Indexing n-word expressions as a single term in Lucene - indexing

I want to index a "compound word" like "New York" as a single term in Lucene not like "new", "york". In such a way that if someone searches for "new place", documents containing "new york" won't match.
I think this is not the case for N-grams (actually NGramTokenizer), because I won't index just any n-gram, I want to index only some specific n-grams.
I've done some research and I know I should write my own Analyzer and maybe my own Tokenizer. But I'm a bit lost extending TokenStream/TokenFilter/Tokenizer.

I presume you have some way of detecting the multi-word units (MWUs) that you want to preserve. Then what you can do is replace the whitespace in them by an underscore and use a WhiteSpaceAnalyzer instead of a StandardAnalyzer (which throws away punctuation), perhaps with a LowerCaseFilter.
Writing your own Tokenizer requires quite some Lucene black magic. I've never been able to wrap my head around the Lucene 2.9+ APIs, but check out the TokenStream docs if you really want to try.

I did it by creating the field which is indexed but not analyzed.
For this I used the Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED
doc.add(new Field("fieldName", "value", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED, TermVector.YES));
the StandardAnalyzer.
I worked on Lucene 3.0.2.

Related GetFieldQuery vs TermQuery

Using Lucene's standard analyzer. Title field in question is non-stored, analyzed. The query is as follows:
In Luke, this query gets correctly re-written as:
title:"some url friendly title" (- replaced by whitespace, everything lowercased).
I thought the version would be:
new TermQuery(new Term("title","Some-Url-Friendly-Title"))
However, no results are returned.
Then I tried:
And it worked as expected!
Both queries were executed via:
_searcher.Search([query object], [sort object])
Can somebody point me in the right direction to see what the differences between TermQuery and _parser.GetFieldQuery() are?
A TermQuery is much simpler than running a query through a queryparser. Not only is it not lowercased, and doesn't understand to break up hyphenated terms, it isn't even tokenized. It just searches for the term you tell it to look for. That means it is looking for the term "Some-Url-Friendly-Title" as a single untokenized keyword, in your index. I assume you are using an analyzer, so chances are no such tokens exist.
To take it a step further, if you had been searching for "Some Url Friendly Title" as the Term text, you still wouldn't come up with anything, since it's looking for "Some Url Friendly Title" as a Single Token, not as the four tokens (or rather, terms) in your index.
If you look at what a the standard query parser generates when you parse your query, you'll see that TermQueries are only one of the building blocks it uses to generate the complete query, along with BooleanQuery, and possibly PhraseQuery, PrefixQueriy, etc.
In Lucene.Net version 3.0.3 the GetFieldQuery is inaccessible due to it's protection modifier. Use
MultiFieldQueryParser.Parse(searchText, field)

Lucene Indexing to ignore apostrophes

I have a field that might have apostrophes in it.
I want to be able to:
1. store the value as is in the index
2. search based on the value ignoring any apostrophes.
I am thinking of using:
doc.add(new Field("name", value, Store.YES, Index.NO));
doc.add(new Field("name", value.replaceAll("['‘’`]",""), Store.NO, Index.ANALYZED));
if I then do the same replace when searching I guess it should work and use the cleared value to index/search and the value as is for display.
am I missing any other considerations here ?
Performing replaceAll directly on the value its a bad practice in Lucene, since it would a much better practice to encapsulate your tokenization recipe in an Analyzer. Also I don't see the benefit of appending fields in your use case (See Document.add).
If you want to Store the original value and yet be able to search without the apostrophes simply declare your field like this:
doc.add(new Field("name", value, Store.YES, Index.ANALYZED);
Then simply hook up a custom Tokenizer that will replace apostrophes (I think the Lucene's StandardAnalyzer already includes this transformation).
If you are storing the field with the aim of using highlighting you should also consider using Field.TermVector.WITH_POSITIONS_OFFSETS.

