Order by in Inner Join - sql

I am putting inner join in my query.I have got the result but didn't know that how the data is coming in output.Can anyone tell me that how the Inner join matching the data.Below I am showing a image.There are two table(One or Two Table).
According to me that first row it should be Mohit but output is different. Please tell me.

In SQL, the order of the output is not defined unless you specify it in the ORDER BY clause.
Try this:
FROM one
JOIN two
ON one.one_name = two.one_name

You have to sort it if you want the data to come back a certain way. When you say you are expecting "Mohit" to be the first row, I am assuming you say that because "Mohit" is the first row in the [One] table. However, when SQL Server joins tables, it doesn't necessarily join in the order you think.
If you want the first row from [One] to be returned, then try sorting by [One].[ID]. Alternatively, you can order by any other column.

Avoid SELECT * in your main query.
Avoid duplicate columns: the JOIN condition ensures One.One_Name and two.One_Name will be equal therefore you don't need to return both in the SELECT clause.
Avoid duplicate column names: rename One.ID and Two.ID using 'aliases'.
Add an ORDER BY clause using the column names ('alises' where applicable) from the SELECT clause.
Suggested re-write:
SELECT T1.ID AS One_ID, T1.One_Name,
T2.ID AS Two_ID, T2.Two_name
ON T1.One_Name = T2.One_Name
BY One_ID;

Add an ORDER BY ONE.ID ASC at the end of your first query.
By default there is no ordering.

SQL doesn't return any ordering by default because it's faster this way. It doesn't have to go through your data first and then decide what to do.
You need to add an order by clause, and probably order by which ever ID you expect. (There's a duplicate of names, thus I'd assume you want One.ID)
select * From one
inner join two
ON one.one_name = two.one_name

I found this to be an issue when joining but you might find this blog useful in understanding how Joins work in the back.
How Joins Work..
#Shree Thank you for pointing that out.
On the paragraph of Merge Join. It mentions on how joins work...
hash join, merge join consists of two steps. First, both tables of the
join are sorted on the join attribute. This can be done with just two
passes through each table via an external merge sort. Finally, the
result tuples are generated as the next ordered element is pulled from
each table and the join attributes are compared


Avoid repeated information when having multiple joins?

I have the following query that uses joins to join multiple tables
tblimages.image_path as "Extra images"
from tblArticles inner join tblWriters
on tblArticles.Writer_ID_Fkey = tblWriters.Writer_ID inner join
tblArticleType on tblArticles.Article_ID = tblArticleType.Article_ID_Fkey inner join
tblTypes on tblArticleType.Article_Type_ID_Fkey = tblTypes.Article_Type_ID left outer join tblExtraImages
on tblArticles.Article_ID = tblExtraImages.Article_ID_Fkey left outer join tblimages
on tblExtraImages.image_id_fkey = tblimages.image_id
order by tblArticles.Article_Sequence, tblArticles.Article_Date_Created;
And I get the following results:
If an article has more than one type_name then I will get repeated columns for the rest of the records. Is there another way of joining these tables that would prevent that from happening?
The simplest method is to just remove column Article_Type_Name from the select clause. This allows SELECT DISTINCT to identify the rows as duplicates, and eliminate them.
Another option is to use an aggregation function on the column. In recent SQL Server versions, STRING_AGG() comes handy (you can also use MIN() or MAX()):
string_agg(tblTypes.Article_Type_Name, ',')
within group(order by tblTypes.Article_Type_Name) Article_Type_Name_List,
tblimages.image_path as Extra_Images
from ..
group by
What you're seeing here is a Cartesian product; you've joined Tables in such a way that multiple rows from one side match with rows from the other
If you don't care about the article_type, then group the other columns and take the max(article_type), or omit it in a subquery that selects distinct records, not including the article type column, from the table that contains article type). If your SQLS is recent enough and you want to know all the article types you could STRING_AGG them into a csv list
Ultimately what you choose to do depends on what you want them for; filter the rows out, or group them down

