How do I enable the done key and the return key in ipad objective c - objective-c

Is it possible to enable or show both the "return" and "done" button on the ipad keyboard? If so, How or how to work around?
I have a UITextField that is multi-line and want to add a done button to the key board.

I dont think the keyboard can display both without augmenting the layout manually - Additionally this is not app store safe.
I have done this before by hooking the
-(void)textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)_tf
In the UITextFieldDelegate. Although there might be a better keyboard based event to use. If your interested i will post the code.
On this event, A small toolbar appeared flush with the top of the keyboard containing next, previous and Done.
I delegated the button events from the toolbar back to the ViewController that was responsible for the TextField


Is there a way to disable sounds (such as "beeps") in my mac app?

I know I need to dig the reason why my app is beeping in the code, etc.
But I was wondering, is there a global setting to disable sounds all over my app screens?
this is very little information to go on, but usually your application is beeping when the responder chain comes up with no object that can respond to an event on the screen or keyboard.
For instance, if you type text in an active view and the view doesn't allow for text editing, the view sends the key down event to its super view. For a view this can end by the NSPanel or NSWindow or BSWindow controller. The last responder in the chain invokes the noResponderFor: method, which, when not implemented, will give a beep. If you don't want it to beep, override this method to do something else.
Based on your information I can't give you any other information.

How can I get the value of an NSSlider continuously?

It seems like NSSlider in Cocoa does not provide a delegate to receive an event like Value Changed for a UISlider.
How can I get the value of an NSSlider continuously and display it in an NSTextField, for example?
You need to research Cocoa's Target/Action mechanism. This is a basic Cocoa concept you'll need to understand. The slider (and any other control) can be given a target (some controller object) and an action (the method to call against that controller object).
The action is fired when the user stops dragging by default. Check the slider's Continuous property in Interface Builder to cause it to trigger the action as you're sliding it.
One advantage of using the timer approach is that it works for the case of using the keyboard rather than the mouse to adjust the slider. If the user has "Full Keyboard Access" turned on in System Preferences, they can use the Tab key to give the slider focus. They can then hold down an arrow key so that autorepeat kicks in, whereupon you have a similar situation to dragging with the mouse: the target/action is firing repeatedly, and you want to wait for a moment of calm before saving to the database.
You do need to be careful not to delete your NSTimer prematurely. For example, if the user quits the app during those couple of seconds you probably want to "flush" the slider value to the database before terminating the process.
Programmatical solution based on the answer of Joshua Nozzi:
slider.isContinuous = true
slider.continuous = YES;

Dismiss a number pad-style keyboard without adding Done key

There is no Done button on a Number Pad-type keyboard. I don't want to add a custom Done button, but how do I dismiss the keyboard?
You could add a UINavigationBar/UIToolBar with a done button(a UIBarButtonItem), and make the textField/textView resignFirstResponder on the done button's action.
You can add the UINavigationBar/UIToolBar as inputAccessoryView of textField/textView.
textField.inputAccessoryView = aNavBarWithDoneButton;
Edit: Availability iOS (3.2 and later)
The simplest solution is to add a new button somewhere in your UI that calls resignFirstResponder on your UITextField (or whatever) when tapped. Putting this in a toolbar is problematic on iPhone because toolbars are typically at the bottom of the screen and obscured by the keyboard.
A slightly more complex solution is to put an invisible UIView behind all of your other tappable UI elements. Any taps not handled by your existing UI will go to this new view, which can call resignFirstResponder on your text field.
If neither of these sound appealing, perhaps you should expand your question to include the type of behavior you want.

Delay navigationController to pop detailView of UITableView

Im looking for some help regarding to put a save like confirmation if some changes where made to a UITextField and UISegmentedControl.
Can I prevent the UINavigationController from pop the view? And then pop based on buttons in a AlertView?
I use the UITextField and UISegmented control to POST data to a webservice.
I perhaps need to use a modalView for this? but wanted first to see if someone have another idea, because I would like to keep navigation clicks down if possible.
Any suggestions for this?
Why not just using a UIAlertView?
EDIT: On second thought, and re-reading your question + comment, I would recommend to use a Modal View with classics OK/Cancel buttons + a UIAlertView(s) for confirmation(s). (UIAlertView "poping" on OK/Cancel is easy to do via UIAlertViewDelegate)
That's what Modal views are for, block UI until some user action has been completed. Like a form. This is how I do all my forms, and how Apple does (just look at the create mail screen for an example, or any form of iOS apps)
Adding a "Magical" action requiring user interaction on the back button of a navigation controller is bad in terms of user experience, if you hit back, you expect the view to pop, nothing else. I would then be surprised if Apple SDK even allows to cancel that event...
You can do what you would like without the need of a modal view.
First, you can use your text field's UITextFieldDelegate to set a flag in your controller when the field content is modified. You can reset this flag when the data is sent out.
Then you could override your UIViewContorller's viewWillDisappear to show an alert to the user in case new data have not been posted at the moment the view is going to disappear and give him the possibility of sending it to the server. This method will be called when you move to a different controller in your navigation UI, and you will not have a chance to "reject" the operation.

Changing focus from NSTextField to NSOpenGLView?

I am developing an interface for an OpenGL Simulation on the Mac using Interface Builder. All OpenGL stuff is being written in C++ (which I know fairly well). Unfortunately I have no idea about Objective-C.
Basically, I have a few NSTextField displaying info on an object selected on the Screen. Using these textfields the user is the able to manipulate the object on screen and then there is a Save Button and a Restore Button (which either save the new values or restore the original ones)
I have this all working. My problem is when I enter data into an NSTextField the "focus" of the windows seems to remain on the NSTextField (blue border remains around it).
I use the keyboard to interact with items within the NSOpenGLView, I need to pass the focus back to the NSOpenGLView when I hit either the Save or Restore buttons.
Sorry if this is a very straightforward question
Have you tried using NSWindow makeFirstResponder method to make your NSOpenGLView the first responder?
Just managed to get it working.
I had to add the line:
[[NSApp keyWindow] makeFirstResponder: MyOpenGLView];
to the end of the function being called when I click on either of my buttons.
(Thanks Julio for pointing me in the right direction)