weather api, api for iphone, api for php - api

can any buddy have any code in which with the help of api I can see the weather updates for one week, if any buddy have any tutorial then plz given it to me..
either it is implemented for iphone or for php

use google whether in php
see the link
to iphone see old question in so :

Here's a php example (Note : Needs a valid API-KEY from
$url = ',us&mode=xml&appid=<API-KEY>'
$forecast = file_get_contents($url);
You can get forecast by city name, city ID, latitude & longitude etc.


How to get residentadvisor API work?

I´m trying to connect to the API of residentadvisor (
My goal is, to get all informations of DJs (tracks and labels) and labels (DJs and tracks) and the TOP100, TOP1000 and so on.
Unfortunatelly, there is no good manual for this API. I wrote to residentadvisor and got no answer.
There are some examples given, but I don´t know what are the example values:
<UserID>string</UserID>: Is this my login name?
<AccessKey>string</AccessKey> Is this my personal user password?
<DJID>string</DJID> Where can I find the DJID of a DJ?
<ArtistName>string</ArtistName> Ok, this is just the artist name, right?
<ChartID>string</ChartID>: Where can I find the ChartID?
<Option>string</Option>: What are the options?
<URL>string</URL> Which URL ist this?
Any hints?
Thanks in advance
I just contacted them and they replied within 24 hours: "There are no plans to release our API currently"
(Update: There is now an official app called RA Guide in Google Play and App Store

city not found Yahoo weather api

I am using yahoo weather api to pull weather data for a certain location. I am getting error that says "city not found".
The location is "Islamabad, Pakistan" with WOEID=2211027
Here is the xml request uri, i am using:
It was working few days back. But now it shows error saying city not found, Any ideas?
Thanks Awais
Do you have the coordinates?
If yes, you can try metwit weather API.
Here is a working and simple jQuery example :
Disclosure: I own this sweet API. Let know if you need help.

any way to get business data using URL of yelp?

I am new to using API of YELP to get business data.
I have a only business URL like "" OR "1886-cafe-and-bakery-austin".
Any way to get business perticular that url data using any API in YELP?
Please suggest me if any one have..
NOTE: I solve issue: please refer below comment answer... thanks
I solved issue to get venue business data using yelp API:
Above api i got data.

Twitter API oAUTH

I have implemented twitter API (oAUTH) by going through this tutorial . Its working and I can update my status (which I am guessing its kinda sharing) . The problem I am facing now is how can I add pictures , few words and a link to this $twitteroauth->post('statuses/update', array('status' => 'Hello Nettuts+'));. Something like twitter cards.
Is there another good tutorial which explains and demonstarte all the functions of Twitter API (oAUTH).
Thanks. :)
You can include a link/URL in your status update in the same way that you have included the other words (Hello Nettuts+).
However, you cannot add pictures in this manner - you will need to use the statuses/update_with_media endpoint as opposed to the statuses/update endpoint that you are using in your existing code. You can learn more about how to do this by reading Twitter's API documentation:
And you can see some example code here:

Google+ statistics

What's method of this site? How are their profile's ID, information retreived ?
Is there any Google API for google+ ?
That is how it started. I entered maybe 30 profiles. The rest was added manually by visitors...
I'm working on an unofficial php api that can pull public profile and relationship data. You could probably use it to do something similar.
Here's the source on GitHub:
Look in tests/plususer.php for an example of how to use it.
You can basically do something like this:
$followees = PlusPerson::FetchVisiblePlusPeople( $googleplus_id );
$followers = PlusPerson::FetchIncomingPlusPeople( $googleplus_id );
...which will give you an array of people a person has in their circles, and an array of people that have circled the person.
The API has now been announced at: and the official homepage is:
Google says there is going to be an API soon. What I suspect they are doing is parsing the public profile page go get the stats.
Got it. I'm taking Ids from search
First ten pages: