Query speed up strategies - sql

At the company i am working on we have an application build on Jboss/Apache/Hibernate with Ms Sql 2005 db.
We have a page that loads a bunch of transactions. Now we timed this during loading of the page and it takes abnout 15-20 seconds to load the files, thsi is because the queries build (not sure if these are build by hibernate) join a big number of tables .
To rectify the issue we changed some left joins to inner joins and add indexes to the tables. however this doesnt really solve the issue, it gets better, but not significantly.
any ideas?

You can move your read only database instance to its own server, use solid state drives, and adjust your indexes. Another way to optimize this would be to run a query to create a table you can access with a simple query instead of running a bunch of queries in run time.

What did you do to determine which indexes to add? I've always had great luck with the MSSQL Index Tuning Wizard - you can use SQL Profiler to trace the database activity during a page load, and then tell the Query Tuning Wizard to suggest new indexes and statistics based on that activity. It will generally suggest a handful of indexes that can make a huge difference.
Are the databases on high-contention disks? Maybe the queries would be faster if the database were on their own physical disks. Given the size of your underlying tables, maybe the database server is under-powered - does it have enough spare resources to handle the file loading?

How many records are being returned by the query?
If there are a lot of records, you may want to do some sort of custom paging and only return the # of records that are on the current page (i.e. page of 50 will only return records 1 - 50)


Method for updating tables that users are looking at?

I'm looking for a method or solution to allow for a table to be updated that others are running select queries on?
We have an MS SQL Database storing tables which are linked through ODBC to an Access Database front-end.
We're trying to have a query run an update on one of these linked tables but often it is interrupted by users running select statements on the table to look at data though forms inside access.
Is there a way to maybe create a copy of this database table for the users to look at so that the table can still be updated?
I was thinking maybe a transaction but can you perform transactions for select statements? Do they work that way?
The error we get from inside access when we try to run the update while a user has the table open is:
Any help is much appreciated,
As a general rule, this should not be occurring. Those reports should not lock nor prevent the sql system from not allowing inserts.
For a quick fix, you can (should) link the reports to some sql server views for their source. And use this for the view:
SELECT * from tblHotels WITH (NOLOCK)
In fact in MOST cases this locking occurs due to combo boxes being driven by a larger table in from SQL server - if the query does not complete (and access has the nasty ability to STOP the flow of data, then you get a sql server table lock).
You also can see the above "holding" of a lock when you launch a form with a LARGE dataset If access does not finish pulling the table/query from SQL server - again a holding lock on the table can remain.
However, I as a general rule NOT seen this occur for reports.
However, it not all clear how the reports are being used and how their data sources are setup.
But, as noted, the quick fix is to create some views for the reports, and use the no-lock hint as per above. That will prevent the tables from holding locks.
Another HUGE idea? For the reports, if they often use some date range or other critera? MAKE 100% sure that sql server has index on the filter or critera. If you don't, then SQL server will scan/lock the whole table. This advice ALSO applies VERY much to say a form in which you filter - put indexing (sql server side) on those common used columns.
And in fact, the notes about the combo box above? We found that JUST adding a indexing to the sort column used in the combo box made most if not all locking issues go away.
Another fix that often works - and requires ZERO changes to the ms-access client side software?
You can change this on the server:
The above also will in most cases fix the locking issue.

IS having Multiple indexes on the same table is a problem as i am doing only Read calls

Queries are running longer and longer. Trying to attain some performance by creating Indexes.
We have some automated Select queries hitting Database to read the Data. My database is serving only READ queries. SO I Created whole bunch of index on the table to help queries. My understanding on the Indexes is:
As we are not doing any insert/update/delete, having multiple indexes doesn't harm anything. My question is : Is it a problem of having multiple indexes on the tables as my Database(MS SQL server) is serving only Read Calls. Some of the indexes that I created may not even required.
My expectation is to make sure all of my select queries are using proper index and not facing any Performance Problem because of using wrong index or missing index.
Just remember that indexes take up space on your hard disk so whenever you back up the database you may have a slightly longer backup and larger backup.
To see if SQL Server thinks you are missing indexes you can try running the script from here https://basitaalishan.com/2013/03/13/find-missing-indexes-using-sql-servers-index-related-dmvs/ which uses built in DMVs to determine what indexes are 'missing.'
You may also look at individual queries to see if they could be improved by opening the query in SQL Server Management Studio and pressing Ctrl_L which will show you the query plan.
All this is appropriate on database(s) that are not being updated. If it is indexes can slow down inserts and updates.

