MYSQL - Difference between IN and EXIST - sql

MySql question:
What is the difference between [NOT] IN and [NOT] EXIST when doing subqueries in MySql.

EXISTS literally is for checking for the existence of specified criteria. In current standard SQL, it will allow you to specify more than one criteria for comparison - IE if you want to know when col_a and col_b both match - which makes it a little stronger than the IN clause. MySQL IN supports tuples, but the syntax is not portable, so EXISTS is a better choice both for readability and portability.
The other thing to be aware of with EXISTS is how it operates - EXISTS returns a boolean, and will return a boolean on the first match. So if you're dealing with duplicates/multiples, EXISTS will be faster to execute than IN or JOINs depending on the data and the needs.
IN is syntactic sugar for OR clauses. While it's very accommodating, there are issues with dealing with lots of values for that comparison (north of 1,000).
The NOT operator just reverses the logic.
Subqueries vs JOINs
The mantra "always use joins" is flawed, because JOINs risks inflating the result set if there is more than one child record against a parent. Yes, you can use DISTINCT or GROUP BY to deal with this, but it's very likely this renders the performance benefit of using a JOIN moot. Know your data, and what you want for a result set - these are key to writing SQL that performs well.
To reiterate knowing when and why to know what to use - LEFT JOIN IS NULL is the fastest exclusion list on MySQL if the columns compared are NOT nullable, otherwise NOT IN/NOT EXISTS are better choices.
MySQL: LEFT JOIN/IS NULL, NOT IN, NOT EXISTS on nullable columns

They work very differently:
EXISTS takes a single argument which should be a subquery (derived table) and checks if there is at least one row returned by the subquery.
IN takes two arguments, the first of which should be a single value (or a tuple), and the second of which is a subquery or a tuple and checks if the first value is contained in second.
However both can be used to check if a row in table A has a matching row in table B. Unless you are careful and know what you are doing I would stay clear of IN in MySQL as it often gives much poorer performance on more complex queries. Use NOT EXISTS or a LEFT JOIN ... WHERE ... IS NULL.


Clarification about Select from (select...) statement

I came across a SQL practice question. The revealed answer is
SELECT ROUND(ABS(a - c) + ABS(b - d), 4) FROM (
SELECT MIN(lat_n) AS a, MIN(long_w) AS b, MAX(lat_n) AS c, MAX(long_w) AS d
FROM station);
Normally, I would enocunter
select[] from[] where [] (select...)
which to imply that the selected variable from the inner loop at the where clause will determine what is to be queried in the outer loop. As mentioned at the beginning, this time the select is after
FROM to me I'm curious the functionality of this. Is it creating an imaginary table?
The piece in parentheses:
(SELECT MIN(lat_n) AS a, MIN(long_w) AS b, MAX(lat_n) AS c, MAX(long_w) AS d FROM station)
is a subquery.
What's important here is that the result of a subquery looks like a regular table to the outer query. In some SQL flavors, an alias is necessary immediately following the closing parenthesis (i.e. a name by which to refer to the table-like result).
Whether this is technically a "temporary table" is a bit of a detail as its result isn't stored outside the scope of the query; and there is an also a thing called a temporary table which is stored.
Additionally (and this might be the source of confusion), subqueries can also be used in the WHERE clause with an operator (e.g. IN) like this:
SELECT student_name
FROM students
WHERE student_school IN (SEELCT school_name FROM schools WHERE location='Springfield')
This is, as discussed in the comments and the other answer a subquery.
Logically, such a subquery (when it appears in the FROM clause) is executed "first", and then the results treated as a table1. Importantly though, that is not required by the SQL language2. The entire query (including any subqueries) is optimized as a whole.
This can include the optimizer doing things like pushing a predicate from the outer WHERE clause (which, admittedly, your query doesn't have one) down into the subquery, if it's better to evaluate that predicate earlier rather than later.
Similarly, if you had two subqueries in your query that both access the same base table, that does not necessarily mean that the database system will actually query that base table exactly twice.
In any case, whether the database system chooses to materialize the results (store them somewhere) is also decided during the optimization phase. So without knowing your exact RDBMS and the decisions that the optimizer takes to optimize this particular query, it's impossible to say whether it will result in something actually being stored.
1Note that there is no standard terminology for this "result set as a table" produced by a subquery. Some people have mentioned "temporary tables" but since that is a term with a specific meaning in SQL, I shall not be using it here. I generally use the term "result set" to describe any set of data consisting of both columns and rows. This can be used both as a description of the result of the overall query and to describe smaller sections within a query.
2Provided that the final results are the same "as if" the query had been executed in its logical processing order, implementations are free to perform processing in any ordering they choose to.
As there are so many terms involved, I just thought I'll throw in another answer ...
In a relational database we deal with tables. A query reads from tables and its result again is a table (albeit not a stored one).
So in the FROM clause we can access query results just like any stored table:
select * from (select * from t) x;
This makes the inner query a subquery to our main query. We could also call this an ad-hoc view, because view is the word we use for queries we access data from. We can move it to the begin of our main query in order to enhance readability and possibly use it multiple times in it:
with x as (select * from t) select * from x;
We can even store such queries for later access:
create view v as select * from t;
select * from v;
In the SQL standard these terms are used:
BASE TABLE is a stored table we create with CREATE TABLE .... t in above examples is supposed to be a base table.
VIEWED TABLE is a view we create with CREATE VIEW .... v above examples is a viewed table.
DERIVED TABLE is an ad-hoc view, such as x in the examples above.
When using subqueries in other clauses than FROM (e.g. in the SELECT clause or the WHERE clause), we don't use the term "derived table". This is because in these clauses we don't access tables (i.e. something like WHERE mytable = ... does not exist), but columns and expression results. So the term "subquery" is more general than the term "derived table". In those clauses we still use various terms for subqueries, though. There are correlated and non-correlated subqueries and scalar and non-scalar ones.
And to make things even more complicated we can use correlated subqueries in the FROM clause in modern DBMS that feature lateral joins (sometimes implemented as CROSS APPLY and OUTER APPLY). The standard calls these LATERAL DERIVED TABLES.