Semi-join vs Subqueries

What is the difference between semi-joins and a subquery? I am currently taking a course on this on DataCamp and i'm having a hard time making a distinction between the two.
Thanks in advance.
A join or a semi join is required whenever you want to combine two or more entities records based on some common conditional attributes.
Unlike, Subquery is required whenever you want to have a lookup or a reference on same table or other tables
In short, when your requirement is to get additional reference columns added to existing tables attributes then go for join else when you want to have a lookup on records from the same table or other tables but keeping the same existing columns as o/p go for subquery
Also, In case of semi join it can act/used as a subquery because most of the times we dont actually join the right table instead we mantain a check via subquery to limit records in the existing hence semijoin but just that it isnt a subquery by itself
I don't really think of a subquery and a semi-join as anything similar. A subquery is nothing more interesting than a query that is used inside another query:
select * -- this is often called the "outer" query
from (
select columnA -- this is the subquery inside the parentheses
from mytable
where columnB = 'Y'
A semi-join is a concept based on join. Of course, joining tables will combine both tables and return the combined rows based on the join criteria. From there you select the columns you want from either table based on further where criteria (and of course whatever else you want to do). The concept of a semi-join is when you want to return rows from the first table only, but you need the 2nd table to decide which rows to return. Example: you want to return the people in a class:
select p.FirstName, p.LastName, p.DOB
from people p
inner join classes c on c.pID = p.pID
where c.ClassName = 'SQL 101'
group by p.pID
This accomplishes the concept of a semi-join. We are only returning columns from the first table (people). The use of the group by is necessary for the concept of a semi-join because a true join can return duplicate rows from the first table (depending on the join criteria). The above example is not often referred to as a semi-join, and is not the most typical way to accomplish it. The following query is a more common method of accomplishing a semi-join:
select FirstName, LastName, DOB
from people
where pID in (select pID
from class
where ClassName = 'SQL 101'
There is no formal join here. But we're using the 2nd table to determine which rows from the first table to return. It's a lot like saying if we did join the 2nd table to the first table, what rows from the first table would match?
For performance, exists is typically preferred:
select FirstName, LastName, DOB
from people p
where exists (select pID
from class c
where c.pID = p.pID
and c.ClassName = 'SQL 101'
In my opinion, this is the most direct way to understand the semi-join. There is still no formal join, but you can see the idea of a join hinted at by the usage of directly matching the first table's pID column to the 2nd table's pID column.
Final note. The last 2 queries above each use a subquery to accomplish the concept of a semi-join.

Why does this SQL query need DISTINCT?

I've written a query to filter a table based on criteria found in a master table, and then remove rows that match a third table. I'm executing the query in Access, so I can't use MINUS. It works, but I found that it returns duplicate rows for some, but not all, of the selected records. I fixed it with DISTINCT, but I don't know why it would return duplicates in the first place. It's a pretty simple query:
select distinct sq.*
(select List_to_Check.*, Master_List.SELECTION_VAR
from List_to_Check
left join Master_List
on List_to_Check.SUB_ID = Master_List.SUB_ID
where Master_List.SELECTION_VAR = 'criteria'
) as sq
left join List_to_Exclude
on sq.SUB_ID = List_to_Exclude.SUB_ID
where List_to_Exclude.SUB_ID is null
Edit: The relationships between all three tables are 1-to-1 on the SUB_ID var. Combined with using a LEFT JOIN, I would expect one line per ID.
I recommend breaking your query apart and checking for duplicates. My guess is that it's your data/ the sub_ID isn't very unique.
Start with you sub query since you're returning all of those columns. If you get duplicates there, your query is going to return duplicates regardless of what is in your exclusion table.
Once you have those duplicates cleared up, check the exclusion table for duplicate sub_Id.
To save time in trouble-shooting, if there are known culprits that are duplicates, you may want to limit the returned values, so you can focus on the peculiarities of those data.
I'm not sure this is a problem, but look into the logic on
on List_to_Check.SUB_ID =
where Master_List.SELECTION_VAR = 'criteria'
Where clauses on data in the right side of a left outer join may not be returning the data you expect. Try this and see what happens:
on List_to_Check.SUB_ID = Master_List.SUB_ID
and Master_List.SELECTION_VAR = 'criteria'
The inner query joins List_to_Check and master but the outer query joins List_to_Exclude with Subscriber(maybe you can change the names i call these 3 tables)
To avoid duplicates you need to use one of the table in both the queries inner and outer. This will avoid duplicates.

