Maven cobertura plugin - one report for multimodule project - maven-2

I'm using maven cobertura plugin to report code coverage in my multimodule project.
The problem is that I don't know how to generate one report for all modules in project.
So far I have generated separate reports for every module, but it would be nice to have one report for whole project.
My parent pom configuration:

The plugin has been updated since this question was asked (and last answered) to now enable aggregated reporting, via the aggregate configuration property in the parent POM.
This produces the aggregated coverage report at target/site/cobertura/index.html which will include all modules.
(Each module will also have it's own report produced, if that is of any use.)
Parent pom.xml

To my knowledge, this is currently not supported, see MCOBERTURA-65. But the issue has a patch attached, maybe try it. But my suggestion would be to use something like Sonar to aggregate metrics.

I have been using Hudson as a Continuous Integration tool.
The Cobertura plugin allows me to see code coverage of all of the child modules when checking on the parent.

The Jenkins Cobertura plugin aggregates the report automatically but if you are interested in the coverage file itself for some other reasons you can do by following below procedure:
Download Cobertura from here
Go to your project workspace -> find all the .ser files and rename them
(i=0; find . | grep cobertura.ser$ | while read line;do echo $line; cp -i $line cobertura$i.ser;i=$(($i+1));done;)
use to generate global .ser file
~/cobertura-2.0.3/ --datafile cobertura.ser cobertura*.ser
use to generate report on global .ser file
~/cobertura-2.0.3/ ./cobertura.ser --destination ./ --format xml
You will have the global coverage.xml generated in the current directory.
You can use it for any kind of processing further.


how to control the pom.xml inside jar built by maven?

When maven builds a jar it places a pom.xml at META-INF///pom.xml.
This is the original pom of the artifact.
No variables are expanded or inherited and no inherited dependencies are listed.
This makes the information of the production jar dependent on the build environment.
How can the pom inside the jar be configured ?
Best would be some configuration of the maven-jar-plugin.
I had a similar requirement, as I wanted to get all the information that belongs to the parent pom.xml. In others words, I wanted to have, in addition to the "raw" pom.xml, the effective pom inside the JAR generated.
The idea is to use the help:effective-pom plugin and goal during the generation of the JAR, and put it with the pom.xml. This is done with this configuration:

Copy dependencies maven war

When I try to use the plugin "maven-war-plugin", it copies all libraries to / WEB-INF/lib, how to copy to another directory? Example: "/ libtest"
I'm not sure to understand why you need to do this but I see two points here:
Avoiding dependencies to get copied into WEB-INF/lib (if not, then just skip the part related to 1.)
Getting them copied to another directory.
For 1. I'm assuming you need the dependencies (because you want to compile against them) but if you don't want the Maven War Plugin to copy them in WEB-INF/lib, you'll have to play with their scope, for example by declaring them as provided.
For 2. the Maven Dependency Plugin will be helpful here and I think you could use dependency:copy-dependencies, for example during the pre-package phase. Use it like this:
<!-- configure the plugin here -->
And configure the outputDirectory (and other parameters you could need).
Use the maven-dependency-plugin.

How to display dependency conflicts in 'mvn site'

I can easily see if there are conflicts between (transitive) dependency versions using:
mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose=true
... this will show the full resolution tree, including which elements were omitted (for duplicate or conflict or whatever). What I would like to do is to add the full tree to the 'mvn site' report.
Currently, the site report includes the dependency tree but only as resolved, i.e., without any conflicts. I see in the project-info-reports plugin that there is not currently any way to do what I want using the standard report.
I tried adding a section to the pom to include the maven-dependency-plugin 'tree' goal with the outputFile specified, but it wasn't included when I ran 'mvn site'. It was something like this:
Of course, the 'tree' goal is explicitly identified as not a report, but I was hoping to at least be able to produce a file that I could link to from the generated site. No dice.
Is there any way to force an arbitrary plugin's goal to execute during site generation? Am I totally out of luck here? Obviously I could write my own reporting plugin to do this, and/or submit a patch for the project-info-reports plugin, but I want to make sure I've exhausted all the built-in maven options.
(I'm using maven 2.1.0, but I didn't see anything about a change to this functionality in the release notes for later versions.)
Is there any way to force an arbitrary plugin's goal to execute during site generation? Am I totally out of luck here?
Just to answer your question, you can bind a mojo to the pre-site phase of the Site Lifecycle:
If you then run mvn site, dependency:tree will run.

