codeigniter pagination for a query - sql

So far found plenty of help to get the pagination working for a get(table) command.
What I need is to pick only few of the entries from a couple of linked tables based on a sql where statement.
I guess the query command is the one to use but in this case how do I do the pagination since that command does not take extra parameters such $config['per_page']
Thanks for the help

Without any more info to go on I think that what you're looking for is something like the following.
public function pagination_example($account_id)
$params = $this->uri->ruri_to_assoc(3, array('page'));
$where = array(
'account_id' => $account_id,
'active' => 1
$limit = array(
'limit' => 10,
'offset' => (!empty($params['page'])) ? $params['page'] : 0
$data['my_data'] = $this->pagination_model->get_my_data($where, $limit);
foreach($this->uri->segment_array() as $key => $segment)
if($segment == 'page')
$segment_id = $key + 1;
$config['uri_segment'] = $segment_id;
$config['uri_segment'] = 0;
$config['base_url'] = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/controller_name/method_name/whatever_your_other_parameters_are/page/';
$config['total_rows'] = $this->pagination_model->get_num_total_rows();// Make a method that will figure out the total number
$config['per_page'] = '10';
$data['pagination'] = $this->pagination->create_links();
$this->load->view('pagination_example_view', $data);
// pagination_model
public function get_my_data($where = array(), $limit = array())
->limit($limit['limit'], $limit['offset']);
$query = $this->db->get();
if($query->num_rows() > 0)
$data = $query->result_array();
return $data;
return FALSE;
This should at least get you on the right track
If this isn't what you're asking I'd happy to help more if you can be a little more specific. How about some of your code.

The only other options that I can think of would be to either code a count in your select statement or not limit the query and use array_slice to select a portion of the returned array.


What I did wrong with Db::getInstance()->insert('product', $dimension)); not inserting data to database?

I am developing a module that would save a custom field from product admin.. but my code is not inserting data into database.. below is my code.
public function hookActionProductUpdate($params)
$name = Tools::getValue('name');
$length = Tools::getValue('custom_length');
$width = Tools::getValue('custom_width');
if(empty($name) || !Validate::isGenericName($name))
$this->errors[] = $this->module->l('Invalid name');
if(empty($length) || !Validate::isGenericName($length))
$this->errors[] = $this->module->l('Invalid length');
if(empty($width) || !Validate::isGenericName($width))
$this->errors[] = $this->module->l('Invalid width');
$dimension = array(
'name' => $name,
'custom_length' => $length,
'custom_width' => $width
if(!Db::getInstance()->insert('product', $dimension));
$this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Error while updating database');
Anyone can help me please..
Here is my install function
function install()
if (!parent::install() ||
!$this->alterProductTable() ||
!$this->registerHook('extraright') ||
!$this->registerHook('displayAdminProductsExtra') ||
!$this->registerHook('actionProductSave') ||
!$this->registerHook('actionProductUpdate') ||
return false;
return true;
Here is my alter table function
private function alterProductTable($method = 'add')
if($method = 'add')
$sql = '
ADD COLUMN `custom_length` decimal(20,6) NOT NULL,
ADD COLUMN `custom_width` decimal(20,6) NOT NULL,
return false;
return true;
.. the columns are there..
And here is my display admin hook
public function hookDisplayAdminProductsExtra($params)
$name = Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT `name` FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'product WHERE id_product = '.Tools::getValue('id_product'));
$length = Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT custom_length FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'product WHERE id_product = '.(int)Tools::getValue('id_product'));
$width = Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT custom_width FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'product WHERE id_product = '.(int)Tools::getValue('id_product'));
'name' => $name,
'length' => $length,
'width' => $width
return $this->display(__FILE__, 'views/templates/hook/adminProductsExtra.tpl');
I have been looking at this for 2 days.. and I cant seem to find what I did wrong.. I have gone to prestashop forum but no help so far.. I hope I can get something from good people here. thanks in advance!
Do you check the Prestashop db best practice guide if not than please check first.
This is not the correct way to insert data you also need to mention fields in which you want to insert data particular table.
Best Practices of the Db Class - Prestashop
All is wrong, you are trying to insert data in a table which have many other fields required, and you are trying also to insert data in columns that doesn't exist in that table. The best way to create new products by code is using their object, like this...
$product = new Product()
$product->id_tax_rules_group = 1;
$product->redirect_type = '404';
$product->name = array(
$id_lang => 'Product name in this lang',
$id_lang => 'Product name in this lang',
* And so on all the mandatory fields