Comparison of Lucene Analyzers

Can someone please explain the difference between the different analyzers within Lucene? I am getting a maxClauseCount exception and I understand that I can avoid this by using a KeywordAnalyzer but I don't want to change from the StandardAnalyzer without understanding the issues surrounding analyzers. Thanks very much.
In general, any analyzer in Lucene is tokenizer + stemmer + stop-words filter.
Tokenizer splits your text into chunks, and since different analyzers may use different tokenizers, you can get different output token streams, i.e. sequences of chunks of text. For example, KeywordAnalyzer you mentioned doesn't split the text at all and takes all the field as a single token. At the same time, StandardAnalyzer (and most other analyzers) use spaces and punctuation as a split points. For example, for phrase "I am very happy" it will produce list ["i", "am", "very", "happy"] (or something like that). For more information on specific analyzers/tokenizers see its Java Docs.
Stemmers are used to get the base of a word in question. It heavily depends on the language used. For example, for previous phrase in English there will be something like ["i", "be", "veri", "happi"] produced, and for French "Je suis très heureux" some kind of French analyzer (like SnowballAnalyzer, initialized with "French") will produce ["je", "être", "tre", "heur"]. Of course, if you will use analyzer of one language to stem text in another, rules from the other language will be used and stemmer may produce incorrect results. It isn't fail of all the system, but search results then may be less accurate.
KeywordAnalyzer doesn't use any stemmers, it passes all the field unmodified. So, if you are going to search some words in English text, it isn't a good idea to use this analyzer.
Stop words are the most frequent and almost useless words. Again, it heavily depends on language. For English these words are "a", "the", "I", "be", "have", etc. Stop-words filters remove them from the token stream to lower noise in search results, so finally our phrase "I'm very happy" with StandardAnalyzer will be transformed to list ["veri", "happi"].
And KeywordAnalyzer again does nothing. So, KeywordAnalyzer is used for things like ID or phone numbers, but not for usual text.
And as for your maxClauseCount exception, I believe you get it on searching. In this case most probably it is because of too complex search query. Try to split it to several queries or use more low level functions.
In my perspective, I have used StandAnalyzer and SmartCNAnalyzer. As I have to search text in Chinese. Obviously, SmartCnAnalyzer is better at handling Chinese. For diiferent purposes, you have to choose properest analyzer.

Lucene - Which analyzer to use to avoid prepositions

I am using the Lucene standard analyzer to parse text. however, it is returning prepositions as well as words like "i", "the", "and" etc...
Is there an Analyzer I can use that will not return these words?
StandardAnalyzer uses StopFilter.
By default the words in the STOP_WORDS_SET are excluded. If this is not sufficient, there are constructors which allow you to pass in a list of stop words which should be removed from the token stream. You can provide the list using a File, a Set, or a Reader.

Using MultiFieldQueryParser

Am using MultiFieldQueryParser for parsing strings like a.a., b.b., etc
But after parsing, its removing the dots in the string.
What am i missing here?
I'm not sure the MultiFieldQueryParser does what you think it does. Also...I'm not sure I know what you're trying to do.
I do know that with any query parser, strings like 'a.a.' and 'b.b.' will have the periods stripped out because, at least with the default Analyzer, all punctuation is treated as white space.
As far as the MultiFieldQueryParser goes, that's just a QueryParser that allows you to specify multiple default fields to search. So with the query
title:"Of Mice and Men" "John Steinbeck"
The string "John Steinbeck" will be looked for in all of your default fields whereas "Of Mice and Men" will only be searched for in the title field.
What analyzer is your parser using? If it's StopAnalyzer then the dot could be a stop word and is thus ignored. Same thing if it's StandardAnalyzer which cleans up input (includes removing dots).
(Repeating my answer from the dupe. One of these should be deleted).
The StandardAnalyzer specifically handles acronyms, and converts C.F.A. (for example) to cfa. This means you should be able to do the search, as long as you make sure you use the same analyzer for the indexing and for the query parsing.
I would suggest you run some more basic test cases to eliminate other factors. Try to user an ordinary QueryParser instead of a multi-field one.
Here's some code I wrote to play with the StandardAnalyzer:
StringReader testReader = new StringReader("C.F.A. C.F.A word");
StandardAnalyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer();
TokenStream tokenStream = analyzer.tokenStream("title", testReader);
The output for this, by the way was:
Note, for example, that if the acronym doesn't end with a dot then the analyzer assumes it's an internet host name, so searching for "C.F.A" will not match "C.F.A." in the text.