Getting user profile data in Silverlight 4 - silverlight-4.0

I am fairly new to Silverlight and RIA services, and I am trying to build a small project to understand it. So basically I created a Business Application, and I have the normal Login screen where I can add a user. That is fine and I can add a user and get him into the aspnet_Users table. Now I have created some extra fields, like Mob No, Tel No, DOB, Locality etc, which I have put in a table I have created called the UserProfile, and my idea is to get the username that was registered, and insert it into my UserProfile table with the other relevant data.
So I created a page called Profile.xaml, I created a UserProfileDomainService.cs where I have just one query, to get the user profile data from the table, and then created a Details DataGrid on my page, and the QueryName in my case is GetUserProfilesQuery(). Now what i wish to do is, get the user logged in, get his username, and check in my table to see if there is already data in the table. If there is populate the fields on the DataGrid with data, so that the user can modify this data, and if not, allow the user to insert data into the table.
So I have created a UserProfileViewModel class, and I want to create the query to get the data relevant to this user. However I got stuck on how to do all this, and how to get the user logged in.
Can anybody give me some advice or point me to some tutorials on how I can achieve this?
Thanks a lot and your help is very much appreciated.

In your domain service query you can use ServiceContext.User.Identity.Name to get the information specific to that user to include in your db query. I do something similar in our project.
We use entity framework so the LINQ to Entities query looks like:
return this.ObjectContext.UserSnapins
.Where(si => si.User.UserName == ServiceContext.User.Identity.Name)
.OrderBy(si => si.PageOrder);


Oracle Application Express SQL Query to show meaningful information

I am trying to write a query that 1) works and 2) shows meaningful information.
However, I can't seem to complete both scenarios. Both bits of code do work to a degree. My SQL query does work by showing all the useful information a user wants but when you click the edit button it doesn't link properly so it won't allow the user to update that row. The other shows only keys and rowid but when you click edit does show the information and allows it to be updated.
So as not to get another down-voted question, I have taken pictures of each scenario to show the problem, but, ultimately, I need to show meaningful information: an id or key isn't meaningful to the vast majority of users.
Here is my code
and here are the pictures of it in action
below is the code that does not show meaningful information but does work.
select "ROWID",
If i knew how to properly use rowid i am sure this is a simple feat but i dont so if i could get any help it would be useful
who ever renamed this to Application Expression why? what i am using is Apex Application Express it was relevant information that got changed to something wrong which might make it hard for someone with a similar problem to find later.
In the second, simple query, apex can determine which table (and record) you are trying to edit.
In the first query, with the joins, it can't tell which of the five tables in query you want to edit. You probably want to have the edit link pass the primary key of the row from APPLICATIONS to the child page. You would need to build into that page any logic (lists of values etc) that map lookup tables (such as status) to the values needed in the APPLICATIONS table.

Access 2010 VBA and filtering

Good Day,
I need some assistance please. I am rebuilding a third party Access database after it's catastrophic failure and the failure of the 3rd party developer to fix his mess. I am an avid Access Developer and know my way around an Access Database well. I am not a super VBA coder, but I can do more than my bit in VBA as well as a few other languages.
Currently, I have a database test bed with a login form that stores 3 values as public variables (gstrLevel as String, gstrUser as String, gintID as Integer). I am able to set my own "permissions" with ease in that once they login I can use the values to control the switchboard etc.
My problem now is the following. We have people recording prospective client interactions and interviews. As part of the process, every time they make contact, they record this into the database and in the process a "followup date" is created. This works like a charm. What I now need to do is warm the users if these followup dates are close or have passed so that prompt action can be taken lest we lose a prospective client.
I have a query that takes the prospective table information, and the notes table information (where the followup date is stored) and then filters the dates correctly. This in turn has been used to create a continues form to display the records that need followup soon. What I cannot seem to do is to get it to only show the logged in users followup records.
I should note that the user/agent field is a lookup field in the prospective table, and thus also creates a combo box in the Followup form. I can lock the form from changes etc, but I can't seem to get it to only display the relevant user/agent details.
I have tried:
Me.FilterOn = True
DLookup as criteria
Using my public variables directly as query criteria
And a few other weird combinations with no success.
My problem, I believe, is the fact that the user/agent is a lookup field, and I am not sure how to filter based on that fact. If I use the gstrUser variable directly I get a type mismatch and if I use gintID directly it shows nothing.
Any ideas or advice would be greatly appreciated.
You probably have a Users table, with a numeric Primary Key (PK), while your gstrUser stores the userName.
So in the source of your Followup form, just add the Users table (joined to the Prospective table on UserId) and apply the filter on the userName field in the Users table (or whatever it's called that matches the contents of gstrUser).

