Document contenct should display in Multiple line more that 25 line in view in Lotus notes - lotus-domino

I have a view where I need to display the content of the 25 fields in 25 lines based on id (for example emp id).which is categorized in the first column But the maximum limit of displaying line is 9 in the view. Is there any way I can display 25 fields in 25 lines.
Any suggestion will be appreciable

Not as a single, multiline entry, no, but you can use "Show multiple values as separate entries" on the column sort tab. You may need to add a preceding column with a unique value like #Text(#DocumentUniqueID) -- it can be hidden, but must be sorted -- if you need to keep individual document values "bundled".


Limit number of script triggers by field

I am trying to figure out how to limit the number of times an ID can be selected.
I have a list of mentors, some who can be selected 1 time and others who can be selected 2 times. I am using a button that performs a Set Field script. When the button is clicked the ID value is copied to another list. It remains in the original list but also is shown in another. I want to say something like:
If field "mentor count" = 2 then You can select 2 times, else you can select 1 time.
I have no idea how to go about it.
Do you have any suggestions please?
There are a total of 3 lists. One is mentors, 1 is students and the other is both. The user selects a mentor and student to match up. Each row in this table is a new match.
I tried conditional action which failed. I am thinking I will need a script.

How to combine a row of cells in VBA if certain column values are the same

I have a database where all of the input from the user (through a userform) gets stored. In the database, each column is a different category for the type of data (ex. date, shift, quantity, etc) and the data from the userform input gets put into its corresponding category. For some of the data, all the data is the same except for the quantity. I was wondering how I could combine these rows into one and add the quantities to each other for the whole database (ex. combining the first and third data entries). I have tried playing around with a couple different loops but can't seem to figure anything out.
Period Date Line Shift Type Quantity
4 x 2 4/3/18 A 3 14 18
4 x 2 4/3/18 A 3 13 12
4 x 2 4/3/18 A 3 14 15
Thank you!
If you're looking to modify the underlying database, you might be able to query the data into the format you want by including all the other columns in a GROUP BY statement, save the result to another table, then replace the original table with the properly formatted one.
If you have the data in Excel and you just want to view it with the duplicate rows summed, a Pivot Table would be a good choice. You can select all the other columns as rows for the Pivot Table and sum of Quantity as the values.

How to restrict displaytag to make database call on sorting?

I have a list of 1000 records, and I shown there 1000 records on page load using display tag.
I enabled sorting on some columns, and when I click on the table header to sort, display tag is making a database call and loading all 1000 records again.
How can we restrict to make database calls on sorting for display tag?
Because, we have loaded all the 1000 records, so could we make use of those list without loading the records again?
You are missing a fundamental: Pagination.
You should not load 1000 records at once; load 10 records at once instead (assuming 10 records is what you show in a page), and load the other 10 when changing page / sorting.
Filter them directly in the query (if you are using queries), for example, selecting page 3 (results from 21 to 30) in a query to a minimal "person table", ordered by name, would result it the following SQL:
SELECT id, name, age
FROM ( SELECT id, name, age
FROM table_person
ORDER BY name )
SELECT id, name, age
FROM table_person
and so on.
Be sure to read the documentation related to your database, and simply use query parameters to specify order by, starting row and ending row values.
you can use setFirstResults(), setMaxResults(),instead unnecessarily load all 1000 records.
divde per page max result shown 10 records only, and setFirstResult is restricted records first 5 from your records list.
Criteria cr= database_session.createCriteria(Records.class);
all_records_list = (List<Records>) cr.list();

ssrs report : Facing issues with Master detail kind of report

I need to generate a report of below format. The header repeats only per page.
ItemNr | ItemGenDesc | FulfilmentBin | onHand
CAP100 Capacitor FulFil1 5
binPriority | binBackup | binBackupQty | binMin | binMax
1 bkBUSLOT2 100 1 5
2 bkBUSLOT3 150 2 6
CAP400 Transistor FulFil12 20
CAP500 Transistor FulFil14 30
binPriority | binBackup | binBackupQty | binMin | binMax
1 bkBUSLOT5 250 5 9
My SQL output is as below
I tried to work with 2 tablix and somehow I got the output coming up in preview mode but when I export to PDF, I get blank lines between each item. I am guessing that's because the binPriority grid (detail grid) is hidden when the itemnr count <=1. Also the tablix1 row header appears for every grouping but I want row header to appear once per page.
Can anyone suggest what are the ways to generate this type of report?
Update 1 : Sorry CAP500 in the report should be Radiator. My typo mistake. The report should be grouped by ItemNumber and it is sorted by binPriority. So it will print binpriority=0 in the master grid and then in the detail grid it will print in the order of binPriority. The OnHand that is shown in the master grid is relevant to binPriority= 0.
You can achieve your specified layout with a single Tablix. This is fairly simple if you don't mind Columns 2-4 in your Group heading lining up with Columns 1-3 in your Detail. Since horizontal page real estate isn't really an issue (only 6 columns counting the blank column to the left of your Detail columns), I would take this route.
I'm not sure how much you know about SSRS, so forgive me if this explanation is too rudimentary. Others with less experience than you might find it helpful as well.
Right Click the Detail Row on your Tablix.
Select Add Group => Row Group => Parent Group.
Set the Group By value to ItemNumber and check the "Add Group Header" box.
This creates a Group By Column, which I would delete for your specified layout. Make sure to only delete the Column, not the Row Group.
In the Grouping Window (down at the bottom by default), right click the ItemNumber Row Group and select Group Properties.
On the Sorting tab/menu, set the Sort By value to binPriority.
Right Click your new Row Group Row on the Tablix and select Insert Row => Inside Group Above. You'll need to do this twice so you have 3 Row headings in the Row Group.
Insert 3 more columns for a total of 6 columns in your Tablix.
Put your ItemNr, ItemGenDesc, FulfilmentBin, onHand Labels and Values in the first two Rows, first 4 Columns of your Row Group.
Put your binPriority, binBackup, binBackupQty, binMin, binMax Labels in the Last Row, Last 5 columns of your Row Group.
Put your binPriority, binBackup, binBackupQty, binMin, binMax Values in the Last 5 columns of your Detail Row.

column headings getting truncated

i am running my query via a unix script. i need column headings. For this i have used set heading on. my requirement is to pull data from a table concatinate it using a pipe, write it in a text file. i need column headings along with the data.this file needs to be sent as feed to some other party. my query is something like this
select column1||'|'||column2||'|'||column3||'|'||column4......
from table;
I have more than 100 columns in my query
in my oputput the column data comes up correct but the column headings get truncated. i see dashes i.e '------' instead of column names after three column headings are displayed.
the output is something like
( in the above exmaple i tried with 9 columns. i can see data for 9 columns but the headings after 3 column headings the fourth one is truncated and rest are not displayed.)
I couldn't paste my original query with more than hundred columns here.
Can somebody let me know how to resolve it.
Use the configuration of the shell to set the column size:
stty columns 1024