SQL generalization/specialization, data redundancy - sql

I have three tables: actions, messages, likes. It defines inheritance, messages and likes are actions' childs (specialization).
Message and Like both have column userId and createdAt. Those should be of course moved to the parrent table Action and removed from Message and Likes. But there's only one case when I need to select both messages and likes from the database, in other cases I select only one of them, either messages or likes.
Is it ok to duplicate userId and createdAt in child and parrent table? It costs disk space but saves one join - I would have to join messages, likes with actions everytime I needed userId and createdAt. Whatsmore I would need to change my current code...
What would you suggest?

In my opinion this is a case of premature optimization (or premature denormalization, if you prefer). You're guessing that the join overhead will cause significant problems, so you're guessing that duplicating the userId and createdAt columns in the dependent tables will improve performance significantly.
I suggest that you should not duplicate columns until you know there's a real problem. I keep a few observations on performance optimization tacked up on the wall to remind myself of what I should do in similar cases:
It ain’t broke ‘til it’s broke.
You can’t improve what you haven’t measured.
Programs spend surprising amounts of time in the damnedest places.
Make it run. Make it run right. Make it run right fast.
optimization is literally the last thing you should be doing.
doing things wrong faster is no great benefit.
Also a few comments on denormalization:
You can’t denormalize that which is not normalized.
Most developers wouldn’t know third-normal form if it leapt out from behind their screen, screamed like a banshee, and cracked a baseball bat over their heads.
Denormalization is suggested as a panacea for database performance issues. The problem is that too often those recommending denormalization have never normalized anything.
“Denormalization for performance reasons” is an excuse for sloppy, “do what we’ve always done” thinking, especially when such denormalization is enshrined in the design.
In my experience, I am not able to identify where performance problems will occur before writing code. Problems always seem to occur in places where I would never have thought to look. Thus, I've found that my best choice is always to write the simplest, clearest code that I can and to design the database as simply as I can, following the normalization rules to the best of my ability, and then to deal with what turns up. There may still be performance issues which need attention (but, surprisingly, not really all that often), but in the end I'll end up with simple, clear, and easily understood/maintained code, running on a simple, well-designed database.
Share and enjoy.


are performance/code-maintainability concerns surrounding SELECT * on MS SQL still relevant today, with modern ORMs?

