Ruby 1.9 strip not removing whitespace - ruby-1.9

Im doing some screen scraping and im getting back a string that appears to end with whitespace but neither string.strip or strip.gsub(/\s/u, '') removes the character.
Im guessing it's a character encoding issue. Any suggestions?

I think, there are a lot of "space characters".
You can use something like this:
my_string.gsub("\302\240", ' ').strip

You can try this: my_string.gsub(/\A[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+\z/, '')
This should remove all space characters from the beginning and the end of string, including all possible unicode space variations.

Figure out the character code of the last character (str[-1].ord) and explicitly search and destroy it. Rinse/repeat if there exist more unwanted characters after that. After doing this, report back here what the invisible character was. (Perhaps it's only invisible because the font you are using does not have that glyph?)


How to write an XPath to select text with a quote & comma character?

How can I select a XPath that contains a text with both quote & comma character?
I have to find an element if the text contains =Yes, It's OK
My XPath does not save in ranorex tool even though if i put the text inside the double quotes like below
//span[text()="Yes, It's OK"]
So how can I save this xpath that uses "".in Ranorex
your use of double-quotes is correct. if
//span[text()="Yes, It's OK"]
doesn't match, it might be because the xpath engine has a lowercase bug (i have encountered PHP+DOMXPath+libxml2 systems where it would only match lowercase text even for text with uppercase characters, never quite figured out the problem there), or it might be because the text has hidden whitespace you're not aware of, maybe it actually has a hard-to-spot whitespace at the start or the end? anyway maybe contains() will work:
//span[contains(text(),"Yes, It's OK"]
or.. if it has the lowercase-issue i have encountered in the wild once before, maybe this will work:
//span[contains(text(),"yes, it's ok"]
(that really shouldn't be required, but i have been in that situation once before, and that was years ago, and that was... probably php5)

How to resolve the invalid number in orcale

I am facing an issue with some data that start with a strange character before the number 5
how can I discover all of these characters and remove it
what do you recommend to resolve this issue knowing that I get the data from a specific source so I can not change anything but I am trying to mask it in the view?
regexp_replace can always help to find or replace/remove any characters you want.
For example, if you want to delete all characters escept alphanumeric, space, comma and dot:
regexp_replace(t.str,'[^ ,.[:alnum:]]')

Unwanted space behind emails in sql

I uploaded a spreadsheet to my database and some of the emails have spaces after them. I tried using Trim and RTRIM and none of them work. Then I came to think that maybe its some invisible hex code. This is what it looks like when I copy it out
This is what shows in my queue
this is what it looks like in the database with the space
how would I remove this space from all the fields?
Following code will be helpful to you,
UPDATE Your_Table
SET Your_Column = REPLACE(Your_Column, NCHAR(0x00A0), '')
\u00a0 is the non-breaking space. You can remove it by replacing it with ''.
\u00a0 is the NO-BREAK SPACE. It's not a real space and RTRIM will not take it away.
You will have to use REPLACE to remove it:
REPLACE(<column-name>, NCHAR(0x00A0), '')

How to stop spaces in url showing %20?

If we look at a specific page the problem is occuring:
Where there are meant to be spaces, its showing %20.
So instead of its meant to be: Extend 220
How do I stop this?
Im on an apace web server, so could it be a htaccess mod?
Spaces are not allowed in URLs. They have to be escaped (their escape character is %20). I don't think there is any way to accomplish what you are trying to do.
Do not use spaces or replace them with underscores _ or dashes -. Your url will look better and be human-readable:

Replace() on a field with line breaks in it?

So I have a field that's basically storing an entire XML file per row, complete with line breaks, and I need to remove some text from close to three hundred rows. The replace() function doesn't find the offending text no matter what I do, and all I can find by searching is a bunchy of people trying to remove the line breaks themselves. I don't see any reason that replace() just wouldn't work, so I must just be formatting it wrong somehow. Help?
Edit: Here's an example of what I mean in broad terms:
<script>...</script><dependencies>...</dependencies><bunch of other stuff></bunch of other stuff><labels><label description="Field2" languagecode="1033" /></labels><events><event name="onchange" application="false" active="true"><script><![field2.DataValue = (some equation);
</script><dependencies /></event></events><a bunch more stuff></a bunch more stuff>
I need to just remove everything between the events tags. So my sql code is this:
replace(fieldname, '<events><event name="onchange" application="false" active="true"><script><![field2.DataValue = (some equation);
</script><dependencies /></event></events>', '')
I've tried it like that, and I've tried it all on one line, and I've tried using char(10) where the line breaks are supposed to be, and nothing.
Nathan's answer was close. Since this question is the first thing that came up from a search I wanted to add a solution for my problem.
select replace(field,CHAR(13)+CHAR(10),' ')
I replaced the line break with a space incase there was no break. It may be that you want to always replace it with nothing in which case '' should be used instead of ' '.
Hope this helps someone else and they don't have to click the second link in the results from the search engine.
Worked for me on SQL2012-
UPDATE YourTable
SET YourCol = REPLACE(YourCol, CHAR(13) + CHAR(10), '')
If your column is an xml typed column, you can use the delete method on the column to remove the events nodes. See for more info.
try two simple tests.
try the replace on an xml string that has no double quotes (or single quotes) but does have CRLFs. Does it work? If yes, you need to escape the quote marks.
try the replace on an xml string that has no CRLFs. Does it work? Great. If yes use two nested replace() one for the CRLFs only, then a second outter replace for the string in question.
A lot of people do not remember that line breaks are two characters
(Char 10 \n, and Char 13 \r)
replace both, and you should be good.
REPLACE(field , CHR(10)+CHR(13), '' )
FROM Blah..