Will a SQL DELETE with a sub query execute inefficiently if there are many rows in the source table?

I am looking at an application and I found this SQL:
WHERE PhraseId NOT IN(SELECT Id FROM PhraseSource)
The intention of the SQL is to delete rows from Phrase that are not in the PhraseSource table.
The two tables are identical and have the following structure
Id - GUID primary key
Modified int
the ... columns are about ten columns containing text and numeric data. The PhraseSource table may or may not contain more recent rows with a higher number in the Modified column and different text and numeric data.
Can someone tell me will this query execute the SELECT Id from PhraseSource for every row in the Phrase table? If so is there a more efficient way that this could be coded.
1. Will this query execute the SELECT Id from PhraseSource for every row?
In SQL you express what you want to do, not how you want it to be done1. The engine will create an execution plan to do what you want in the most performant way it can.
For your query, executing the query for each row is not necessary. Instead the engine will create an execution plan that executes the subquery once, then does a left anti-semi join to determine what IDs are not present in the PhraseSource table.
You can verify this when you include the Actual Execution Plan in SQL Server Management Studio.
2. Is there a more efficient way that this could be coded?
A little bit more efficient, as follows:
Phrase AS p
PhraseSource AS ps
This has been shown in tests done by user Aaron Bertrand on Should I use NOT IN, OUTER APPLY, LEFT OUTER JOIN, EXCEPT, or NOT EXISTS?:
[...] for the pattern of finding all rows in table A where some condition does not exist in table B, NOT EXISTS is typically going to be your best choice.
Another benefit of using NOT EXISTS with a correlated subquery is that it does not have problems when PhraseSource.Id can be NULL. I suggest you read up on IN/NOT IN vs NULL values in the subquery. E.g. you can read more about that on Using NOT IN operator with null values.
The PhraseSource.Id column is probably not nullable in your schema, but I prefer using a method that is resilient in all possible schemas.
1. Exceptions exist when forcing the engine to use a specific path, e.g. with Table Hints or Query Hints. The engine doesn't always get things right.
In this case the sub-query could be evaluated for each row if the database system is not smart enough (but in case of MS SQL Server, I suppose it should be able to recognize the fact that you don't need to evaluate the subquery more than once).
Still there is a better solution:
FROM Phrase p
LEFT JOIN PhraseSource ps ON ps.Id = p.PhraseId
This uses the LEFT JOIN which matches the rows of both tables, but in case there is no match it leaves the ps entry NULL. Now you just check for NULLs on the left side to see which Phrases do not have a match and will delete those.
All types of JOIN statements are very nicely described in this answer.
Here you can see three different approaches for a similar issue compared on MySQL. As #Drammy mentions, to actually see the performance of a given approach, you could see the execution plan on your target database and do performance testing on different approaches of the same problem.
That query should optimise into a join. Have you looked at the execution plan?
If you're experiencing poor performance it is likely because of the guid primary keys.
A primary key is clustered by default. If the guid primary key is clustered on your table that means the data in the tables is ordered by the primary key. The problem with guids as clustered keys is that when you delete one record the table has to be reordered and shuffled around on disk.
This article is a good read on the topic..