summary: I've seen a lot of advice against using SELECT * in MS SQL, due to both performance and maintainability concerns. however, many of these posts are very old - 5 to 10 years! it seems, from many of these posts, that the performance concerns may have actually been quite small, even in their time, and as to the maintainability concerns ("oh no, what if someone changes the columns, and you were getting data by indexing an array! your SELECT * would get you in trouble!"), modern coding practices and ORMs (such as Dapper) seem - at least in my experience - to eliminate such concerns.
and so: are there concerns with SELECT * that are still relevant today?
greater context: I've started working at a place with a lot of old MS code (ASP scripts, and the like), and I've been helping to modernize a lot of it, however: most of my SQL experience is actually from MySQL and PHP frameworks and ORMs - this is my first time working with MS SQL - and I know there are subtle differences between the two. ALSO: my co-workers are a little older than I am, and have some concerns that - to me - seem "older". ("nullable fields are slow! avoid them!") but again: in this particular field, they definitely have more experience than I do.
for this reason, I'd also like to ask: whether SELECT * with modern ORMs is or isn't safe and sane to do today, are there recent online resources which indicate such?
thanks! :)
I will not touch maintainability in this answer, only performance part.
Performance in this context has little to do with ORMs.
It doesn't matter to the server how the query that it is running was generated, whether it was written by hand or generated by the ORM.
It is still a bad idea to select columns that you don't need.
It doesn't really matter from the performance point of view whether the query looks like:
or all columns are listed there explicitly, like:
SELECT Col1, Col2, Col3 FROM Table
If you need just Col1, then make sure that you select only Col1. Whether it is achieved by writing the query by hand or by fine-tuning your ORM, it doesn't matter.
Why selecting unnecessary columns is a bad idea:
extra bytes to read from disk
extra bytes to transfer over the network
extra bytes to parse on the client
But, the most important reason is that optimiser may not be able to generate a good plan. For example, if there is a covering index that includes all requested columns, the server will usually read just this index, but if you request more columns, it would do extra lookups or use some other index, or just scan the whole table. The final impact can vary from negligible to seconds vs hours of run time. The larger and more complicated the database, the more likely you see the noticeable difference.
There is a detailed article on this topic Myth: Select * is bad on the Use the index, Luke web-site.
Now that we have established a common understanding of why selecting
everything is bad for performance, you may ask why it is listed as a
myth? It's because many people think the star is the bad thing.
Further they believe they are not committing this crime because their
ORM lists all columns by name anyway. In fact, the crime is to select
all columns without thinking about it—and most ORMs readily commit
this crime on behalf of their users.
I'll add answers to your comments here.
I have no idea how to approach an ORM that doesn't give me an option which fields to select. I personally would try not to use it. In general, ORM adds a layer of abstraction that leaks badly. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leaky_abstraction
It means that you still need to know how to write SQL code and how DBMS runs this code, but also need to know how ORM works and generates this code. If you choose not to know what's going on behind ORM you'll have unexplainable performance problems when your system grows beyond trivial.
You said that at your previous job you used ORM for a large system without problems. It worked for you. Good. I have a feeling, though, that your database was not really large (did you have billions of rows?) and the nature of the system allowed to hide performance questions behind the cache (it is not always possible). The system may never grow beyond the hardware capacity. If your data fits in cache, usually it will be reasonably fast in any case. It begins to matter only when you cross the certain threshold. After which suddenly everything becomes slow and it is hard to fix it.
It is common for a business/project manager to ignore the possible future problems which may never happen. Business always has more pressing urgent issues to deal with. If business/system grows enough when performance becomes a problem, it will either have accumulated enough resources to refactor the whole system, or it will continue working with increasing inefficiency, or if the system happens to be really critical to the business, just fail and give a chance to another company to overtake it.
Answering your question "whether to use ORMs in applications where performance is a large concern". Of course you can use ORM. But, you may find it more difficult than not using it. With ORM and performance in mind you have to inspect manually the SQL code that ORM generates and make sure that it is a good code from performance point of view. So, you still need to know SQL and specific DBMS that you use very well and you need to know your ORM very well to make sure it generates the code that you want. Why not just write the code that you want directly?
You may think that this situation with ORM vs raw SQL somewhat resembles a highly optimising C++ compiler vs writing your code in assembler manually. Well, it is not. Modern C++ compiler will indeed in most cases generate code that is better than what you can write manually in assembler. But, compiler knows processor very well and the nature of the optimisation task is much simpler than what you have in the database. ORM has no idea about the volume of your data, it knows nothing about your data distribution.
The simple classic example of top-n-per-group can be done in two ways and the best method depends on the data distribution that only the developer knows. If performance is important, even when you write SQL code by hand you have to know how DBMS works and interprets this SQL code and lay out your code in such a way that DBMS accesses the data in an optimal way. SQL itself is a high-level abstraction that may require fine-tuning to get the best performance (for example, there are dozens of query hints in SQL Server). DBMS has some statistics and its optimiser tries to use it, but it is often not enough.
And now on top of this you add another layer of ORM abstraction.
Having said all this, "performance" is a vague term. All these concerns become important after a certain threshold. Since modern hardware is pretty good, this threshold had been pushed rather far to allow a lot of projects to ignore all these concerns.
Example. An optimal query over a table with million rows returns in 10 milliseconds. A non-optimal query returns in 1 second. 100 times slower. Would the end-user notice? Maybe, but likely not critical. Grow the table to billion rows or instead of one user have 1000 concurrent users. 1 second vs 100 seconds. The end-user would definitely notice, even though the ratio (100 times slower) is the same. In practice the ratio would increase as data grows, because various caches would become less and less useful.
From a SQL-Server-Performance-Point-of-view, you should NEVER EVER use select *, because this means to sqlserver to read the complete row from disk or ram. Even if you need all fields, i would suggest to not do select *, because you do not know, who is appending any data to the table that your application does NOT need. For Details see answer of #sandip-patel
From a DBA-perspective: If you give exactly those columnnames you need the dbadmin can better analyse and optimize his databases.
From a ORM-Point-Of-View with changing column-names i would suggest to NOT use select *. You WANT to know, if the table changes. How do you want to give a guarantee for your application to run and give correct results if you do not get errors if the underlying tables change??
Personal Opinion: I really do not work with ORM in Applications needing to perform well...
This question is out some time now, and noone seems to be able to find, what Ben is looking for...
I think this is, because the answer is "it depends".
There just NOT IS THE ONE answer to this.
As i pointed out before, if a database is not yours, and it may be altered often, you cannot guarantee performance, because with select * the amount of data per row may explode
If you write an application using ITS OWN database, noone alters your DB (hopefully) and you need your columns, so whats wrong with select *
If you build some kind of lazy loading with "main properties" beeing loaded instantly and others beeing loaded later (of same entity), you cannot go with select * because you get all
If you use select * other developers will every time think about "did he think about select *" as they will try to optimize. So you should add enough comments...
If you build 3-Tier-Application building large caches in the middle-Tier and performance is a theme beeing done by cache, you may use select *
Expanding 3Tier: If you have many many concurrent users and/or really big data, you should consider every single byte, because you have to scale up your middle-Tier with every byte beeing wasted (as someone pointed out in the comments before)
If you build a small app for 3 users and some thousands of records, the budget may not give time to optimize speed/db-layout/something
Speak to your dba... HE will advice you WHICH statement has to be changed/optimized/stripped down/...
I could go on. There just is not ONE answer. It just depends on to many factors.
It is generally a better idea to select the column names explicitly. Should a table receive an extra column it would be loaded with a select * call, where the extra column is not needed.
This can have several implications:
More network traffic
More I/O (got to read more data from disk)
Possibly even more I/O (a covering index cannot be used - a table scan is performed to get the data)
Possibly even more CPU (a covering index cannot be used so data needs sorting)
EXCEPTION. The only place where Select * is OK, is in the sub-query after an Exists or Not Exists predicate clause, as in:
Select colA, colB
From table1 t1
Where Exists (Select * From Table2 Where column = t1.colA)
More Details -1
More Details -2
More Details -3
Maintainability point.
If you do a "Select * from Table"
Then I alter the Table and add a column.
Your old code will likely crash as it now has an additional column in it.
This creates a night mare for future revisions because you have to identify all the locations for the select *.
The speed differences is so minimal I would not be concerned about it. There is a speed difference in using Varchar vs Char, Char is faster. But the speed difference is so minimal it is just about not worth talking about.
Select *'s biggest issue is with changes (additions) to the table structure.
Maintainability nightmare. Sign of a Junior programmer, and poor project code. That being said I still use select * but intend to remove it before I go to production with my code.