get values between two dates in silverstripe

i have added two date fields. i want to retrieve the data between those two table.PaymentDate and ChequePostedDate are two fields. so i need to get the rows between two dates.
simply search content have two date fields. i want to retrieve the rows(data) between those two dates
public function __construct($modelClass, $fields = null, $filters = null) {
$fields = new FieldList(array(
DateField::create('PaymentDate','Payment Date : from')
->setConfig('dateformat', 'yyyy-MM-dd')
->setConfig('showcalendar', true)
_t('FormField.Example', 'e.g. %s', 'Example format'),
DateField::create('ChequePostedDate','cr Date : to')
->setConfig('dateformat', 'yyyy-MM-dd')
->setConfig('showcalendar', true)
_t('FormField.Example', 'e.g. %s', 'Example format'),
$filters = array(
'PaymentDate' => new PartialMatchFilter('PaymentDate'),
'ChequePostedDate' => new PartialMatchFilter('ChequePostedDate'),
parent::__construct($modelClass, $fields, $filters);
public function getQuery($searchParams, $sort = false, $limit = false, $existingQuery = null) {
$dataList = parent::getQuery($searchParams, $sort, $limit, $existingQuery);
$params = is_object($searchParams) ? $searchParams->getVars() : $searchParams;
$query = $dataList->dataQuery();
if(!is_object($searchParams)) {
if (isset($params['PaymentDate'])&& $params['ChequePostedDate'] ) {
$query->where('`PaymentNote`.PaymentDate BETWEEN \''.$params['PaymentDate'].' \' AND \''.$params['ChequePostedDate'].'\'');
return $dataList->setDataQuery($query);
You can also use WithinRangeFilter something like the following, but you need to use the setMin(), setMax() methods as per this forum response:
public function getQuery($searchParams, $sort = false, $limit = false, $existingQuery = null) {
$dataList = parent::getQuery($searchParams, $sort, $limit, $existingQuery);
$params = is_object($searchParams) ? $searchParams->getVars() : $searchParams;
$query = $dataList->dataQuery();
if(!is_object($searchParams)) {
if (!empty($params['PaymentDate'] && !empty($params['ChequePostedDate'])) {
return $dataList->filter('PaymentDate:WithinRange', [$params['PaymentDate'], $params['ChequePostedDate']]);
return $dataList;
i solved it..
simply remove $filters
$filters = array(
// 'PaymentDate' => new PartialMatchFilter('PaymentDate'),
//'ChequePostedDate' => new PartialMatchFilter('ChequePostedDate'),
then it works

