Comparing NSSets by a single property - objective-c

I'm trying to determine if two NSSets are "equal" but not in the sense of isEqualToSet. Items in the two sets are the same class but are not the same object, or even references to the same object. They will have one property that is the same though - let's call it 'name'.
Is my best bet in comparing these two sets to do a simple set count test, then a more complex objectsPassingTest: on each item in one set, making sure an item with the same name is in the other set? I'm hoping that something simpler exists to handle this case.

I had the same problem, but I needed to compare multiple properties at the same time (class User with properties Name and Id).
I resolved this by adding a method returning an NSDictionary with the properties needed to the class:
- (NSDictionary *)itemProperties
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[dict forKey:#"name"];
[dict forKey:#"id"];
return dict;
and then using valueForKey: as Kevin Ballard mentioned:
BOOL userSetsEqual = [[userSet1 valueForKey:#"itemProperties"]
isEqualToSet:[userSet2 valueForKey:#"itemProperties"]];
... where userSet1 and userSet2 were the NSSets that contained User objects.

You could just call valueForKey: on both sets and compare the results.
if ([[set1 valueForKey:#"name"] isEqualToSet:[set2 valueForKey:#"name"]]) {
// the sets match your criteria

Looking through the documentation, it seems that there is no way to really handle this special case of yours. You're going to have to write some custom code to handle this. Personally, I would recommend using -sortedArrayUsingDescriptors: and then comparing the arrays, but that's just me. You could also go enumerate through one set, then narrow down the other using -filteredSetUsingPredicate: and get its count.
Whichever method you use, consider the fact that its probably not going to be super efficient. This might be unavoidable, but there are probably ways to go about it that are better than others. Food for thought.


Return a key : value pair from a method for use in NSDictionary

I understand I can return an NSDictionary by doing
- (NSDictionary *)keyWithValue {
return #{#"key" : #"value"};
but how can I return that without the enclosing #{} dictionary?
There is no tuples in Objective C unlike in Swift, Python etc. So the common way to return 2 different objects is to return an array or a dictionary.
You also can try something like:
- (NSString *)keyWithValue:(NSString**)value {
*value = #"value";
return #"key";
It should be used following way:
NSString *v;
NSString *k = [self keyWithValue:&v];
// now v contains #"value"
Objective-C, like C before it, doesn't allow the return of multiple values from a method. (Essentially, although a method or function can accept any number of arguments as input, it can only have a single return value.) There are historical and implementation reasons for this design but it can be frustrating when you simply have a pair/tuple to return.
If you have a method that has two distinct "results" that you need to return to the caller, you have a few choices. The very simplest in your case is to do something like what you are doing here and "wrapping" the values in a dictionary. You could similarly wrap them in a two-value array (which is a little less good since it relies on an implicit contract between caller and callee that there will be exactly two items in the array).
However, a clean and fairly standard approach here would be to create a small class with only two properties on it, and create, fill in, and return that instance with your pair of values. This arguably uses less runtime overhead than a collection object, and has the nice benefit of being semantically explicit and easy to understand for anyone else looking at it.
(There is yet another way, which involves passing pointers as arguments that are "outparams", but that's only idiomatic in rare circumstances in ObjC and I wouldn't recommend it here.)
There is no way to return a key value pair without a dictionary because that is the definition of the dictionary data structure. From apple docs:
The NSDictionary class declares the programmatic interface to objects that manage immutable associations of keys and values
You access the value with
[myDictionary objectForKey:#"myKey"];
If you want to use the returned key-value pair in another dictionary
NSMutableDictionary *otherDict = [NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[otherDict setObject:[myDictionary objectForKey:#"myKey"] forKey:#"myKey"];

Is it possible to know an array (or arrays) which adding an object?

Follow is some code for example.
NSArray *test1 = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:#"TEST", nil];
[someArray addObject:test1];
too many code lines.
At some place
NSArray *addingArray = [test1 whoisAddingOrContainingMe(?)];
I want to know a pointer of someArray as method of test1 instance.
Is there a method like this?
No, you can't "reverse lookup" the containers you are contained in.
From a design perspective this would be somewhat difficult, since conceptually there's no difference between having a reference to oneself in an "array", in any other container, or in any other object that's not considered to be a container. Thus, you have to record every single "retain" by passing it an additional "owner" parameter, and since retains and releases can be done in vastly different places you would also need to pass "owner" pointers around so that an eventual "release" can refer to the proper retain.
Or, to put it short: it would be a huge mess :-)
As suggested before, if you know what arrays can actually contain you -- and that should be much easier for your application -- you could check them. Or you could add a list to the objects to record where they have been added, probably via methods like "addTo:" and "removeFrom:".
I think you want NSArray's -containsObject: method.

Why does NSOrderedMutableSet add objects whose data is the same?