Best practices of Oracle LEFT OUTER JOIN

I am new to sql, i use Sql Developer (Oracle db).
When I need to select some data with null values I write one of these selects:
SELECT i.number
WHERE a.parameter = 'aaa' AND a.item_nr = i.number) AS atr_value
SELECT i.number
,a.value as atr_value
left outer join ATTRIBUTES a
on a.parameter = 'aaa'
and a.item_nr = i.number
What is difference?
How first approach is called (how can I google it)? Where can I read about it?
Which one should I use further (what is best practices), maybe there is better way to select same data?
Axample of tables:
Your two queries are not exactly the same. If you have multiple matches in the second table, then the first generates an error and the second generates multiple rows.
Which is better? As a general rule, the LEFT JOIN method (the second method) is considered the better practice than the correlated subquery (the first method). Oracle has a pretty good optimizer and it offers many ways of optimizing joins. I also think Oracle can use JOIN algorithms for the correlated subqueries (not all databases are so smart). And, with the right indexes, the two forms probably have very similar performance.
There are situations where correlated subqueries have better performance than the equivalent JOIN construct. For this example, though, I would expect the performance to be similar.
In case there is never more than one matching row in table attributes, the queries do the same. It's just two ways to query the same data. Both querys are fine and straight-forward.
In case there can be more than one match, query one (which is using a correlated subquery) would fail. It would be inappropriate for the given task then.
The query with the outer join is easier to extend, when you want a second column from the attributes table.
The first query makes it crystal-clear that you expect zero or one matches in table attributes for each item. In case of data inconsistency or if you have an error in your query such as a forgotten criteria, it will fail, which is good.
The second query would simply retrieve more rows in case of such error, which may not be desired.
So it's a matter of personal preference and of your choice how the query is to deal with inconsistencies which query to choose.

Many to one joins

Lets say I have the following tables:
create table table_a
primary_key (id_a)
create table table_b
id_a is not null, -- (Edit)
primary_key (id_b),
foreign_key (id_a) references table_a (id_a)
We can create a join view on these tables in a number of ways:
create view join_1 as
from table_a a, table_b b
where a.id_a = b.id_a
create view join_2 as
from table_b b left outer join table_a a
on a.id_a = b.id_a
create view join_3 as
(select a.name_a from table_a a where b.id_b = a.id_a) as name_a
from table_b b;
Here we know:
(1) There must be at least one entry from table_a with id_a (due to the foreign key in table B) AND
(2) At most one entry from table_a with id_a (due to the primary key on table A)
then we know that there is exactly one entry in table_a that links in with the join.
Now consider the following SQL:
select id_b, name_b from join_X;
Note that this selects no columns from table_a, and because we know in this join, table_b joins to exactly one we really shouldn't have to look at table_a when performing the above select.
So what is the best way to write the above join view?
Should I just use the standard join_1, and hope the optimizer figures out that there is no need to access table_a based on the primary and foreign keys?
Or is it better to write it like join_2 or even join_3, which makes it more explicit that there is exactly one row from the join for each row from table_b?
Edit + additional question
Is there any time I should prefer a sub-select (as in join_3) over a normal join (as in join_1)?
Why are you using views at all for this purpose? If you want to get data from the table, get it from the table.
Or, if you need a view to translate some columns in the tables (such as coalescing NULLs into zeros), create a view over just the B table. This will also apply if some DBA wanna-be has implemented a policy that all selects must be via views rather than tables :-)
In both those cases, you don't have to worry about multi-table access.
Intuitively, I'd think join_1 will perform slightly slower, because your assumption that the optimiser can transform the join away is wrong as you didn't declare the table_b.id_a column to be NOT NULL. In fact, this means that (1) is wrong. table_b.id_a can be NULL. Even if you know it can't be, the optimiser doesn't know that.
As far as join_2 and join_3 is concerned, depending on your database, optimisation might be possible. The best way to find out is to run (Oracle syntax)
EXPLAIN select id_b, name_b from join_X;
And study the execution plan. It will tell you whether table_a was joined or not. On the other hand, if your view should be reusable, then I'd go for the plain join and forget about pre-mature optimisations. You can achieve better results with proper statistics and indexes, as a join operation is not always so expensive. But that depends on your statistics, of course.
1 + 2 are effectively identical under SQL Server.
I have never used [3], but it looks quite odd. I would strongly suspect the optimizer will make it equivalent to the other 2.
It's a good exercise to run all 3 statements and compare the execution plans produced.
So given identical performance, the clearest to read gets my vote - [2] is the standard where it is supported otherwise [1].
In your case, if you don't want any columns from A, why include Table_A in the statement anyway?
If it's simply a filter - i.e. only include rows from Table B where a row exists in Table A even though I don't want any cols from Table A, then all 3 syntaxes are fine, although you may find that use of IF EXISTS is more performant in some dbs:
SELECT * from Table_B b WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM Table_A a WHERE b.id_b = a.id_a)
although in my experience this is usual equivalent in performance to any of the others.
You also ask, then would you choose a subquery over the other expressions. This boils down to whether it's a CORRELATED subquery or not.
Basically - a correlated subquery has to be run once for every row in the outer statement - this is true of the above - for every row in Table B you must run the subquery against Table A.
If the subquery can be run just once
SELECT * from Table_B b WHERE b.id_a IN (SELECT a.id_a FROM Table_A a WHERE a.id_a > 10)
Then the subquery is generally more performant than a join - although I suspect that some optimizers will still be able to spot this and reduce both to the same execution plan.
Again, the best thing to do is to run both statements, and compare execution plans.
Finally and most simply - given the FK you could just write:
SELECT * From Table_B b WHERE b.id_a IS NOT NULL
It will depend on the platform.
SQL Server both analyses the logical implications of constraints (foreign keys, primary keys, etc) and expands VIEWs inline. This means that the 'irrelevant' portion of the VIEW's code is obsoleted by the optimiser. SQL Server would give the exact same execution plan for all three cases. (Note; there is a limit to the complexity that the optimiser can handle, but it can certainly handle this.)
Not all platforms are created equal, however.
- Some may not analyse constraints in the same way, assuming you coded the join for a reason
- Some may pre-compile the VIEW's execution/explain plan
As such, to determine behaviour, you must be aware of the specific platform's capabilties. In the vast majority of situations the optimiser is a complex beast, and so the best test is simply to try it and see.
In response to your extra question, are correlated sub-queries every prefered? There is no simple answer, as it depends on the data and the logic you are trying to implement.
There are certainly cases int he past where I have used them, both to simplify a query's structure (for maintainability), but also to enable specific logic.
If the field table_b.id_a referenced many entries in table_a you may only want the name from the latest one. And you could implement that using (SELECT TOP 1 name_a FROM table_a WHERE id_a = table_b.id_a ORDER BY id_a DESC).
In short, it depends.
- On the query's logic
- On the data's structure
- On the code's final layout
More often than not I find it's not needed, but measurably often I find that it is a positive choice.
Depending on the correlated sub-query, it doesn't actually always get executed 'once for every record'. SQL Server, for example, expands the required logic to be executed in-line with the rest of the query. It's important to note that SQL code is processed/compiled/whatever before being executed. SQL is simply a method for articulating set based logic, which is then transformed into traditional loops, etc, using the most optimal algorithms available to the optimiser.
Other RDBMS may perform differently, due to the capabilities or limitations of the optimiser. Some RDBMS perform well when using IN (SELECT blah FROM blah), or when using EXISTS (SELECT * FROM blah), butsome perform terribly. The same applies to correlated sub-queries. Sub perform exceptionally well with them, some don't perform so well, but most handle the very well in my experience.