Call to a member function on non object in CodeIgniter

I'm trying to validate an username and check if this already exists in the system. Now the problem's that I've the user list in the table: ea_user
and the user settings in the table: ea_user_settings. Now:
ea_user > contain the id of the user that isn't remove from the system, the field 'data'
ea_user_settings > contain the username
So my function is this:
public function validate_username($username, $user_id)
$num_rows = $this->db->join('ea_user_settings', ' =', 'inner')
array('username' => $username, 'id_users <> ' => $user_id, '' => 0))->num_rows();
return ($num_rows > 0) ? FALSE : TRUE;
The problem's I get this error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function num_rows() on a non-object
Try this
public function validate_username($username, $user_id)
$this->db->join('ea_user_settings', ' =', 'inner')
$this->db->get_where('ea_user_settings', array('username' => $username, 'id_users <> ' => $user_id, '' => 0));
$query = $this->db->get();
$result = $query->result_array(); # add this
$count = count($result);
if (!empty($count)) {
return true;
return false;
It isn't documented, but any of the get() functions (get_where() in your case) can return FALSE. (Learned this the hard way.) That would seem to be your problem. FALSE->num_rows() has no meaning as FALSE is not a object.
This usually happens because the query does not build correctly.
The compiled query can be examined by doing this.
public function validate_username($username, $user_id)
->join('ea_user_settings', ' =', 'inner')
->where(array('username' => $username, 'id_users <> ' => $user_id, '' => 0));
$compiled_select = $this->db->get_compiled_select(NULL, FALSE);
//inspect or var_dump($compiled_select) to see what query statement was built.
After setting up all the join, where and other pieces of a query I have taken to checking the truthiness of get() before using its return. In your case something like this. Code picks up after (or instead of) the line $compiled_select = $this->...
if($query = $this->db->get())
return ($query->num_rows() > 0) ? FALSE : TRUE;
throw new Exception("get call returned FALSE");
For me, the Exception is useful mostly during development. But you could put your call to the validate_username() in a try catch block if it would be useful.

CDbCriteria throwing column name is ambigous

I have the following method in a controller of my Yii app.
public function actionManage($typeid=0, $locationid=0, $page=1, $rows=12, $sidx='date_input', $sord='desc', $kategori='')
if (Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest) {
// Jika dilakukan operasi 'edit' pada row
if (isset($_REQUEST['oper']))
$oper = $_REQUEST['oper'];
$id = $_REQUEST['id'];
if ($oper == 'edit')
$value = $_REQUEST['value'];
$record = InputData::model()->findByPk($id);
$record->value = $value;
if($oper == 'delete'){
$model = InputData::model()->findByPk($id);
// inisialisasi criteria query
$criteria = new CDbCriteria();
$criteria->order = "$sidx $sord";
// filter lokasi
if (is_numeric($locationid) && $locationid !== 0)
$criteria->with = array('data'=>array(
} else {
if (is_numeric($typeid) && $typeid !== 0)
$criteria->with = array('data.location'=>array(
} else {
$criteria->with = array('data.location'=>array(
// filter range tanggal
if (isset($_REQUEST['startdate'], $_REQUEST['enddate']))
$startdate = $_REQUEST['startdate'];
$enddate = $_REQUEST['enddate'];
$criteria->condition = 'date_input <= :enddate AND date_input >= :startdate';
$criteria->params = array(':startdate'=>$startdate, ':enddate'=>$enddate);
$dataid = $_REQUEST['dataid'];
$criteria->addCondition("dataid = $dataid");
$dataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider('InputData', array(
$count = $dataProvider->totalItemCount;
$total_pages = $count > 0 ? ceil($count/$rows) : 0;
if ($page > $total_pages) $page=$total_pages;
// generate response untuk jqgrid
$response = new stdClass();
$response->page = $page;
$response->total = $total_pages;
$response->records = $count;
foreach($dataProvider->getData() as $row)
$response->rows[] = array(
round($row->value, 3),
($row->inputOfficer !== NULL ? $row->inputOfficer->officer_name:''),
'<i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o"></i> Edit <i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i> Delete'
echo json_encode($response);
} else {
$url = $this->createUrl("dataAir/manage");
$delurl = $this->createUrl("dataAir/deleteRow");
$startdate = '2013-01-01';
$enddate = date_format(new DateTime(), 'Y-m-d');
$this->render('jqgrid', array(
this line causing the problem
$dataid = $_REQUEST['dataid'];
$criteria->addCondition("dataid = $dataid");
when, I remove those lines the method work just fine. what could be the problem causing ambigous colum name? here is the error log
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "t"."inputdataid") FROM "app_inputdata" "t" LEFT OUTER JOIN "app_ref_periodicdata" "data" ON ("t"."dataid"="data"."dataid") WHERE ((date_input <= :enddate AND date_input >= :startdate) AND (dataid = 7)) AND (data.locationid=:locationid). Bound with :startdate='2013-01-01', :enddate='2015-02-02', :locationid='6'
You need to add the table alias t to your condition:
$criteria->addCondition("t.dataid = $dataid");
Also, since $dataid is being obtained from a $_REQUEST it is best to pass it as a parameter. This can be done in two ways:
$criteria->addCondition("t.dataid = :dataid", [":dataid" => $dataid]);
$criteria->compare("t.dataid", $dataid);
you have used table aliases,
'condition'=>'type.type_desc=:type_desc', <<- I mean here you have used alias : type
you just have to remember that the main model that you are working with, will always need alias t to unambigufy! (not sure if that is an actual word :D )

