Page refresh with onclick event in dojo and I don't want a page refresh - dojo

For some reason in IE8 when I run this function after an onclick event it causes a page refresh. I don't wan the page refresh to happen.
var edealsButton = dojo.byId("edeals_button");
var edealEmailInput = dojo.byId("edeals_email");
var edealsSignup = dojo.byId("edeals_signup");
var edealsThankYou = dojo.byId("edeals_thankyou");
var currentValue = dojo.attr(edealEmailInput, 'value');
if (currentValue != '' && currentValue != 'Enter your email') {
var anim = dojox.fx.flip({
node: edealsSignup,
dir: "right",
duration: 300
dojo.connect(anim, "onEnd", this, function() { = "none"; = "block";
dojo.connect(anim, "onBegin", this, function() {
var criteria = { "emailAddress": '"' + currentValue + '"' };
alert("currentValue " + currentValue);
var d = essentials.CallWebserviceMethod('AlmondForms.asmx/SignupEdeal', criteria);
d.addCallback(function(response) {
var obj = dojo.fromJson(response);
if (obj != null && obj.d != null) {
if (obj.d == false)
var edealSuccess = dojo.byId("edeals_succes_thankyou");
var edealError = dojo.byId("edeals_error_thankyou");
alert("edealError: " + edealError);, "display", "none");, "display", "inline-block");
var edealSuccess = dojo.byId("edeals_succes_thankyou");
var edealError = dojo.byId("edeals_error_thankyou");, "display","inline-block");, "display", "none");
else {
var edealSuccess = dojo.byId("edeals_succes_thankyou");
var edealError = dojo.byId("edeals_error_thankyou");, "display", "none");, "display", "inline-block");
edealEmailInput.innerHTML == 'Enter your email';
dojo.attr(edealEmailInput, 'value', 'Enter your email');, 'color', '#CC2525');

It looks like your "d.addCallback" code might not be disposed of properly. You might want to try placing "dojo.stopEvent()" possibly before the ";" line and see if this would stop the postback.
From the site, the dojo.stopEvent() "prevents propagation and clobbers the default action of the passed event". From the site, they say that "dojo.stopEvent(event) will prevent both default behavior any any propagation (bubbling) of an event."
Good luck, and hope this helps you out some.