Rails polymorphic association without Type (unique id)

In my app, I have a unique id for each object (tables).
Now, because of that, when using seeing the id, I know what object type it is, whether it's a User or it's a Hotel.
I was wondering if I could save the lookup for the item_type in polymorphic associations, patch the lookup with an id sequence lookup in memory thus saving the space in the DB and in the index.
Can this be done?
I am working with Rails 3.0.9, Ruby 1.9.2
This may not be the answer you're looking for. I'm sure this is possible somehow, but you'd be fighting against the grain of how polymorphism was designed in ActiveRecord, and that would probably cause a load of pain.
The first question that comes to me is why? You're asking for a performance optimization. Are you seeing a performance problem? Have you verified with instrumentation, New Relic, the Ruby profiler and other tools that this second lookup is really what is killing your performance? If you haven't done any of this, then you're probably wasting your time. Predicting performance bottlenecks is an inaccurate science and subject to the 80-20 rule.
If you really, really have this problem and you've been thorough in analyzing your logs, your New Relic charts, you've isolated the problem and run performance tests against it, if you've done all that, and you're seeing a performance problem right with this issue, then I'd suggest that probably a denormalization solution of sorts will give you some improvement. Denormalization is a common tool to optimize database performance problems. You'd be storing data in more than one place, but your queries will to touch fewer tables (faster), at the extra overhead of keeping the multiple bits in sync when updating records (more complex application code).
If you could post a bit more detail about your example, it would be easier to make some more concrete suggestions or give examples.

For really complex reports, do people sometimes code in their language rather than in sql?

