WCF interacting (callback) with .Net 2.0 app - wcf

At first I had to make 2.0 work with WCF service. I accomplished that using BasicHttpBinding . Since BasicHttpBinding doesn't support Duplex callback, I can't make the server ping the client. Any ideas????

If you want WCF to do this, it's not possible over the BasicHttpBinding. You need wsDualHttpBinding or NetTcpBinding if you wish to establish a callback channel out-of-the-box with WCF. You can also try to write a CustomBinding, but utilizing .NET 2.0 for the client is going to limit what you can do.


.NET Remoting and WCF

I have an old ASP.NET app connecting to a .NET Remoting service. I'd replaced the .NET Remoting service to a WCF service. I have the original WSDL and I've generated a WCF service by the help of svcutil. I don't know whether the client will able to connect and call the WCF service without changing its code.
Is it possible to solve this problem, please?
A service can be both a remoting service and a WCF service at the same time.
Just configure it with RemotingServices as usual for remoting.
Then decorate with OperationContract / ServiceContract and construct with ServiceHost and you can create clients for both techniques, just that remoting is TCP only.
WCF and Remoting are different paradigms. So if you changed your Remoting server to .NET WCF service, you will have to change the client code to use the wsdl generated client
look at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/wcf/migrating-from-net-remoting-to-wcf#Client_Comp. it should not be difficult

consuming wcf in .net 2.0 winform

How can we consume WCF service in .Net 2.0 Winform. Please note that we don't have IIS on the client. an example or a sample would be great.
It all depends on how your WCF endpoints are configured.
If you're using SOAP based WCF Services over HTTP, you should be able to simply add a Service Reference from your .NET 2.0 WinForms application and be on your way (which is what I would suggest doing).
If that's not the case, you'll have to provide a little more detail about what you're trying to do with your WCF Services.
You can host your WCF service in a Windows Service as per this article. In that case, it will listen on the HTTP protocol on any port you configure.

Can I use a WCF RESTful service from Silverlight?

I have a WCF RESTful service using the WebHttpBinding and I want to know if I can use this in Silverlight 3 without any modifications?
You can make HTTP requests from a Silverlight client, so therefore yes you can access a WCF Restful service using WebHttpBinding.
What part of making an HTTP request do you not know how to do?

WCF (Param encryption and .NET 1.1 clients)

I'm starting in the WCF world and would like to ask your opinion on something.
I need to implement a service exposing one method that receives a couple of parameters. I want the parameters, submitted from a form in the client to the service, to be sent encrypted in the SOAP message.
The service needs to be accessed from .NET 3.5 clients and also 1.1. It is not possible to install the WCF service via a windows service, it needs to be deployed as a IIS app.
My questions:
- How can the WCF service assure encryption of the input parameters? A certificate in the client or are there any alternatives?
- Is there any problem consuming the WCF service via 1.1 apps, or even other non .NET clients?
- Do you think this scenario is implementable with WCF?
Thank you in advance
There is no way for a .NET 1.1 application to call a WCF service unless that service is exposed through basicHttpBinding. That binding only permits the use of SSL for encryption.
SSL on the web service host.
.NET 1.1 doesn't support automatic encryption, or WS-Security. You can encrypt/decrypt the parameters manually, though.

Silverlight + smart client operations in one service?

For my project's web services I want to support desktop clients and silverlight clients. Should I write a separate web service for each or put all the operations in one service? If I put them all in one, I have to go with basicHttpBinding. The winforms app uses wsHttpBinding now, what do I lose going with basicHttpBinding?
I very strongly recommend you read this thoroughly:
"Silverlight and WCF Feature Comparison"
There are quite a few gotchas when developing a web service for silverlight usage, especially if you already have a wsHttpBinding solution. Good luck!
EDIT: also I found this article useful:
WCF : BasicHttpBinding compared to WSHttpBinding at SOAP packet level
Use one web service with two endpoints, that would allow you to support basicHttpBinding as well as wsHttpBinding.
The difference between the two bindings is that basic is Soap 1.1 whereas ws is Soap 1.2 and WS-Addressing Specifications, in addition wsHttpBinding offers more security options