SQL Fiddle threw "CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'." - sql

I was practicing how to make databases using SQL and computer threw CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'. I don't know what i'm doing wrong here, I can't edit any of the settings since I ran the query below in an online ide.
USE master;
Is there something I'm missing?

You can't create new databases through SQL Fiddle. It already runs your code in a new database. If you want to practice creating new databases, I would suggest SQL Server Express, https://www.microsoft.com/web/platform/database.aspx .


How to add Database to default server in Postgres, if all databases are deleted?

I ran and new node application that used a Postgres SQL server. It created a default database called postgres and I wanted to remove it.
I used the below command and close the connection and was able to remove that database.
SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname = 'postgres';
Now the pgAdmin looks like the below image.
I am not sure how to add a database again here. It always gives me errors while adding a new server that Database "postgres" does not exist. Any ideas or search query to google about this issue?
I am tempted to say that if you are randomly deleting system databases without first researching if they are needed, you deserve what you get. But while it is customary to leave the postgres database as default database for tools to connect to, it is certainly not forbidden to drop it.
The solution in your case is probably to reconfigure your pgAdmin connection to use template1 instead of postgres as "maintenance database". The only problem with that (and the main reason why the postgres database was introduced) is that it will prevent you from creating new databases with template1 as the (default) template if others are connected to that database as well.
You are connecting as user "postgres" and the default database name it will try is also "postgres". You should be able to specify a different database in the pgadmib settings though. Try "template0" and connect to that to create a new db.

Adding a field to an Azure SQL Server table

I have a SQL Server database in Azure. I need to add a field to one of the tables. I have no idea how to proceed. I'm very familiar with SQL Server but not on Azure. Help!!!
You do it exactly the same way as in SQL Server.
or using Management Studio. If is recent enough, it can connect to Azure SQL DB.

create sql server database as other sql database structure (design)

I need to create sql database just like other sql database (without the data) via sql script
some one told me that Oracle has this ability by some code like
create database <your new DB name> as <the old DB name>
so is there a similar statement or workaround in SQL
I use MS-SQL Server 2008/2008R2
I don't want the 'generate scrip' solution as this provide a very long script, I just need the Oracle statement (mentioned above) but in SQL
to be more clear I need the tables structure only (no data) and need all other objects such as functions, views etc...
Please advice,
In SQL Server, you can right click on the database then select "Tasks" then "Generate Scripts" and you can build one script for all your object sans data.
If you are asking about SQL Server (at least in 2005 or newer, not sure about previous versions) if you right click on a Database in SQL Server Management Studio Go To Tasks and then Generate Scripts you have the option to Generate a script to create all the object ins the Database w/o Data.
You can also right click on a User Database and select Script Database as -> Create To just to get the TSQL to create the DB itself without any of the tables, stored procedure etc.

Unable to Import a database from Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to phpmyadmin

Hey folks, the person I am buildling a website for decided to design their own database. They used Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to build it and such. Now that they are done with the database they exported it to a text file (Tasks -> Generate Scripts). Now when I try to import the file into phpmyadmin I get the following error:
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '[master] GO /****** Object: Database [Butterbakers] Script Date: 02/15/201' at line 1
The database code is here: http://zamn.pastebin.com/Y3u7MpZ9
phpmyadmin is for MySQL.
Microsoft SQL Server is a different DBMS.
Large parts of the SQL Syntax is DBMS/vendor specific.
The MySQL Workbench has a feature to "Create EER Model from existing Database".
This may be a try but you need a jdbc connection to the MS SQL Server and MySQL...
Converting DDL to a different DBMS is all but easy. And if you're done this doesn't guarantee that an probably already existing application is still working with the other DBMS.
Not switching DBMS and using the free MS SQL Express could be an option.
First decide for a DBMS and restart form zero is surely the cleanest and less painful solution.
With SQL Compare (http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-compare/) and SQL Data Compare (http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-data-compare/) , you can synchronize different DB.

Problem creating database using SQL Server Management Express

I am trying to create a database using SQL Server Management Express.
The following error occurs:
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management
Studio Express
Create failed for Database
For help, click:
An exception occurred while executing
a Transact-SQL statement or batch.
CREATE DATABASE permission denied in
database 'master'. (Microsoft SQL
Server, Error: 262)
For help, click:
Run Microsft SQL Server Studio as administrator....your problem will be solved
It's very clear: the credential you are using doesn't have enough privileges to be able to create a new database. Are you logged in using Integrated Windows Authentication or Sql Server Authentication? Make sure your credentials have the dbcreator role either way.
If the computer is part of Domain. Log-in as local administrator account on the work station (maybe because the MSQSQL is installed on the computer using local administrator account, means that the local administrator account has systemadmin access on SMSQL), then when you are already logged as local administrator. open the MSSQL , now add/edit MSSQL security account.
I had this same problem. but solved!
you should go to your specify folder where database created (ex:C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA)
then right click on data folder -> properties-> advanced
then uncheck compress content to save disk space.
that's it.
Well, the error message seems to be pretty clear:
CREATE DATABASE permission denied in
database 'master'.
Obviously, the user account you're using doesn't have the permission to create a new database. Is that possible? What kind of user are you using?
Also: can you show us the CREATE DATABASE statement you're using??
Just check whether path is specified or not
For example : "C:..\MSSQL\DATA", in both the columns of Database files in the New Database wizard
I hope this solution will help someone!
My problem started when I had deleted the previous user from PC Management and from registry. Then I create a fresh-std user. and trying to create database from the new user, and that's where my problem started.
After searching for the better solution, I conclude by Uninstalling MS Server Express Database completely from my PC and re-install it again. This save time and solved my problem.
I hope this solution helps someone too!
I had similar issue and was solved by executing below command
--Step1 Find if it is used by some other PID
EXISTS(SELECT request_session_id FROM
WHERE resource_database_id =
'Model Database being used by some other session'
'Model Database not used by other session'
-- Step 2 - Identify
SELECT request_session_id FROM
-- Step 3 Get PID
WHERE resource_database_id =
-- Step 4 Get the EventInfo
DBCC InputBuffer(214)
-- Step 5 Kill the PID
Kill 214
Hope this helps
I had the same problem when trying to create the database with Right Click + New Database on Databases.
The solve was using New Query and the command to create database:
CREATE DATABASE databasename;
In the end I want to mention that I was logged in Management Studio with (localdb)\v11.0 over windows authentication.