Not handling IA32 exception? - handler

What happens if i.e, in the IDT entry 0, I set the P (Present) bit to zero?
That translate to not handling a possible zero division.
Suppose the CPU does a zero division... what happens in this case?

In this case you should get a #GP. If the #GP handler is not present, you'll probably end up in Triple-Fault Shutdown.


Why is Redis Streams minimum message ID '0-1'?

The timestamp minimum is 0, and the sequence part starts at 0. Why is Redis Streams minimum message ID '0-1' and not '0-0'?
Is '0-0' used internally? Is this why you can have 'empty' streams?
It appears to be a bug - there is an open pull request to fix it at
This makes perfect sense. If id 0-0 was allowed, there'd be no way to start fetching stream from the very beginning if using an explicit index (as opposed to -). Sometimes it is convenient to use an explicit index and not -.
In other words, it would be confusing and undesirable if simply passing 0 would result in skipping first element.

"NVM_E_INTEGRITY_FAILED" Error was detected at startup during "NVM_ReadAll"

Due to CRC( Autosar)issue for a particular NvBlock, "NVM_E_INTEGRITY_FAILED" Error was observed during "NVM_ReadAll()".
I tried to debug but couldn't root cause the issue.
Out of all the blocks only one NvBlock has the crc issue and obviously causing the NNM_Readll to fail("NVM_REQ_NOT_OK").
Please suggest the best method to debug this issue.
Thank you Lundin and Kesselhaus. Its seems the SPI dirver has the issue in reading the data from Eeprom for that particular block (block size greater than 1k). The calculated CRC has different value compared to actual CRC value. Thus NVM_Integrity Error is set.

Is division by zero considered error or failure?

When my program stops working due to division by 0 then is it considered error or failure?
Error is called when a human action produces an incorrect result. Failure is when we get different result than expected. I'm just wondering if the unexpected stop from program is a error by human or failure of the program?
It is considere as an error. Or we can also called this an exception. And if u dont want to prevent this u can use exception handling.
Depending on the programming environment and the type of number (e.g. floating point, integer) being divided by zero, it may generate positive or negative infinity, generate an exception, generate an error message, cause the program to terminate.
It is a type of failure when it is in compile time but it is an error because usually this type of an error occur when the program is compiled and then executed

how many clock ticks have occurred between these values?

If a 16 bit timer counter registers an event at 0xB123 and a subsequent event at 0x23B1 how many clock ticks have occurred between these values?
2^16 = 65536
0xB123 in decimal is 45347
0x23B1 in decimal is 9137
Not sure if I am correct. But do you just subtract 9137 from 45347 which gives the answer 36210?
Lol, microcomputers 204 tutorial?
Since the question say a "subsequent event at 0x23B1"
Not sure if im correct either, but doesn't the counter overflows at 65536? So the max address should be 65535, hence 65535-45347=20188 (before it reaches overflow to start at 0 again.) then plus 9137 (20188+9137=29325?)
What do you think?

If passing a negative number to taskDelay function in vxworks, what happens?

Noted that the parameter of taskDelay is of type int, which means the number could be negative. Just wondering how the function is going to react when passing a negative number.
Most functions would validate the input, and just return early/return 0/set the parameter in question to a default value.
I presume there's no critical need to do this in production, and you probably have some code lying around that you could test with.... why not give it a go?
The documentation doesn't address it, and the only error codes they do define doesn't cover this case. The most correct answer therefore is that the results are undefined.
See the VxWorks / Tornado II FAQ for this gem, however:
taskDelay(-1) shows another bug in
the vxWorks timer/tick code. It has
the (side) effect of setting vxTicks
to zero. This corrupts the localtime
(and probably other things). In fact
taskDelay(x) will have the same effect
if vxTicks + x >= 0x100000000. If the
system clock rate is 100Hz this
happens after about 500 days (because
vxTicks wraps). At faster clock rates
it will happen sooner. Anyone trying
for several years uptime?
Oh there is an undocumented upper
limit on the clock rate. At rates
above 4294 select() will fail to
convert its 'usec' time into the
correct number of ticks. (From: David
Assuming this bug is old, I would hope that it would either return an error or do the same thing as taskDelay(0), which puts your task at the end of the ready queue.
The task delay tick will be VIRTUALLY 10,9,..,1,0 for taskDelay(10).
The task delay tick will be VIRTUALLY -10,-11,...,-2147483648,2147483647,...,1,0 for taskDelay(-10).