some samples about this?
Best regards, Alex
The Agora SDK's provide all the API's for building your own Ui, so there is no method within the SDK for generating a tile view, you would have to do that yourself.
That being said, the Agora developer community has some open source UI Kits that serve as a good starter template for your UI that you can adjust. The Agora Web UIKit supports tile view as the default.
Vanilla JS:

Embedded camera in Xamarin Forms

I have a client that adamantly insists on a solution with embedded camera in terms of having a ContentPage with an camera stream and custom buttons and icons, similar to, or at very least as I understand it seeing as it is a Snapchat clone. And my client wants similar swipe capabilities as to how navigation works in Snapchat.
However, as far as I can tell most of what is utilized in that solution has been deprecated.
I have suggested using the Media Plugin but they're not satisfied with the camera being pushed on the stack.
I've looked into implementing it natively and using dependency injections but it appears to be an overwhelming amount of work just to implement the most basic functions, particularly for Android's Camera2.
I'm hoping someone can provide me with good news of an easier alternative or an alteration to either Moments or Media Plugin or anything similar that will facilitate the requirements or if my only option is time consuming and complex?
From the code of Moment, you can do what you want to achieve. I did this for iOS.
You will have to create a custom renderer to display the camera page. You will be able to add buttons on top of it.
You could try this example which use custom renderer to add a take photo button and switch camera button on the camera view. Which is able to use on iOS and Android platform.
Main Page:
Camera View with custom button page:

How to find out if the video is currently playing in full screen on OS X

We have an application for Mac OS X that needs to know when the user is watching a movie in full screen to change its behavior.
Is there any system programmatic "hooks" that allow native Objective-C application to know when fullscreen playback is started?
You can get a list of all windows by using the CGWindow API, like in the Son of Grab sample.
From there, you can look at the window levels to figure out which windows are full screen, but I am not aware of any way to look for video playback specifically, as different apps (VLC, QickTime Player) all use slightly different methods. Of course, you could hard code specific process names, and assume that they are doing video playback if they have a fullscreen window.

Ooyala video player (iOS): how to ALWAYS hide video control?

I use Ooyala video player in my project, and I need to have my own video control, so I need a way to hind its built-in video control, I found that the OOOoyalaPlayerViewController has method showControls, but the control appears when you tap the video, so is there a way to explicitly hide the controls? I've tried subclassing OOOoyalaPlayerViewController and overwrite showControls to do nothing but it did not work.
If you are creating custom controls, you probably want to use an OOOoyalaPlayer directly versus going through the OOOoyalaPlayerViewController- all the viewcontroller does is add controls on top of the player.
If you must use an OOOoyalaPlayerViewController, try subclassing OOControlsViewController and overwriting - (void)onTap:(UITapGestureRecognizer *)sender. The source for this is bundled with our SDK.

Objective-C iPhone - Playing youtube within an app

Is it possible to play youtube using the method described in this url
but with a custom button? (i.e in the picture in the link, it's of a baseball game with the play button overlay on top, I want that to be a custom button that I create)
Thank you,
No, the way that you play YouTube videos is by opening it in the mobile site, which takes you to the embedded QuickTime/YouTube viewer. It doesn't play them in the view of your app like the QTView would on a Mac.