inline assembly output register declaration - inline-assembly

i'm just about to learn inline assembly.the GCC inline assembly cookbook
A strict rule is: Never ever write to an input operand.
can someone tell me whether - and if so why - this rule is true?
let's say i get the value of an input operand through some register. Am I not allowed to reuse this register within the same assembly block if i don't inted to declare it also as output operand?
asm volatile("add %[value], %[value], %[value] \n\t"
"mov %[result], %[value] \n\t"
: [result]"=r" (y)
: [value]"r" (x)
: //no clober
I know the example doesn't make much sense - but is it invalid?
I ask because i'm writing some assembly function that takes many input operands, each taking a general purpose register. since there are only 12 GPR's available on my architecture, with each input operand i get less "free" registers to work with. so do I really have to declare the input registers also as output in order to use them to "work" with them inside the function (even though i don't need theyr value outside the inline-assembly body? If so - can someone explain why?
hope the question is clear

The compiler doesn't know x is clobbered (and I think there is no way to clobber an input register in a valid way). So it might reuse the register holding x later in the code assuming it still holds an unaltered value which isn't true since you changed it.


STM32CubeMX I2C code writing to reserved register bits

I'm developing an I2C driver on the STM32F74 family processors. I'm using the STM32CubeMX Low Level drivers and I can't make sense of the generated defines for I2C start and stop register values (CR2).
The code is generated in stm32f7xx_ll_i2c.h and is as follows.
/** #defgroup I2C_LL_EC_GENERATE Start And Stop Generation
* #{
/*!< Don't Generate Stop and Start condition. */
#define LL_I2C_GENERATE_STOP (uint32_t)(0x80000000U | I2C_CR2_STOP)
/*!< Generate Stop condition (Size should be set to 0). */
#define LL_I2C_GENERATE_START_READ (uint32_t)(0x80000000U | I2C_CR2_START | I2C_CR2_RD_WRN)
/*!< Generate Start for read request. */
My question is why is bit 31 included in these defines? (0x80000000U). The reference manual (RM0385) states "Bits 31:27 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.". I can't decide between modifying the generated code or keeping the 31 bit. I'll happily take recommendations simply whether its more likely that this is something needed or that I'm going to break things by writing to a reserved bit.
Thanks in advance!
I am guessing here because who knows what was on the minds of the library authors? (Not a lot if you look at the source code!). But I would guess that it is a "dirty-trick" to check that when calling LL functions you are using the specified macros.
However it is severely flawed because the "trick" is only valid for Cortex-M3/4 STM32 variants (e.g. F1xx, F2xx, F4xx) where the I2C peripheral is very different and registers such as I2C_CR2 are only 15 bits wide.
The trick is that the library functions have parameter checking asserts such as:
Where the IS_TRANSFER_REQUEST is defined thus:
This forces you to use the LL defined macros as parameters and not some self-defined or calculated mask because they all have that "unused" check bit in them.
If that truly is the the reason, it is an ill-advised practice that did not envisage the newer I2C peripheral. You might think that the bit was stripped from the parameter before being written to the register. I have checked, it is not. And if did you would be paying for that overhead on every call, which is also undesirable.
As an error detection technique if that is what it is, it is not even applied consistently; for example all the GPIO_PIN_xx macros are 16 bits wide and since they are masks not pin numbers, using bit 31 could for example guard against passing a literal pin-number 10 where the mask 1<<10 is in fact required. Passing 10 would refer to pins 3 and 1 not 10. And to be honest that mistake is far more likely than, passing an incorrect I2C transfer request type.
In the end however "Reserved" generally means "unused but may be used in future implementations", and requiring you to use the "reset value" is a way of ensuring forward binary compatibility. If you had such a device no doubt there would be a corresponding library update to support it - but it would require re-compilation of the code. The risk is low and probably only a problem if you attempt to run this binary on a newer incompatible part that used this bits.
I agree with Clifford, the ST CubeMC / HAL / LL library code is, in places, some of the worst written code imaginable. I have a particular issue with lines such as "TIMx->CCER &= ~TIM_CCER_CC1E" where TIM_CCER_CC1e is defined as 0x0001 and the CCER register contains reserved bits that should remain at 0. There are hundreds of such examples all throughout the library code. ST remain silent to my request for advice.

