SQL Server error on stored procedure parameters - sql

I'm getting a SQL Server error on a stored procedure (although it appears to run and run correctly). When I view the stored procedure call in my code, it is underlined, and the highlighted error message says: "Procedure sp_ReferenceSite has no parameters and arguments were supplied."
My procedure is called like this:
execute dbo.sp_ReferenceFieldwork #refColumnName='Comment', #FldWkID=#FieldInvId, #reference=#ref output
and the procedure is defined as
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_ReferenceFieldwork]
#refColumnName varchar(100),
#FldWkID int,
#reference varchar(8000) output
As far as I can tell, all the cases are correct, the number of parameters are correct, the field types are correct. What's the problem? Or, at least, what might be the problem?

If it runs OK, then it's probably the Intellisense cache.
How to refresh it
It's brain dead: take it outside and shoot it. Replace with Redgate SQL prompt or similar.


Execute Snowflake Procedure in Matilion

I'm trying to execute Snowflake Stored Procedure in Matilion Using Sql Script component.
But i'm getting error as Unknown user defined function.
Can someone help me to call the procedure using Matilion Job.
Thank You !
That looks like a name resolution error. Snowflake does not recognize the name of the stored procedure. You will see the same generic error message when trying to call a procedure that really does not exist...
You most likely need to
qualify the procedure name with a database and a schema
put the names inside double-quotes if they are case sensitive.
In the Matillion stored procedure article there is an example CALL "${environment_database}"."${examples_schema}"."audit"('START', ${run_history_id}, NULL)

Executing Stored Proc in Pervasive Control Center

I am relatively new to Pervasive Control Center and I was wondering if I wanted to test a stored Procedure to see its results, how would I simply select that stored proc? I have:
Select SP_test_getMeasure06
I am sure I am missing something because I know this is legal my syntax must be off slightly.
Thanks in advance!
You can execute a stored procedure using either Call or Exec. For example:
exec SP_test_getMeasure06
You'll need to make sure your stored procedure uses the RETURNS clause to get data back. For more information check out the Stored Procedure docs.

SSIS Stored Procedure Call

I'm trying to call a simple stored procedure which would return a list of names in normal test format, all in a single line. I'm passing it two parameters, but no matter how i setup the call, either within a OLE DB Source Editor, or within an execute SQL task.
There must be something i'm missing with my SQL statement b/c i keep getting an error.
My SQL command text is
EXEC [dbo].[spGetEmployerIdCSV] ?, ?
The parameters I'm passing are listed exactly as they are declared in the stored procedure, #IDType and #IDNumber, which are mapped to predefined variables.
Every time I try to run it from either task type, I get a
The EXEC SQL construct or statement is not supported.
What is the best way to run a stored procedure within SSIS?
Thank you.
I cannot recreate your issue.
I created a control flow with the proc already in existence.
I have my execute sql task configured as
My parameters tab shows
When I click run, the package goes green.
My initial assumption was that you had signaled that you were using a stored procedure and were erroneously providing the EXEC part. I had done something similar with SSRS but even updating the IsQueryStoredProcedure to True, via Expression, I could not regenerate your error message.
If you are doing something else/different/in addition to what I have shown in the Execute SQL Task, could you amend your question to describe what all functionality the procedure should show.
Did you specify output parameters?
For 2 in / 1 out your SQL code will look like:
EXEC [dbo].[spGetEmployerIdCSV] ?, ?, ? OUTPUT
ResultSet has to be set to none!
I had the same problem.
When you execute the task check the 'Progress' tab; this will give you a 'fully fledged' error details.
In my case I didn't map the parameter which I created in the SQL Task to the actual one in the Stored Procedure.
So, double click the SQL Task, click on Parameter Mapping on the left hand side, then Create the parameters and their respective mappings. Here is a screenshot (in version 2012):
I faced with a similar issue after upgrading to SSDT for VS 2013 (the problem was with lookup element).
Fixed by using this answer:
EXEC ('dbo.MyStoredProcedure')
MyIntegerColumn INT NOT NULL,
MyTextColumn VARCHAR(50) NULL,
MyOtherColumn BIT NULL
use the same command you use to run the stored procedure in MySQL workbench
call ();
USE this command in Execute SQL Task

Can't execute stored procedure

I have created a stored procedure and can see it under the stored procedure node, but when trying to execute it doesn't find the procedure.
Under stored procedure node it is called dbo.CopyTable
exec CopyTable
CopyTable is undefined in red saying it does not exist. Why?
Even if I right-click on the procedure and say script stored procedure as execute to - the code it generates is underlined in red and cant find stored procedure either.
Ensure that the database selected contains the stored procedure CopyTable
USE YourDatabase
EXEC CopyTable
Try adding dbo and selecting the right database,
USE databaseName
EXEC dbo.CopyTable
Execute a Stored Procedure
Most likely you are just in the wrong database in the query window, you can specify the database like this:
EXEC [yourDBName].dbo.CopyTable
Reading on how to Execute a Stored Procedure
Considering your updated question:
Even if i rightclick on the procedure and say script stored procedure
as execute to - the code it generates is underlined in red and cant
find stored procedure either.
This could happen if your stored procedure is invalid. Please double-check the validity of the SPROC and ensure the tables it references exist, etc.
Try running your CREATE PROCEDURE. Highlight it, f5 it, and then make sure it runs before you call it elsewhere.
Maybe in your procedure you've accidentally cut-pasted your script name (dbo.CopyTable), say something like...
SELECT * FROM dbo.CopyTable
WHERE ClientId = #ClientId
Then when you call your proc you get 'invalid object name dbo.CopyTable' and assume sql is having trouble finding the stored-proc ... which isn't the problem, its finding and running the proc but its actually a problem within the proc.

microsoft SQL server 2005

While running a procedure it gives error like Insert Error: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition. But when I run same set of queries without any procedure it run fine. Can someone tell me what 's the problem
I'm going to guess that your stored procedure is asking for a certain set of parameters, but you are supplying a different set of arguments. When you call the stored procedure, make sure any arguments given are correct for what is expected.
Either that or the stored procedure itself has an error trying to talk to a database table and getting the schema wrong.