Trello API add base64 data image as an attachement

I'd like to send base64 image as an attachment to a trello card through the API
POST /1/cards/[card id or shortlink]/attachments
There's a file field but it does not specify how should look the data there.
Any idea?
Short answer: Trello's API only works to attach binary data via multipart/form-data. Examples below.
Long answer:
The Trello API to add attachments and images is frustratingly under-documented. They do have a coffeescript Client.js for those of us using Javascript to simplify all the basic operations:
Using the vanilla Client.js file I have been able to attach links and text files. While the CURL example shows pulling a binary file in from a hard drive, that doesn't work for those of us completely on a server or client where we don't have permissions to create a file.
From a LOT of trial and error, I've determined all binary data (images, documents, etc.) must be attached using multipart/form-data. Here is a jQuery snippet that will take a URL to an item, get it into memory, and then send it to Trello.
var opts = {'key': 'YOUR TRELLO KEY', 'token': 'YOUR TRELLO TOKEN'};
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'get', params); // params is a URL to a file to grab
xhr.responseType = 'blob'; // Use blob to get the file's mimetype
xhr.onload = function() {
var fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onload = function() {
var filename = (params.split('/').pop().split('#')[0].split('?')[0]) || params || '?'; // Removes # or ? after filename
var file = new File([this.result], filename);
var form = new FormData(); // this is the formdata Trello needs
form.append("file", file);
$.each(['key', 'token'], function(iter, item) {
form.append(item,[item] || 'ERROR! Missing "' + item + '"');
$.extend(opts, {
method: "POST",
data: form,
cache: false,
contentType: false,
processData: false
return $.ajax(opts);
fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(xhr.response); // Use filereader on blob to get content
I have submitted a new coffeescript for Trello developer support to consider uploading to replace Client.js. It adds a "Trello.upload(url)" that does this work.
I've also attached here for convenience in JS form.
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.4
(function() {
var opts={"version":1,"apiEndpoint":"","authEndpoint":""};
var deferred, isFunction, isReady, ready, waitUntil, wrapper,
slice = [].slice;
wrapper = function(window, jQuery, opts) {
var $, Trello, apiEndpoint, authEndpoint, authorizeURL, baseURL, collection, fn, fn1, i, intentEndpoint, j, key, len, len1, localStorage, location, parseRestArgs, readStorage, ref, ref1, storagePrefix, token, type, version, writeStorage;
$ = jQuery;
key = opts.key, token = opts.token, apiEndpoint = opts.apiEndpoint, authEndpoint = opts.authEndpoint, intentEndpoint = opts.intentEndpoint, version = opts.version;
baseURL = apiEndpoint + "/" + version + "/";
location = window.location;
Trello = {
version: function() {
return version;
key: function() {
return key;
setKey: function(newKey) {
key = newKey;
token: function() {
return token;
setToken: function(newToken) {
token = newToken;
rest: function() {
var args, error, method, params, path, ref, success;
method = arguments[0], args = 2 <= arguments.length ?, 1) : [];
ref = parseRestArgs(args), path = ref[0], params = ref[1], success = ref[2], error = ref[3];
opts = {
url: "" + baseURL + path,
type: method,
data: {},
dataType: "json",
success: success,
error: error
if (!$.support.cors) {
opts.dataType = "jsonp";
if (method !== "GET") {
opts.type = "GET";
$.extend(, {
_method: method
if (key) { = key;
if (token) { = token;
if (params != null) {
$.extend(, params);
if (method === 'UPLOAD' && typeof (params) === "string" && params.length > 5) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'get', params);
xhr.responseType = 'blob'; // Use blob to get the mimetype
xhr.onload = function() {
var fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onload = function() {
var filename = (params.split('/').pop().split('#')[0].split('?')[0]) || params || '?'; // Removes # or ? after filename
var file = new File([this.result], filename);
var form = new FormData();
form.append("file", file);
$.each(['key', 'token'], function(iter, item) {
form.append(item,[item] || 'ERROR! Missing "' + item + '"');
$.extend(opts, {
method: "POST",
data: form,
cache: false,
contentType: false,
processData: false
return $.ajax(opts);
fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(xhr.response); // Use filereader on blob to get content
} else {
return $.ajax(opts);
authorized: function() {
return token != null;
deauthorize: function() {
token = null;
writeStorage("token", token);
authorize: function(userOpts) {
var k, persistToken, ref, regexToken, scope, v;
opts = $.extend(true, {
type: "redirect",
persist: true,
interactive: true,
scope: {
read: true,
write: false,
account: false
expiration: "30days"
}, userOpts);
regexToken = /[&#]?token=([0-9a-f]{64})/;
persistToken = function() {
if (opts.persist && (token != null)) {
return writeStorage("token", token);
if (opts.persist) {
if (token == null) {
token = readStorage("token");
if (token == null) {
token = (ref = regexToken.exec(location.hash)) != null ? ref[1] : void 0;
if (this.authorized()) {
location.hash = location.hash.replace(regexToken, "");
return typeof opts.success === "function" ? opts.success() : void 0;
if (!opts.interactive) {
return typeof opts.error === "function" ? opts.error() : void 0;
scope = ((function() {
var ref1, results;
ref1 = opts.scope;
results = [];
for (k in ref1) {
v = ref1[k];
if (v) {
return results;
switch (opts.type) {
case "popup":
(function() {
var authWindow, height, left, origin, receiveMessage, ref1, top, width;
waitUntil("authorized", (function(_this) {
return function(isAuthorized) {
if (isAuthorized) {
return typeof opts.success === "function" ? opts.success() : void 0;
} else {
return typeof opts.error === "function" ? opts.error() : void 0;
width = 420;
height = 470;
left = window.screenX + (window.innerWidth - width) / 2;
top = window.screenY + (window.innerHeight - height) / 2;
origin = (ref1 = /^[a-z]+:\/\/[^\/]*/.exec(location)) != null ? ref1[0] : void 0;
authWindow ={
return_url: origin,
callback_method: "postMessage",
scope: scope,
expiration: opts.expiration,
}), "trello", "width=" + width + ",height=" + height + ",left=" + left + ",top=" + top);
receiveMessage = function(event) {
var ref2;
if (event.origin !== authEndpoint || event.source !== authWindow) {
if ((ref2 = event.source) != null) {
if (( != null) && /[0-9a-f]{64}/.test( {
token =;
} else {
token = null;
if (typeof window.removeEventListener === "function") {
window.removeEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false);
isReady("authorized", Trello.authorized());
return typeof window.addEventListener === "function" ? window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false) : void 0;
window.location = authorizeURL({
redirect_uri: location.href,
callback_method: "fragment",
scope: scope,
expiration: opts.expiration,
addCard: function(options, next) {
var baseArgs, getCard;
baseArgs = {
mode: 'popup',
source: key ||
getCard = function(callback) {
var height, left, returnUrl, top, width;
returnUrl = function(e) {
var data;
window.removeEventListener('message', returnUrl);
try {
data = JSON.parse(;
if (data.success) {
return callback(null, data.card);
} else {
return callback(new Error(data.error));
} catch (error1) {}
if (typeof window.addEventListener === "function") {
window.addEventListener('message', returnUrl, false);
width = 500;
height = 600;
left = window.screenX + (window.outerWidth - width) / 2;
top = window.screenY + (window.outerHeight - height) / 2;
return + "/add-card?" + $.param($.extend(baseArgs, options)), "trello", "width=" + width + ",height=" + height + ",left=" + left + ",top=" + top);
if (next != null) {
return getCard(next);
} else if (window.Promise) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
return getCard(function(err, card) {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
} else {
return resolve(card);
} else {
return getCard(function() {});
ref = ["GET", "PUT", "POST", "DELETE", "UPLOAD"];
fn = function(type) {
return Trello[type.toLowerCase()] = function() {
return, [type].concat(;
for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) {
type = ref[i];
Trello.del = Trello["delete"];
ref1 = ["actions", "cards", "checklists", "boards", "lists", "members", "organizations", "lists"];
fn1 = function(collection) {
return Trello[collection] = {
get: function(id, params, success, error) {
return Trello.get(collection + "/" + id, params, success, error);
for (j = 0, len1 = ref1.length; j < len1; j++) {
collection = ref1[j];
window.Trello = Trello;
authorizeURL = function(args) {
var baseArgs;
baseArgs = {
response_type: "token",
key: key
return authEndpoint + "/" + version + "/authorize?" + $.param($.extend(baseArgs, args));
parseRestArgs = function(arg) {
var error, params, path, success;
path = arg[0], params = arg[1], success = arg[2], error = arg[3];
if (isFunction(params)) {
error = success;
success = params;
params = {};
path = path.replace(/^\/*/, "");
return [path, params, success, error];
localStorage = window.localStorage;
if (localStorage != null) {
storagePrefix = "trello_";
readStorage = function(key) {
return localStorage[storagePrefix + key];
writeStorage = function(key, value) {
if (value === null) {
return delete localStorage[storagePrefix + key];
} else {
return localStorage[storagePrefix + key] = value;
} else {
readStorage = writeStorage = function() {};
deferred = {};
ready = {};
waitUntil = function(name, fx) {
if (ready[name] != null) {
return fx(ready[name]);
} else {
return (deferred[name] != null ? deferred[name] : deferred[name] = []).push(fx);
isReady = function(name, value) {
var fx, fxs, i, len;
ready[name] = value;
if (deferred[name]) {
fxs = deferred[name];
delete deferred[name];
for (i = 0, len = fxs.length; i < len; i++) {
fx = fxs[i];
isFunction = function(val) {
return typeof val === "function";
wrapper(window, jQuery, opts);
<script src=""></script>

