No route matches {:action=>"destroy", :controller=>"users"} - ruby-on-rails-3

I'm getting a error when I try to acces users#show page trough a named route (http://localhost:3000/profile/) ... otherwise I have no error when I try to access it with the standard url (http://localhost:3000/users/current). If I rake routes I routes seems right and since it works with standard url, I really have no clue why I get No route matchs error. When why trying to find route match for action 'destroy' when I'm not even trying to access it?
Starcast::Application.routes.draw do
match "login" => 'user_sessions#new', :as => :login
match "logout" => 'user_sessions#destroy', :as => :logout
resources :user_sessions
match "profile" => 'users#show'
resources :users
resources :casters
resources :casts
resources :orders
root :to => "home#index"
Error I get:
ActionView::Template::Error (No route matches {:action=>"edit", :controller=>"users"}):
1: <% title "Welcome #{#user.username}" %>
3: <%= link_to "Edit your profil", edit_user_path %>
5: <% has_role? :caster do %>
6: <% if #user.caster %>
app/views/users/show.html.erb:3:in `_app_views_users_show_html_erb___2116234531537545622_2170017780__3613739707062673465'

Edit/show/destroy/update paths require an id parameter ... i.e. edit_user_path( ... If you don't want to do it that way you'll need to make your routes use resource :user (instead of resources :user) which will cause lots of headache later down the road if you don't do it right.


Rails 3 No route matches {:action=>"show", error

While there are similar questions on this error, most relate to how Rails route handle pluralisation, whereas this is different.
I have a link on the 'show' view page within a controller called MemberPage which I need to link to the 'new' action within a controller called Post
<%= link_to ((content_tag :i, "", :class => "icon-pencil") + content_tag(:span, 'create')), new_members_community_post_path %>
Within routes I have
resources :post
which produces the following related line in rake routes
new_members_community_post GET /members/community/post/new(.:format) members/community/post#new
Hovering over the link shows
Clicking on it produces the error
No route matches {:action=>"show", :controller=>"members/community/member_page"}
Rails is matching both the wrong controller and the wrong action from that shown in rake routes
I've tried creating explicit match rules in routes.rb, eg (within the members/community namespace)
match '/new-post' => 'post#new'
and also replacing the link_to path with
:controller => :post, :action => :new
but cannot find anything that works

Nested Routes Broken: Rails 3

I'm having a devil of a time getting this particular nested route to work. It's odd, because I've been migrating a number of routes to the new Rails 3 syntax and this one in particular just doesn't seem to work. Here goes.
I've got an object called "piece" which has a nested object called "piece_comment". Here's what the routes.rb looks like:
resources :piece do
resources :piece_rating, :as => :rating
resources :piece_comments, :as => :comments
And here is what piece/show.html.erb looks like, with a form to submit a piece comment:
<% #piece_comment = =>, :user_id => %>
<%= form_for [#piece, #piece_comment] do |f| %>
<%= f.hidden_field 'piece_comment', 'user_id' %>
<%= f.hidden_field 'piece_comment', 'piece_id' %>
<%= f.text_area 'piece_comment', 'comment' %>
<%= f.submit_tag 'Post' %>
<% end %>
Now, what's weird is that I get the following error triggered by the "form_for" line:
undefined method `piece_piece_comments_path' for #<#<Class:0x007f80ec732a48>:0x007f80ec737ae8>
Shouldn't the :as in my routes file be sending it to piece_comments_path, and not piece_piece_comments_path? if I change it to :as => :foobar or something, I get the same error. So clearly the routes file would not seem to be working correctly. (Oddly, the behavior of the rating route seems fine.)
Any ideas for what might be wrong with the routing?
Altough I'm not sure it is the problem, resources should be plural in the routes.rb. Try with:
resources :pieces do
resources :piece_ratings, :as => :ratings
resources :piece_comments, :as => :comments
Use rake routes to see the name of the routes generated by the routes.rb.

