Research in functionality of open source and commercial game engine - game-engine

I'm gonna start my research in Functionality of open source and commercial game engines, but the problem is where to start. Or is this the right title to choose for a research topic?

I would go with 'Feasibility of Open Source and Commercial Game Engines'.
If I got you right, I think you may start from some famous open source projects' website like SourceForge.


Open source tablet computer

I'm an experienced software engineer in the telecomm industry, lately I've been interested in working on a hardware project.
One of the ideas that floated around in my head is the concept of an open source tablet computer. I'm inspired by the success that the Arduino has made, and it is my personal belief that if this device was open source it could be a great platform for inspiring new projects, and become a cheap device for schools!
Can any of you give me suggestions where an idea like this has been tried before, what went right, and what went wrong?
Well I agree with Casio (this is probably not the place to ask such a question: not sure what is, though), but a significant effort with something similar was made as a part of the OLPC project: it is as open as you could hope, low cost...I would say that is as good a starting point as any: replace the screen with a touch screen and hack away!
On the other hand, there's a company selling kits for basically exactly what you described. Let us know if you go anywhere with this...I'd like to know. :)
Check out the Open Compute Project which started back in 2011 building vanity free open source hardware (servers) for data centres.
If you want to campion an idea for open source hardware then get involved in the global community

LabVIEW missing VI

I'm trying to run a LabVIEW program that keeps bringing up an error saying it is missing a bunch of Sub VIs. I have most of the sub VIs in a separate folder except one : the NML ALL GPIB vi. I think the rest of the VIs are not running becuase they are all connected to this one but I'm not sure. Can someone please tell me where I can download this specific VI? do I need to download a specific driver? which one? Thanks!
I Googled 'nml all gpib vi' and it appears to be part of this library which is on Scott Hannahs' site.
Your missing VI looks like it interfaces with instruments using GPIB. It looks like this vi was created by Scott Hannahs, NHMFL-FSU, Nov. 1993. I'm not sure how it appears to be avaliable for download from his site as a LabVIEW library file. This library looks to hold all the subVIs required to allow the NML ALL GPIB vi to run but they may need to be linked into your project.
What is the function of your LabVIEW program? Have you inherited the code or is this a new development? If you need any help with LabVIEW in the future there are several resources you should be aware of.
Info-LabVIEW - an independent mailing list to discuss the LabVIEW software produced by National Instruments
LAVA - The LAVA Forums are managed and maintained by dedicated LabVIEW enthusiasts
National Instruments - National Instruments develop LabVIEW and a wide range of data acquisition hardware

QuickStart Tutorials for Rational Functional Tester (RFT)

I am new to RFT. Infact I have seen the interface only once. But now my next project seems to be an automation using RFT. I would like to get some quick start on learning RFT(Rational Functional Tester).
Can anyone show me some quick links as to where can I start with this?
Thanks in advance.
Your best bet is to first download RFT from here
Once the installation is done, Click the Help tab, and then click Tutorials. That will be a good quick start IMO.
Then access the sample projects in RFT and it is Eclipse based, so if you have used Eclipse before, it will be fairly easy to pick up.
You could go in more detail later, and look up features like "keyword driven frameworks" etc for a real world example.
Best of luck!
Please refer to IBM Release notes link where you can find Simple tutorials to get started with RFT.

What is the most Interesting and innovative IDE?

As every programmer knows tools are important and there is no tool more important for a developer than the IDE you use to code. In the last few years the IDE-s fall into standards and it is not common to see innovation in this area. What IDE-s you can recommend as innovative and what new ideas and paradigms they introduced?
This is by far the coolest set of coding tools yet!
I haven't used this but saw the demo video yesterday. The IDE is called code bubbles and has a unique way of showing and grouping related code together.
That said I find the intellitrace feature in Visual Studio 2010 quite innovative.
Palm's Project Ares:
It's the IDE for the Palm webOS phones, that runs entirely as a web app. You build and run your app inside the browser, and when you're done, you deploy straight to the cloud.
I'd put my bet on Meta Programming System by Jetbrains. The concept is not new but it's the first time it has been implemented on such a huge scale with great IDE support. You create a DSL first, then write programs in that DSL and finally generate code in a target language.
I'll go for Scratch, though I wouldn't want to write a banking system using it :-)
Some cool videos of structured editor prototype that will let you directly code the AST.
This is a prototype only and I have no idea if it is still being developed.
One interesting IDE I have seen only on video is Code Bubbles. It opens code snippets as a graph of visual "bubbles". It is really interesting and definitely something I want to try.

What is a good collaboration website for developers?

We have a number of developers located around the world which we need to collaborate with.
Our functionality required is:
Some sort of white board, which multiple users can view, and update.
A private wiki.
A ticket system for managing workload.
A source control system would be nice, but not required.
Ideally this would already be hosted somewhere (and free), alternatively if any software
can do this, which is also not expensive, that would be fine.
Ideally all this functionality would run over standard http.
I like Assembla, among others it offers:
- Trac
- MessageBoard
- Wiki
and some more features. Also you get 200MB free space for every project...
Base Camp may provide some of what you need:
Slicehost + Trac + Subversion/Mercurial/Git/Bazaar.
Unfortunately, I don't know of any open source whiteboards :(
The advantage of configuring your own machine is that you can configure whatever you want. It would be a real shame if your development team decided that bzr was the way they wanted to go, but you're hosted project management app didn't support it very well.
The free plan is for open source but it can be used for private projects too. Includes:
Issue tracker
Source control