Magento API, Return Orders with NULL values

Using the magento api version 1 and soap.
Need to return all orders with 'coupon_code'=> NULL
The call I'm attempting:
$order_listAR = $proxy->call($sessionId, 'sales_order.list', array(array('coupon_code'=>array('null'=>'null'))));
The ouput I want returned is this:
array(237) {
string(8) "complete"
string(8) "complete"
["coupon_code"]=> NULL
So far this seems to work properly, but I'm not sure if ('null'=>'null') is the proper way to find NULL values in the array. Can someone explain why this works, and, or if this is the correct syntax? I don't have any margin for error on this.
Yes, the syntax you use is correct to filter against null.
'coupon_code' => array(
'null' => 'this_value_doesnt_matter'
Magento maps* the API method sales_order.list to Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Api::items().
public function items($filters = null)
$collection = Mage::getModel("sales/order")->getCollection()
if (is_array($filters)) {
try {
foreach ($filters as $field => $value) {
if (isset($this->_attributesMap['order'][$field])) {
$field = $this->_attributesMap['order'][$field];
$collection->addFieldToFilter($field, $value);
} catch (Mage_Core_Exception $e) {
$this->_fault('filters_invalid', $e->getMessage());
The items() method uses a Mage_Sales_Model_Resource_Order_Collection to fetch the orders for the API call. That collection is based on Varien_Data_Collection_Db, so
$collection->addFieldToFilter($field, $value)
from above essentially does call
If you follow the latter, you'll hit Varien_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql::prepareSqlCondition() in the end, params being
$fieldName = 'coupon_code'
$condition = array('null' => 'null')
Excerpt of that method:
public function prepareSqlCondition($fieldName, $condition)
$conditionKeyMap = array(
'eq' => "{{fieldName}} = ?",
'notnull' => "{{fieldName}} IS NOT NULL",
'null' => "{{fieldName}} IS NULL",
'sneq' => null
$query = '';
if (is_array($condition)) {
$key = key(array_intersect_key($condition, $conditionKeyMap));
if (isset($condition['from']) || isset($condition['to'])) {
} elseif (array_key_exists($key, $conditionKeyMap)) {
$value = $condition[$key];
if (($key == 'seq') || ($key == 'sneq')) {
$query = $this->_prepareQuotedSqlCondition($conditionKeyMap[$key], $value, $fieldName);
} else {
In your case _prepareQuotedSqlCondition() will be called with
$text = '{{fieldName}} IS NULL'
$value = 'null'
$fieldName = 'coupon_code'
which will result in $query = 'coupon_code IS NULL'.
If you take a closer look at the conversion method
protected function _prepareQuotedSqlCondition($text, $value, $fieldName)
$sql = $this->quoteInto($text, $value);
$sql = str_replace('{{fieldName}}', $fieldName, $sql);
return $sql;
you'll also see, why the value of the 'null' => 'null' key/value pair does not matter at all. That's because $text will be '{{fieldName}} IS NULL', i.e. not containing any binding ?.
Hence, there's nothing to replace for _quoteInto()^^
* see app/code/core/Mage/Sales/etc/api.xml