Problem creating database using SQL Server Management Express - sql-server-2005

I am trying to create a database using SQL Server Management Express.
The following error occurs:
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management
Studio Express
Create failed for Database
For help, click:
An exception occurred while executing
a Transact-SQL statement or batch.
CREATE DATABASE permission denied in
database 'master'. (Microsoft SQL
Server, Error: 262)
For help, click:

Run Microsft SQL Server Studio as administrator....your problem will be solved

It's very clear: the credential you are using doesn't have enough privileges to be able to create a new database. Are you logged in using Integrated Windows Authentication or Sql Server Authentication? Make sure your credentials have the dbcreator role either way.

If the computer is part of Domain. Log-in as local administrator account on the work station (maybe because the MSQSQL is installed on the computer using local administrator account, means that the local administrator account has systemadmin access on SMSQL), then when you are already logged as local administrator. open the MSSQL , now add/edit MSSQL security account.

I had this same problem. but solved!
you should go to your specify folder where database created (ex:C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA)
then right click on data folder -> properties-> advanced
then uncheck compress content to save disk space.
that's it.

Well, the error message seems to be pretty clear:
CREATE DATABASE permission denied in
database 'master'.
Obviously, the user account you're using doesn't have the permission to create a new database. Is that possible? What kind of user are you using?
Also: can you show us the CREATE DATABASE statement you're using??

Just check whether path is specified or not
For example : "C:..\MSSQL\DATA", in both the columns of Database files in the New Database wizard

I hope this solution will help someone!
My problem started when I had deleted the previous user from PC Management and from registry. Then I create a fresh-std user. and trying to create database from the new user, and that's where my problem started.
After searching for the better solution, I conclude by Uninstalling MS Server Express Database completely from my PC and re-install it again. This save time and solved my problem.
I hope this solution helps someone too!

I had similar issue and was solved by executing below command
--Step1 Find if it is used by some other PID
EXISTS(SELECT request_session_id FROM
WHERE resource_database_id =
'Model Database being used by some other session'
'Model Database not used by other session'
-- Step 2 - Identify
SELECT request_session_id FROM
-- Step 3 Get PID
WHERE resource_database_id =
-- Step 4 Get the EventInfo
DBCC InputBuffer(214)
-- Step 5 Kill the PID
Kill 214
Hope this helps

I had the same problem when trying to create the database with Right Click + New Database on Databases.
The solve was using New Query and the command to create database:
CREATE DATABASE databasename;
In the end I want to mention that I was logged in Management Studio with (localdb)\v11.0 over windows authentication.


SQL Server & RStudio - SQL Connection Almost Working

I've been running into an issue in R Studio with a SQL connection.
We've had an on-prem SQL Server that's been upgraded over the years, and a colleague that set it up no longer is with the organization.
We also have an Azure Server that's loaded with a SQL Server as well that was much more recently set up before they departed.
We have a GUI program we're currently developing, and one of the early steps is a SQL Login connection for the user where the variable is declared (db_user) and changes with their login and passes the password correctly within system variables defined in .Renviron as posted on RStudio's site for references.
Our initial connection string looks like this, and this is the line of code that starts the connection and where I believe the issue may lie first:
db_conn_onprem <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
Driver = "SQL Server",
Server = Sys.getenv("server"),
Database = Sys.getenv("database"),
UID = Sys.getenv("db_user"),
PWD = Sys.getenv("PWD")
Whenever the Azure connection succeeds, it connects as dbo#Azure\Azure vs On-Prem's guest#Server\Server.
(I can't post in-line screenshots yet)
On-Prem Connection Screenshot:
Azure Connection Screenshot:
I feel this is something dbo-related since that's where the connection drops.
(variable names anonymized)
Now for the issue:
Whenever we attempt to run a series of queries, our on-prem errors out with this:
Error: nanodbc/nanodbc.cpp:1655: 42000: [Microsoft][SQL Server][SQL Server]Cannot execute as the server principal because the principal "db_user" does not exist, this type of principal cannot be impersonated, or you do not have permission.
<SQL> 'EXECUTE AS LOGIN = 'db_user' SELECT name FROM master.sys.sysdatabases WHERE dbid > 4 AND HAS_DBACCESS(name) = 1 ORDER BY name ASC'
However, run the exact same procedure on the SQL Server in Azure with relatively no major configuration, and it succeeds.
Here's the SQL Code we run:
EXECUTE AS LOGIN = 'db_user' SELECT name
FROM master.sys.sysdatabases
WHERE dbid > 4
I feel like I've exhausted my resources for this, first I thought it was the initial R code or possibly SQL Drivers, however I don't believe that to be the issue since the SQL driver pulls a list of names in R Studio in the Connections context menu, but bounces back the error when attempting to complete the query.
Whenever I'm searching errors for references for this error, I see
Cannot execute as the server principal because the principal "dbo" does not exist, this type of principal cannot be impersonated, or you do not have permission.
Listed as the most commonly related error for the one I'm experiencing, however I've tried a number of those (From blank DB ownerships to unrelated solutions), but I've mostly hit a wall here.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
I feel this is something dbo-related since that's where the connection drops, but I have no clue where to continue going on this issue.
EXECUTE AS LOGIN = 'db_user'
requires impersonate permission for the login. Which the error message is clearly telling you. It's unclear why you want to impersonate that login instead of simply connecting as the login to begin with.

