i created a database in my app, but i don't find it in the DDMS - sql

I can't find my test.db in the file manager in DDMS. Does someone know when we create a database, where it's installed ?

If you are using a non-developer (or non-rooted) android device, the database will not be visible to you in DDMS. It's only visible to the parent application, as each application on android runs as a separate linux process.
However, if you are using the emulator or a developer/rooted device, the database file should be in /data/data/<package_name>/databases/ (link).

Taken from here


Cannot select latest uploaded version to add to testflight

I cannot select the latest version I have uploaded to seed to beta in external testing. First of all whenever I upload a build two version appearing, that have upload time difference of 5 to 15 minutes between them. One of them gets changed from processing to normal available state, but other does not. But now selecting the available build also selects the processing one and my selection is blocked and I cannot select the OK button because probably my selection is blocked by the processing one. I think it is UI frontend issue at itunesconnect side but it could be something I am doing wrong. Please help me if anyone has been able to tackle this issue if they faced. Please see checkout the attached image.
I Included <key>ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption</key><false/> in my subsequent builds that I uploaded according to the new Export compliance message on the iTunes Connect home page. I am still facing the issue. I have contacted Apple Dev support, will keep you updated if I find a solution.
The issue has been mysteriously solved by uploading the application from Application Loader with Aspera turned off instead of using Xcode's organizer window as suggested by Apple Developer support. Make sure you add: <key>ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption</key><false/> in your info.plist file before archiving the build. Although mysteriously my previously uploaded builds have also become available for external testing.
Body of email that helped solve the issue:
After further research, it looks like their may be an issue from your
end with your network while trying to upload to this app record in
iTunes Connect.
First, for the best upload experience make sure that all ports and IP
addresses are accessible. Additionally, it’s important to make sure
the internet connection is very good, and that there are no firewalls
blocking the uploads. More information can be found here:
Second, it may be beneficial to try using the latest version of
Application Loader. Please note that you can export your project from
Xcode to upload through Application Loader. As a temporary workaround,
once you have Application Loader open, you can go to the File menus
and select the following:
Application Loader > Preferences
Then, select Advanced, and as a temporary workaround you can try
deselecting Aspera and upload the build again. You can follow the
steps below to use the latest version of Application Loader.
Download the latest version of Xcode from the Mac App Store:
Open the latest version of Xcode
Go to the File menu and select Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Application Loader
Lastly, try uploading again to see if the issue persists.
Hello my dear friend there,
I am also having your issue yesterday, I have this similar screen with yours:
The build is duplicated which one of them are processing forever until today.
My personal problem solving was:
Increase my build number in Xcode so that I can reupload my build
Rearchive the build then export for iOS App Store Deployment in Xcode Organizer
Reupload the build using Application Loader
Then try to reconfigure the build in iTunes Connect. For a while it is processing like usual, but it will not take forever, after one hour, the build will be available for testing.
Hope my personal troubleshooting can be applied to your issue too.

LUA windows: How do I launch windows metro app with Unified Remote script

I'm trying to make a custom remote for unified remote server in windows 8.1
The sample scripts have os.start(command). It works for something like calc, but I'm trying to launch a metro app 'netflix://' and Lua doesn't seem to want to accept it - I think it's not taking the front slashes.
Is there a way to get Lua to launch a metro app in windows? Thanks
Assuming you mean os.execute() command, to run commands that open files and run based on protocol association, you need to use start command:
os.execute("start http://google.com")
If you need to put the parameter in quotes, then make sure to include a pair of empty quotes as the first parameter:
os.execute([[start "" "netflix://..."]])
For os.start(), it seems that you have to pass the whole path to a command. The Unified Remote API states that it should match installed applications, but I believe it might only be applicable to applications with binaries in the PATH, which is why their example of calc works.
With this in mind, and knowing that start works well directly from PoweShell, this command does what we need:
os.start("C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe", "/c", "start", "netflix:");
Answering this old question since it's the top google hit when looking for launching windows10 apps with Lua for Unified Remote
As a side note, due to limitations on the Netflix Win10 app, I ended up simply opening Firefox and giving it the Netflix URL. Assuming default installation:
os.start("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe", "https://www.netflix.com");

Preserve an external legacy apps file resource fork when including in an Xcode archive

I have created a cocoa application primarily to run on OS 10.6.8. to convert certain types of proprietary legacy files. The app looks at the legacy files creator code and processes it accordingly if it is a known type. Once the file is identified, I call an external legacy app (which I have added to the project) using [NSWorkspace openFile: withApplication: ]to open the droplet and process the file conversion.
The application works just like it is supposed to until I archive it and try to run it from the application bundle. Actually, it will continue to work but it is using the converter app from the project. If I delete the converter in the project area, then the app in the app bundle can not open the external app in that location. One work around is to delete the external app from the bundle after its archived and replace it with a copy of the one in the project area.
I would appreciate any suggestions on resolving this. I'm not sure if the problem is in some Xcode build setting I can change to include an external apps resource fork when archiving, or if this is a launch services issue with apps hidden in packages, or , something I'm not even considering.
Try setting the "Preserves HFS Data" (COPYING_PRESERVES_HFS_DATA) build setting.

Cocoa application reinstall

I would like to detect if my application was "reinstalled".
Currently my application install means only a copy to the /Applications folder.
I would like to detect if somebody deleted the application and after a time he installed it again.
Do you have any ideas how can this be solved?
I would like to detect if somebody deleted
You can use FNSubscribeByPath(Deprecated in OS X v10.8.) for watching trash folder.
I would like to detect if my application was "reinstalled"
You can create one file in application support (your application folder) folder and refer that file. Write application version number in that file.
Your app is just a folder on HDD/SSD, so user can manipulate it like usual file. User can put your app in ~/Applications/MyStuff, make 300 copies of your app and launch them at once.
The only thing you can check is the bundle version of app. Read version from user defaults (written by previous app lauch) and compare to your own bundle version. This may be useful for updates to detect which resources can be upgraded or created.
How about checking for an existing preferences file or expected user defaults setting?
That would give you some hint it was installed recently - few people clean up their preferences folder.

How to distribute a self developed mac application?

I've developed an application on XCode, compiled and built it.
If I run the app on the same machine using Finder, it starts normally.
But if I copy the app to another machine and try to run it, the application does not start.
Is there another step that I forgot after building the application on XCode?
I think it seems to be a simple issue, but I really need some help on it...
On a machine where it doesn't start, open the Console utility, try launching your program, and see if any new messages appear in the Console window.
OK, It was a very stupid error...
I was sending the app to the other machine through iChat. When the download completes the execute permission of the executable file inside the app is automatically removed.
So, I was trying to execute a non executable app.
Thanks everybody!