Performance hit on DB2 transactional database after linking to SQL Server 2005

We have an AS400 mainframe running our DB2 transactional database. We also have a SQL Server setup that gets loaded nightly with data from the AS400. The SQL Server setup is for reporting.
I can link the two database servers, BUT, there's concern about how big a performance hit DB2 might suffer from queries coming from SQL Server.
Basically, the fear is that if we start hitting DB2 with queries from SQL Server we'll bog down the transactional system and screw up orders and shipping.
Thanks in advance for any knowledge that can be shared.
Anyone who has a pat answer for a performance question is wrong :-) The appropriate answer is always 'it depends.' Performance tuning is best done via measure, change one variable, repeat.
DB2 for i shouldn't even notice if someone executes a 1,000 row SELECT statement. Take Benny's suggestion and run one while the IBM i side watch. If they want a hint, use WRKACTJOB and sort on the Int column. That represents the interactive response time. I'd guess that the query will be complete before they have time to notice that it was active.
If that seems unacceptable to the management, then perhaps offer to test it before or after hours, where it can't possibly impact interactive performance.
As an aside, the RPG guys can create Excel spreadsheets on the fly too. Scott Klement published some RPG wrappers over the Java POI/HSSF classes. Also, Giovanni Perrotti at Easy400.net has some examples of providing an Excel spreadsheet from a web page.
I'd mostly agree with Buck, a 1000 row result set is no big deal...
Unless of course the system is looking through billions of rows across hundreds of tables to get the 1000 rows you are interested in.
Assuming a useful index exists, 1000 rows shouldn't be a big deal. If you have IBM i Access for Windows installed, there's a component of System i Navigator called "Run SQL Scripts" that includes "Visual Explain" that provides a visual explanation of the query execution plan. View that you can ensure that an index is being used.
On key thing, make sure the work is being done on the i. When using a standard linked table MS SQL Server will attempt to pull back all the rows then do it's own "where".
select * from MYLINK.MYIBMI.MYLIB.MYTABE where MYKEYFLD = '00335';
Whereas this format sends the statement to the remote server for processing and just gets back the results:
select * from openquery(MYLINK, 'select * from mylib.mytable where MYKEYFLD = ''00335''');
Alternately, you could ask the i guys to build you a stored procedure that you can call to get back the results you are looking for. Personally, that's my preferred method.

Sql Server Queries taking time

I am facing some issues with my stored procedures.
I am having 1 stored procedure for a Stack Bar graph, showing one months data.
Earlier on my local server it was taking more than 40 seconds, so I made some changes and now it takes 4 seconds. The same query when I run on my live server takes more than 40 seconds.
The count of the records are the same as in my local server.
Can anybody tell me what I should do to make it more fast on my live server?
A good start is to run SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), load up the query, and switch on 'Display Actual Execution Plan', this will show you exactly what SQL is doing with your query. It will also show you a relative '%cost' in relation to the steps in the query. This helps to identify which table/join/aggregate whatever is causing the query to take so long.
I also believe that in the latest version of SSMS it advises which indexes should be added.
Hope this helps.
It's complicated question . It's a lot of parameters
Can change time of execution
CPU speed,
Assuming server will be more powerful in terms of processing power and RAM, indexes is something you would like to look into.
use indexes with your mysql tables and also it may be because of your hosting server's performance. The server may be faced with down time.

Is there downside to creating and dropping too many tables on SQL Server

I would like to know if there is an inherent flaw with the following way of using a database...
I want to create a reporting system with a web front end, whereby I query a database for the relevant data, and send the results of the query to a new data table using "SELECT INTO". Then the program would make a query from that table to show a "page" of the report. This has the advantage that if there is a lot of data, this can be presented a little at a time to the user as pages. The same data table can be accessed over and over while the user requests different pages of the report. When the web session ends, the tables can be dropped.
I am prepared to program around issues such as tracking the tables and ensuring they are dropped when needed.
I have a vague concern that over a long period of time, the database itself might have some form of maintenance problems, due to having created and dropped so many tables over time. Even day by day, lets say perhaps 1000 such tables are created and dropped.
Does anyone see any cause for concern?
Thanks for any suggestions/concerns.
Before you start implementing your solution consider using SSAS or simply SQL Server with a good model and properly indexed tables. SQL Server, IIS and the OS all perform caching operations that will be hard to beat.
The cause for concern is that you're trying to write code that will try and outperform SQL Server and IIS... This is a classic example of premature optimization. Thousands and thousands of programmer hours have been spent on making sure that SQL Server and IIS are as fast and efficient as possible and it's not likely that your strategy will get better performance.
First of all: +1 to #Paul Sasik's answer.
Now, to answer your question (if you still want to go with your approach).
Possible causes of concern if you use VARBINARY(MAX) columns (from the MSDN)
If you drop a table that contains a VARBINARY(MAX) column with the
FILESTREAM attribute, any data stored in the file system will not be
If you do decide to go with your approach, I would use global temporary tables. They should get DROPped automatically when there are no more connections using them, but you can still DROP them explicitly.
In your query you can check if they exist or not and create them if they don't exist (any longer).
IF OBJECT_ID('mydb..##temp') IS NULL
-- create temp table and perform your query
this way, you have most of the logic to perform your queries and manage the temporary tables together, which should make it more maintainable. Plus they're built to be created and dropped, so it's quite safe to think SQL Server would not be impacted in any way by creating and dropping a lot of them.
1000 per day should not be a concern if you talk about small tables.
I don't know sql-server, but in Oracle you have the concept of temporary table(small article and another) . The data inserted in this type of table is available only on the current session. when the session ends, the data "disapear". In this case you don't need to drop anything. Every user insert in the same table, and his data is not visible to others. Advantage: less maintenance.
You may check if you have something simmilar in sql-server.