SQL Fiddle threw "CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'."

I was practicing how to make databases using SQL and computer threw CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'. I don't know what i'm doing wrong here, I can't edit any of the settings since I ran the query below in an online ide.
USE master;
Is there something I'm missing?
You can't create new databases through SQL Fiddle. It already runs your code in a new database. If you want to practice creating new databases, I would suggest SQL Server Express, .

Microsoft SQL Server, Error 916

I'm using Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Management Studio Express. I have detached one of my databases (it was in my office server) and .mdf and .ldf files are saved to MSSQL folder (on my local server). While I was detaching the database it was saying that with my connections (hopefully the server) cannot detach the database. Then I selected the drop connections option in the detach mode.
Now when I try to attach the database it doesn't allow me to attach. When I click the add button doesn't give me the option to browse my folder. Below error message is showing.
Failed to retrieve data for this request.(Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc)
Additional information:
An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch.(Microsoft SQL server. connectionInfo).
The server principal "my username" is not able to access the database "model" under the current security context.(Microsoft SQL server, Error:916).
What should I do? Please help me.
To resolve the issue... follow the given steps.
(1) Start sqlserver and login
(2) Press "F7" or click on "View->Object Explorer Details" to open Object Explorer Details window.
(3) You will see there column header.. like "Name", "Policy Health State", "Recovery Model", "Collation" etc.
(4) Right click on the header and unselect the "Collation".
(5) Now refresh the database folder. You will get all database list.
It's not a problem with the actual attach statement, but rather with setting up the wizard UI (which is a shame IMO). Use T-SQL to attach the database instead:
create database MyDatabase
(filename = 'c:\Data\mydatabase_data.mdf'),
(filename = 'c:\Data\mydatabase_log.ldf')
for attach;
You'd be better off to use T-SQL all the time instead of SSMS wizards. Or use wizard to script out the action and execute in a query window.
Also, check what's the problem with the permissions on model. Use this query to see if there's any DENY:
use model;
dp.type_desc as principal_type_desc,
object_name(p.major_id) as object_name,
p.state_desc as permission_state_desc
from sys.database_permissions p
inner join sys.database_principals dp
on p.grantee_principal_id = dp.principal_id
where p.state_desc = 'DENY'

SQL Server 2005: Invalid object name exception

In VS2005, I am using a DLL which accesses a SQL Server. The DLL returns a SQLException
Invalid object name 'tableXYZ'
but tableXYZ is a table in the database.
Should it be looking for dbo.tableXYZ instead? Is this a permissions issue with the login being used?
This could be an issue with the owner of the tableand permissions.
for example the table owner may be dbo so the full table name will be dbo.TableXYZ The user you connect as, could be for example SQLUser may not have access to the dbo schema. So can only access tables such as SQLuser.TableXYZ
I'd check the permissions that you use to connect to the database.
Using dbo.tableXYZ makes it clearer what you want - the tableXYZ in the default dbo schema. There could be a tableXYZ in another schema, too - then SQL Server might not know which one you want.
And it could most definitely be a permissions issue. If you connect to that database in SQL SErver Mgmt Studio as that user - can you see that tableXYZ table??
UPDATE: does the DLL require a specific connection string, that you might not have copied into your calling app's app.config file?? DLL's in .NET can't really have their own mylibrary.dll.config - it will not be read by .NET by default.
you have to use the databasename in your connection-string - otherwise it would just connect und you have to use dbo.databasename.tableXYZ.
you can find the various connection-strings here
As a starting point, you could turn on an SQL Server Profiler trace, to see how the DLL is connecting to the database. e.g. you should be able to see what credentials are being used. You could also confirm to make sure the code is connecting to the right database etc.

sync SQL Server 2005 login passwords

We are running a web application where each user has a login to the system. The application login is mapped to an actual SQL Server 2005 login (which we needed to create). Our development and disaster recovery sites are simply copies of this setup. On a nightly basis, the production database is backed up, the dump is archived, and we restore dev and DR using this file. When this is done, we need to run sp_change_users_login for each user to remap the database user to the SQL login.
When the user changes their password on production, the SQL login password is changed. This is not getting synced to dev/DR, so if they try to log on to one of those sites, they can't, and need to reset their password. Is there a [good] way to keep these SQL logins synced across multiple installs?
The next version of this product eliminates the SQL login need, but upgrading is not a current priority.
Script the logins with the password hashed and then drop and re-create them on your target server after you drop the database and before you restore the database back-up. That's how we script SQL2005 logins with our scripter software. You might like to try the software - - or build your own solution.
This is a follow up to markbaekdal's answer. Here's how I did it:
I run the following against the production database:
SELECT 'ALTER LOGIN ' + CAST(name AS VARCHAR) + ' WITH PASSWORD = ', password_hash, ' HASHED;'
FROM sys.sql_logins
JOIN mydatabase..mytable
ON mycolumn = name
and pipe it through "findstr ALTER" (ah, windows) to a file named loginUpdates.sql. I then run that file against the development and DR databases. It works like a charm.
If you want to get really hardcore, here's a support article a coworker of mine found: