IKImageBrowserView and ImageTitle - ikimagebrowserview

I have a imagebrowserview displaying a folder full of photo correctly but its not showing the image title of each of the photo ...
is there a tutorial to show me how this works?

Titles are not displayed by default, even if you provide the data. You need to turn them on by calling setCellsStyleMask on the IKImageBrowserView object.
[imageBrowserView setCellsStyleMask:IKCellsStyleTitled];

Your IKImageBrowserItem items simply need to supply a title and/or subtitle. Take a look at the Apple sample code "ImageKitDemo" for an example.


How to get User Location with auto complete in iOS 9? [duplicate]

For example, when I input several letters, the corresponding words will show up automatically and then I can select them. But how to implement this kind of function? Which kind of UI element should I use ? Should I also input all countries in the world in cord data so that I can get the corresponding results ?
The image you've shown appears to be simply a UITableView that appears and is populated in response to what the user types in a UITextField.
If you're working with a table view similar to your screen shot, you can use a UISearchController. Here's a tutorial about it.

Imgur API v3 - Retrieve Image/Album comments

I'm developing a Windows Phone unofficial client for Imgur, the documentation talks about Comments endpoints/data models...but there isn't any method to retrieve comments about a specific image or album.
Anyone known how to retrive them...if is possible? Thanks
After a month I understand how to retrieve them: just putting "/comments" after album or image id. Stupid incomplete API documentation.
To clarify I want to add few things:
Indeed You need to put '/comments', so in the end Your url should look like:
The id ('cUkfS9L' here) may be the id of IMAGE, not only gallery.
But what's more important, and where I had a problem:
It looks like this doesn't work for newest images.
I tried it for a list of newest images (got by '(...)time/all(...)' sorting in query) and noticed that getting comments works for like 4th page of my images.
My solution was changing "time/all" to "top". Now I had much older images and getting comments worked well for them.

Loading an Image into StandardListItem inside ListView BB10

I want to display a list of contacts inside a StandardListItem. The data is retrieved from sql with QArrayBytes representing the Image.
The StandardListItem accepts a title, status, description and an image. But setting the image is not working.
How to set the image bytes in QML inside the StandardListItem.
PS: I don't want to make a custom list item component
Thanks you,
You actually need to use "imageSource" not "image". You can see a working example here: https://developer.blackberry.com/cascades/documentation/device_platform/data_access/using_data_source.html
Been fighting that myself, take a look at this sample it uses the QlistDataModel I've been trying to modify it without much success... The documentation is pretty sucky they don't tell you much in there

AQGridView and PDF thumbnails

A rather technical question, but it's still a valid one. I have an app based rather loosely on the AQGridView project. Does anyone know an efficient method for getting the url's from a cell (objectatindex) and then sending those links one at a time to get a thumbnail of the first pdf page. After that all I would need to do is just set it as the image for the cell. I have taken a look at this and found it unsatisfactory as it is non-void and un-dispatch-able. I've tried calling it in a void method, but it was trying to parse every link at once, and they are very large PDF's.
Nevermind, this project by Raphael Cruzeiro Illustrates it perfectly.

How can I give a link to the caption

Hey! I have made an application for iPhone that publishes audio file on Facebook. I used caption and description for that and now want to put link to the caption. Plz tell me how to achieve that.....
http://developers.facebook.com/docs/guides/attachments/ is helpful. I used properties in my attachment dictionary and that worked.