YouTube OnStateChange with multiple players on the same page

I have multiple YouTube players on a single page inside a banner slider and I want to use the YouTube Player API to control them and do other stuff based on the state of the video's. I have the code below which I'm pretty sure of used to work fine where any state changes where registered. But it doesnt work for me anymore. The YouTube object is still there and I can use it to start and stop a video but the onStateChange event never gets triggered. What is wrong with this code?
var YT_ready = (function() {
var onReady_funcs = [],
api_isReady = false;
return function(func, b_before) {
if (func === true) {
api_isReady = true;
for (var i = 0; i < onReady_funcs.length; i++) {
else if (typeof func == "function") {
if (api_isReady) func();
else onReady_funcs[b_before ? "unshift" : "push"](func);
function onYouTubePlayerAPIReady() {
var players_homepage = {};
YT_ready(function() {
$("").each(function(event) {
var frameID_homepage = $(this).attr('id');
if (frameID_homepage) {
players_homepage[frameID_homepage] = new YT.Player(frameID_homepage, {
events: {
'onStateChange': onPlayerStateChange_homepage
var tag = document.createElement('script');
tag.src = "//";
var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);
function onPlayerStateChange_homepage(event) {
if ( === 0) {
// do something on end
} else if ( === 1) {
// do something on play
} else if ( === 2) {
// do something on pause
function pauseVideo_homepage(previousVideo) {
function playVideo_homepage(currentVideo) {

Dojo dgrid: Filter data from store with diffrent fields when I click on filter button