Rails form_for with nested resources: "No route matches"

I have the following nested resources in my routes.rb file. The inner resource specifies a controller name.
resources :batches, :except => [:new], :path => "sets" do
resources :tags, :controller => "batches_tags"
In the view for BatchesTags#new, I am trying to build a form:
<%= form_for [#batch, #tag], :url => batch_tag_path do |f| %>
<% end %>
Attempting to load this page (/sets/1/tags/new) gives me a ActionController::RoutingError with the message:
No route matches {:action=>"show", :controller=>"batches_tags"}
But when I run $ rake routes, it clearly shows this route does exist:
batch_tag GET /sets/:batch_id/tags/:id(.:format) {:action=>"show", :controller=>"batches_tags"}
Does anyone know how to fix this error?
In the view for Batches#show, I use that same batch_tag_path function and it works perfectly:
<%= link_to "...", batch_tag_path(#batch, tag) %>
It turns out that, while batch_tag_path is a valid route (making the "No route matches" error message very confusing), the path I needed was the pluralized batch_tags_path, as seen in this $ rake routes output:
batch_tags GET /sets/:batch_id/tags(.:format) {:action=>"index", :controller=>"batches_tags"}
POST /sets/:batch_id/tags(.:format) {:action=>"create", :controller=>"batches_tags"}
Perhaps the error message meant that batch_tag_path wasn't a valid route for POST?

Rails Routing issues

I have a website in people can browse artists and their albums. I have setup my routes like so:
match 'albums/[:id]/[:album_id]' => 'albums#show', :as => 'artist_album'
I tried setting up a nested route like:
resources :artists do
resources :albums
but I can't figure out how to achieve the routing like in the first example... but thats a different question... This is my code when trying to render artist_album_path
<%= link_to image_tag("#{album["Images"]["Album150x150"]}", width: "122", alt: "#{#term}", class: "float-left"), artist_album_path("/#{CGI::escape(album["Artist"]["Name"])}/#{CGI::escape(album["Title"])}") %>
I keep getting this error:
No route matches {:controller=>"albums", :action=>"show", :id=>"/Beastie+Boys/Licensed+To+Ill"}
Any idea on what I am doing wrong?
In routes.rb:
match 'albums/:id/:album_id' => 'albums#show', :as => 'artist_album'
In your view:
<%= link_to image_tag(...), artist_album_path(:id => ..., :album_id => ...) %>

Trying to create a POST request but getting No route matches [GET]

I'm trying to do something similar to Railscasts #255 but I'm getting a No Route error:
In Ryan's routes.rb file:
post "versions/:id/revert" => "versions#revert", :as => "revert_version"
In in the controller where he uses the route, versions_controller.rb
link = view_context.link_to(link_name, revert_version_path(, :redo => !params[:redo]), :method => :post)
redirect_to :back, :notice => "Undid #{#version.event}. #{link}"
In my routes.rb
post "/approve/:id" => "listings#approve", :as => "listing_approve"
and view where I use my link:
<%= link_to 'Approve Content', listing_approve_path(#listing), :method => :post %>
My tests return to me a ActionController::RoutingError: No route matches [GET] "/approve/1"
If I leave the method as a GET everything works.. Using rails 3.1.0rc5. Any guidance as to what I'm doing wrong here would be very much appreciated..
EDIT: routes.rb file (the last line is set as match right now to work)
RLR::Application.routes.draw do
root :to => "home#index"
devise_for :users, :controllers => { :registrations => "registrations" }
devise_for :users
match '/user' => "layouts#index", :as => :user_root
resources :users, :only => :show
resources :layouts, :only => [:index, :show]
resources :listings
resources :features
resources :orders
match "/preview/:id" => "listings#preview", :as => "listing_preview", :via => "get"
match "/approve/:id" => "listings#approve", :as => "listing_approve"
Hmmmm, it looks right to my eye. The test sounds like it is generating a GET instead of a POST though, so it might be a problem with the link_to call. You've got :method => :post there, so it should be fine. seems to indicate that link_to will generate some javascript to make a POST call on click (and that users with javascript disabled will get a normal GET link unless you use :href="#"), so it might be because your test engine isn't running the javascript.
You can fix this by changing it to a button that submits a hidden form, but that might not be the visual representation you want.
It might be a precedence thing - the first matching route definition in routes.rb is used, so if you have a resources route or something like that it may be matching on that first.
I got the same problem in my rails application and I solved it the same way you did by doing a via: :get on the match instead of a via: :post. I think for some reason when you send a request in the format of /something/:id it will automatically assume its a [GET] request and search for a get route. This of course will cause problems in your routes if you have it as a :POST.
If anyone has a better solution or idea as to why you cannot send a post request in the format '/something/:id' let me know please.