MySQL joins for friend feed - sql

I'm currently logging all actions of users and want to display their actions for the people following them to see - kind of like Facebook does it for friends.
I'm logging all these actions in a table with the following structure:
id - PK
userid - id of the user whose action gets logged
actiondate - when the action happened
actiontypeid - id of the type of action (actiontypes stored in a different table - i.e. following other users, writing on people's profiles, creating new content, commenting on existing content, etc.)
objectid - id of the object they just created (i.e. comment id)
onobjectid - id of the object they did the action to (i.e. id of the content that they commented on)
Now the problem is there are several types of actions that get logged (actiontypeid).
What would be the best way of retrieving the data to display to the user?
The easiest way out would be gabbing the people the user follows dataset and then just go from there and grab all other info from the other tables (i.e. the names of the users the people you're following just started following, names of the user profiles they wrote on, etc.). This however would create a a huge amount of small queries and trips to the database in a while loop. Not a good idea.
I could use joins to retrieve everything in one massive data set, but how would I know where to grab the data from in just one query? - there's different types of actions that require me to look into several different tables to retrieve data, based on the actiontypeid...
i.e. To get User X is now following User Y I'd have to get my data (User Y's username) from the followers table, whereas User X commented on content Y would need me to look in the content table to get the content's title and URL.
Any tips are welcome, thanks!

Consider creating several views for different actiontypeids. Union them to have one full history.


Bigquery - (GA4 data) - why the number of user ID's do not match Unique Users Metrics?

I do have my GA4 property connected to Bigquery. I use my own user_id for tracking - its available once someone logs into my app.
For some reason, when I'm trying to build a report User ID string vs Unique Users, some ID's have more than 1 Unique User reported. Showing an example on the attached image.
Why is that and how I can fix that situation? I'd expect that one ID = One User
User ID vs Number of Users

How to fetch data for a news feed like system?

I have few tables as shown below
PollId Question Option
1 What 1
2 Why 4
UpdateId Text
1 Sleep
2 Play
Polls and updates are just two sample tables (In reality there are more tables like ,photos, videos,links etc). But when a user visit his home (like facebook new feed) he must be displayed with data relevant to him (no such data included in this example). ie I want to select data from all tables with less number of query executions. (ie, I want to present a mixture of datas, ie polls, photos, videos etc )
Currently, I'm fetching only ids and type (ie which table) from all of the tables and gather further data while iterating through this resultset. (ie from c# calling another SqlQuery) .
Is there a way to query the data from whole tables at once? (OUTER JOIN?, UNION?)
Or simply,
How can I select different type of entities at once in a single sql Query?
You could write your query so that you have one long select list for everything you want and it all comes back in one result set but I suspect that wouldn't work too well because you might have varying numbers of different types of items per user.
If you really must have it all in one hit then you can issue multiple queries in one go and get multiple result sets back. To handle this you can use an ADO.Net DataSet. See this SO example (but not the accepted answer - see Vikram Dibyal's answer as that gives a very basic overview of what I think you're asking for).
I won't copy and paste the stuff from the linked thread, just head over and take a look.

How to join two objects in Rally

I would like to join the user object and project permission object to see how many users have been assigned to a project, for audit purpose. I don't see a common field with common values (email address or first name/last name) between these objects. I used Excel plugin to retrieve two separate data sheet and unable to map them. Any thoughts on this on how to do this?
You're probably seeing something similar to the following when you query on ProjectPermissions:
In this situation, the default User object selected from the "Columns" picker in the query dialog, gives you the User's DisplayName, which doesn't unambiguously map to a Rally UserID.
Note, however, that you can add dot-notation sub-fields of Objects manually by typing them into the Columns field. In the following example, I've included User.Username and User.LastLoginDate as additional fields I want to show on the Permissions report:
Of course, you could also just include User.Username, and run a second query on the User object with all fields selected, and do a join in Excel.
One note of caution - if you have many users (say 1,000), and a lot of projects, (say 1,000, which is not uncommon in large Rally subscriptions), querying directly against the ProjectPermissions endpoint can rapidly result in total results that number on the order of 10^6. This will probably time out in an Excel query.
The Rally User Management: User Permissions Summary script works around this by querying Permissions in a loop on a user-by-user basis. It's slow, but it returns results without timeouts. Certainly not as convenient as Excel either - you need to install Ruby 1.9.2+ and the rally_api gem to get it working.