I have some pretty complex reports to write. Some of them... I'm not sure how I could write an sql query for just one of the values, let alone stuff them in a single query.
Is it common to just pull a crap load of data and figure it all via code instead? Or should I try and find a way to make all the reports rely on sql?
I have a very rich domain model. In fact, parts of code can be expanded on to calculate exactly what they want. The actual logic is not all that difficult to write - and it's nicer to work my domain model than with SQL. With SQL, writing the business logic, refactoring it, testing it and putting it version control is a royal pain because it's separate from your actual code.
For example, one the statistics they want is the % of how much they improved, especially in relation to other people in the same class, the same school, and compared to other schools. This requires some pretty detailed analysis of how they performed in the past to their latest information, as well as doing a calculation for the groups you are comparing against as a whole. I can't even imagine what the sql query would even look like.
The thing is, this % improvement is not a column in the database - it involves a big calculation in of itself by analyzing all the live data in real-time. There is no way to cache this data in a column as doing this calculation for every row it's needed every time the student does something is CRAZY.
I'm a little afraid about pulling out hundreds upon hundreds of records to get these numbers though. I may have to pull out that many just to figure out 1 value for 1 user... and if they want a report for all the users on a single screen, it's going to basically take analyzing the entire database. And that's just 1 column of values of many columns that they want on the report!
Basically, the report they want is a massive performance hog no matter what method I choose to write it.
Anyway, I'd like to ask you what kind of solutions you've used to these kind of a problems.
Sometimes a report can be generated by a single query. Sometimes some procedural code has to be written. And sometimes, even though a single query CAN be used, it's much better/faster/clearer to write a bit of procedural code.
Case in point - another developer at work wrote a report that used a single query. That query was amazing - turned a table sideways, did some amazing summation stuff - and may well have piped the output through hyperspace - truly a work of art. I couldn't have even conceived of doing something like that and learned a lot just from readying through it. It's only problem was that it took 45 minutes to run and brought the system to its knees in the process. I loved that query...but in the end...I admit it - I killed it. ((sob!)) I dismembered it with a chainsaw while humming "Highway To Hell"! I...I wrote a little procedural code to cover my tracks and...nobody noticed. I'd like to say I was sorry, but...in the end the job ran in 30 seconds. Oh, sure, it's easy enough to say "But performance matters, y'know"...but...I loved that query... ((sniffle...)) Anybody seen my chainsaw..? >;->
The point of the above is "Make Things As Simple As You Can, But No Simpler". If you find yourself with a query that covers three pages (I loved that query, but...) maybe it's trying to tell you something. A much simpler query and some procedural code may take up about the same space, page-wise, but could possibly be much easier to understand and maintain.
Share and enjoy.
Sounds like a challenging task you have ahead of you. I don't know all the details, but I think I would go at it from several directions:
Prioritize: You should try to negotiate with the "customer" and prioritize functionality. Chances are not everything is equally useful for them.
Manage expectations: If they have unrealistic expectations then tell them so in a nice way.
IMHO SQL is good in many respects, but it's not a brilliant programming language. So I'd rather just do calculations in the application rather than in the database.
I think I'd go for some delay in the system .. perhaps by caching calculated results for some minutes before recalculating. This is with a mind towards performance.
The short answer: for analysing large quantities of data, a SQL database is probably the best tool around.
However, that does not mean you should analyse this straight off your production database. I suggest you look into Datawarehousing.
For a one-off report, I'll write the code to produce it in whatever I can best reason about it in.
For a report that'll be generated more than once, I'll check on who is going to be producing it the next time. I'll still write the code in whatever I can best reason about it in, but I might add something to make it more attractive to use to that other person.
People usually use a third party report writing system rather than writing SQL. As an application developer, if you're spending a lot of time writing complex reports, I would severely question your manager's actions in NOT buying an off-the-shelf solution and letting less-skilled people build their own reports using some GUI.

