A simple project [closed] - web-site-project

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Closed 12 years ago.
I want to build a website that is a simple password generator and that has a nice design.
passwordbird is a simple password generator and http://www.atebits.com/ has a design that I really like. What languages should I use for this project? My main goal is to gain experience in building websites; I don't expect for it to be perfect. I just want to learn something new and apply it to an idea that I have.

HTML, CSS and JS. Here's an example JS script on password generation: http://javascript.internet.com/passwords/password-generator.html
Good luck.

Good training would be a basic HTML&CSS site, and a php script to generate a password.
I imagine you would be able to specify things like length and composition of the password right? Throw all that in a form and send it via Ajax to the php script, get the generated password and display it. For the Javascript(Ajax) part, I'd use JQuery


RABL vs Json Builder [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
As part of a team, we are building an RoR application completely driven through API's. We already have a web app, its just that we now want to make it completely API driven. We initially kicked off with using RABL Templating Engine for generating the JSON Response. We recently observed that by using JSON Builder as an alternative to RABL, our response times increased by about half a second for an API call in our app that users would hit most often . Before we take a final call on deciding to use JSON Builder for all our API's going forward, I just wanted to know about the pros and cons of using RABL and JSON. Also, it would be nice if one could compare the two templating engines mainly keeping performance in mind wherever feasible.
Sharing any relevant links would also be helpful.
Kindly let me know your experiences with the usage of both these templating engines. Thank you.

What is your favourite captcha script? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I would like to gather information about popular captcha scripts in one place.
Please write links to your favourite ones!
You can try
Solvemedia etc..
But none of them are 100% useful and captchas seems out dated too because most of the spammers are humans. If you are using captcha the best solution is to create your own captcha with a unique algorithm.
http://recaptcha.net/ "recaptcha" for helping OCR-izing old books as a consequence in the worlds benefit
previously I used this one.But now I am creating my own like simple mathematical calculation or simple text.

Is there an obvious database design for a bulletin board / forum? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Is there some kind of obvious database should I use for a Bulletin Board if I wanted to code one? I think I know how to code the rest of it, I know the imperative code to handle the logic, but I don't really know much about databases yet. This I can learn of course, I'm just wondering if there is something obvious I should know in the beginning, or an obvious place to start learning, besides sql 101. Also, please don't suggest reading the code of an open source project. I know that option is there. It's hard to decipher code in a language you don't understand really well.
You can check out this place they've got tons of database sample you can use to jumpstart a project http://www.databaseanswers.org/data_models/

Tools for side-by-side localisation of iPhone App [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I have an App that is translated to four languages. I find that updating and maintaining the strings files extremely tedious.
Is there a way to edit different translations side by side similar to what IntelliJ provides:
(source: jetbrains.com)
I would also be happy with a simply MS-Excel to Strings conversion script, where the Excel would be the master and the .strings files would be generated.
These apps saved me from a world of hurt. There's no guide, so you'd have to figure it out yourself. The apps are free though and very well designed.
My company use a tool called Localization Helper from Mac App Store. I reckon it's pretty good.
How about Linguan?

What is the best IDE and language for web development to build cutting edge websites? [closed]

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Closed 13 years ago.
I recently got interested in web development coming from kernel based applications. I am curious to what the best development environment and language that one can use to build a nice looking website. I have a distant familiarity with PHP, CSS and the like but I am comfortable with HTML.
To be perfectly frank: it doesn't really matter.
As long as it produces useful HTML, CSS, and perhaps JavaScript, you can have a beautiful website (and you can also produce bad websites!). The development environment is purely a matter of taste for the programmers.
As long as you are disciplined and attack the project with a plan, know a good designer or two, and have the will power to see it through till the end, you'll be successful.