The old IN vs. Exists vs. Left Join (Where ___ Is or Is Not Null); Performance

I have found my self in quite a pickle. I have tables of only one column (supression or inclusion lists) that are more or less varchar(25) but the thing is I won't have time to index them before using them in the main query and, depending how inportant it is, I won't know how many rows are in each table. The base table at the heart of all this is some 1.4 million rows and some 50 columns.
My assumptions are as follows:
IN shouln't be used in cases with a lot of values (rows) returned because it looks though the values serially, right? (IN on a subquery not passed the values directly)
Joins (INNER for inclusion and LEFT and checking for Nulls when supression) are the best for large sets of data (over 1k rows or so to mach to)
EXISTS has always concerned me because it seems to be doing a subquery for every row (all 1.4 million? Yikes.)
My gut say, if feasable get the count of the supression table and use either IN (for sub 1k rows) and INNER/LEFT Join (for suppression tables above 1k rows) Note, and field I will be supressing on will be index in the big base table but the supression table won't be. Thoughts?
Thanks in advance for any and all comments and/or advice.
Assuming TSQL to mean SQL Server, have you seen this link regarding a comparison of NOT IN, NOT EXISTS, and LEFT JOIN IS NULL? In summary, as long as the columns being compared can not be NULL, NOT IN and NOT EXISTS are more efficient than LEFT JOIN/IS NULL...
Something to keep in mind about the difference between IN and EXISTS - EXISTS is a boolean operator, and returns true on the first time the criteria is satisfied. Though you see a correlated subquery in syntax, EXISTS has performed better than IN...
Also, IN and EXISTS only check for the existence of the value comparison. This means there's no duplication of records like you find when JOINing...
It really depends, so if you're really out to find what performs best you'll have to test & compare what the query plans are doing...
It won't matter what technique you use, if there is no index on the table on which you apply a filter or join, the system will do a table scan.
RE: Exists
It is not necessarily the case that the system will do a subquery for all 1.4 million rows. SQL Server is smart enough to do the inner Exists query and then evaluate that against the main query. In some cases, Exists can perform equal to or better than a Join.