I am using 'dgrid/Grid' and dstore/RequestMemory for creating grid and storing data. Now I want to filter data according to values in the fields(see img). I am not sure how to filter data when using simple Dgrid and dstore.
var structure = [{
label : "Value Date",
field : "valueDate"
}, {
id: "currencyCol",
label : "Currency",
field : "currency"
}, {
label : "Nostro",
field : "nostroAgent"
var store= new RequestMemory({
target: 'getReportData',
idProperty: "cashflowId",
headers: structure
// Create an instance of OnDemandGrid referencing the store
var grid = new(declare([Grid, Pagination, Selection]))({
collection: store,
columns: structure,
loadingMessage: 'Loading data...',
noDataMessage: 'No results found.',
minRowsPerPage: 50,
}, 'grid');
on(document.getElementById("filter"), "click", function(event) {
grid.set('collection', store.filter({
**currencyCol: "AED"**
Any help would be appreciated or suggest if I use some diffrent store or grid.
I got the solution for my question. On filter button click I have written all my filtering logic and the final store will set to dgrid:
on(document.getElementById("filter"), "click", function(event) {
var store= new RequestMemory({
target: 'getReportData',
idProperty: "cashflowId",
headers: structure
var from=dijit.byId('from').value;
var to=dijit.byId('to').value;
var curr=dijit.byId('currency').value;
var nos=dijit.byId('nostro').value;
var authStatus=dijit.byId('authStatus').value;
var filterStore;
var finalStore=store;
var filter= new store.Filter();
var dateToFindFrom;
var dateToFindTo;
if (from != "" && from !== null) {
var yyyy = from.getFullYear().toString();
var mm = ((from.getMonth()) + 1).toString(); // getMonth() is zero-based
var dd = from.getDate().toString();
if(mm <= 9){
mm= "0" + mm;
if(dd <= 9){
dd= "0" + dd;
dateToFindFrom =yyyy + mm + dd;
filterStore= filter.gte('valueDate', dateToFindFrom);
if (to != "" && to !== null) {
var yyyy = to.getFullYear().toString();
var mm = ((to.getMonth()) + 1).toString(); // getMonth() is zero-based
var dd = to.getDate().toString();
if(mm <= 9){
mm= "0" + mm;
if(dd <= 9){
dd= "0" + dd;
dateToFindTo =yyyy + mm + dd;
filterStore= filter.lte('valueDate', dateToFindTo); //.lte('valueDate', dateToFindTo);
if(curr != "" && curr !== null) {
filterStore= filter.eq('currency', curr);
if(nos != "" && nos !== null) {
filterStore= filter.eq('nostroAgent',nos);
if(authStatus != "" && authStatus !== null) {
if (authStatus=='ALL') {
var both= [true, false];
filterStore='approved', both);
} else if (authStatus=='Authorised Only') {
filterStore= filter.eq('approved', true);
} else if (authStatus=='Unauthorised Only') {
filterStore= filter.eq('approved', false);
grid.set('collection', finalStore);

Saving data from XMLHttpRequest Response to my IndexedDB

I have created a json file containing my Sql Server datas. With the XmlHttpRequest's GET method, I am reading json file and iterating and saving those records to my IndexedDB.. Everything is working fine.. After the end of the iteration, I wrote a code to alert the user.. But the alert message is displayed very quickly, but when I see it in the console window, the saving operation is till processing.. I want to alert the user, only after the operation is completed..
My code is,
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
var sFileText;
var sPath = "IDBFiles/Reservation.json";
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", sPath, 1);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
if (xhr.responseText != "") {
sFileText = xhr.responseText;
var val = JSON.parse(sFileText);
var i = 0;
var value = val.length;
for(var i in val)
var code = val[i].RTM_res_category_code;
var desc = val[i].RTM_res_category_edesc;
addReserv(code, desc);
if(i >= value-1) {
console.log("Reservation Load Completed... "+i);
document.getElementById("status").innerHTML = "Reservation Loading Success...";
//Passing Parameters to Reservation
function addReserv(code, desc)
document.querySelector("#status").innerHTML = "Loading Reservation.. Please wait...";
var trans = db.transaction(["Reservation"], "readwrite");
var store = trans.objectStore("Reservation");
var reserv={ RTM_res_category_code : code, RTM_res_category_edesc : ''+desc+'' };
var request = store.add(reserv);
request.onerror = function(e) {
document.querySelector("#status").innerHTML =;
request.onsuccess = function(e) {
console.log("Reservation Saved Successfully.");
//document.querySelector("#status").innerHTML = "Reservation Loaded Successfully.";
Thanks for the question.
What you are currently doing works, but the alert comes to soon because of the async nature of the IDB.
What you should to avoid this.
1. Create your transaction only once.
2. Do all your operations in this one transaction.
3. The transaction object has an oncomplete callback you can use to notify the user.
Concrete on your example. Instead of looping over the items in the ajax callback, pass the collection to your add method and loop there
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
var sFileText;
var sPath = "IDBFiles/Reservation.json";
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", sPath, 1);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
if (xhr.responseText != "") {
sFileText = xhr.responseText;
var val = JSON.parse(sFileText);
function import(values)
document.querySelector("#status").innerHTML = "Loading Reservation.. Please wait...";
var trans = db.transaction(["Reservation"], "readwrite");
var store = trans.objectStore("Reservation");
var i = 0;
var value = val.length;
for(var i in val)
var code = val[i].RTM_res_category_code;
var desc = val[i].RTM_res_category_edesc;
var reserv={ RTM_res_category_code : code, RTM_res_category_edesc : ''+desc+'' };
var request = store.add(reserv);
request.onerror = function(e) {
document.querySelector("#status").innerHTML =;
request.onsuccess = function(e) {
console.log("Reservation Saved Successfully.");
//document.querySelector("#status").innerHTML = "Reservation Loaded Successfully.";
trans.oncomplete = function () {
console.log("Reservation Load Completed... "+i);
document.getElementById("status").innerHTML = "Reservation Loading Success...";

