social engine upgrade theme - socialengine

I have a project in social engine 3.x . I have upgraded it into social engine 4.x. I want to upgrade social engine 3.x old theme into social engine 4.x theme.

Social Engine 4 uses new way of handling templates, and a lot of stuff you got used to in SE 3.x - like Smarty parts and stuff, is handled differently. Copy a existing theme, rename it and start editing CSS and layout files of modules/widgets.

The New SE4 has an entirely new template engine. If you want to migrate, make sure you redesign the css and other files as the SE4 architecture.


Migrate from dojo to standard bootstrap admin dashboard theme

I am using a php dojo v1.4 project with mysql as backend.
The UI looks very basic.
I need to migrate this project to a standard bootstrap admin theme.
What are the steps I need to do?
If backend and general architecture of your application will remain the same, I'd suggest you to start building new UI from the scratch. When it finished, write missing functions, which were previously implemented with dojo using jquery (which comes with bootstrap) or whatever you like.
I assume, that you are not going to use dojo anymore.
If you are facing some specific difficulties, you'd better provide more details in your question.

Is Bootstrap 2 and Bootstrap 3 possible at the same time?

Is it possible to use a kind of no-conflict (like in jQuery) with two versions of the Bootstrap (2.x and 3.x) on a page?
The question has arisen because of the lack of compatibility of the Joomla 3.6! with the Bootstrap 3.x and intensive usage of the Bootstrap 2.3.2
There is idea to use customized, namespaced version of Bootstrap 3.x. But is that idea viable?
Note: there is solution with template overrides. But it uses a lot of files for overriding and I have to use all of them for each of my 6+ templates

Liferay: Migrate Theme from 6.1 to 6.2

We want soon upgrade the portal from Liferay 6.1.30 GA3 to 6.2. The backend of portlets seem be simple to migrate. But the changes of theme technology is huge :) I mean the way to bootstrap is very welcome, but how is it with the migration of existing (6.1) theme?
Our theme based on standard Liferay 6.1 styled theme. However, I'm looking for some guideline how to migrate e.g. Liferay 6.1 classic theme to 6.2.
you can follow Liferay Portal 6.2 Developer's Guide
As you said themes between 6.1 and 6.2 changed a lot. You maybe will be able to migrate a theme from the two versions, but you maybe won't get full bootstrap power.
When migrating from 6.0 ,6.1 to the 6.2 usually you should consider to built a new theme and maybe also to re-design your template to follow "mobile-first" approach of bootstrap.
Source: Liferay Symposium (Italy) 2013

Site redesign in sitefinity 3.7

I need to redesign web site that has been done in Sitefinity 3.7. Current version is 6.3 ( I believe ).
I watched some tutorials about this CMS because I use it for the first time.
Can you tell me how much templating system differs in this old 3.7 version from current 6.3?
Is it possible to use Bootstrap 3?
We've been using Bootstrap in all of our recent Sitefinity implementations. I usually end up creating a vanilla, base page template off a .master page that includes references to the Bootstrap css and js, then create custom layout controls through Sitefinity's Visual Studio plugin, Thunder. Using the layouts you can easily create the markup needed for the grid layouts and components in Bootstrap so content editors can drag and drop them through the Sitefinity page edit interface. Editing the widget templates is another way to incorporate Bootstrap styling in the built in content modules.
Here is a project that has a Sitefinity Bootstrap theme, I believe the version of Bootstrap it uses is 2.31 though.
Jochem added Bootstrap version 3+ to the project, my fault for not seeing it, sorry Jochem! Direct link here

where can I get a XD version dojo source

WHere can I get a XD version of dojo source like the one hosted on google? What I want to do is to host dojo source from my local CDN, and my custom dojo module in my web application. Is this a good practice? or I might as well just include the dojo source in my web app, and run the custom build?
You can build an xd version of dojo from the source code
Here are instructions on how to do it:
See the section on "doing xdomain builds"
In our organization (a large one), we do have a CDN version of dojo deployed on internal CDN mainly since some of our webapps are not allowed to access extranet (firewall issues).
For performance, though, a custom build gives biggest boost since it is customized to the modules you need/use - once the custom build is done, you only need to ship a single compressed js output file and a small number of supporting files
When doing your custom build, you can use the xdDojoPath and loader=xdomain if you wish to use cross domain dojo to load your optimized js - see for some notes on this
Also see related SO question: Dojo on a CDN vs own install
The good news is that with Dojo 1.7+ and the new loader, you don't have to do anything special for a cross domain build (good answer above from #Vijay Agrawal, but I think that reference guide link may need some updating for 1.7) Just write your code to the new AMD format, use asynch:true, run the build tools to create layers, and deploy them on any server. AMD makes use of callbacks and many of the tricks the old Dojo xd builder used to employ, but in a much simpler way.
To support older code, there is a legacy cross domain mode mentioned in the loader docs.