Use two DISTINCT statements in SQL

I have combined two different tables together, one side is named DynDom and the other is CATH. I am trying to remove duplicates from that table such as below:
However, if i select distinct Dyndom pdbcode from the table, it returns distinct values of that pdbcode.
Based on the pictures above, I commented out the DynDom/CATH columns in the table and ran the query separately for DynDom/CATH and it returned those values accordingly, which is what i need and i was wondering if it's possible for me to use 2 distinct statements to return distinct values of the entire table based on the pdbcode.
Here's my code :
pdbcode = '2hun'
order by
In the end, i would like to search domains from DynDom and CATH, based on the pdbcode and return the rows without having duplicate values.
Thank you.
This is my VIEW table that i have done.
CREATE VIEW cath_dyndom_table AS
r.domainid AS "DYNDOM_DOMAINID",
r.DomainStart AS "DYNDOM_DSTART",
r.Domain_End AS "DYNDOM_DEND",
r.ddid AS "DYN_DDID",
r.chainid AS "DYNDOM_ChainID",
d.cathbegin AS "CATH_BEGIN",
d.cathend AS "CATH_END"
FROM dyndom_domain_table r
FULL OUTER JOIN cath_domains d ON d.cath_pdbcode::character(4) = r.pdbcode
ORDER BY confid ASC;
What you are getting is the cartesian product of the ´two tables`.
In order to get one line without duplicates you need to have to have a 1-to-1 relation between both tables.
You can see HERE what are cartesian joins and HERE how to avoid them!
It sounds as though you want a UNION of domain name and ranges from each table - this can be achieved like so:
This should eliminate exact duplicates (ie. where the domain name, start and end are all identical) but will not eliminate duplicate domain names with different ranges - if these exist you will need to decide how to handle them (retain them as separate entries, combine them with lowest start and highest end, or whatever other option is preferred).
EDIT: Actually, I believe you can get the desired results simply by changing the JOIN ON condition in your view to be:
FULL OUTER JOIN cath_domains d
ON d.cath_pdbcode::character(5) = r.pdbcode || r.chainid AND
r.DomainStart <= d.cathbegin AND
r.Domain_End >= d.cathend

Possible to combine two tables without losing all data by using JOINS

I have a table as below and I would like to know if I can still join them together, without losing existing data from both tables when they are combined by referencing JOIN methods.
Table details - VIEW Table
d.pdbcode AS "CATH_PDBCODE",
d.cathbegin AS "CATH_BEGIN",
d.cathend AS "CATH_END"
FROM dyndom_domain_table r
JOIN cath_domains d ON d.pdbcode::character(4) = r.pdbcode
ORDER BY confid ASC;
As you can see, dyndom_domain_table is a VIEW Table that I have created to make it easier for me to use JOIN clauses with the other table that has the same pdbcode.
So far it just returns all of the data that matches with the PDB Code. What I would like to do is return all of the data that both matches and doesn't match each other's PDB Code.
Is there a rule in which I can apply it to? Or is it not possible?
I believe you want a FULL OUTER JOIN rather than just a JOIN (which is, by default, an INNER JOIN). In a FULL OUTER JOIN, every row in each table will correspond to some row in the result table; rows from one table that don't match the other will be extended with NULLs to fill the missing column.
So FULL OUTER JOIN instead of just JOIN, and that should do you.
I think you're asking for a left join, but I'm not sure.
d.pdbcode AS "CATH_PDBCODE",
d.cathbegin AS "CATH_BEGIN",
d.cathend AS "CATH_END"
FROM dyndom_domain_table r
LEFT JOIN cath_domains d ON d.pdbcode::character(4) = r.pdbcode
ORDER BY confid ASC;