Storing multiple choice values in database

Say I offer user to check off languages she speaks and store it in a db. Important side note, I will not search db for any of those values, as I will have some separate search engine for search.
Now, the obvious way of storing these values is to create a table like
UserID nvarchar(50),
LookupLanguageID int
but the site will be high load and we are trying to eliminate any overhead where possible, so in order to avoid joins with main member table when showing results on UI, I was thinking of storing languages for a user in the main table, having them comma separated, like "12,34,65"
Again, I don't search for them so I don't worry about having to do fulltext index on that column.
I don't really see any problems with this solution, but am I overlooking anything?
You don't search for them now
Data is useless to anything but this one situation
No data integrity (eg no FK)
You still have to change to "English,German" etc for display
"Give me all users who speak x" = FAIL
The list is actually a presentation issue
It's your system, though, and I look forward to answering the inevitable "help" questions later...
You might not be missing anything now, but when you're requirements change you might regret that decision. You should store it normalized like your first instinct suggested. That's the correct approach.
What you're suggesting is a classic premature optimization. You don't know yet whether that join will be a bottleneck, and so you don't know whether you're actually buying any performance improvement. Wait until you can profile the thing, and then you'll know whether that piece needs to be optimized.
If it does, I would consider a materialized view, or some other approach that pre-computes the answer using the normalized data to a cache that is not considered the book of record.
More generally, there are a lot of possible optimizations that could be done, if necessary, without compromising your design in the way you suggest.
This type of storage has almost ALWAYS come back to haunt me. For one, you are not even in first normal form. For another, some manager or the other will definitely come back and say.. "hey, now that we store this, can you write me a report on... "
I would suggest going with a normalized design. Put it in a separate table.
You lose join capability (obviously).
You have to reparse the list on each page load / post back. Which results in more code client side.
You lose all pretenses of trying to keep database integrity. Just imagine if you decide to REMOVE a language later on... What's the sql going to be to fix all of your user profiles?
Assuming your various profile options are stored in a lookup table in the DB, you still have to run "30 queries" per profile page. If they aren't then you have to code deploy for each little change. bad, very bad.
Basing a design decision on something that "won't happen" is an absolute recipe for failure. Sure, the business people said they won't ever do that... Until they think of a reason they absolutely must do it. Today. Which will be promptly after you finish coding this.
As I stated in a comment, 30 queries for a low use page is nothing. Don't sweat it, and definitely don't optimize unless you know for darn sure it's necessary. Guess how many queries SO does for it's profile page?
I generally stay away at the solution you described, you asking for troubles when you store relational data in such fashion.
As alternative solution:
You could store as one bitmasked integer, for example:
0 - No selection
1 - English
2 - Spanish
4 - German
8 - French
16 - Russian
--and so on powers of 2
So if someone selected English and Russian the value would be 17, and you could easily query the values with Bitwise operators.
Premature optimization is the root of all evil.
EDIT: Apparently the context of my observation has been misconstrued by some - and hence the downvotes. So I will clarify.
Denormalizing your model to make things easier and/or 'more performant' - such as creating concatenated columns to represent business information (as in the OP case) - is what I refer to as a "premature optimization".
While there may be some extreme edge cases where there is no other way to get the necessary performance necessary for a particular problem domain - one should rarely assume this is the case. In general, such premature optimizations cause long-term grief because they are hard to undo - changing your data model once it is in production takes a lot more effort than when it initially deployed.
When designing a database, developers (and DBAs) should apply standard practices like normalization to ensure that their data model expresses the business information being collected and managed. I don't believe that proper use of data normalization is an "optimization" - it is a necessary practice. In my opinion, data modelers should always be on the lookout for models that could be restructured to (at least) third normal form (3NF).
If you're not querying against them, you don't lose anything by storing them in a form like your initial plan.
If you are, then storing them in the comma-delimited format will come back to haunt you, and I doubt that any speed savings would be significant, especially when you factor in the work required to translate them back.
You seem to be extremely worried about adding in a few extra lookup table joins. In my experience, the time it takes to actually transmit the HTML response and have the browser render it far exceed a few extra table joins. Especially if you are using indexes for your primary and foreign keys (as you should be). It's like you are planning a multi-day cross-country trip and you are worried about 1 extra 10 minute bathroom stop.
The lack of long-term flexibility and data integrity are not worth it for such a small optimization (which may not be necessary or even noticeable).
As stated very well in the above few posts.
If you want a contrary view to this debate, look at wordpress. Tables are chocked full of delimited data, and it's a great, simple platform.

How far can you really go with "eventual" consistency and no transactions (aka SimpleDB)?