What is the best way to fake a SQL array or list?

I'm building a chatroom application, and I want to keep track of which users are currently in the chatroom. However, I can't just store this array of users (or maybe a list would be better) in a field in one of my records in the Chatroom table.
Obviously one of the SQL data types is not an array, which leads me to this issue: what is the best way to fake/mock array functionality in a SQL database?
It seems there are 3 options:
1: Store the list/array of users as a string separated by commas, and just do some parsing when I want to get it back to an array
2: Since the max amount of users is allowed to be 10, just have 10 extra fields on each Chatroom record representing the users who are currently there
3: Have a new table Userchats, which has two fields, a reference to the chatroom, and a user name
I dunno, which is the best? I'm also open to other options. I'm also using Rails, which seems irrelevant here, but may be of interest.
Option 3 is the best. This is how you do it, in a relational schema. It is also the most flexible and future-proof option.
It can grow easier in width (extra columns say, a date joined, a channel status, a timestamp last talked) and length (extra rows when you decide there now can be 15 users in a room instead of 10).
The proper way to do this is to add an extra table representing an instance of a user being in a chatroom. In most cases, this is probably what you will want to do, since it gives you more flexibility in the types of queries you can do (for instance: list all chatrooms a particular user is in, find the average number of people in each chatroom, etc.) You would just need to add a new table - something like chat_room_users, with a chat_room_id, and a user_id.
If you're deadset on not adding an extra table, then Rails (or more specifically ActiveRecord), does have some functionality to store data structures like arrays in a SQL column. Just set up your column as a string or text type in a Rails migration, and add:
serialize :users
You can then use this column as a normal Ruby array / object, and ActiveRecord will automatically serialize / deserialize this object as you work with it. Keep in mind that's there are a lot of tradeoffs with this approach - you will never be able to query what users are in a particular room using SQL and will instead need to pull all data down to Ruby before working with it.

Getting user profile data in Silverlight 4

I am fairly new to Silverlight and RIA services, and I am trying to build a small project to understand it. So basically I created a Business Application, and I have the normal Login screen where I can add a user. That is fine and I can add a user and get him into the aspnet_Users table. Now I have created some extra fields, like Mob No, Tel No, DOB, Locality etc, which I have put in a table I have created called the UserProfile, and my idea is to get the username that was registered, and insert it into my UserProfile table with the other relevant data.
So I created a page called Profile.xaml, I created a UserProfileDomainService.cs where I have just one query, to get the user profile data from the table, and then created a Details DataGrid on my page, and the QueryName in my case is GetUserProfilesQuery(). Now what i wish to do is, get the user logged in, get his username, and check in my table to see if there is already data in the table. If there is populate the fields on the DataGrid with data, so that the user can modify this data, and if not, allow the user to insert data into the table.
So I have created a UserProfileViewModel class, and I want to create the query to get the data relevant to this user. However I got stuck on how to do all this, and how to get the user logged in.
Can anybody give me some advice or point me to some tutorials on how I can achieve this?
Thanks a lot and your help is very much appreciated.
In your domain service query you can use ServiceContext.User.Identity.Name to get the information specific to that user to include in your db query. I do something similar in our project.
We use entity framework so the LINQ to Entities query looks like:
return this.ObjectContext.UserSnapins
.Where(si => si.User.UserName == ServiceContext.User.Identity.Name)
.OrderBy(si => si.PageOrder);