I'm creating objects and adding them to a set using -[NSOrderedMutableSet addObject:], but I discovered that only duplicates of the objects themselves are checked for -- the object pointer's address presumably, and that it's possible to add multiple objects that have identical content.
For example:
SomeObject* object = [SomeObject alloc] initWithStuff:stuff];
SomeObject* object2 = [SomeObject alloc] initWithStuff:stuff];
[set addObject:object];
[set addObject:object];
[set addObject:object1];
[set addObject:object2];
The count will be 2.
This makes me wonder what the point of these classes is? Under what circumstances might one have an object and not know if the object itself had already been added to a collection, rather than the data contained within the object?
Whats the easiest way (or what class should I use) to use to ensure the set only contains one of each object based on content?
The way you are looking is the right way, you are forgetting a small detail: how could the NSMutableOrderedSet class know about which instances of SomeObject contain same values?
The answer is simple: you must provide your own implementations of
- (BOOL)isEqual:(id)anObject
- (NSUInteger)hash
So that your instances will return true when compared with same internal values, and two instances with same data will have same hashcode.
Apart from this sets are rather useful because they give you better complexity on checking if an instance is contained in a set or not, and you can quickly do many logical operations on them, like intersection, union, difference and whatever.
If it is a custom object you have, you'd have to implement your own isEqual: and hash method to check for equality and prevent duplicates in the set.

Converting NSArray to NSSet, custom class instances transfer inconsistently

Ran into a interesting little problem. I was writing a method to filter an array to the unique objects:
- (NSArray*)distinctObjectsByAddress {
NSSet* uniqueSet = [NSSet setWithArray:self];
NSArray* retArray = [uniqueSet allObjects];
return retArray;
and wrote a unit test to check:
- (void)testDistinctObjectsByAddress5 {
Person* adam1 = [[Person alloc] initWithFirstName:#"adam" lastName:#"adam" andParent:nil];
Person* adam2 = [[Person alloc] initWithFirstName:#"adam" lastName:#"adam" andParent:nil];
testPersonArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:adam1,adam2, nil];
NSArray* checkArray = [testPersonArray distinctObjectsByAddress];
STAssertEquals([checkArray count], [testPersonArray count], #"Array %# counts should match %# %#",checkArray,adam1,adam2);
Pretty simple. The interesting part is that about 80-90% of the time the test passes and every so often it fails because the distinctObjectsByAddress method only returns one object. I've been able to trace it to the [NSSet setWithArray:self] call but I've also been able to verify that the two person objects are two different objects (at least they have different address). I'm assuming that setWithArray: is just doing a basic address compare but I don't understand why it is sometimes producing two objects like it should and sometimes producing only one.
Something I just tried was changing adam2 so that the first and last name were not exactly the same as adam1. This seems to fix the error. Does this point to some sort of compiler optimization when the objects are logically the same?
I'm assuming that setWithArray is just doing a basic address compare
That's incorrect. NSSet uses the -isEqual: and -hash methods on the objects that are added to it. It depends on how those are implemented in Person or its superclasses.
If [person1 isEqual:person2] then you would expect the set to contain one object. If not, then the set should contain two objects.
My guess is that Person does not follow the rules in its -isEqual: and -hash methods. Most likely, the two objects are equal, but their hashes are not equal like they should be. (Except for the 10-20% of the time that you're getting lucky.)
Does this point to some sort of compiler optimization when the objects are logically the same?
No, there is no compiler optimization that would merge the two objects into one.
Most likely you did not implement hash for Person, and sometimes the identical Person object hashes into two different buckets.

Check for duplicate NSStrings on a NSMutableArray

I got a NSMutableArray which I want to add strings to. I need to check if that string already exists on the array before adding ths string to it. Does anyway know a good way to do it?
If order doesn't matter, the simplest way would be to switch to using an NSMutableSet. Sets are unordered and NSSets and NSMutableSets can contain each object only once. Only a counted set (NSCountedSet) can contain the same object multiple times.
If order does matter, continue using NSMutableArray, and use -containsObject: to check that the object is not already there before adding it.
Edit: And as of Lion, we now have NSOrderedSet and NSMutableOrderedSet! Chocolate in my peanut butter! Peanut butter in my chocolate!
Like an unordered set, you get fast membership testing, the prohibition of duplicates, and, of course, set operations (union, intersection, etc.). Like an array, you get ordered access, including both reliable-order enumeration and access by index.
So, if you need to reject duplicates but at the same time preserve order, Lion's NS{,Mutable}OrderedSet classes are for you.
If you just want to do what you stated once, just use containsObject:, as in
if (![myArray containsObject:theObject]) [myArray addObject:theObject];
Note that this does a linear search through the array, and thus isn't appropriate if you're going to be using this operation a lot. If you are, and you don't need ordering, you should use NSSet. If you do need ordering, you could use both an NSArray and NSSet that are kept in sync (e.g. always add/delete the same object from both collections at the same time).
I preferred the NSPredicate which describe in here
In short
NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:#"Nick", #"Ben", #"Adam", #"Melissa", nil];
NSPredicate *bPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"SELF MATCHES[c] %#", your_search_key];
NSArray *beginWithB = [array filteredArrayUsingPredicate:bPredicate];
if ([beginWithB count] > 0)
//Handle duplicate