Maven2: How to stage JXR plugin result when using mvn site?

I have a multi-module project and I want to deploy on the project's site an HTML version of my source code using the JXR maven plugin.
The problem is that the JXR plugin runs well, the XREF folder is properly generated for each of my module, but when I use the mvn site:stage command in order to retrieve all the project's site content and to have all link properly generated it does not retrieve the XREF folders.
Here is an extract of my POM file where the JXR plugin is configured:
Here is the command I use to create and stage my site:
mvn site site:stage
Do you guys have any idea?
Thanks in advance.
Not sure this is relevant, but your command is running the site twice, mvn site will generate the site, and site:stage will also run the site, perhaps this is causing problems but I honestly can't see why.
Looking at the JXR documentation, it only mentions the site:site goal, I can't see why it wouldn't be run properly for the site:stage goal as it extends it. If you run the site goal, then copy the output to another directory, run the site:stage goal and compare the output it might give some insight into the problem.
Update: I tried this myself and the xref was included and aggregated nicely in c:\test\stage with the cross references correctly managed. I've included the configuration I used.
In my parent pom I defined the site configuration like this:
The distributionManagement section was configured with the site information (not really needed as I set the stagingDirectory above, but the goal won't run without it).
<name>Mojo Website</name>
My JXR configuration in the parent pom was as follows:
The commandline run was mvn clean site:stage
Edit: Per the comments, there is a codehaus jxr plugin with slightly different semantics. Be sure to use the org.apache.maven.plugins version rather than the org.codehaus.mojo version.

Maven2 Multiproject Cobertura Reporting Problems During mvn site Build

We've got a multiproject we're trying to run Cobertura test coverage reports on as part of our mvn site build. I can get Cobertura to run on the child projects, but it erroneously reports 0% coverage, even though the reports still highlight the lines of code that were hit by the unit tests.
We are using mvn 2.0.8. I have tried running mvn clean site, mvn clean site:stage and mvn clean package site. I know the tests are running, they show up in the surefire reports (both the txt/xml and site reports). Am I missing something in the configuration? Does Cobertura not work right with multiprojects?
This is in the parent .pom:
I've tried running it with and without the following in the child .poms:
I get this in the output of the build:
[INFO] [cobertura:instrument]
[INFO] Cobertura 1.9 - GNU GPL License (NO WARRANTY) - See COPYRIGHT file
Instrumenting 3 files to C:\workspaces\sandbox\CommonJsf\target\generated-classes\cobertura
Cobertura: Saved information on 3 classes.
Instrument time: 186ms
[INFO] Instrumentation was successful.
[INFO] Generating "Cobertura Test Coverage" report.
[INFO] Cobertura 1.9 - GNU GPL License (NO WARRANTY) - See COPYRIGHT file
Cobertura: Loaded information on 3 classes.
Report time: 481ms
[INFO] Cobertura Report generation was successful.
And the report looks like this:
I suspect that you're missing an execution of cobertura plugin during the compile phase so that the code only gets instrumented by the reporting plugins, in the site lifecycle, after the tests were run. So the test runs aren't picked up because they run on non-instrumented code. Analyze your build logs more carefully - if I'm right, you'll notice that surefire tests are executed before cobertura:instrument.
My configuration is similar to yours, but in addition to specifying the clean exectution in pluginManagement (like you), I specify the cobertura plugin explicitly in build plugins section:
My configuration sorta works, and all Cobertura stuff is in the global organization-wide pom, which all projects use as a parent.
This way projects don't specify anything Cobertura-related in their pom.xml's, but they still generate coverage reports.
I haven't been succesful at getting Cobertura to combine reporting from multi-projects. This has been a problem in general with multi-project reporting.
We have been evaluating sonar as a solution for our metrics reporting. It seems to do a great job of providing summary metrics across projects, including multi-proijects.
The solution implemented by me is somewhat manual, but works. It consists of several steps of one is a step to combine the several .ser files that are generated by Cobertura. This can be done by using the cobertura-merge commandline tool inside a maven task.
According to the output you show is that the files are not actually instrumented, it tells that only 3 files are instrumented.
#Marco is right, it is not possible to achieve this normally through maven only as the maven cobertura plugin is missing a merge goal.
You can achieve it through a mix of maven and ant goals :
Nevertheless, in the case you have one single project undertest, there is no need to merge. You can, in the test project, copy the .ser file and the instrumented classes from the project under test :
//in test project
//in parent project