Error: No operator "=" matches these operands in "Servo_Project.cpp", Line: 15, Col: 22

So I tried using code from another post around here to see if I could use it, it was a code meant to utilize a potentiometer to move a servo motor, but when I attempted to compile it is gave the error above saying No operator "=" matches these operands in "Servo_Project.cpp". How do I go about fixing this error?
Just in case ill say this, the boards I was trying to compile the code were a NUCLEO-L476RG, the board from the post I mentioned utilized Nucleo L496ZG board and a Tower Pro Micro Servo 9G.
#include "mbed.h"
#include "Servo.h"
Servo myservo(D6);
AnalogOut MyPot(A0);
int main() {
float PotReading;
PotReading =;
while(1) {
for(int i=0; i<100; i++) {
myservo = (i/100);
This line:
myservo = (i/100);
Is wrong in a couple of ways. First, i/100 will always be zero - integer division truncates in C++. Second, there's not an = operator that allows an integer value to be assigned to a Servo object. YOu need to invoke some kind of Servo method instead, likely write().
The SOMETHING should be the position or speed of the servo you're trying to get working. See the Servo class reference for an explanation. Your code tries to use fractions from 0-1 and thatvisn't going to work - the Servo wants a position/speed between 0 and 180.
You should look in the Servo.h header to see what member functions and operators are implemented.
Assuming what you are using is this, it does have:
Servo& operator= (float percent);
Although note that the parameter is float and you are passing an int (the parameter is also in the range 0.0 to 1.0 - so not "percent" as its name suggests - so be wary, both the documentation and the naming are poor). You should have:
myservo = i/100.0f;
However, even though i / 100 would produce zero for all i in the loop, that does not explain the error, since an implicit cast should be possible - even if clearly undesirable. You should look in the actual header you are using to see if the operator= is declared - possibly you have the wrong file or a different version or just an entirely different implementation that happens to use teh same name.
I also notice that if you look in the header, there is no documentation mark-up for this function and the Servo& operator= (Servo& rhs); member is not documented at all - hence the confusing automatically generated "Shorthand for the write and read functions." on the Servo doc page when the function shown is only one of those things. It is possible it has been removed from your version.
Given that the documentation is incomplete and that the operator= looks like an after thought, the simplest solution is to use the read() / write() members directly in any case. Or implement your own Servo class - it appears to be only a thin wrapper/facade of the PwmOut class in any case. Since that is actually part of mbed rather than user contributed code of unknown quality, you may be on firmer ground.

Parameter 3 is not constant in call of system task $fwrite

I am using Xilinx ISE 10.1 to run some verilog code. In the code I want to write the register values of 3 registers in a file, cipher.txt. The following is the code snippet:
if (clk_count==528) begin
f1 = $fopen("cipher.txt", "w");
$fwrite(f1, "clk: %d", clk_count[11:0]);
$fwrite(f1, "plain: %h", plain[31:0]);
$fwrite(f1, "cipher: %h", cipher[31:0]);
At the end of execution, the contents of cipher.txt is found as:
clk: %dplain: %hcipher: %h
There is no other error encountered, but a warning comes up corresponding to the 3 fwrite's:
Parameter 3 is not constant in call of system task $fwrite.
Parameter 3 is not constant in call of system task $fwrite.
Parameter 3 is not constant in call of system task $fwrite.
The values of the registers clk_count and cipher change on every clock cycle (value of register plain remains constant throughout), and the values are written to cipher.txt when clk_count equals 528 (indicated by the if statement)
Can anybody provide some insight and/or help me get past this hurdle?
It appears that ISE expects the arguments to $fwrite to be constant. The warnings are referring to clk_count[11:0], plain[31:0], and cipher[31:0], which are not constant. By definition they are changing each cycle so they are not known at compile time. This also explains why they are not printing and you are seeing %d and %h in the output.
There is nothing to my knowledge in the Verilog spec that requires the arguments to $fwrite be constant. The same code works as expected with Cadence Incisive. My guess is that it's a limitation of ISE, so you may want to check with Xilinx.
Possible work-arounds:
1) Use $swrite to create a string with the proper formatting. Then write the string to the file.
2) Try using an intermediate variable in the calls to $fwrite. Maybe the part-selects are throwing it off. e.g.
integer foo;
foo = clk_count[11:0];
$fwrite(... , foo , ...);
Either of those might work, or not.
Out of curiosity, if you remove the part-selects, and try to print clk_count without the [11:0] , do you get the same warnings?