How to join two objects in Rally

I would like to join the user object and project permission object to see how many users have been assigned to a project, for audit purpose. I don't see a common field with common values (email address or first name/last name) between these objects. I used Excel plugin to retrieve two separate data sheet and unable to map them. Any thoughts on this on how to do this?
You're probably seeing something similar to the following when you query on ProjectPermissions:
In this situation, the default User object selected from the "Columns" picker in the query dialog, gives you the User's DisplayName, which doesn't unambiguously map to a Rally UserID.
Note, however, that you can add dot-notation sub-fields of Objects manually by typing them into the Columns field. In the following example, I've included User.Username and User.LastLoginDate as additional fields I want to show on the Permissions report:
Of course, you could also just include User.Username, and run a second query on the User object with all fields selected, and do a join in Excel.
One note of caution - if you have many users (say 1,000), and a lot of projects, (say 1,000, which is not uncommon in large Rally subscriptions), querying directly against the ProjectPermissions endpoint can rapidly result in total results that number on the order of 10^6. This will probably time out in an Excel query.
The Rally User Management: User Permissions Summary script works around this by querying Permissions in a loop on a user-by-user basis. It's slow, but it returns results without timeouts. Certainly not as convenient as Excel either - you need to install Ruby 1.9.2+ and the rally_api gem to get it working.

Organising resource (URI) in REST API

Scenario 1
In my web application say for there is a screen for adding an employee to system. As soon as user tabs after entering name of the employee, it generates the employee code automatically (which is the next field) based on some logic and already present records in the database.
Now I want to expose rest API for this application so that third party devs can build on top of it. So, I will have a resource called as /Employee which will respond for GET, PUT and DELETE verbs. But when a client needs to autofill the code, which is a GET operation, it will be on what resource? Should I make a new resource /EmployeeCodeFor/{Name} or I should get it on /Employee/{Name}/GenerateCode? If I go with /Employee/{Name}/GenerateCode then what about my resource to GET, PUT and DELETE for Employee i.e. actually /Employee/{Id}?
Scenario 2
Here lets take the case of a stackoverflow post. So lets say the resource would be /Post/{Id}. In the same way as in the previous example it lists me possible duplicate question as soon as I tab out of the Title field.
Again on what URL I should get those possible duplicates?
I can't think of more scenarios just now. But many such kind of scenarios may come up in real life application development. How to implement them in RESTful way?
Update on scenario 1
Code and Id are two different fields. Id is primary key, code can be duplicate across departments just to illustrate. Also to generate a code, name should be provided first. So, if user types a name "FirstName LastName" then server might generate FL003 as code assuming that there are already two more employees with firstname starting from F and lastname starting from L in the said department. Department can be identified based on the logged in user.
One way to allow the server an opportunity to pre-fill a bunch of elements in a new resource is to do
POST /Employees
{with empty body}
201 Created
<Employee Id="3443">
This gives the server one chance to provide default values. If you are looking for a more interactive way for the server to provide feedback during the input, I have another approach but it will take quite a bit more explaining.
Scenario 1
Let say your employee code is a unique identifier. In this case, to get it, you would allow the user to complete any field for the new employee and then make a POST. The server would generate the code and respond to the POST with a link to /Employee/{generated_code} which is the record for your newly created employee.
A GET on /Employee would return a list of all employees. A GET on /Employee/{a_code} will give you the employee detail.
Scenario 2
You could have some kind of query on the /Post collection like /Post?title_like={question_title}. A GET /Post?title_like=REST How to would return you a list of all questions containing "REST How to".

MySQL joins for friend feed

I'm currently logging all actions of users and want to display their actions for the people following them to see - kind of like Facebook does it for friends.
I'm logging all these actions in a table with the following structure:
id - PK
userid - id of the user whose action gets logged
actiondate - when the action happened
actiontypeid - id of the type of action (actiontypes stored in a different table - i.e. following other users, writing on people's profiles, creating new content, commenting on existing content, etc.)
objectid - id of the object they just created (i.e. comment id)
onobjectid - id of the object they did the action to (i.e. id of the content that they commented on)
Now the problem is there are several types of actions that get logged (actiontypeid).
What would be the best way of retrieving the data to display to the user?
The easiest way out would be gabbing the people the user follows dataset and then just go from there and grab all other info from the other tables (i.e. the names of the users the people you're following just started following, names of the user profiles they wrote on, etc.). This however would create a a huge amount of small queries and trips to the database in a while loop. Not a good idea.
I could use joins to retrieve everything in one massive data set, but how would I know where to grab the data from in just one query? - there's different types of actions that require me to look into several different tables to retrieve data, based on the actiontypeid...
i.e. To get User X is now following User Y I'd have to get my data (User Y's username) from the followers table, whereas User X commented on content Y would need me to look in the content table to get the content's title and URL.
Any tips are welcome, thanks!
Consider creating several views for different actiontypeids. Union them to have one full history.