google maps api v2 map.removeOverlay() marker array issue

To start off with, I would like to say that I have been looking on the internet for a really long time and have been unable to find the answer, hence my question here.
My latest school project is to create an admin page for adding articles to a database, the articles are connected to a point on a google map. The requirement for adding the point on the map is that the user is able to click the map once and the marker is produced, if the map is clicked a second time the first marker is moved to the second location. (this is what I am struggling with.)
The problem is, as the code is now, I get the error that markersArray is undefined. If I place the var markersArray = new Array; underneath the eventListener then I get an error that there is something wrong the main.js (googles file) and markersArray[0] is undefined in the second if.
By the way, I have to use google maps API v2, even though it is old.
<script type="text/javascript">
var map;
var markers = new Array;
function load() {
if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
this.counter = 0; = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map")); GSmallMapControl()); GMapTypeControl()); GLatLng(57.668911, 15.203247), 7);
GDownloadUrl("genxml.php", function(data) {
var xml = GXml.parse(data);
var Articles = xml.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("article");
for (var i = 0; i < Articles.length; i++) {
var id = Articles[i].getAttribute("id");
var title = Articles[i].getAttribute("title");
var text = Articles[i].getAttribute("text");
var searchWord = Articles[i].getAttribute("searchWord");
var point = new GLatLng(parseFloat(Articles[i].getAttribute("lat")),
var article = createMarker(point, id, title, text);;
var myEventListener = GEvent.bind(,"click", this, function(overlay, latlng) {
if (this.counter == 0) {
if (latlng) {
var marker = new GMarker(latlng);
latlng1 = latlng;;
markers.push(marker); //This is where I get the error that markersArray is undefined.
else if (this.counter == 1) {
if (latlng){
alert (markers[0]);[0]);
var markers = [];;
function createMarker(point, id, title, text) {
var article = new GMarker(point);
var html = "<b>" + title + "</b> <br/>"
GEvent.addListener(article, 'click', function() {
window.location = "article.php?id=" + id;
return article;
I solved the problem. I'm not exactly sure why it worked but this is what it looks like now:
var markersArray = [];
function load() {
if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
this.counter = 0; = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map")); GSmallMapControl()); GMapTypeControl()); GLatLng(57.668911, 15.203247), 7);
GDownloadUrl("genxml.php", function(data) {
var xml = GXml.parse(data);
var Articles = xml.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("article");
for (var i = 0; i < Articles.length; i++) {
var id = Articles[i].getAttribute("id");
var title = Articles[i].getAttribute("title");
var text = Articles[i].getAttribute("text");
var searchWord = Articles[i].getAttribute("searchWord");
var type = Articles[i].getAttribute("type");
var point = new GLatLng(parseFloat(Articles[i].getAttribute("lat")),
var article = createMarker(point, id, title, text);;
var myEventListener = GEvent.bind(,"click", this, function(overlay, latlng) {
var marker = new GMarker(latlng);
if (this.counter == 0) {
if (latlng) {
latlng1 = latlng;;
else if (this.counter == 1) {
if (latlng){[0]);;
function createMarker(point, id, title, text) {
var article = new GMarker(point);
var html = "<b>" + title + "</b> <br/>"
GEvent.addListener(article, 'click', function() {
window.location = "article.php?id=" + id;
return article;