I really want to use SimpleDB, but I worry that without real locking and transactions the entire system is fatally flawed. I understand that for high-read/low-write apps it makes sense, since eventually the system becomes consistent, but what about that time in between? Seems like the right query in an inconsistent db would perpetuate havoc throughout the entire database in a way that's very hard to track down. Hopefully I'm just being a worry wart...
This is the pretty classic battle between consistency and scalability and - to some extent - availability. Some data doesn't always need to be that consistent. For instance, look at digg.com and the number of diggs against a story. There's a good chance that value is duplicated in the "digg" record rather than forcing the DB to do a join against the "user_digg" table. Does it matter if that number isn't perfectly accurate? Probably not. Then using something like SimpleDB might be a good fit. However if you are writing a banking system, you should probably value consistency above all else. :)
Unless you know from day 1 that you have to deal with massive scale, I would stick to simple more conventional systems like RDBMS. If you are working somewhere with a reasonable business model, you will hopefully see a big spike in revenue if there's a big spike in traffic. Then you can use that money to help solving the scaling problems. Scaling is hard and scaling is hard to predict. Most of the scaling problems that hurt you will be ones that you never expect.
I would much rather get a site off the ground and spend a few weeks fixing scale issues when traffic picks up then spend so much time worrying about scale that we never make it to production because we run out of money. :)
Assuming you're talking about this SimpleDB, you're not being a worrywart; there are real reasons not to use it as a real world DBMS.
The properties that you get from transaction support in a DBMS can be abbreviated by the acronym "A.C.I.D.": Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability. The A and D have mostly to do with system crashes, and the C and I have to do with regular operation. They're all things people totally take for granted when working with commercial databases, so if you work with a database that doesn't have one or more of them, you might be in for any number of nasty surprises.
Atomicity: Any transaction will either complete fully or not at all (i.e. it will either commit or abort cleanly). This applies to single statements (like "UPDATE table ...") as well as longer, more complicated transactions. If you don't have this, then anything that goes wrong (like, the disk getting full, the computer crashing, etc.) might leave something half-done. In other words, you can't ever rely on the DBMS to really do the things you tell it to, because any number of real-world problems can get in the way, and even a simple UPDATE statement might get partially completed.
Consistency: Any rules you've set up about the database will always be enforced. Like, if you have a rule that says A always equals B, then nothing anybody does to the database system can break that rule - it'll fail any operation that tries. This isn't quite as important if all your code is perfect ... but really, when is that ever the case? Plus, if you're missing this safety net, things get really yucky when you lose ...
Isolation: Any actions taken on the database will execute as if they happened serially (one at a time), even if in reality they're happening concurrently (interleaved with each other). If more than one user is going to hit this database at the same time, and you don't have this, then things you can't even dream up will go wrong; even atomic statements can interact with each other in unforeseen ways and screw things up.
Durability: If you lose power or the software crashes, what happens to database transactions that were in progress? If you have durability, the answer is "nothing - they're all safe". Databases do this by using something called "Undo / Redo Logging", where every little thing you do to the database is first logged (typically on a separate disk for safety) in a way such that you can reconstruct the current state after a failure. Without that, the other properties above are sort of useless, because you can never be 100% sure that things will stay consistent after a crash.
Do any of these things matter to you? The answer has everything to do with the types of transactions you're doing, and what guarantees you want in a failure situation. There may well be cases (like a read-only database) where you don't need these, but as soon as you start doing anything non-trivial, and something bad happens, you'll wish you had 'em. Maybe it's OK for you to just revert to a backup anytime something unexpected happens, but my guess is that it isn't.
Also note that dropping all of these protections doesn't make it a given that your database will perform better; in fact, it's probably the opposite. That's because real-world DBMS software also has tons of code to optimize query performance. So, if you write a query that joins 6 tables on SimpleDB, don't assume that it'll figure out the optimal way to run that query - you might end up waiting hours for it to complete, when a commercial DBMS could use an indexed hash join and get it in .5 seconds. There are a zillion little tricks that you can do to optimize query performance, and believe me, you'll really miss them when they're gone.
None of this is meant as a knock on SimpleDB; take it from the author of the software: "Although it is a great teaching tool, I can't imagine that anyone would want to use it for anything else."