I am using yahoo weather api to pull weather data for a certain location. I am getting error that says "city not found".
The location is "Islamabad, Pakistan" with WOEID=2211027
Here is the xml request uri, i am using:
It was working few days back. But now it shows error saying city not found, Any ideas?
Thanks Awais
Do you have the coordinates?
If yes, you can try metwit weather API.
Here is a working and simple jQuery example : http://jsbin.com/isukam/1
Disclosure: I own this sweet API. Let know if you need help.
How i can get date data like that google search. Is it possible to get it?
I never found it in google custom search API. The second picture i post is only snippet which got date and some description about it. The first picture from google search news and the second is google custom search
The following API request returns metadata, like published time, only if it is mentioned in its HTML source.
GET https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?key=APIkey&cx=CustomSearchEngineID&q=rambo
And refer to the "metatags" section
And Voila!
Hope that helps :)
I am new to using API of YELP to get business data.
I have a only business URL like "http://www.yelp.com/biz/1886-cafe-and-bakery-austin" OR "1886-cafe-and-bakery-austin".
Any way to get business perticular that url data using any API in YELP?
Please suggest me if any one have..
NOTE: I solve issue: please refer below comment answer... thanks
I solved issue to get venue business data using yelp API:
API: http://api.yelp.com/v2/business/1886-cafe-and-bakery-austin
Above api i got data.
hi i want to find nearby places using current location.i went through many documentation and also logged in developer.google.com/console and created new project.In services i enabled google api services,but when i try to place this below link in the browzer https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/search/json?location=12.91136601187478,77.598882598177313&radius=5000#&types=bar#&sensor=true&key=MYkey
it gives
{`"html_attributions" : [],``
"results" : [],
"status" : "REQUEST_DENIED"
why this happens?? i am not able to find solution for this even though going through many documentation can anyone tel me the solution for this.
Use Google nearBySearch.
There is example:
On the link below you can find full spec. In your request you need to fill out all required parameters (location, radius, sensor and AppKey), otherwise you will get "REQUEST_DENIED"
Don't forget to turn on service "Places API" under developer console.
How can i use Google search api to get like on the google engine, title of website,a short description and URL. Is it possible?
I tried the api but it gives me only some information that doesn`t have a url or title to a website.
Using the Google shopping api, you can retrieve the title, short description and url. I've achieved this in a c# application where it returns a json file from the url below and parse over it.
You need a apiId to start with.
Using this url you can add search parameters after the q, in this example just searching for digital camera.
See http://code.google.com/apis/shopping/search/v1/getting_started.html
for more details
I'm not sure that I have enough information, but I find the Google Custom Search API reference page has the reference JSON/ATOM examples:
This query will get you started:
Does this get you started?
Take care!
can any buddy have any code in which with the help of api I can see the weather updates for one week, if any buddy have any tutorial then plz given it to me..
either it is implemented for iphone or for php
use google whether in php
see the link
to iphone see old question in so :
Here's a php example (Note : Needs a valid API-KEY from openweathermap.org)
$url = 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast?q=London,us&mode=xml&appid=<API-KEY>'
$forecast = file_get_contents($url);
You can get forecast by city name, city ID, latitude & longitude etc.