Assembly code for optimized bitshifting of a vector

i'm trying to write a routine that will logically bitshift by n positions to the right all elements of a vector in the most efficient way possible for the following vector types: BYTE->BYTE, WORD->WORD, DWORD->DWORD and WORD->BYTE (assuming that only 8 bits are present in the result). I would like to have three routines for each type depending on the type of processor (SSE2 supported, only MMX suppported, only standard instruction se supported). Therefore i need 12 functions in total.
I have already found by myself how to backup and restore the registers that i need, how to make a loop, how to copy data into regular registers or MMX registers and how to shift by 1 position logically.
Because i'm not familiar with assembly language that's about it.
Which registers should i use for each instruction set?
How will the availability of the large vector (an image) in L1 cache be optimized?
How do i find the next element of the vector (a pointer kind of thing), i know i can make a mov by address and i assume i have to increment the address by 1, 2 or 4 depending on my type of data?
Although i have all the ideas, writing the code is a bit difficult at this point.
Thank you.
Here is what i'm trying to do for MMX for a shift by 1 on a DWORD:
__asm("push mm"); // backup register
__asm("push cx"); // backup register
__asm("mov %cx, length"); // initialize loop
__asm("loopstart_shift1:"); // start label
__asm("movd %xmm0, r/m32"); // get 32 bits data
__asm("psrlq %xmm0, 1"); // right shift 32 bits data logically (stuffs 0 on the left) by 1
__asm("mov r/m32,%xmm0"); // set 32 bits data
__asm("dec %cx"); // decrement index
__asm("cmp %cx,0");
__asm("jnz loopstart_shift1");
__asm("pop cx"); // restore register
__asm("pop mm"); // restore register
__asm("emms"); // leave MMX state
I strongly suggest you pause and take a look at using intrinsics with C or C++ instead of trying to write raw asm - that way the C/C++ compiler will take care of all the register allocation, instruction scheduling and general housekeeping tasks and you can just focus on the important parts, e.g. instead of using psrlq see _m_psrlq in mmintrin.h. (Better yet, look at using 128 bit SSE intrinsics.)
Sounds like you'd benefit from either using or looking into BitMagic's source. its entirely intrinsics based too, which makes its far more portable (though from the looks of it your using GCC, so it might have to get an MSVC to GCC intrinics mapping).

Is it possible to compare two Objective-C blocks by content?

float pi = 3.14;
float (^piSquare)(void) = ^(void){ return pi * pi; };
float (^piSquare2)(void) = ^(void){ return pi * pi; };
[piSquare isEqualTo: piSquare2]; // -> want it to behave like -isEqualToString...
To expand on Laurent's answer.
A Block is a combination of implementation and data. For two blocks to be equal, they would need to have both the exact same implementation and have captured the exact same data. Comparison, thus, requires comparing both the implementation and the data.
One might think comparing the implementation would be easy. It actually isn't because of the way the compiler's optimizer works.
While comparing simple data is fairly straightforward, blocks can capture objects-- including C++ objects (which might actually work someday)-- and comparison may or may not need to take that into account. A naive implementation would simply do a byte level comparison of the captured contents. However, one might also desire to test equality of objects using the object level comparators.
Then there is the issue of __block variables. A block, itself, doesn't actually have any metadata related to __block captured variables as it doesn't need it to fulfill the requirements of said variables. Thus, comparison couldn't compare __block values without significantly changing compiler codegen.
All of this is to say that, no, it isn't currently possible to compare blocks and to outline some of the reasons why. If you feel that this would be useful, file a bug via and provide a use case.
Putting aside issues of compiler implementation and language design, what you're asking for is provably undecidable (unless you only care about detecting 100% identical programs). Deciding if two programs compute the same function is equivalent to solving the halting problem. This is a classic consequence of Rice's Theorem: Any "interesting" property of Turing machines is undecidable, where "interesting" just means that it's true for some machines and false for others.
Just for fun, here's the proof. Assume we can create a function to decide if two blocks are equivalent, called EQ(b1, b2). Now we'll use that function to solve the halting problem. We create a new function HALT(M, I) that tells us if Turing machine M will halt on input I like so:
return EQ(
^(int) {return 0;},
^(int) {M(I); return 0;}
If M(I) halts then the blocks are equivalent, so HALT(M,I) returns YES. If M(I) doesn't halt then the blocks are not equivalent, so HALT(M,I) returns NO. Note that we don't have to execute the blocks -- our hypothetical EQ function can compute their equivalence just by looking at them.
We have now solved the halting problem, which we know is not possible. Therefore, EQ cannot exist.
I don't think this is possible. Blocks can be roughly seen as advanced functions (with access to global or local variables). The same way you cannot compare functions' content, you cannot compare blocks' content.
All you can do is to compare their low-level implementation, but I doubt that the compiler will guarantee that two blocks with the same content share their implementation.