If passing a negative number to taskDelay function in vxworks, what happens? - vxworks

Noted that the parameter of taskDelay is of type int, which means the number could be negative. Just wondering how the function is going to react when passing a negative number.

Most functions would validate the input, and just return early/return 0/set the parameter in question to a default value.

I presume there's no critical need to do this in production, and you probably have some code lying around that you could test with.... why not give it a go?

The documentation doesn't address it, and the only error codes they do define doesn't cover this case. The most correct answer therefore is that the results are undefined.
See the VxWorks / Tornado II FAQ for this gem, however:
taskDelay(-1) shows another bug in
the vxWorks timer/tick code. It has
the (side) effect of setting vxTicks
to zero. This corrupts the localtime
(and probably other things). In fact
taskDelay(x) will have the same effect
if vxTicks + x >= 0x100000000. If the
system clock rate is 100Hz this
happens after about 500 days (because
vxTicks wraps). At faster clock rates
it will happen sooner. Anyone trying
for several years uptime?
Oh there is an undocumented upper
limit on the clock rate. At rates
above 4294 select() will fail to
convert its 'usec' time into the
correct number of ticks. (From: David
Laight, dsl#tadpole.co.uk)
Assuming this bug is old, I would hope that it would either return an error or do the same thing as taskDelay(0), which puts your task at the end of the ready queue.

The task delay tick will be VIRTUALLY 10,9,..,1,0 for taskDelay(10).
The task delay tick will be VIRTUALLY -10,-11,...,-2147483648,2147483647,...,1,0 for taskDelay(-10).


Is there a way to turn off a vehicle signal in SUMO?

I know that you can turn on a vehicle signal (for example, the left indicator) in traci using:
traci.vehicle.setSignals(vehID, int)
where the integer related to the specific signal can be found using the following link (https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/TraCI/Vehicle_Signalling.html#signaling), but is there a way of turning off a specific signal that would be otherwise turned on by the program (i.e., a setSignalOff)?
I think that there is a function in the underlying C++ code (switchOffSignal() in MSVehicle.h) but there doesn't appear to be a traci command that turns off a specific signal.
I appreciate that it is (generally) a pleasant visual aesthetic and has no impact on vehicle behaviour, but it would be very useful for what I am trying to do!
Switching off signals should work from traci. By using sometihng like traci.vehicle.setSignals("ego", 0), I can switch them off. Be aware that this will be reset after the step, so you may have to do that in every timestep.
So, Michael is right in that:
traci.vehicle.setSignals("ego", 0)
should turn off all signals (although the signals still appeared on for me visually, which confused me initially).
To turn off individual signals but keep the others on you need to:
For all the "on" signals find the value of 2^n, where n is the bit integer (which can be found using the following link: https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/TraCI/Vehicle_Signalling.html)
Sum all these 2^n values (let's call this variable x) and use this value in the setSignals function: traci.vehicle.setSignals("ego", x).
So for example, if we want the brake light, the right indicator and the high beam on (but all the other signals off) we would do:
RightIndicatorValue = pow(2,0)
BrakeLightValue = pow(2,3)
HighBeamValue = (2,6)
SignalValue = RightIndicatorValue + BrakeLightValue + HighBeamValue
traci.vehicle.setSignals(("ego", SignalValue)

Redis time jumps forward and goes backwards

This script shows that the timestamp that redis returns seems to jump forward a lot and then go backwards from time to time. This happens regularly throughout the run, on every run. What's going on? Is this documented anywhere? I stumbled on this as it messes up my sliding window rate limiter.
res_0, res_1 = 0, 0
for _ in range(200):
script = f"""
local time = redis.call("TIME")
local current_time = time[1] .. "." .. time[2]
return current_time
res_0 = res_1
res_1 = float(await redis.eval(script, numkeys=0))
print(res_1 - res_0)
The most likely reason for this behavior is floating point arithmetic on the calling code side: parsing floats would inevitably round (not sure about the extent, since you didn't tell what platform you are coding against) the input value and the original result precision is lost. So, I would suggest to review your logic so that you process the two components of the result returned by TIME independently using a couple of integers / longs instead.
In addition to that, apart from the obvious possibility of an issue with the clock of the Redis server, there may also be the chance you are contacting different Redis hosts along with each iteration - this may hold true in the event you are using a multi-node Redis topology (replication or cluster).

How to add delay in Micro secs in tcl file?

I am using when command in tcl file, and after the condition is met I want to wait for some microseconds. I have found after, but the delay we specify for after is in milliseconds; it is not taking decimal values.
So is there any other way to add short delay in tcl file?
There's no native operation for that. If it is critical, you could busy-loop looking at clock microseconds…
proc microsleep {micros} {
set expiry [expr {$micros + [clock microseconds]}]
while {[clock microseconds] < $expiry} {}
I don't really recommend doing this as it is not energy efficient; such high precision waiting is rarely required in my experience (unless you're working on an embedded system with realtime requirements, an area where Tcl isn't a perfect fit).
Of course, you can also make a C wrapper round a system call like nanosleep(), and that might or might not be a better choice (and might or might not be more efficient)…

Why is the condition in this if statement written as a multiplication instead of the value of the multiplication?

I was reviewing some code from a library for Arduino and saw the following if statement in the main loop:
if ( draw_state >= 14*8 )
draw_state = 0;
draw_state is a uint8_t.
Why is 14*8 written here instead of 112? I initially thought this was done to save space, as 14 and 8 can both be represented by a single byte, but then so can 112.
I can't see why a compiler wouldn't optimize this to 112, since otherwise it would mean a multiplication has to be done every iteration instead of the lookup of a value. This looks to me like there is some form of memory and processing tradeoff.
Does anyone have a suggestion as to why this was done?
Note: I had a hard time coming up with a clear title, so suggestions are welcome.
Probably to explicitly show where the number 112 came from. For example, it could be number of bits in 14 bytes (but of course I don't know the context of the code, so I could be wrong). It would then be more obvious to humans where the value came from, than wiriting just 112.
And as you pointed out, the compiler will probably optimize it, so there will be no multiplication in the machine code.

Hyperopt set timeouts and modify space during execution

if someone can help on:
How to set a timeout for each individual test ? a timeout for the total experiment ?
How to setup a progressive strategy which would eliminate/prune a % of worst scoring branches of search space at different stage of the experiment (while using current optimization algorithms) ? ie. at 30% of the max total experiment, it could remove 50% of the worst scoring classifiers and all its branch of hyperparameters to remove it from upcoming tests. Then, same process at 60%...
Thanks a lot!
Following my exchange on hyperopt's github:
there is not a per-trial timeout but hyperopt-sklearn implements its own solution by just wrapping the function. Please look for "fn_with_timeout" at https://github.com/hyperopt/hyperopt-sklearn/ .
from issue 210: "the optimizers are stateless, and fmin stores all state of the experiment in the trials object. So if you remove some experiments from the trials object, it's as if they never happened. use fmin's "max_evals" parameter to interrupt search as often as you need to make these sorts of modifications. It should be fine to use repeated calls with e.g. max_evals increasing by 1 every time if you want really fine grained control."
Thanks for looking into this, #doxav. I've written some code that addresses question 1, taking part of fn_with_timeout from hyperopt-sklearn and adapting it for standard Hyperopt cost functions.
You can find it here: